Ming Zuo

Chapter 943 4-Party Talks

Chapter 943 Four-Party Talks
Zuo Hua guessed wrong on one point.

This Chen Zhong is not Zheng Zhilong's praise painting, but his white gloves.

To put it bluntly, Chen Zhong is Zheng's agent in Dongying.

When he learned that Satsuma was going to fight Xia, Chen Zhong was taken aback, and hurriedly sent a letter back to Fujian.

Unfortunately, the journey is long and time consuming.

When Zheng Zhilong got his letter, the Tsushima sea battle was over.

Even so, Zheng Zhilong had to be cautious about this matter.

No matter who wins or loses between Xia Guo and Dongying, it will inevitably have a huge impact on the situation in East Asia.

He sent Shi Daxuan as a plenipotentiary representative to Dongying to deal with the matter.

According to Zheng Zhilong's idea, it is best to ensure the balance between Xia Guo and Dongying.Only in this way can the Zheng family maintain their status and right to speak.

But when Shi Daxuan arrived in Dongying, he was surprised to learn that Satsuma had returned in a disastrous defeat, and that Xia Guo had asked for negotiations.

This fact made Zheng extremely nervous.

Of course they do not want to see the rise of new forces on the seas of East Asia.

While sending a letter back to Fujian, Shi Daxuan followed the Dongying delegation to Busan.

He has only one purpose.

It is hoped to use Zheng's influence to prevent Xia Guo from making progress and changing the situation.

Dongying's negotiating delegation lineup can be described as very luxurious.

Toshikatsu Doi, the veteran of the Tokugawa shogunate, personally led the team, and Tokugawa Iemitsu's think tank Lin Luoshan also came, as well as Tadakatsu Sakai.

On the side of the Satsuma clan, the old Nakajimazu Hisaki and Ewa Hisamasa represented Michishimazu Mitsuhisa, who followed them dejectedly.

"It's very good for everyone to accept my country's goodwill. I hope that in the next negotiations, you can continue to uphold this point so that the situation will not escalate."

As soon as they met, Zuo Hua opened his mouth as a threat, without hiding his edge.

Shi Daxuan pointed aside.

"The shogun has something to say first, and all the previous things were caused by misunderstandings, as long as we open up and say it."

Zuo Hua sneered.

"The blood of my Xia soldiers is not a misunderstanding."

After eating a hard nail, Shi Daxuan's face was extremely ugly.

He suddenly discovered that this time Xia Guo didn't seem to be as kind to Zheng Shi as before.

Doi Lisheng looked at Zuo Hua carefully, surprised at the youth of the other party, and even felt the hostility of the other party.

"I heard that His Royal Highness King Xia is in Busan. I wonder if I can go to see him?"

Zuo Hua shook his head on the spot.

"You are not friends, so don't be bad customers. Let's talk about everything at the negotiating table."

The tough attitude cast a cloud over the hearts of everyone in Dongpu.

Under the guidance of Zuo Hua, they came to Busan.

Along the way, Doi Toshikatsu and the others were all watching carefully.Yet the more they look, the more desperate they become.

But seeing inside and outside the port of Busan, countless ships are busy coming in and out.Exactly how many there are is impossible to judge.

The black muzzles of the guns on many ships made the Dongpu people feel cold all over their bodies.

In the previous naval battles, they had already tasted the power.

Originally, I thought Xia Guo was the captain, but now it seems that Xia Guo didn't try his best in such a tragic battle.

The Dongying people didn't know that there was actually a clear distinction between military ships and civilian ships on Xia's side.The reason why Busan seems to have a large number of ships is because there are a large number of merchant ships and civilian ships.

They just thought that these ships could also go to war.

If that's the case, the Satsuma clan won't be wronged.

The loading and unloading of materials at the port has been going on.

The people from Dongying and the Zheng family were all dumbfounded by the mountains of various materials, and they couldn't help showing greed.

"Look, my lord, those North Koreans actually put on shoes."

Dongying once invaded North Korea and established a base camp in Busan, so it has a detailed description of the situation here.Moreover, Dongying people have been coming and going in and out of Busan all these years, and they know it well.

But this time when they came here again, the appearance of the North Koreans surprised them.

North Koreans who were once impoverished and starving were gone.

They all had brand new clothes, sturdy shoes, and contented smiles on their faces.Many people sat on the side of the road to eat, and not only rice could be seen in the exquisite iron box, but also meat.

This alone made many Dongpu people salivate.

In the distant horizon, the sound of rumbling was constant.If you look around, you can still vaguely see black and red clouds of smoke covering the air.

It was obviously the sound of a cannon, but the people on the pier were extremely calm.It seems commonplace to do what should be done.

Nagata Miren led the Dongying people in Busan to welcome Doi Toshikatsu and others to the hall.

"The King of Korea sent troops, and the Manchu and Qing troops in Liaodong have reached Pusan. The Xia army and the Korean rebels are fighting with them. If the country sends troops at this time, there may be an opportunity."

Nagata Jianlian looked eagerly and made his suggestion.

Knowing that Xia Jun was fighting, Doi Lisheng and others couldn't help but feel happy, but then they fell lonely again.

Of course they knew that if Dongpu could send troops at this time, it would be able to form a pincer attack with the Qing Dynasty coalition forces, and it would be a bloody shame.

But can Japan send troops?

Obviously not possible.

The navy of the Satsuma domain has been completely destroyed, and the remaining people have lost their fighting spirit.

Even if you want to fight across the sea, there are not enough ships.

Moreover, the strength of the Xia Kingdom's navy during the Tsushima Sea Battle made the Dongying people extremely desperate.

Even if you have more armies, what's the use if you can't land on North Korean land?
"Although I can't fight again, it may be possible to eliminate Xia Guo's spirit."

Lin Luoshan had a brain teaser and came up with a strategy.

That afternoon, the negotiation between Xia Guo and Dongying officially started.

On Xia Guo's side, Wang Yun is the leader and Zuo Hua is the deputy.In addition, there are Shen Qiyuan and Fu Xinyuan.

Kim Sang-heon and others were very happy about including North Koreans in the negotiating delegation.

Obviously the naval battle has nothing to do with North Korea, but Xia Guo's actions fully demonstrate the importance they attach to them.

These days, Jin Shangxian, Shen Qiyuan and others kept exchanging knowledge with great Confucians from Xia Guo, and their thoughts were greatly impacted.

There are many reasons, Zuo Menggeng told them, but they did not agree.But from the mouths of Liu Zongzhou and others, the effect is different
For example, superiority and inferiority, Korean scholars have always regarded it as the ethics of saints.But here Liu Zongzhou has made a fierce criticism of it.

Liu Zongzhou traced the ethical concept of Confucianism back to the most primitive state.

The theory of ethics is only for the establishment of social order, and does not clarify the meaning of superiority and inferiority.

It's not like he tampered with Confucius' theory indiscriminately.

After all, the original Confucian ethics are indeed like this.

The reason why the concept of superiority and inferiority came into existence later was that the later rulers added it for their own needs.

After Liu Zongzhou's return to basics, the Korean Confucianism circle in Busan developed and changed its thinking.

It was also through this transformation that the running-in between Xia Guo and the Koreans became smoother and smoother.

And this time the negotiation with Dongying is also helping the North Koreans build up their self-confidence and correctly understand how modern politics should work.

(End of this chapter)

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