I give the world destruction and new life

Chapter 165 Iron Lotus Brotherhood

Chapter 165 Iron Lotus Brotherhood
Demonstration City No. 115, Building AC-97, [-]th floor, Zhuosuan Network Service Company, Karcalf enjoys the superior life brought by money and rights as always.

Although it was still morning, Carcalf still had a big appetite. He started with pasta and ate Gallic-style baked snails. In the middle, he ordered a pine oil mushroom soup with garlic buns.

Of course Karkarf is not a superhuman. In order to better hide his identity, he keeps himself away from those dangerous greedy potions. He just has a good appetite and wants to enjoy more as soon as possible.

After breakfast, in order to digest the excess food as soon as possible, Karcalf will also inject himself with some drugs to stimulate digestion, as well as insulin so that the brain will not pay too much attention to his rounded stomach.

There are only seven days left until the Blazers return again, and the burden on Karkarf has gradually disappeared. Although the loss is heavy, the foundation has not been shaken after all.

Most of the high-value elements were transferred to the super-large warehouse in the polar region shortly after the Red Sun incident. Although some people have always opposed putting golden eggs in one basket, at least the basket is strong enough.

Karkarf looked at his next arrangement and showed a satisfied smile.

Ten o'clock in the morning, massage in the sauna, twelve o'clock, lunch with lover, two o'clock in the afternoon, smoke in the cigar club, six o'clock in the evening, dinner with wife, eight o'clock in the evening, take the family to a concert, ten o'clock, supper .

For a soul who had lived a long life, but spent most of it in poverty, time in this world was like throwing a dry sponge into the ocean.

No matter from any point of view, Karkarf is full of nostalgia for this world, but he knows that when the tasks of the pioneers are over, he will probably be transferred from this post.

If he is lucky, he will be thrown into the next unknown world in a short time, and become a lurker again, silently wandering outside his own group, acting as a living monitor.

If you are unlucky, you will be thrown back to your own doghouse on the planetary ring. The biggest pastime every day is to recall the past in this world.

Karkarf intends to submit an opportunity to reside in this world as a server when the pioneer returns again, but he knows very well that it is difficult to pass this application based on his own evaluation.

"Seven days, those people are going to make the final timing adjustments to this world when they come back, right?" Karcalf wiped his mouth, pushed the empty plate away, leaned on the back of the chair, and felt the high-quality protein It is digested and absorbed in the stomach.

Although this is a very backward and inefficient energy replenishment behavior, he determined that this is indeed a more suitable way for human beings, because in this process, he not only absorbed enough energy to drive the physical body, but also absorbed enough energy to fill the human body. The happiness of the soul.

Isn't that a hundred times better than being hung in orbit around a star like a salt battery?
However, at this moment, a red warning email was sent to his mailbox, interrupting Karkarf's after-dinner time.

The red mail represents the highest level of warning, and there are only two possibilities for Karcalf, either he has a risk of identity exposure, or the polar warehouse has a risk of exposure.

No matter which one it was, it instantly made Karcalf feel sick, which was caused by the sudden change of mood and irregular gastrointestinal motility.

Karcalf opened the email, which showed that among the naturalized forces in Neon, there was a family of naturalized people named Miki, which had just been completely wiped out.

The reason why he was warned was because the Zhuosuan Network Service Company had in-depth cooperation with the Miki Consortium in the early days of its establishment, and Karcalf also had several contacts with Miki Eito, the leader of the Miki family.

At that time, Karkarf had just arrived in this world. Because of the huge difference in time flow between the two worlds before him, there was no need to place a long-term observer like him.

Karkarf is indeed an immortal in a certain sense, even an immortal, but his class is too low, like a small town in the twentieth century who traveled blindly to the Tang Dynasty.

In a few short contacts, Miki Eito grasped the strangeness of Kakarfu, and took some information from him in a targeted manner.

Of course, that all happened during the incubation period when the Blazers left, and Karcalf was also in a state of being slightly drunk or jealously excited.

After Karkarf got used to this world and the level he was in, he realized Miki Ekto's little trick, and immediately distanced himself from him.

But two people, one with a dark heart and the other with a lot of worry, did not report this matter to the pioneers, so they hid the secret in the dark.

