I give the world destruction and new life

Chapter 285 Mr. Lucky is at Work

Chapter 285 Mr. Lucky is at Work

Wu Qianying's awakening was safe and sound, and it was even on her own schedule. According to her, if superhuman beings at the Seven Original Sins level were regarded as radiation sources, then she was definitely deeply polluted.

The reason why she awakened later than the other superhumans in the team, Wu Qianying thought, was some kind of group effect, coupled with long-term dangerous missions, the human cells or spirit were in a state of high tension for a long time, which accelerated the process.

"This requires a large number of control group experiments for comparison. It would be great if we could get the experimental results of the players." Wu Qianying brushed her hair habitually, her face froze, and she squinted at Tang Ji.

The members of the team who had been watching the excitement had already dispersed, and no one wanted to offend the real mastermind behind the team. Even Vicky went to the street with Miwako and the others under the pretext of buying ingredients.

This was the first time she really knew about this city. Night City was a truly legendary city. Even in the European Union, she had heard of the city's name.

It is not only the city that never sleeps, but also the leader of the famous Free State Movement. Its reconstruction is a symbolic event of the substantive disintegration of the Federation.

Vicky looked at the bustling crowd on the street. Less than a week after the nuclear explosion, it seemed that the residents of the city had no impact, or the impact was far less obvious than it was reflected in the financial market.

According to the statistics of Night City Media, the number of victims who died directly in the nuclear explosion may be only half of the incidental casualties caused by the bankruptcy and reorganization of the Colinning Company later.

Hundreds of people were impoverished by the fluctuations in the stock market and chose to end their lives to escape all this, and hundreds more died in various street battles for anti-radiation materials.

There are also uncountable numbers of scavengers who have overdosed on radiation because they ventured into the central area to pick up garbage, causing various diseases.

This is a city of the jungle, and Vicky quickly learned that.

Vicky, who habitually uses the [shield] ability to fade out of interpersonal relationships, can easily see the dark side of the city.

She saw a few street boys gathered together, exchanged winks, and followed a girl dressed in foreign style and wearing a short jacket into an alley.

However, soon there was a gunshot in the alley, and only two of the previous street boys escaped in embarrassment, while the rest all fell down in the alley.

There, four scantily-dressed girls high-fived each other happily, as if celebrating their successful hunting. Obviously, they were inspired by Lizi's deeds and wanted to take revenge on those street boys who often made trouble for them.

"Hey, sister, don't be afraid, we don't usually do this!" To Vicki's surprise, one of the girls seemed to have spotted her: "But you'd better not just walk into an unfamiliar alley like this, you You can’t be so lucky to meet us every time.”

The girl said and threw a pistol from the corpse: "Whoever sees it has a share, treat this as your dream adventure, don't tell it!"

"Mary, who are you talking to?" Another girl who was searching for loot raised her head and asked suspiciously, thinking she was joking with her companion.

She didn't realize the problem until she saw Mary pick up a pistol and drop it in the clearing.

"There's a little girl there, didn't you all see it?" Mary asked back, pointing in the direction of the intersection, but when she turned her head again, Vicky's figure had disappeared, and the only thing that could prove that she wasn't crazy was that the pistol also disappeared.

"It's really evil!" Mary's companions listened to the whole process, looked at the corpse on the ground, and couldn't help shivering: "Let's get out of here quickly!"

Vicky squatted behind the trash can a few meters away, and watched them leave before she breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, the girl before was an awakening superhuman. Ji.

She looked at the pistol in her arms, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, intending to regard it as a gift from the city.

Then, Vicky stood there and saw the law enforcers who arrived late half an hour later. The two law enforcers just glanced at the scene and called for support.

They are not at all interested in who is dead here, and who the murderer is.

The tattoos on the corpses belonging to the streets are like a proof that they have voluntarily exempted from the city's rules and voluntarily relinquished the protections that Night City officials provide to civilians.

