Except for Tang Ji and his son, no one knew what kind of conversation happened in the secret room. Even Dr. Wu Qianying didn't ask a word.

Rogge, the owner of Laisheng Bar, expressed panic at the sudden appearance of so many big figures.

That's right, even a legend like Rogge, after seeing Tang Ji, Soult, Wu Qianying and others gathered together to discuss something with heavy faces, drinking round after round from afternoon to evening, but The atmosphere was always tense, and she still felt waves of panic.

No way, this scene is too easy for people to think that these people are planning to have another Apocalypse Day just because of the player's reappearance.

In the end, Rogge couldn't sit still and personally took a bottle of good wine and walked to Dr. Wu Qianying to sit down. She was very aware of this doctor's status and her influence on Tang Ji.

"Dr. Wu, I've heard your name for a long time, but I didn't expect that you are still as young as ever." The wine that Roger took was a red wine from Italy. The brand is not important anymore. What is important is that it is in Roger's wine cellar. It has survived the apocalypse and the great storm. It is no longer just a bottle of wine, but also represents the bubble of the old era, a masterpiece that can be reduced by drinking one bottle.

But Rogge didn't hesitate at all when he opened the wine. After all, if the lady in front of him made up her mind, she was fully capable of reshuffling the world.


The oak stopper was pulled out of the narrow bottle mouth and made a pleasant sound, instantly attracting the attention of the gourmets in the bar.

But those who can distinguish this kind of sound are basically old humans. They still have awe of Rogge and have not done anything extraordinary. After all, they are not the ones who can make Rogge even flatter him. Started.

"Hibernation technology has changed a lot of things, and you just chose the mortal world in advance." Perhaps it was because she was nostalgic, Wu Qianying shook her head and did not refuse Rogge's move to pour wine.

Although Wu Qianying spends most of her time in hibernation, she wakes up every few years to provide guidance on technical routes from a high position, which still makes her feel the passage of time more clearly than other hibernators.

Therefore, when facing an 'old acquaintance' like Rogge, Wu Qianying did not show off her usual arrogance. This can be seen from her opening sentence: "It's not where you graduated from."

Before meeting Tang Ji, Dr. Wu Qianying always felt that people without a master's degree or above had better not waste her time.

"I'm old and don't want to fight for the future. To me, today is always more real than tomorrow." Rogge shook his head and shook the wine glass, watching the rose-red wine slide down the glass at a gentle speed. , as if reminiscing about the past.

"To be honest, your appearance makes me feel scared." Rogge said straight to the point: "I want to know if I don't want to die unexpectedly or die from natural disasters or man-made disasters, should I return to the dormant cabin and bury myself underground and wait for dozens of seconds? Will you come out again next year?”

Upon hearing Rogge's question, Wu Qianying's eyes showed a rare trace of confusion, because she did not have a definite answer to this question herself.

"I don't know, Ms. Rogge, you were once a legend in Night City. Why don't you tell me about those adventures that made you legendary? Could you have foreseen the results before they started?" Wu Qianying asked with a smile.

It's just that her smile and rhetorical question made Rogge feel even more panicked. Of course she knew how exciting and dangerous her life was, but when they solved the problem at that time, they only used guns, bombs, and even superhumans. No.

And now, when the core members of the group headed by Fury ask themselves such questions, Rogge cannot imagine what kind of danger they think of the danger. It may be another big scene no less than the Apocalypse Day. .

"But one thing I can be sure of now." Wu Qianying drank all the red wine in the glass in a very unladylike way, turned around and walked towards the secret room, leaving only one sentence: "No matter how much you dig your hiding place this time Deep, it’s useless.”

Tang Ji opened his eyes in the secret room. There were only him and Tang Anran in the room. To be precise, it was only him.

The young man whose body was temporarily borrowed by Tang Anran was in a deep coma. There was a letter left by Tang Anran on the table. The content of the letter looked very brief.

