Prince of Chaos

Chapter 713 Employment Criteria

Looking at Liu Pinru who was kneeling at His Highness, Zhu Changluo said: "Liu Qing, please stand up."

Liu Pinru got up carefully, "Thank you, Your Highness."

Looking at Liu Pinru who had already got up, Zhu Changluo asked, "How is the matter with the cabinet?"

When Liu Pinru heard Zhu Changluo's question, he immediately understood that His Royal Highness's question would not be so simple.

Liu Pinru didn't dare to say anything, so he replied cautiously: "Since Wang Shoufu and others retired and returned to their hometowns, there are two fewer cabinet members than before, and the cabinet members who can be dealt with in a hurry on weekdays Now I am also nervous about the affairs. Therefore, the minister and Zhong Shangshu are always unable to complete the tasks of His Highness on time."

Zhu Changluo hummed, and then said: "Gu intends to supplement the number of cabinet members, tell me who in the court can supplement the cabinet?"

After hearing these words, Liu Pinru's heart couldn't help pounding. This is the right of the chief assistant. Now that His Highness asked him this, Liu Pinru couldn't help thinking about it.

After all, that is the position of chief assistant under one person and above tens of thousands, which is the supreme pursuit of countless scholar-bureaucrats in their lives!
However, Liu Pinru is also very aware of his background, he is not a member of the Hanlin Academy, and being able to enter the cabinet is already a great grace of the emperor, if he wants to go further, it is really wishful thinking.

Therefore, after recovering his mind, Liu Pinru also woke up, and he bowed to Zhu Changluo: "I think Dong Junji can be transferred back to the cabinet to take on important responsibilities. Dong Junji was born in the Imperial Academy, and he is His Highness's tutor, so his loyalty to His Highness is unquestionable." Doubtful, moreover, Dong Junji has successively served in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Rites and other important yamen, whether it is qualifications or ability, it is obvious to all. Therefore, I recommend Dong Junji to re-enter the cabinet."

Zhu Changluo said: "Master Dong alone has another appointment, and the cabinet still needs new blood. Although the cabinet and the Military Aircraft Office are side by side, they have different functions. If it's just people jumping back and forth between the two yamen, how can other new talents of the court be used?" Is there a chance for a promotion?"

Judging from the feedback of this gossip, it seems that Liu Pinru's role as chief assistant is a joke, a joke that no one believes.

After all, this is his top priority right now.

It is to be as famous as Li Si, the first emperor's prime minister!

Liu Pinru replied repeatedly: "Yes."

The naming rules of these yamen are often either prisons or bureaus.

"Based on this alone, I think Liu Pinru is a good subject, a subject who can give important responsibilities!"

When Liu Pinru heard that Zhu Changluo didn't blame him, but gave him a two-day extension, he felt as if he had been pardoned.

"The restructuring of the six ministries, the splitting of the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the expansion of the Honglu Temple are all mentioned by His Highness. I don't need to think about these. However, the restructuring of the remaining ministries, divisions, and temples still needs to be designed by me. planning."

Ever since Xing Jie, Zhong Huamin and others joined the Military Aircraft Department and the cabinet, the crown prince seemed to intend to promote the local governor to the core of the court to participate in confidential decision-making.

Such talents are what the crown prince values.

Zhu Changluo waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, don't be nervous. I know that you are not the kind of person who likes to form cliques, and you have never revealed to anyone that Liu Pinru was recommended by you."

And the reason why this is called a bureau is not that Zhu Changluo is lazy and copied directly.It's because these departments are all attached to the palace.

Dong Qichang's thinking was very clear, he was not limited to those yamen mentioned by Zhu Changluo, but expanded his thinking to the remaining yamen.

These words were like thunder in Sun Xian's ears!
What is Liu Pinru?
He is a third-rate Jinshi who is not considered a second-class scholar. He has never entered the Imperial Academy, nor has a powerful family influence, let alone a famous Confucianist, and he has even picked up his daughter-in-law.

Zhu Changluo chuckled, "Yes, maybe."

Although the Sangong Jiuqing system has changed its appearance in the past thousand years, its essence remains unchanged.