The law enforcers just sealed off the scene, briefly recorded the identities of the deceased, and planned to delete them from the system when the case was closed.

About half an hour later, an Asian superhuman riding a motorcycle arrived at the scene, and Vicky watched him use his own ability to restore the scene of the crime with virtual images.

"It should be Mox helping those crazy women. It's none of our business." The words of the superhuman operator confirmed the guess of the law enforcement officer.

"Call the cleaners, they are all immigrants, and no one has claimed their bodies." A law enforcement officer glanced at the file, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the other two seemed very satisfied with this.

Out of curiosity of witnessing the murder, Vicky stood at the scene of the crime and watched the whole process.

As an 'elite' trained by the Ark organization, Vicky has seen a lot of big scenes, and it was even more eye-opening after following Tang Ji.

But this was the first time she had seen Night City-style crime, and Night City-style law enforcement.

How should I put it, the whole process seemed very capable, no matter which side, even the one lying on the ground now died very simply, and there was no one who was seriously injured and survived and wanted to leave a last word.

Because of her insistence at the end of watching the play, Vicky waited until the "cleaner" in the eyes of the law enforcement officers appeared, and then she was dumbfounded to see the "cleaner" in gray uniform exchanged cash at the price of [-] federal currency per corpse. It was directly given to those law enforcement officers.

Vicky has never seen the dark side of society, but at least she knows that these corpses have been lying in the warm sun for almost an hour in the morning, and the blood in their bodies is almost drained.

Even organ traffickers who waste organs shouldn't come to collect waste products, right?

Vicky watched several cleaners throw the corpses into the black cold chain transport truck, and seized the opportunity to get into the driver's cab ahead of time, and just sat in the back seat of the driver's cab chair, intending to follow to see what happened.

She took the time to send the license plate number and address to Mei Hezi. She didn't dare to trouble Tang Ji for such a trivial matter to satisfy curiosity.

Maybe it was seeing Tang Ji punishing the pioneers twice in a row, which made Vicky change. Maybe it was because she actually had a heart to prove herself under her quiet appearance. In short, Vicky wanted to witness with her own eyes what happened behind it. something is hiding.

Vicky, who bravely stepped out of her comfort zone, had her heart beating faster because of her boldness, her cheeks were flushed, and she was in a state of excitement, especially the pistol at her waist made her have the urge to pull the trigger and shoot something.

In order to calm down, Vicky took a few deep breaths, and then saw two cleaners sitting in the front row of the cab, one on the left and one on the right, and started the truck.

Because of [shielding], none of them noticed that there was still a person sitting in the back seat.

"Tell the boss, we harvested a total of fifteen corpses today." The cleaner of the main driver glanced at the form and said to the co-pilot.

"The Adventist Sect handed in 52 corpses yesterday, and the performance is far ahead of us." The cleaner of the co-pilot took out the walkie-talkie and replied, "I feel like I'm going to forget the mission here, Why do they want so many corpses?"

"Who knows, I used to want living people, but now I want corpses. I feel that those who descended are quite perverted." The cleaner of the main driver continued: "But fortunately, they have always been so happy to give money, otherwise I would have run away gone."

"I'm going to report to work, don't complain, don't let your head hear you, or we'll both have to lie back." The co-pilot's cleaner coughed and reminded.

The car immediately fell silent, including Vicky who was curled up under the rear seat. When she heard the word descendant, she subconsciously hid.

At this time, Vicky's eyes widened, her hands tightly covered her mouth to prevent herself from making a sound, her face was flushed, and she looked as if she was about to faint.

Vicky carefully took out her phone, took a look to make sure it was on silent, and then started texting all the team members frantically.

At the same time, Mr. Lucky, who was about to swim a few laps in the swimming pool on the Moonlight Gold to relax his body, sneezed.

"Damn, this is a bad omen. I might drown in the swimming pool." Carl Weller wrapped the blanket tightly, turned around and walked back to the room without hesitation, intending to vent all his experiences today on the Internet.

