I give the world destruction and new life

Chapter 552 Need to break in...

Don't fight with others. Rickard felt that the lingering sound of this sentence hadn't faded away, and he had already been thrown to the Roswell District by that superhuman.

Rickard felt as if he had inserted an iron hook from his nostrils into his respiratory tract, hooked out all his internal organs, and exposed them to the sun.

"Ouch!" Rika vomited all over himself, and he didn't even bend down when he vomited.

Wang Zhengdao disappeared from him in an instant, and appeared on the other side of Tang Ji: "The quality of this new class is not good, how did you bring it?"

Tang Ji waved his hand, pushed Wang Zhengdao aside like a fly, took out a small sprayer from his pocket and threw it to Rickard: "Use this, it will make you feel better."

It is a kind of nerve stabilizer, which is an inhaled drug developed by Dr. Sean Weinstein for the time-sensitive element. It can significantly improve the nerve damage caused by high-speed movement. This thing is uncomfortable for Wang Zhengdao's space jump. It also works wonders.

"Thank you." Rickard sat slumped on the ground and exhaled twice before standing up again.

With the improvement of Wang Zhengdao's ability, when he jumps in space, he will do more and more damage to ordinary people. If he wants to, a span of more than five thousand kilometers at a time is enough to kill ordinary people without any enhancement.

Only a character-cloaked monster like Tang Ji would use Wang Zhengdao as a means of transportation. He could hardly feel the discomfort caused by space jumping at all.

It was not the first time for Wang Zhengdao to come to the Special Economic Zone. He was quite familiar with the environment here. This time he brought people here and deliberately picked a four-story building that was unoccupied.

Tang Ji stood behind the glassless window and glanced out. Several special zone residents who were dressed similarly to him were advancing vigilantly against the wall on the road. One of them even spotted Tang Ji keenly, and his face froze immediately. Turned into a small alley.

"There will be a centralized distribution of materials every three days. The agents of the FBAS Bureau and the Federal Army will collectively escort the materials. The materials will be distributed along the main roads in the city, and the IDs will be collected." Wang Zhengdao handed the two ID cards to Tang Gee and Rickard.

In order to ensure that ID cards will not be taken by others, these humble cards all have biometric functions.

"The current behavior of players is still based on adapting to this world. Several larger player organizations are restricting player behavior, but there are also lone wolf players who enjoy challenging us and other player organizations at the same time." Wang Zhengdao He went on to introduce: "At present, the average daily death toll in the Roseville District is about 220, and the total number of newly added immigrants and criminals is about 200, so the population decline trend is not obvious."

"By the way, there are still some organizations that are applying for tourism projects such as three-day tours and five-day tours in the Special Economic Zone." Wang Zhengdao shrugged: "If it is not too troublesome for the entry and exit approval, they even want to organize a one-day tour of the Special Zone." Special service items, and the asking price is not cheap, obviously not only players, but also idiots looking for excitement in our world."

Rickard has a special understanding of this need, after all, he has personally experienced similar things.
"One more thing to note is that there is an anti-gamer organization in the special zone called the Railway. If you have the opportunity, you can get in touch with it." Wang Zhengdao finally emphasized: "I heard that the leader is your former colleague. City Law Enforcement Bureau Information Center."

Tang Ji nodded, as time went by, he had completely severed his previous relationship with others.

The risks brought about by getting involved with him were simply unbearable for ordinary people. Tang Ji was able to consume resources to protect Edward, but that was all he could do.

"In that case, I wish you a good time." Wang Zhengdao waved his hands at Tang Ji and Rickard, and suddenly disappeared when he turned around.

Just when Rickard was still shocked by Wang Zhengdao's ability, Wang Zhengdao suddenly appeared from behind them again and told Tang Ji: "You must not do anything. If something happens, let your angry interpreter come. I see him good."

Afterwards, Wang Zhengdao really left, leaving only Furious and his confused angry translator.