Obviously, Tang Anran didn't want to embarrass his father, so he thoughtfully left early.

Tang Ji picked up the useless body with one hand, opened the door of the secret room and threw it out. Then he locked himself in the secret room alone, turned off the lights and merged with the darkness.

There was still a vague warmth belonging to Angelina in the air. Tang Ji was greedy for this feeling and didn't want to share it with anyone.

At this moment, he emptied his mind and didn't think about anything. He looked at the place where Angelina had been sitting just like a sculpture. He didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly laughed gently.

Sometimes, all it takes to fill the rift in your heart is the warmth of that moment.

From this moment on, Tang Ji was no longer that single ghost. It was as if he had learned to breathe for the first time in his life, feeling the air pouring into his lungs and activating his entire body.

The gray-black flames gradually lingered out from under the windbreaker and enveloped Tang Ji. He did not overwhelm the guest but appeared to be particularly docile and obedient.

Tang Ji opened his palms, and Angelina's silhouette gradually appeared in the flames. She said something, and the words of farewell echoed in the space.

The door to the secret room was opened again, and Wu Qianying's figure appeared there. The light from outside the door shone in from behind her, rendering her like a reflection, making her look a little gloomy, but this beam of light also illuminated Tang Ji brightly.

"Tang Anran ran away?" Wu Qianying glanced at the young tool man lying outside the door, and her voice suddenly became louder.

Tang Ji later realized that Tang Anran's departure might have nothing to do with him.

Dr. Wu Qianying was obviously not in a good mood. She just stood at the door holding her waist. With the familiarity between the two of them, even a simpleton like Tang Ji knew what the other person was unhappy about.

So Tang Ji stepped forward and pulled Wu Qianying over and gave her a big hug.

Sometimes a simple gesture is worth a thousand words. The resentment in Wu Qianying's heart was instantly extinguished by this hug.

"What are you going to do? So many people are watching!" Wu Qianying struggled to resist in Tang Ji's arms, trying to break free from Tang Ji's arms.

But obviously, if Wu Qianying can do such a thing on her own, then Tang Ji may not be needed to save the world at all.

"Let me go! Now!" Wu Qianying gave the ultimatum with a red face, and there was a hint of shame and anger in her tone.

Fury, the worst-tempered among the Seven Deadly Sins, immediately let go of his hand.

"Is this left by Tang Anran?" Wu Qianying saw the letter on the table, glanced at Tang Ji and directly reached out to take it after receiving permission.

Wu Qianying glanced at the contents of the letter, snorted and handed the letter to Tang Ji: "Take a look and see what your good son has left for you." Tang Ji took the letter and glanced down. It turned out that what was written on it was: "My father, my words are as clear as my face. I have something to do, so I will run away first. I will come back after you have coaxed Aunt Wu, above."

"You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime." Wu Qianying rolled her eyes. The boy was obviously still worried that she would ask more questions. He must be hiding some secrets!

I hate the Riddler the most!

Ganges Shelter No. 11, lowest level.

"Head, this should be it!" Rupert said hesitantly as he looked at the wall covered by germ carpet.

In fact, it's not that he couldn't tell the specific location of the escape passage, but that the biomass carpet extended by Gluttony was so large that it changed the structure of the entire bottom layer of the shelter.

The design ideas of the Ganges people are very strange, but they at least follow the consistent tradition of human beings in large-scale engineering design, which is standardization.

As long as the engineers specifically responsible for building the shelter are not too evil, they will not design a very unique emergency evacuation passage for this shelter.

But to be honest, Rupert cannot guarantee that he will not encounter such a one-in-a-million probability. After all, it is difficult for you to put yourself in the Ganges people's way of thinking.

Along the way, they have now determined that flames are undoubtedly the best way to clear these biomass blankets, but they have already consumed all the flamethrower fuel they carried in order to block the pursuers behind them.

So at this time, the knife in Alejandro's hand was actually the most efficient one among the entire Cowboys team in destroying the germ blanket.

