Chapter 270 face to face

When the spinner slowly descended to the ground, Mr. Gentleman Dennis Quite walked out of the cabin slowly, as if he was attending a dinner party instead of a hostage rescue operation.

With one hand behind his back, he showed a perfect smile to the live broadcast drone in front of him. He returned in time with diligence and humility, and together with Mr. Wen Wen, he showed the complete battle of the seven virtues to the world.

Mr. Gentle is standing in the middle, standing modestly on his right hand, and the peripheral light in his hand is slowly extinguishing. Cathy has no supernatural ability of the ability department at all, but this does not prevent her from equipping a dazzling ring on her wrist, which is specially used to create special effects .

Qin Gong, holding a long stick, stood on the right side of Mr. Gentle. The heavy stick was placed on his anti-disaster shoulder, and the other hand held up four fingers, standing in front of his nose, imitating a monk and giving the camera a profile.

Behind the trio, Mrs. Generosity is still surrounded by starlight, healing the injured enforcer.

Although it is just a simple appearance, behind it is a well-prepared composition and a reflection of their respective status.

Originally standing in the C position should be humility. Cathy Walter has been preparing for this moment for a long time, and even divided the scope of each of the seven virtues in advance.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the rapid changes. The generous lady with the title of quasi-supreme doesn't need to compete with other people at all, but fortunately she has no interest in such things.

There is only one reason why Mr. Wen became the new C position. His corresponding target suddenly became more dangerous than other targets, and the risks he took also increased infinitely.

Therefore, modesty can only occupy the third place in the four-person group, thanks to Tang Ji who crushed Aslan in advance.

The angle of the drone was designed in advance. In order to take care of the generous wife who is not so 'social', in the end, for the beauty of the composition, I can only sacrifice Aslan so that he only shows his side face so that the photo will not look too much Deliberately, people can see at a glance that it is a posing.

"I'm Dennis Quite, and some people call me Mr. Wen Wen." Mr. Wen Wen walked up to the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau, stretched out his hand, with a kind smile on his face: "I'm sorry that we intervened rashly in your actions, but at that time The situation is critical and we cannot stand by and watch."

The media at the scene will never know what the position of the Director of the Law Enforcement Bureau is, because at the moment the hovercraft appeared, he received a call from the mayor of Jinshan City.

The mayor on the other side of the phone informed him very formally that the virtue team had formally reported this support operation at the city hall and had received permission and support.

If he doesn't want to pack up and leave the next day, he'd better behave himself in front of the media.

"Thank you for your help. The Jinshan City Law Enforcement Bureau always welcomes helping hands with good intentions." The director held Mr. Wen Wen's hand with a smile, and shook it vigorously.

They had been entangled with that demonic superhuman for several months, and paid the price in blood during these three days. As a result, this group of people turned out to take over the scene at this time.

The director can guess without even thinking about how the law enforcement bureau and law enforcement officers will be described in the media tomorrow. Words such as incompetence, weakness, and disregard for hostage casualties must be indispensable.

With the end of the show, Diligent rushed straight to the building as a vanguard. He was like a sharp arrow running straight up the surface of the building perpendicular to the ground by inertia!

The onlookers at the scene uttered a series of exclamations very cooperatively, and they were captured by the drone.

"Diligence, the shortcoming of the entire Seven Virtues team." Tang Ji, who was standing on the roof of another building not far away, watched Qin Fili break through the window and entered Qin Fili, and the annotation given by Wu Qianying automatically appeared in his mind.

"At least within a year, he is just a potential stock." Wu Qianying once described Diligent like this: "But in order not to breed tigers, at least kill him within eight months, or at least kill his body."

"Shadow, he left it to you." Tang Ji gave an order to Shadow who was adjusting the gun: "One chance, if you don't succeed, evacuate immediately."

"Received." Shadow nodded, and put the 'hail' over 1.2 meters long behind the wall, and spread a huge camouflage cloth above their heads to prevent them from being photographed by drones and satellites.

"Martin, that hovercraft is here, don't let me down." Tang Ji assigned the hovercraft without a specific model to the heavy fire group in the tactical eyepiece.

From the appearance, the hovercraft looks very similar to the hovercraft exhibited by Military Technology a few years ago, but the hovercraft used by the Seven Virtue team does not have any LOGO, it is only silver-white, which has a very sci-fi feel.

