Ming Zuo

Chapter 999 Battle of Chuncheon

"Thanks to our brave scouts, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

After receiving the information sent back by the scouts who sacrificed their lives, all the senior officials of the Xia army were terrified.

Zuo Menggeng was even more frightened.

Just look at the map for a while and you will know that if the Qing army on the northern front has not discovered in advance that reinforcements are coming, it is very likely that Hanyang will not be able to keep it.

Even the entire First Marine Division has the possibility of annihilation.

"Fortunately, we have such excellent fighters. God bless China, this battle must be won!"

When he said these words, Zuo Yong burst into tears.

Gu Erchuan, the only one who sent the information back, failed to be rescued because of excessive blood loss.

This also meant that all eight members of the entire reconnaissance team died.

But the sacrifice of the eight of them, in exchange for the safety of the entire army.

"Their achievements must be kept firmly in our hearts and never forgotten. The whole army must learn from them and regard them as role models."

Zuo Menggeng personally signed the order, awarding the entire reconnaissance team special merit.

This is the first special meritorious service since the establishment of Xia Jun, and it is also a special meritorious service for all.

But those eight fighters are worth it.

Now that he has insight into the conspiracy of the Qing army, Xia Jun knows how to deal with it.

"Where are Elder Li Yuan and Qiao Feng?"

The two soon appeared in front of him, both nervous and looking forward to it.

The North Korean Rebel Army divided into North Korean First and Second Divisions, and the pair of Zhang Guanhua and Li Yuanlao also parted ways.

Mr. Li Yuan served as the commander of the North Korean First Division, and his political commissar was Qiao Feng.

Zhang Guanhua is the commander and political commissar of the North Korean Second Division.

The North Korean First Division was transferred to the Northern Front to fight with the First Marine Division.The North Korean Second Division is on the southern front, assisting the Fourth Division.

The situation is urgent, and the North Korean First Division is the only living force.

"The Qing army on the northern front has increased its troops, and the total strength has reached more than [-]. At present, there is only one regiment of marines on the front line of Paju and Lianchuan, and it will definitely not be able to stop the advance of the Qing army. We need you to stand up. No difficulty?"

Before Elder Li Yuan could speak, Qiao Feng immediately said, "There is no difficulty. Even if there are difficulties, they can be overcome."

Zuo Menggeng looked at Li Yuanlao.

After all, this is the main general of the North Korean First Division, and his courage and will can determine everything.

After all, Mr. Li Yuan is not a young man. When encountering something, he first starts to make calculations.

The total strength of the North Korean First Division is only more than [-], which is about the same as the division before the Xia Army was reorganized.The most important thing is that it is far inferior to Xia Jun in terms of weapons and equipment.

Facing more than [-] Qing troops alone, he was a little nervous to be honest.

"Your Highness, how should we fight this battle?"

He decided to ask first, so that he would know if he was sure.

Zuo Menggeng had already thought about the strategy to deal with it.

He called Li Yuanlao and Qiao Feng to the map.

"I have ordered the [-]st Marine Regiment to give up Yeoncheon and defend Paju with all our strength. The task of your Korean [-]st Division is to defend Dongducheon and Pocheon and block the Qing army's southward route on the northern line."

The entire northern front has a vast territory, and the [-]-strong marine regiment alone cannot defend it at all, so additional troops are inevitable.

At this time, Zuo Menggeng knew that it was meaningless to entangle the occupied land, and the most important thing was to ensure the safety of Hanyang.

So he completely abandoned the Yeoncheon area, and instead placed the defense line in Dongducheon and Pocheon, which are closer to Hanyang.

These two places are the only two ways to go south to Hanyang other than Paju.

As long as these two places are stuck, the Qing army will not be able to attack Hanyang.

Of course, Li Yuan and Qiao Feng knew the terrain well. After carefully checking the map, they felt a little more relaxed.

"Allow us another [-] artillery pieces to ensure that nothing will go wrong."

"Do you dare to issue a military order?"

The two chief generals of the Korean First Division immediately held their heads high and spoke firmly.

"We will not retreat an inch in Dongducheon and Pocheon. If we lose our ground, we are willing to be punished by military law."

Zuo Menggeng punched each of them on the shoulder.

"After this battle is over, I will personally award you honors."

When the two heard this, they burst into smiles on the spot.At the same time, he secretly vowed that he must play well.

The North Korean First Division went north from Hanyang that day, and it took only three days to establish blocking positions in Dongducheon and Pocheon with the help of mountainous terrain.

Although Zuo Menggeng put all his hopes on the North Korean First Division, he still ordered the Second Marine Regiment in the south to be transferred back just in case.

This is a surprise army, it will be placed in Hanyang, and the deployment will be made according to the situation on the battlefield.

Maybe it can surprise the Qing army on the northern front.

We are studying the situation on the northern front here, and suddenly received a report from the eastern front.

"Chang Ying has led the Fourth Marine Regiment to retreat westward to South Yangzhou and Henan. He said in his report that he received a warning from Dongzhi, and it is likely to be counterattacked by the Qing army."

Zuo Menggeng reacted immediately.

"Where did the fourth and fifth divisions go?"

Zuo Yong quickly marked it on the map.

"Dorgon and Haoge established defensive positions on the front lines of Hengcheng, Pingchang, and Jiangling, and they fought to the death. The fourth and fifth divisions attacked for three days in succession, and they only advanced less than [-] meters."

"Huh, the Qing army was originally surrounded by our strategy. The best way is to quickly retreat to the north. Now Dorgon and Haoge not only refused to leave, but also fought a blocking battle. Obviously, they have other plans. The third marine regiment It’s good to withdraw with the fourth marine regiment, just don’t give him a chance.”

Zuo Yong is resourceful and has synthesized so much information to get the answer.

"The goal of the Qing army is obviously Hanyang. If the fourth and fifth divisions cannot continue to go north, can we hold it?"

The [-]th and [-]th Divisions were blocked on the southern front, and only the [-]st Marine Division and the [-]st Korean Division were guarding Hanyang.

At first glance, it seems that there are loopholes everywhere, and it may be pierced by the Qing army at any time.

Zuo Yong's subtext is, I hope Zuo Menggeng is ready.Once the situation is bad, you can quickly evacuate.

Zuo Menggeng studied his side's next deployment, and seemed confident.

"North Korea has many mountains and mountains. There are only a few roads. Huangtai Jikong has hundreds of thousands of troops, and they can only pass through these roads. Now, it depends on who can consume more energy than whom."

Xia Jun played a strategy of outflanking, and the Qing army returned a hand to avoid serious problems.

As a result, in the end, the two armies became a tug of war.

Next, it's a battle of willpower.

Did the Qing army break through the Hanyang defense line first, or the Xia army broke through the southern line first.

No matter which side makes progress first, it will be a disaster for the other side.

Zuo Yong and others stared at the situation of both sides, all thinking hard about the way to break the situation.

At this time, Zuo Menggeng's extra experience and insight played a crucial role.

"Tell Chief of Staff Liu that it's not that you can't play again. Huang Taiji must learn enough lessons before he can do what we want."

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