He was cutting away the biomass blankets one by one. These things were much tougher than they looked. They could easily withstand close range shots from small-caliber bullets without leaving even a single mark.

Moreover, like other things related to gluttony, they are alive and have very strong vitality. They will heal themselves quickly after being injured.

Alejandro's power is great, but at this time it is difficult for an individual's power to play a decisive role. It is conservatively estimated that the thickness of these proliferating biomass blankets on the wall surface is more than ten meters.

While Ali Air's Luo was struggling with these mushroom blankets, other members of the Cowboys team, including the wounded, were alert to dangers coming from other directions.

But obviously the gluttony that lives here is dissatisfied with Alejandro's behavior of destroying its biological hotbed. All the tentacles around him quickly moved closer as if they had been given blood.

"Boss, if you don't get a chance in a while, just leave us alone." Rupert glanced at Gremory who was being dragged away by the tentacles, calmly took aim, and shot directly to give the opponent his last mercy.

This is the second time he has done this today. Compared to Alejandro, Rupert behaves calmer at this time.

He was one of the founding members of the Cowboys, and like Alejandro, he experienced the destruction of the Cowboys twice, but Rupert tenaciously withstood both injuries without collapsing.

In fact, he was the one who maintained the connection between the team members after Alejandro's collapse, so the Cowboys team was able to quickly rebuild after Alejandro became the Scarlet Disciple.

You can definitely say that Rupert is actually the mainstay of this Cowboys team, so when Rupert said these words, the remaining members of the Cowboys team were ready for a last-ditch battle.

Not everyone can adapt to the world after the Apocalypse, and the same is true for the members of the Cowboy Squad, but most of their problems are hidden behind the dormant cabin.

You must know that many of these people also have families, and they once had their own lives, and the Apocalypse ruthlessly deprived them of all this.

The reason why these people did not give themselves a break was entirely because they still had the support of their comrades. In the dangerous Ganges shelter, they did not dare to leave their comrades behind.

And now, they finally have an opportunity.

Alejandro struggled to carve out a passage in the biomass carpet in front of him, while a member of the cowboy team behind him calmly rushed in holding two grenades after using up all the bullets on his body. Among the tentacles.

Accompanied by two roars, explosions and fire blew the tentacles in that direction to pieces, giving others a little breathing time.

Fragmentation-based grenades shouldn't be so powerful, but if you include the high-performance battery packs in their exoskeletons, it's different.

Black flames wrapped around Alejandro's long knife, making it extremely powerful and contaminating the biomass around him, making them difficult to heal. It's a pity that he is not the furious one. When facing gluttony, these borrowed powers can Seems a little pale and weak.

When Alejandro exhausted all his strength and finally dug out a path in the flesh and blood in front of him that was barely large enough for one person to pass through, the cowboy team led by Rupert had been reduced by more than half.

At this time, Alejandro's face was pale. He walked out of the passage. The black flames barely kept the passage from healing and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

He dragged a wounded person with one hand, and with the other hand he swung the machete vigorously to chop down nearby tentacles and fleas-like creatures the size of puppies that came from unknown sources, and then walked back into the passage without saying a word. .

Alejandro did find the escape passage secretly built by the Ganges people to the outside world, but unfortunately, that passage had already been filled with gluttonous biomass.

Their life was cut off, or rather the rest of the Cowboys' squad was cut off.

But Alejandro could no longer bear the pain of losing all his team members again. He dug a hole in Gluttony's body alive, stuffed all the living team members in, and then blocked the hole himself.

The black flames of hatred surround the entire cave, preventing Gluttony from turning these people directly into his own nutrients. Obviously this is a protracted battle between Alejandro and Gluttony.

As strong as Alejandro was, the weight on the other side of the scale was too heavy and everyone, including Rupert, knew Alejandro had no chance of winning.


One wounded man shot himself with a pistol, and then another. The members of the Cowboys team were like family, looking out for each other, and they would not hold back at this time.

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