I give the world destruction and new life

Chapter 2 Red Sun Memorial Day

Chapter 2 Red Sun Memorial Day

Tang Ji opened his eyes suddenly, his muscles tensed up, and his eyes were like a tiger looking for someone to eat.

Like the previous 360 five days, Tanguy experienced that night again in a nightmare, with radiant flames burning everything, and black snow being sprinkled on the wreckage of the car.

Today is the anniversary of the nuclear fire in Night City, and they call it the Red Sun.

Because after the nuclear explosion, a large amount of concrete and steel were crushed into granular dust, suspended in the clouds over the city, and the sky was dyed red, which has continued until now.

"Don, it's me, Edward, I heard you changed your partner last week? Son, the world is different, you... Forget it, be careful yourself, don't forget that you still have concerns in this world"

"LS Road Group reminds you that your RHZ-III enhanced prosthesis is approaching the maintenance period. You can go to the nearest store for maintenance, and you can enjoy a [-]% discount for online reservations."

"Are you still worried about the red sun a year ago? Are you still afraid of more and more gunmen on the street? Our company has recently launched an anti-terrorism insurance."

The video recording before the phone recording started to play, Tang Ji threw the police badge over impatiently and hit the touch screen with precision.

He started wearing his own gear, NCPD emblazoned with a garish ad under his body armor, which has become a mobile ad spot since the City of Eve outsourced law enforcement four months ago. .

This week's ad is Caesars Casino, at least the lion head looks a bit more domineering, much stronger than the pole dancer at the Queen's Clubhouse last night.

It is said that the public relations manager of the Big Bird Zanzhuan Bar has raised the advertising fee to three times the market price, but half of the grassroots law enforcement officers below vowed that if the bureau really accepted the advertisement, they would resign and go home.

Tang Ji didn't care about the advertisement printed on his body at all. He only knew that today was the anniversary of the Red Sun, and the city must be very lively.

Today was a big day, especially for those metahumans, and he might catch a few bastards who happened to know about the Lothas organization.

The red sun a year ago made the whole society have to face up to the demands of those freaks - they want privileges, from social subsidies to extrajudicial amnesty, they want almost everything.

Tang Ji didn't know when the first superhuman appeared, but judging from the reaction of the superstructure, they had noticed the existence of the superhuman long ago, and concealed the news, but their number was getting bigger and bigger. More and more, the exposure is getting bigger and bigger.

The first time Tang Ji learned about the existence of superhumans was on the puppy video, a black brother volleyed half a meter in the air and stood on the water to fish.

Most superhuman abilities are limited to the level of mischief, but a very small part of them are real trouble.

For example, the first superhuman that Tang Ji really confronted, 'Fire Man' Brando Zabrook, could spray flames of 1000 two hundred degrees, and cleanly burned 30.00% of Tang Ji's skin, plus an arm.

Of course, he also paid the price. Don Ji put his own pistol in his mouth and fired three times.

Another example is the superhumans in the Losas organization, that is another concept.

A superhuman stole the nuclear warhead and everything within two square meters from the military's heavily guarded base at a distance of twelve kilometers. Even the reinforced concrete ground was dug half a meter deep.

This year, Tang Ji has been secretly looking for the traces of that group of superhumans. If a thief can steal things a few kilometers apart, he will definitely not only steal once.

But he got nothing. All the information related to the Losas organization seemed to have been wiped out, and even the network experts in the bureau could not find any information.

"This is not a military method. There is a rumor on the Internet that Losas has a superhuman who can hack into the Internet. Maybe they took the initiative to hide themselves." These are the original words of the bespectacled boy in the bureau, but Tang Jixin But him.

Ever since that bastard Adams took over the Bureau, the tech nerds have been a lot harder to deal with than they used to be.

Tang Ji knew that his current relationship was bad, but he didn't care, his heart was dead from the day of the red sun.

Many police officers he knew were chased as Night City heroes on the day of the red sun, and their names were engraved on the wall at the entrance of the Law Enforcement Bureau. Afterwards, with the privatization of the Law Enforcement Unit in Night City, a group of old people left.

As for the newcomers, Tang Ji saw them as more like bounty hunters.

Tang Ji started the patrol car with a cold face, and the cold AI voice rang in his ears: "Enforcer 099-Tang Ji, your new partner has been assigned, please check the details on the personal terminal."

"Also, your complaint rate last week exceeded the standard value by 172%. Manager Adams would like to have a conversation with you."

"In addition, the mental health counseling appointment for you has been postponed for 42 days. The mental health counseling service is a benefit provided by the Night City Law Enforcement Bureau to employees"

"Shut up." Tang Ji punched the touch screen. He has a lot of things to do today, talking to that shit manager and mental health counseling are definitely not among them.

"Warning, deliberately damage the company's property, deduct 2 points from the current month's performance!"

Tang Ji smashed the screen with his iron fist, and the car immediately fell silent.

He put on his earphones, and slowly drove the car out of the block. A skull pattern on the front of the car was covered by the stupid advertisement below. Tang Ji thought the pattern was pretty good, and it matched his mood today. Leave it alone.

"Honey, our baby will be very cute. His eyes should follow me, and his nose should follow yours. He will grow tall and big in the future, as strong as you, but not as irritable as you. I hope he can invite you politely." Girls dance instead of getting a girl's heart by stopping a robber's accident"

"When we finish repaying the prosthetic loan, we will save money to buy a bigger house, preferably with a garden, and raise a dog. Let the dog grow up with our baby. It must be so cute."

Sections of past call recordings were played in the earphones, allowing Tang Ji to immerse himself in it, almost forgetting the hollowness in his heart, until he saw an exaggerated Ford car in front of him.

Tang Ji stepped on the accelerator and rear-ended the car in front with a bang.

"What the hell! Do these NCPDs dare to provoke me?" The bald man in a tight vest kicked the car door and got out of the car with eyes on his eyes.

Then Tang Ji also got out of the car, his hazy eyes were like those of a dead person in a morgue, and he saw a logo representing the Losas organization on the bald car buttocks.

A pattern representing a DNA double helix fragment, pierced by a long sword in the middle, represents the evolution of superhumanity. Since the red sun, many idiots who worship superpowers regard this pattern as a totem worship.

The moment he saw Tang Ji, the bald man's voice dropped an octave. Obviously he had heard a lot of rumors about Tang Ji from his friends, but he obviously didn't want to lose face in front of his new friends.

"Officer, have you drunk too much! I'm driving normally!" The bald man tried his best to squeeze his brain, hoping that he could say something that would neither lose face nor let the law enforcement officers in front of him catch him.

It's a pity that today is a special day, so special that Tang Ji doesn't even bother to go through the symbolic procedures.

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(End of this chapter)

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