Ming Zuo

Chapter 973

"My lord, the Qing people left without saying goodbye. I'm afraid something is wrong. I don't know what happened?"

Luo Jinghuan was worried about the restraint of soldiers and horses in Jeolla Province. The only person he could count on was his superior, Jeolla Province Observer Li Shifang.

However, like him, Li Shifang is also looking at the flowers in the fog.

"Can there be news from the north?"

Luo Jinghuan shook his head helplessly.

"The lower officials sent several groups of messengers one after another, but they were all stopped halfway, and they were not allowed to approach the Chinese army."

Li Shifang closed his eyes and meditated, wanting to see through the current weird situation.

"Where are the two generals Tulai and Nikan now?"

Luo Jinghuan was quite strong, and immediately replied: "They are in Xian'an County."

Li Shifang opened his eyes suddenly, his mind racing rapidly.

"Hian'an County is south of the Nakdong River, and it is the only passage from Daegu to Busan. They went here... Do the Qing people want to withdraw their troops?"

After all, he is one of the few people in North Korea who can fight. Without any intelligence support, Li Shifang unexpectedly saw through the Qing army's intentions at once.

Luo Jinghuan was really startled.

"Should...shouldn't be, right? Busan is right in front of us, and we can break through with just a little more effort. The Qing people definitely have no reason to retreat."

Li Shifang didn't have any luck.

"There must have been a change that I didn't know about."

Luo Jinghuan had great trust in Li Shifang.

"Then what should we do?"

Guessing that the Qing army was retreating, fear filled Li Shifang's heart.

He has personally experienced the combat power of the Qing army.

Although it seems that it is slightly inferior to the Xia army on the opposite side, it is definitely the number one strong army in the world.

Being able to allow the Qing army to give up attacking Busan and retreat under a huge advantage, it is obvious that there is some danger going on.

But they are trapped here, without any news, they can only guess out of thin air.

Li Shifang didn't think for a long time, and soon made a decision.

"Immediately issue an order for the entire army to retreat!"

This order was so sudden that all the generals were surprised.

"My lord, if you retreat without a general order, I'm afraid the Qing people will blame you."

Li Shifang's face was cold and his attitude was firm.

"The Qing people must have malicious intentions to keep us here. If we don't leave now, we will both die here."

Everyone realized that they were treated as cannon fodder by the Qing army.

Although the Xia army on the other side of the Nakdong River has not made any movement, since the Qing army has run away, will the Xia army's attack be far behind?

Without the support of the Qing army, just relying on their crooked melons and cracked dates, they will definitely not be able to stop the Xia army's advance.

But even if they want to retreat, they don't have many choices.

"My lord, shall we go north here and join forces with the middle road?"

Everyone's idea is that since they are afraid of Xia Jun's call, they should simply run over and join the main force in the middle.In this way, relying on the protection of the main force, we can sit back and relax.

But Li Shifang didn't see it that way.

"We retreated without order, and we will be punished if we join forces in the middle. At that time, all the crimes will fall on our heads, why bother?"

Hearing Li Shifang's intention to run away alone, everyone was frightened, but also felt that it should be so.

"I'll leave today, follow Changwon, Goseong, Sacheon, bypass Jirisan Mountain, and return to Jeolla Province."

As soon as the plan was announced, all the generals agreed with it one after another, and at the same time became enthusiastic.

This is Li Shifang's brilliance.

The battle on the Nakdong River has been fought for nearly two months, not to mention heavy casualties, and no progress has been made.He has already keenly felt that the soldiers under his command are showing signs of war weariness.

These soldiers are all from Jeolla Province, and they must miss their hometown very much.

If they do not retreat to Jeolla-do at this time, but go north, the morale of the army may collapse immediately.

Only when they return to their hometown, will these soldiers follow honestly, allowing the entire army to maintain its combat effectiveness.

Since there was no objection from top to bottom, Li Shifang began to retreat that day.

His quick reaction made the fourth division come to nothing.

After learning that the Qing coalition forces were about to flee, Bai Xiaoqi focused on Li Shifang's journey.

This road is full of North Korean troops, the combat power is not strong, and it is far away from other roads, so fighting can quickly resolve the battle.

Bai Xiaoqi's plan is to cross the Nakdong River from here, and then outflank to the north, leaving as many enemies as possible to reduce the pressure on the northern front.

For this reason, he specially ordered the troops on the front line not to act rashly, so as to confuse the enemy.

At the same time, he sent a partial division to bypass the mouth of the Nakdong River on a naval warship, intending to land in Changwon and completely surround the North Korean army along the way.

He is fast, and Li Shifang's movements are even faster.

When the outflanking troops just rushed to Changwon, they happened to see the tail of the North Korean army.

"These bastards are not very good at fighting, but they are unparalleled in running away."

Bai Xiaoqi was so angry that he almost went crazy.

The battle of the Fourth Division was not smooth from the beginning, and it also seriously affected the prestige of Master Bai.

When I see Huang Sanhu in the future, how can I be ridiculed?
"As the chief general, you should not raise your troops in anger, and you need to keep calm at all times. How did His Highness teach you? Have you forgotten everything?"

Liu Yiyuan's reprimand made Bai Xiaoqi wake up quickly.

Anyway, Li Shifang had already run away, so it was useless to be upset at this time.For the current plan, there is only a remedy for the dead.

"Chief of the General Staff, I plan to concentrate the main force and march at full speed, trying to catch up with the enemy in Daegu. No matter what, I have to bite hard."

But this plan was rejected by Liu Yiyuan.

"Look at the road to Daegu. There are too many places to lay an ambush in the surrounding terrain. The enemy has [-] troops. If you turn around and set up an ambush, your Fourth Division will suffer heavy losses. Isn't it even Busan? Can't keep it?"

"Then just watch the Qing army run away?"

Liu Yiyuan shook his head, pointed at the map and said, "The retreat route of the Qing coalition forces is too long. They have too many soldiers and horses, and it is impossible for them to run too fast. This time we have to use the word "drag" as if we were fighting. Trick."

Bai Xiaoqi scratched his head, completely confused.

"If we are really chasing and attacking fiercely, if this group of enemies becomes ruthless and lay down their posture, it will be enough for us. Without the existing defense system, we will not be able to take advantage of it. The best way is not to follow at all. They fought, hanging behind, giving him a hand from time to time. So many troops are all rushing, and if there are pursuers later, troubles will arise sooner or later."

Liu Yiyuan's explanation made Bai Xiaoqi smile.

"I understand. In today's world, when it comes to marching, we are the number one in the world. Since this is the case, there is no need to force it. I don't believe it. After running hundreds of miles, so many people will not fall apart?"

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