Prince of Chaos

Chapter 467

Chapter 467
Looking at the ships sailing away from Dagukou Wharf, sailing away against the rising sun, Zhu Changluo was full of thoughts.

As a traveler with strong nationalism, Zhu Changluo is extremely unwilling to admit that the West is stronger than the East.

However, he has been in Daming for ten years. In these ten years, although he has not traveled far from the capital, what he has seen of the current situation of Daming is that it is backward and ignorant.

This empire has lost its vigor at some point, and its class has solidified to an unimaginable level.

Although there were no such officials and fortunes as in the Eastern Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the situation today is almost the same.

People at the bottom of society have lost their upward channels.

Zhu Changluo, who didn't understand the situation at first, thought that as long as these poor people were willing to study steadily and try their best to take the imperial examination, there would always be a generation that could live up to it.

However, after arriving here, Zhu Changluo discovered that not everyone can read books.

Those who can really read books must be at least a small landlord family. The vast number of tenants, long-term workers and hermits at the bottom of the empire, it is simply a dream for them to want to read!
There were many of them who couldn't even recognize that it was a "one" when the shoulder pole dropped to the ground.

They can only be like a soulless puppet day after day, repeating the monotonous and heavy work every day. If they are lucky, they will meet a more merciful master and get an extra bite.

If you are unlucky, you may die unexpectedly due to various mistakes and accidents.

They live like weeds, and when they meet elegantly dressed nobles, in addition to the terrified gaze of animals in their eyes, there will also be a kind of fear from the depths of their souls, trembling towards these nobles.

Such people, rather than saying that they are human beings, might as well say that they are just a group of animals that look like human beings!

Faced with such a situation, apart from Zhu Changluo's ambition to change them, there is more fear!

He was afraid that what he did was not good enough to bring hope to these suffering people, but would instead push them into a more terrifying abyss.

However, looking at their current situation, what abyss can compare to their current life?
Therefore, Zhu Changluo must try his best to help them and create a channel for them to rise up, so that they can live with dignity, instead of being like puppets or ants.

Now Chen Zhenlong set off with Zhu Changluo's hope, and Zhu Changluo still hopes that Chen Zhenlong can bring some different changes in the far west, and then inject new vitality into this ancient land.

Therefore, Zhu Changluo also has a great desire for Chen Zhenlong's voyage this time, hoping that Chen Zhenlong can bring back the technology and talents he wants.

After seeing the mast in the distance sinking into the sea level, Zhu Changluo looked away.

The courtiers and eunuchs around Zhu Changluo saw Zhu Changluo recover.

They immediately moved aside sensibly to make room for Zhu Changluo.

Zhu Changluo walked up to Xiao Ruxun, and he said, "Let's go with Gu."

After Xiao Ruxun heard Zhu Changluo's voice, his expression was agitated, and he immediately replied: "Yes."

Then, he followed Zhu Changluo cautiously.

Zhu Changluo said, "How is the shipyard?"

Xiao Ruxun immediately replied: "Return to Your Highness, I have recruited the craftsmen from Longjiang Shipyard according to His Highness's order, and now they are settled in the newly built Tianjin Shipyard."

Zhu Changluo nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes, you have to make good use of these craftsmen. Whether the Tianjin Shipyard can build a warship that will determine the world in one battle is very important to the court. The disease of mange makes people resentful. I have the ambition to eradicate the Japanese plague, so this boat is indispensable. There is also the recruitment of boatmen, try to recruit as many waterworkers as possible to make a living on the canal. The waterworkers on the canal are really It's too much, so much that Gu can't feel at ease."

Zhu Changluo finally mentioned the waterworkers of the canal. According to the data Zhu Changluo learned, there are as many as one million waterworkers in the section from Shandong, Jiangsu to Tianjin!

Behind the millions of waterworkers are millions of families. Based on a family of five, this is equivalent to the fact that there are 500 million people relying on this canal for their livelihoods.

Thinking of such a terrifying number, Zhu Changluo felt suffocated, but if something happened to the canal, it would be no less than the consequences of Qian Yuan's overhaul of the Yellow River.