Tang Ji only hoped that it did not have an exaggerated protection system, because of Wang Zhengdao's carrying capacity, Martin only brought light surface-to-air missiles.

"Missile launcher deployed, I'm slatting the roof, three minutes, head!" Martin replied.

In order to prevent being discovered in advance, Martin and Tony were sent into a nearby single-story building by Wang Zhengdao. As soon as the operation started, they would blast the roof of the building in a targeted manner and then launch missiles.

"Ethan, what about you?" Tang Ji looked at the crowd of drones surrounding the scene, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Alia is retrieving the specific signal, but we will not exceed the time that Martin's big stupid bear needs at the latest." Ethan replied with some resentment: "However, among the drones at the scene, except for those used by local law enforcement The others are media drones, which can only be used for reconnaissance.”

"Enough." Through the binoculars, Tang Ji watched the broken glass on the floor that Qin Fen had just entered. It was obvious that the force field ninja did not intend to catch him without a fight.

"Soulte, saints, you are responsible for being humble." Tang Ji continued: "They are all the top pioneers, don't be brave, I just want you to hold her back for a while."

"Don't look down on me, head!" Surte adapted to his new battle suit. Unlike the dragon scale armor protection system equipped by others, he wore a polymer battle suit similar to tights.

It was Wu Qianying's custom-made drag-reducing suit, which could allow Surte to play its role more fully within the bullet time. With Tang Ji's [reinforcement], this thin battlesuit also has good defensive capabilities.

"Anthony, keep an eye on them for me, don't let them die." Tang Ji looked at the mature and stable Anthony, and gave the final order: "Once I die, the mission will end immediately."

"Understood, sir!" Anthony saluted solemnly, and then watched as he jumped directly from the edge of the building.

"Wang Zhengdao, the remaining two are one for each of us, I want the big bear!" Tang Ji joked loudly in the air.

"Why wasn't I in charge of that big bear?" Wang Zhengdao appeared next to Tang Ji in an instant, put his hand on his shoulder, and nodded: "Leave it to me!"

The two disappeared in mid-air in an instant, and in the next second, they appeared three meters above the heads of the Seven Virtue team!

Death fell from the sky!

Tang Ji pulled out the prelude and shot at the unsuspecting three virtues below!
Modesty - Cathy Walter was the first to respond. She had had this nightmare countless times, and this time it finally came true!

The bullets burning with gray-black flames easily pierced through the field formed by Cathy's [Damage Reflection]. Just like their most pessimistic predictions, her ability could not effectively reflect the damage caused by the rage.

But fortunately, in order to prevent all abilities from being ineffective against rage, Cathy Walter chose an ability called [Blink] for the third ability.

An ability that exists entirely for life preservation, twice a day, randomly appears in another location within a radius of 500 meters.

Mr. Wen raised his head in astonishment, his eyes were full of surprise, he watched the bullets burning with black flames penetrate his body, and slowly lowered his head to check himself.

The bullet passed through the body without leaving any wounds!
His ability can take effect against fury!
[White Knight's Gensokyo: When the ability owner expands this field, he can ignore all malicious attacks, and the White Knight can extend this field to allies by touching. 】

As early as the hovercraft had just landed, Mr. Gentle had already expanded his field, because he was Mrs. Generosity's insurance, and this necessary caution saved his life.

However, Mr. Wen didn't care to surprise that his ability could take effect on Tang Ji, his face changed drastically, and he rushed towards Madam Generous!

But Wang Zhengdao suddenly appeared behind him, grabbing the opponent's collar, intending to teleport himself to an altitude of [-] meters, but the palm of his hand caught empty in an instant, as if the person in front of him was just a phantom!
At this time, Mrs. Generous was looking at Tang Ji with great interest. The two bullets shot at her, Mrs. Generous just took a step back, and perfectly avoided death.

Tang Ji landed on the ground, the prelude was spinning in his hand, and the bullet had been reloaded. Of course, he didn't really choose this target because of the other party, Xiong Da. It was Wu Qianying's idea to choose Mrs. Generous as the primary target.

She swore that she had analyzed various signs and found that the person with the highest status in the Seven Virtues team was Mrs. Generosity.

But seeing this beauty with his own eyes, Tang Ji still felt for a moment that Wu Qianying chose her because of jealousy.