If this matter is accomplished, then he will be a famous official who can be passed down through the ages.

In the past, people recognized talents who were full of poems and books and could write beautiful articles.

Zhu Changluo hummed, "If you have nothing to do, go back and deal with the cabinet affairs. You should urge Zhong Huamin to give an explanation to Gu as soon as possible about Ye Xianggao's case. This matter has been pending. It is a disappointment to the people of the world."

Now the crown prince has found Liu Pinru to further clarify this sentence. Doesn't this mean that the imperial court will pay more attention to local experience in the next appointment of important officials?
After having this guess, Liu Pinru's breathing couldn't help but become heavy.

Not long after Zhu Changluo and Sun Xian chatted for a few days, a gossip that Liu Pinru was about to be appointed as the chief assistant of the cabinet also began to spread like wildfire in the streets and alleys of the capital.

For the better development of Xishan Huangzhuang, Zhu Changluo also reborn some functional departments of later generations into the system of Xishan Huangzhuang according to local conditions.

Such a heroic sage can not only create an era, but also hold everyone's heart firmly.

Although there is an old saying, prime ministers start in prefectures and counties.However, in the actual political promotion, it is the officials in the central yamen who have more opportunities to contact the core.

It can be said that in the inertial thinking of many people, as long as someone is released to become a governor, it is almost equivalent to saying goodbye to the highest political stage.

It would be hell to expect a cowardly person to form a gang and recommend a few people.

"Okay, you go down."

However, what Zhu Changluo likes is Liu Pinru's cautiousness and timidity. Although such a person doesn't have much ability, he will be very obedient.

Just such a thing is going to be the chief assistant.

Although not many people believed this news, it was still a touchstone.

Although this may cause the high officials of the Central Ministry to expand greatly, it will also greatly improve the efficiency of the court, and at the same time, it will also elevate the status of the cabinet and the military aircraft department.

Moreover, Zhu Changluo considered the context and habits of his later generations, so he used the word bureau to name the new functional yamen of Xishan Huangzhuang.

For Liu Pinru's failure to answer his question this time, Zhu Changluo didn't blame him either.

"Besides, the current Ming Dynasty is also in a very important period. The old officials are reliable, but they have not developed enough, and most of the old officials have no experience in the frontiers. This is also a big disadvantage for the next major political affairs."

After Liu Pinru left, Zhu Changluo looked on and waited on Sun Xian.

Among them, there are many planning bureaus, finance bureaus, industry and commerce bureaus and other departments.

Shocked, Sun Xian hurriedly knelt down and said, "If Liu Pin can be activated, it is all due to the sacred heart of the master, and slaves dare not take credit for it."

"Gu has used Liu Pinru for so long, and to put it bluntly, I still value his caution. Although such a person has no great skills, the most important thing is to be reliable. He will not disobey Gu because of his own ideas."

The powerful central dynasty is still running on the administrative system designed by Li Si.

Although these powers come from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, this does not prevent Dong Qichang from pretending to be a tiger!
Therefore, Dong Qichang will definitely spare no effort to list all the problems he can think of, and then discuss them one by one, and then refine them into his own language and create a new system.

For example, Zhong Huamin, Shen Yongmao and others.

What Zhu Changluo wants is this kind of fact that no one will believe when it is said, but it is a fact that is unexpected!
Because this is the only way to demonstrate the determination of the imperial court to surrender talents in an eclectic manner!
Let the people with lofty ideals in the world see that the imperial court is no longer the court that relies on rankings to get high. The current court is a hard-working court where the capable go up and the mediocre go down.

At this time, it is really difficult for him to think of a few reliable people to recommend.

It's almost like a joke.

For Dong Qichang, who has been verbally appointed as the chief of military aircraft by His Royal Highness, he naturally hopes that his power and status will be higher than before.

Unfortunately, how can it be so easy?
These governors were not born under his sect. Moreover, although he has been in the cabinet these years, his ranking in the cabinet has never been able to rise. Therefore, those local feudal lords who hold important powers, they finally pay filial piety. The target is not him.

"So, this time, Gu deliberately selects ministers who have experience as local governors to join the cabinet for consultation. If you have a suitable candidate, but say it's okay, Gu will not blame you."