Rickard looked at Tang Ji, who was silent, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure. He felt that he was not good enough.
Tang Ji walked alone on the empty street, exuding a kind of low air pressure all over his body, which made people want to turn around at the first glance.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Rickard followed Tang Ji at a position more than ten meters behind. Seeing that Tang Ji was like a tiger on the street, he could only point his head down to make himself look more harmless. He really didn't want to Play the duty of anger translator.

He feels like I am unhappy with Tang Ji now, maybe no one would dare to mess with him in this damn place.

But obviously, passers-by who don't open their eyes are rare, and players who don't make people worry are everywhere. Tang Ji was targeted by people before he walked out of this street.

Villalobos, free man without warband, newcomer, this is his first world.

It has been almost three weeks since he entered this world. Compared with the first batch of players, Villalobos was considered lucky. After he entered this world, he had a complete novice guide and was issued a hundred thousand Federal currency is used as the initial capital.

Spending money is quite new to Villalobos. Although there is black market trade in their world, that kind of trade is still limited to the initial stage of bartering, and it is still a seller's market. There is no comparison in this world.

But happiness is always short-lived. The purchasing power of [-] federal currency is actually not weak. Even after several devaluations, the money is still enough to support a whole family of three without producing a whole year's living expenses.

However, this is a special zone, and the financial system here has long since collapsed. Even if the federal government pours in a huge amount of supplies every day, it still cannot suppress the soaring prices.

The warm picture of Mitch Shepard taking money to go to the supermarket to buy things when he first came no longer exists. Now there are guards guarding the entrance of the supermarket with live ammunition. If the store owner is lucky and brave enough, they can still Players who are willing to come out and earn extra money can be hired to act as guards.

The prices in the supermarket can drive an ordinary person crazy. One kilogram of milk is sold for [-] federal dollars, and fresh fruits are sold for [-] to [-] federal dollars each.

And the quantities are scarce, with limited hours, and supermarket owners pack up all unsold goods and return to their sanctuaries before the sun goes down.

These businessmen who want money and life are all reduced to doing business in the special zone. Of course, they are not willing to let go of any opportunity to make money. When they become crazy, they will not even delay the players.

Villalobos's [-] federal currency was spent in less than ten days. In order to have enough food, he had to embark on the road of crime.

Of course, for players, this is actually a part of experiencing life, and there are even related tasks to be collected on the system interface.

The system just doesn't recommend them to take extreme measures to carry out large-scale regional destruction and cause a large number of aborigines to die.

Players are accustomed to these routines. In the early stages of the game, the company certainly does not want players to exhaust their resources.

However, there will always be new ideas about what will happen if I kill this person, so the order in the special zone is getting worse every day.

And a small person like Villalobos seems so insignificant in this big environment, he just wants to randomly choose a target to solve today's lunch.

Out of some inexplicable fate, Villalobos focused his attention on Tanguy. He felt that Tanguy's out of place attitude must be a fat sheep
In fact, it’s not wrong to say that. There are always new immigrants who use their own force, or criminals who are chosen to serve their sentences in the special zone. They habitually behave like hedgehogs, trying to understand the special environment of the special zone in their own way.

Most of them encountered malice from the environment, and a small number of them were lucky enough to learn to live with the situation.

Villalobos thought he had met such a fat sheep, so he followed Tang Ji silently, sandwiching himself between Tang Ji and Rickard.

Rickard looked hesitantly at the man in front of him who seemed to have malicious intentions. As Tang Ji's anger interpreter, his duty was to release Tang Ji's anger for Tang Ji, or to prevent Tang Ji from getting angry?

He swore that he only hesitated for a few seconds, while the man in front swung his hands, turned into two long knives, and rushed towards Tang Ji from behind, as fast as a speed multiplier.

The biomass long knife drew a Z-shape in the air, but the bloody scene that Villalobos expected did not appear. The man in front seemed to have eyes behind his back. With a subtle distance, the tip of his knife cut lonely against the man's clothes.

Tang Ji didn't even turn his head, just continued to walk forward, letting the mantis man behind him dance his hands like a helicopter, and the knife was close to MISS.