"You are Tang Ji?" Mrs. Generosity was not afraid of Tang Ji's threats, but showed the eyes that Tang Ji often saw on Wu Qianying: "I have always been curious, why you can kill us directly."

"Since you're so curious, I'm honored to let you experience it for yourself." Tang Ji looked at Mrs. Generosity, and without hesitation activated his new ability - Deathmatch Invitation!
In front of Tang Ji's eyes, a gray-black chain shot out from the void, instantly connecting himself with Mrs. Generous, and the deathmatch is over!

"Your enemy is me!" Like an enraged lion, Mr. Wen stood in front of Mrs. Generous, spreading his five fingers and pressing down with one hand, instantly changing the gravity of Tang Ji's area!

Feeling the pressure, Tang Ji swayed for a while, and walked forward step by step against the gravitational environment that was several times higher than usual.

Wang Zhengdao reappeared next to Mr. Wen, with a fierce iron mountain leaning on him, but passed through him again, and then disappeared in an instant.

Tang Ji knew that this was Wang Zhengdao showing himself the special ability of Mr. Wen.

The gray-black flame of hatred swept across the whole body and spread along the ground. Tang Ji felt the anger of the crowd around him. Although this anger was not aimed at the seven virtues, and some of the anger was even aimed at himself, it didn't matter. The anger It quickly turned into a flame and attached to Tang Ji's back, forming a winged cloak.

In the distance, accompanied by a dull gunshot, a football-sized hole suddenly appeared on the surface of the building that should have been the center of everyone's attention.

Then there was a second gunshot, and experienced law enforcement officers immediately found the building where the shooter was based on the gunshots, and the other party seemed to have no intention of hiding, shooting one after another, leaving scars on the surface of the building. One hole after another!

Chased by the bullets, Qinqin broke through the window, but was shot again in mid-air. The powerful bullet knocked him into the air like a baseball, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment.

However, Qindiligent disappeared quickly after landing, Shadow frowned, and immediately lost the perspective of Qindiligent after the other party disappeared.

"Withdraw!" Shadow didn't even look at the expensive hail, got up from the ground and ran to the entrance of the roof immediately.

He was greedy for swords, and he should have retreated immediately after the first shot hit, but in order to hit the opponent again, Shadow chose to take a risk.

Now is the time to repay the debt. Just after Shadow and Anthony entered the building, a missile from nowhere hit the rooftop, bathing the entire building in thick smoke.

Modestly appeared at a distance of less than 200 meters from Tang Ji, and before she could say a word of bad luck, she was directly hit by the tiger-like Surte!
[Damage Reflection]!
The angry Cathy activated her domain ability, and as expected, the whirlwind-like Surte returned before she got up, a sharp dagger pierced straight to the heart!
However, just when Surte was about to end the enemy, the strong sixth sense that almost pricked his skin caused him to slightly deviate the tip of the knife from his heart!

In the next second, Soult and Qianqian brushed past each other, leaving a trail of blood, staggered several hundred meters, and fell straight to the ground.

His abdomen was severed, and a section of intestine almost fell off on the back of his foot.

"I'm sorry, head, I messed up." Soult said forcefully. He didn't even know how he was injured. The huge frustration made him feel more spiritual pain than physical pain.

"I'll be right there!" Anthony spat out the cement dust in his mouth, and the shadow machine gun in the same embarrassment shattered the glass in the corridor, and the two jumped out directly.

And Ethan, who was hiding in the dark and was taking over the drone at the scene, finally found the volunteer center of the other party, another floating vehicle hidden in the sky and in an invisible state.

Ethan immediately sent the data to Martin, Miwako kept looking at the distant battlefield, turned around and slapped Ethan on the back of the head forcefully, venting his dissatisfaction that he could not go to the front line.

Martin directly blew up his own roof, and several missiles shot towards the invisible target. Afterwards, he and Tony received a new assignment to support the Saints in delaying their humility.

The whole scene turned into a battlefield in an instant. The hostages in the building looked at the kidnappers who didn't know if they were alive or dead, and then at the hot scene outside. No one dared to run outside.

In the end, a boy who didn't look strong gritted his teeth, lifted a chair and smashed it hard at Daniel Shinoda's head, once, twice, his arms kept rising and falling.

It wasn't until the last blow that a crack was smashed into the ground before it was confirmed that the other party was completely dead. The boy let out a beast-like roar as if venting.

One metahuman dies and another awakens.
(End of this chapter)

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