The violent demise of Qianyuan was caused by the gathering of a large number of people and being provoked by careerists.

These massive suffering people gather together, as long as they are incited by those ambitious people, it will definitely be a mighty force that will collapse the world!
Therefore, Zhu Changluo has now consciously asked Xiao Ruxun to absorb these poor water tank workers into other jobs to divide them.

In the future, when Zhu Changluo's various industries mature, he will further absorb the canal workers, and then open the sea transportation in due course until the northern section of the canal is abandoned!
Xiao Ruxun said: "I understand, I must be a good supervisor, and strive to build a giant ship for Daming that can cross the ocean and move across the four seas."

Zhu Changluo listened to Xiao Ruxun's statement, he did not continue to praise, nor did he say anything.

Zhu Changluo changed the topic, and then said: "Are you still used to the position of Minister of the Ministry of War?"

Hearing Zhu Changluo talking about his current official position, Xiao Ruxun couldn't help grinning.

He never dreamed that he would be transferred to be the Minister of the Ministry of War, and he was also the Minister of the Ministry of War who was in charge of the navy.

He, the Minister of the Ministry of War, not only has a separate yamen, but also has an exclusive resident.Moreover, he does not have to be directly responsible for the military department of the capital, which is simply the best job in the world.

Moreover, this status is not bad at all compared to Fengjiang.

Therefore, Xiao Ruxun can be as happy as he wants.

Xiao Ruxun immediately replied loyally: "I am sincere and fearful, lest I fail Your Highness's grace."

Zhu Changluo chuckled, "As long as you can complete the tasks that Gu entrusted to you, you will not disappoint Gu's expectations."

Then, Zhu Changluo continued: "Tianjin Wei is located in a special place. It is an important place in Gyeonggi and connects the lifeline of the north and south of Ming Dynasty. Gu put you here because of your loyalty. Gu has already explained to the Ministry of Industry and Shuntian Mansion that Emperor Xishan The cement ratio of the Zhuang Cement Industrial Park will be more tilted to Tianjinwei, so I want you to check it well and strive to build the cement expressway from Tianjinwei to Jingshi as soon as possible.”

"After this road is completed, the capital and Tianjin Wei will be more closely connected. At that time, you, the highest official stationed in Tianjin Wei, will also be famous in history."

Xiao Ruxun was so excited by Zhu Changluo's words to leave his name in history that he couldn't restrain himself. If he did this as an official, who can't be left in history.

If, during his term of office, Tianjin Wei and the capital could be united together, there will definitely be a lot of his contributions in the vast history books in the future.

"The minister will do his best to ensure that the task is completed."

Xiao Ruxun repeatedly assured that he really cared about this matter.

After all, he was also a military officer-turned-civilian.Traditional civil servants naturally reject them. If they can't make a decent result at this time, then they will definitely be impeached like a storm. At that time, no matter how hard His Royal Highness the Crown Prince tries to protect them, It was also difficult for them to gain a firm foothold, and they ended up dismal.

Moreover, because of this, their loyalty is bound to be more loyal than ordinary civil servants.

Because, in this intriguing officialdom culture, they have natural shortcomings compared to civil servants with intricate relationships.

First of all, in terms of identity, civil officials do not recognize that they are also disciples of saints.

Moreover, they have not experienced the serious imperial examinations, and they have no help from the township party, the same year, and the teacher.

What they can rely on is to promote their crown prince.

Although these people may also have various problems of feudal officials, their loyalty is absolutely reliable.

This is like why the emperor favors eunuchs, but not foreign ministers.

Because, like the eunuchs, their identity and power need the emperor's favor to maintain.

If they lost their favor, what would they use to fight against the civil servants who had already formed their own system?
Therefore, from the moment they were transferred to civil servants, they could only unite closely with Zhu Changluo, taking Zhu Changluo's order as the imperial decree, and they would do what they were told to do.

Otherwise, the end is absolutely miserable!
PS: I want to write a poem about this situation~~~
Ah ~
Off guard
Why are you so hateful! !
 Brazenly asking for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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