Mikkelsen No. [-] checked his winter clothing for the last time, nodded in satisfaction, patted Mikkelsen No. [-] on the shoulder, and pointed to the explosives that had accidentally leaked out of the opponent's backpack. She zipped it up and nodded at him.

There are a total of seven Mikkelsen here, for the convenience of distinguishing, they are number one, number two, all the way to number seven.

Mikkelsen's avatars seldom get together at ordinary times. They have the same thinking mode, and when they get together, they will move synchronously and react at the same frequency.

Fortunately, with Mikkelsen's previous promotion, not only the number of clones has doubled, but the individual abilities of superhuman clones can be retained, and the independence between clones is also stronger.

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe like others. He is still Mikkelsen, an integration of a total of 96 clones.

The high priest needs ten volunteers, seven of whom are Mikkelsen, and the black humor is self-evident.

The other three clearly felt a sense of exclusion, as if the other seven were newcomers to a small group they had known for a long time.

If it weren't for the heavily armed guards outside the door, Mikkelsen originally planned to unify the voice of the small group here.

But he is not in a hurry, as long as his identity is not exposed, he has plenty of time to slowly infiltrate. The most urgent task now is to first determine the location of the body warehouse.

Mikkelsen has analyzed the follow-up reactions of the players. If they don't want to be squeezed out by Tang Ji, then increasing the total number of players is the easiest and most effective way to deal with it.

The pioneers with a total of less than 300 people can only control everything secretly behind the scenes, but if the number of these immortal players exceeds [-], Mikkelsen can't think of any other means they can use to restrict these players.

It is obvious that Tang Ji alone cannot achieve strategic deterrence.

But on the other hand, Mikkelsen is very clear that destroying the body warehouse is actually a solution to the symptoms rather than the root cause. When the first pioneers came, there was no body, but they still came and stood firm. up the heel.

Obviously, for the players, the existence of the body is not a rigid requirement, it is just a better solution.

If they want, they can directly smash into this world like a meteor, looking for any individual they are interested in as a body to invade.

Thinking of that scene, Mikkelsen felt a deep sense of frustration, the dark plan that was buried in the deepest part of him surfaced again.

No, not now.

Mikkelsen tried his best to dispel this idea. He firmly believed that human beings still had a chance and was willing to continue to work hard for it. This is why these clones of him are now in Antarctica.

"This is a difficult but glorious task." The high priest walked into the tent, looked at these volunteers and said slowly: "You will have the honor to witness the real body of the Great Stomach God with your own eyes, and be favored by those who descend."

Mikkelsen showed surprise and excitement at the right time. As an old actor with countless parts, if he wants, he can play a woman as charming as ever.

"But as a price, you will not come back here again. You will go to work in more important places. From now on, you may remain anonymous forever." The high priest looked at these volunteers and said so, but in fact, his heart already These people were secretly sentenced to death.

He had done so countless times and without remorse, their deaths were necessary and honorable for a higher purpose.

"Now, I will show you the divinity bestowed by the descendant, don't panic, don't panic, go along the golden light, and then you will see the true God." The high priest said in a hypnotic tone while pretending dancing.

Then, under the hopeless eyes of Mikkelsen, he opened a dimension door.

As he said, Mikkelsen and the others walked along the golden light and walked directly into the dimension gate without any fear.

This kind of decisiveness made the high priest regret for a while whether to leave a few of these true believers by his side as helpers.

But Mikkelsen didn't give him a chance to repent, and filed into the dimension gate.

At the same time, the locator that was swallowed by several Mikkelsen in advance also started working, and a new location was highlighted on Mikkelsen's map.

"Welcome to the Promised Land of the Descendants." On the other side of the Dimensional Gate, a man dressed similarly to the high priest welcomed them with open arms.

 PS: Boldly ask, how did you do in the champion exam?This year's composition title is a bit tiger
(End of this chapter)

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