Until now, the Miki family has suddenly disappeared, and there is information that a close secretary of Miki Eito is a spy of the Arabata Intelligence Department, and it is suspected that he has found some important information, and has been protected by the Arabata Intelligence Department.

These were not enough to make Karcalf break out in a cold sweat, but the following information clearly stated that the man was rescued by Tang Ji, and the legendary Mr. Lucky Karl Ville also appeared at the scene.

Miki Eito was killed by the mysterious senior commissioner of the Joint Investigation Office, who was also an old opponent of the pioneers.

After summarizing all the above information, Karkarf has no doubt that things will develop in the worst direction, and his identity exposure is already a high probability event.

"Damn!" Karcalf angrily picked up the screen on the table and wanted to smash it to the ground, but he hesitated and put it back.

He has used this screen for many years, and he was somewhat reluctant. He looked at the cup in his hand again, it was a gift from his wife, and he was reluctant to smash it.

Karkarf sighed and leaned back, not knowing what kind of blow he would face.

If the pioneers find out that because of his negligence, there is a suspicion that his identity has been exposed, he probably won't be able to keep the job, let alone stay here as a server.

The worst possibility is that the space jumper appeared in front of him in the next second with Tang Ji in his hand, and then Tang Ji killed himself with a grinning grin, and hung his skull around his waist as a key chain.

At the thought of the latter possibility, Karkarf shuddered. He had never thought that he would encounter such a risk.

It is indeed big news that Tang Ji can kill the main body of the player across two worlds, but Karcalf has always felt that the probability of encountering Tang Ji is almost negligible in the vast crowd.

His consciousness is that he is not a pioneer, he does not need to run around the world, constantly changing the world, he is just enjoying life here honestly
But now, Tang Ji has the allegiance of Mr. Lucky, and everything related to probability becomes dangerous all at once.

He had already recorded this incident as a Class A incident on the duty record. Originally, Karkarf was expecting the reaction of those pioneers when they came back to see the news, but it turned out that this incident happened to him first.

It can be seen from the sky that Karkarf has always had no good impressions of the people of Losas. He thinks that the pioneers recruited later are too rough, and they also provoked the monster Tang Ji.

When the temporary arrival window was opened last time, Karkarf had already heard that several pioneers who had been selected into Losas chose to leave, and they were frightened by Tanguy.

He now fully understands those people, and betting on his life is too exciting for a person like him.

In order to save his life, Karkarf canceled all his subsequent arrangements, and began to mobilize the power he could mobilize, trying to add a few points to his own safety.

The focus now is to find that damned female secretary, pry her mouth open, and see what secrets she has, and whether it is related to Karcalf's identity.

Then, it is to determine whether the news has been passed to Tang Ji. After all, in the report that Karcalf saw, the female secretary and Tang Ji are completely strangers.

Karcalf vowed that after this was over, he would never play an office romance again.

Soon, under the influence of the omnipotent Internet ghost, Karkarf made a breakthrough. An inconspicuous, small organization called the Brotherhood of the Iron Lotus, who had always wanted to become a peripheral force of a certain naturalized family, had Be sure to find the spy named Miwako.

A series of plans immediately began to unfold.
"Your Excellency Tang Ji, this is a senior cadre of the Iron Lotus Brotherhood, Asami Sotsuki." The bald, tattooed man led Tang Ji and the others into a secret room in the casino.

There are less than 20 square meters here, but there are nearly [-] people crowded in, and nearly half of them have been implanted with prosthetic equipment.

Including standing in front of Tang Ji, a woman who is a head and a half shorter than him, Asami Sozuki.

Like everyone else, Asami Sozuki was wearing a leather jacket with iron gray lotus flowers, leather pants on her lower body, and two powerful pistols stuck in her outer thighs.

The slender feminine lines don't look like they'll be able to handle such a heavy pistol, but if she's equipped with two prosthetic arms and a prosthetic eye, she'll be fine.

The cyber-like Asami Kusatsuki looked at Tang Ji seriously, but unfortunately, the facial jammer he carried made Asami Kusatsuki's visual effect quite bad.