The two sides walked 22 meters in tandem, and the mantis knife paid [-] dollars, but there was no result, and he was so tired that he was out of breath.

Tang Ji sighed, and suddenly stopped and turned around, allowing the mantis knife to slash on his forehead, turning the blade of the long biomass knife.

He just looked at Rickard, his angry interpreter, as if asking, "What the hell are you doing?"

Rickard now realizes that this is anger that needs no translation.
He walked forward quickly, and in the stunned expression of the knife mantis, he punched the opponent's face, causing the player to lose consciousness immediately, and then looked at Tang Ji with an inquiring look, as if asking: "How about my translation?"

Tang Ji kicked the car parked on the side of the road into a V shape, turned around and left, the low air pressure all over his body became more serious
Rickard looked at the scrapped car, then at the offline player lying on the ground, measured the player with his legs a few times, finally shook his head, and dragged the player to the The position against the wall prevents a crushing accident, and then chased after it.

"I'm going to record this, it has to be recorded!" Mikkelsen laughed in his office, and this joy quickly spread throughout the entire Mikkelsen network, triggering global laughter .

Annie and Wu Qianying, who were sitting across from each other, also laughed happily, but when their eyes suddenly met, both of them sneered at the same time.

"Why didn't Ding Yue become an anger interpreter, instead of bringing Rickard from so far away? He looked like the kind of nice guy." Annie asked, she was busy weaving the dream network recently , I have to take four hours of classes with Aliya every day, and I am extremely irritable.

What is secondary allocation, what is dynamic and normal data storage, what is network protocol, and a lot of proper nouns. Anne thinks that people in this world are sleeping and dreaming all the time, so why make it so complicated.

But Aliya convinced Anne with vivid examples, and she said: "Do you know why the total number of your Joy Church has not exceeded 2000 before? Because your dream network is still in the lowest state, and your users every Every time you log in, you need to create your own dream country from scratch, you are simply wasting your talent."

Being taught by a seemingly talented child really made Anne a little ashamed. She really reflected on whether she was too slack, so that she failed the talent of the seven original sins.

But when she thought about it, she remembered the jealousy that was stored in a glass container as a tool after working too hard, and the gluttony that devoured everything every day and was broken down into small molecules.
Annie instantly felt relieved, she was able to live a stable life until now, all thanks to her laziness bit by bit!
But now Mikkelsen asked her to build this dream network. His original words were: "This is not an order."

Annie automatically understood this sentence, this is not an order, this is your life, if you don't do it well, it will be over.
"Because Ding Yue's character is relatively strong, he chooses his current life for the same purpose as Tang Ji, just to keep his three views from the previous track." Mikkelsen switched the screen casually, and it was Ding Yue in the screen myself.

It's just that Ding Yue was wearing a black night clothes at this time, standing on the top of a certain building with a blank face, and suddenly fell from the air, spanning a height of more than ten meters, and threw a tiger claw who was trying to rob him from head to toe with a short sword. The tail was split in two.

With his outstanding skills, Ding Yue disappeared from the spot in the blink of an eye. He ran at a high speed, avoiding all the cameras on the bright side along the way, obviously the escape route was very familiar.

Later, Ding Yue raided an underground casino of the Tiger Claw Gang, killed all twelve members of the Tiger Claw Gang, and took away the cash from the casino as expenses.

"He's not a lion cub who only eats meat after following a lion. I'm going to send him to Paris." Mikkelsen looked at Ding Yue's clean and tidy behavior, and a trace of satisfaction flashed across his face.

In private, Mikkelsen's agents are looking for Avengers who are as angry as Ding Yue and Rickard, trying to mass-produce Scarlet disciples.

The only thing he needs to worry about is that his subordinates are ordered to find angry avengers, so they choose to directly create avengers, otherwise those smart people will soon feel Tang Ji's revenge and how high their action is.

PS: What is the itching in the knee joint of a three-year-old child? Have you ever encountered it?

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