Her left eye is a prosthetic eye, and when she looked at Tang Ji's face, she only saw a blur of light, while her original right eye could clearly see the man's edges and corners.

And that evil spirit.

"What do you want to talk about? I can give you three minutes." Tang Ji looked at the time, completely ignoring the low-level thugs who were obviously violent in the room.

He stood in front of a member of the Iron Lotus Brotherhood who was sitting on a chair, and coldly pinched out his cigarette: "Smoking is harmful to your health, take your friends and stay there."

"Eight" The fraternity thug who had been slapped in the face immediately turned his face, but Asami Sozuki stopped him immediately: "This is a guest invited by the president! Xingping! Get off!"

The thug immediately let out a high, and retreated to the other side of the room with the people around the chair, making it even more crowded.

Sitting on a chair, Tang Ji had a high opinion of the sudden emergence of the Iron Lotus Brotherhood.

It is defined as a terrorist organization, and its members can still wear jackets with the organization's logo in public activities, and even tattoo the organization's logo on their faces, which proves that local law enforcement agencies can't do anything about them.

Although I can't see what the organizational structure is, at least it has reached the level of prohibition, which is beyond the scope of street gangs.

"You still have one minute and 29 seconds." Tang Ji is not interested in this level of temptation. These people have problems, and he is waiting for Carl Weller's good luck to bring about a turnaround.

"We know your whereabouts in Losas, and we can provide some valuable information." Asami Kusatsuki winked at the subordinates behind him, telling them not to be troublesome.

"Do you know the clues of Losas?" Tang Ji squeezed out a smile. The whole world knew that he was looking for Losass, but the real insiders knew that Losass represented the players.

The members of the Iron Lotus Brotherhood specifically emphasized the name Losas, and most of them have only a half-knowledge of the existence of the player.

"Yes." Asami Kusatsuki nodded and looked at Tang Ji: "But we need your Excellency to make a reciprocal transaction."

"It's interesting, what do you want?" Tang Ji glanced at Carl Ville, and now he is like Tang Monk meat, everyone wants to take a few bites.

But obviously, the Iron Lotus Brotherhood also knew nothing about the existence of Mr. Lucky.

"We need your force!" Asami Kusatsuki bowed to Tang Ji at ninety degrees, and said with his head buried in his head: "We are planning an attack against the Arabata Group. I hope you can provide force support and help us complete this mission. Please!"

Tang Ji glanced at Hiroyuki Sanada with some doubts. He didn't know much about the disputes of the Neon local forces.

"The Brotherhood of the Iron Lotus is this style. They want to overthrow all the capital, and the waste board is their biggest goal." Hiroyuki Sanada explained in a low voice.

At the same time, he also felt a little embarrassed. After all, he and Tang Ji had known each other for a long time, and this time he had participated in a Tang Ji-style operation deeply, and had already had some guesses about some truths.

The Iron Lotus Brotherhood is more like praying for a chance to meet the Jade Emperor in front of the true Buddha.

"Tell me first what clues you have." Tang Ji asked in a dispirited manner. He could naturally see that the thugs of the fraternity were hostile to him, and he could even feel their anger towards him.

This is very abnormal, hostility towards him may be because of his attitude, or status, but anger towards him?
As the embodiment of rage, Tanguy is very sensitive to this emotion, and this anger represents that he is regarded as an enemy by the Iron Lotus Brotherhood to some extent.

An inexplicable enemy, fortunately, his strength is sparse, so it is not worth mentioning.

On the other side, Sandao had already half held Arana Yoshinobu hostage, and boarded a plane from Tokyo to Daban. Although Arana Raisan was angry, he did not carry out more resistance.

If it wasn't for Saninao, he would have been killed by his elder brother Takashi Arata as early as ten years ago, and Saburo Arata was even happy to see this bloody competition to a certain extent.

When the plane took off, the ground staff of an airport silently sent the message to Asami Kusatsuki.

"Your Excellency Tang Ji, we need you to take action to kill the head of the special section of the Araba Group, Osuo Sanina, he will appear in Osaka today!" Asami Kusatsuki said to Tang Ji: "We will, before the operation starts, Tell you the information you want!"

 PS: Come back after washing and correct typos~
(End of this chapter)

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