"Besides, Liu Pinru still thinks that he was able to travel from Nanjing to Beijing because of Dong Qichang's recommendation, so even if you intend to win him over, it is impossible for him to recognize you as a benefactor."

Zhu Changluo said frankly: "I have no intention of appointing Liu Pinru as the chief assistant of the cabinet!"

This is a great political weathervane!

Liu Pinru bowed again, and then carefully exited the hall.

In Dong Qichang's eyes, this will be the most glorious moment in his life. Once it is done, he will not only be famous in history, but also surpass many people who have left history. He will no longer be a dim historical star, but a A shining star!

On the one hand, Zhu Changluo yelled smoothly, and on the other hand, it could also strengthen the attributes of Xishan Huangzhuang.

"Xishan Huangzhuang has an Education Bureau and a Culture Bureau, so shouldn't the Ministry of Rites also separate a Ministry of Education and a Ministry of Culture?"

Zhu Changluo said: "This matter, you go back and discuss it with Zhong Huamin, and give Gu a suggestion memorial in two days."

The yamen in the palace are all led by eunuchs.

This system is the predecessor of today's six-ministerial cabinet system - the system of three officials and nine officials!

It can also be seen from this that the common people in the Ming Dynasty did not really resist the tax. What they resisted was only after the tax, could their own interests be maintained?
Now that Zhu Changluo not only maintained their interests, but also gave them a steady stream of opportunities to make money, they naturally would not object to Zhu Changluo collecting their taxes in the mutual market between Xishan Huangzhuang and Jiubian.

After Sun Xian, who was kneeling on the ground, heard this, he couldn't help but feel lucky for Liu Pinru, a scumbag who picked up ashes for his daughter-in-law!
A person with such a low character can actually enter the eyes of the crown prince and entrust him with important tasks. From this, it can be seen how lucky Liu Pinru must be.
There is also the heart of the crown prince. The heart of the crown prince is really deeper than the sea and wider than the sky. No wonder His Royal Highness the crown prince can create such a prosperous world in just 20 years!

Let’s not talk about it, let’s take the Shoufu for decades as an example. From Yan Song in the Jiajing Dynasty to Wang Xijue who has just retired and returned to his hometown, these people have no experience in any place.

And his talent is also very simple, that is to support the crown prince unreservedly.

Now, the same opportunity is in front of Dong Qichang, although, in terms of content, it is still within the framework of Sangong Jiuqing.

If, at this time, I pretended to be clever and said that I had guessed the Sacred Heart of the Crown Prince, then I would really be a rat licking cat farts—looking for death!
Therefore, after the brief shock, Dong Qichang immediately put away his mood and obediently continued to make his own plan.

However, Zhu Changluo did not intend to show off his power at this moment.

Therefore, cooperating with Xishan Huangzhuang is not only safe, but also makes money. Who wouldn't like this kind of thing?

Moreover, these newly emerged functions not only did not appear bloated, but also managed Xishanhuangzhuang in an orderly manner. Based on this, Dong Qichang should refer to the functional department settings in Xishanhuangzhuang when studying the reform of the six departments.

But, it's also definitely a leap forward!
As long as this innovation is completed, when people in the future talk about the prosperity of Wanli, who can surpass Dong Qichang?
Therefore, Dong Qichang is absolutely very concerned about the restructuring of the six ministries of the imperial court, and will not slack off or oppose him in the slightest.

Because, Dong Qichang understood the crown prince's thoughts too well.

In fact, there are really many new offices in Xishanhuangzhuang in recent years, but these departments, which Dong Qichang and others seem to be unfamiliar and novel, may become commonplace in later generations.

However, for the crown prince, the talents that the crown prince values ​​are not such flashy talents. What the crown prince values ​​are those who can do things.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has already put the world in his hands, and has begun to stir the hearts of the world.

Dong Qichang couldn't help but put his thoughts on Xishanhuangzhuang. The current Xishanhuangzhuang is not only huge, but also its structure is quite mature. Many functions that have never been heard of before have appeared in Xishanhuangzhuang.

After all, Xishan Huangzhuang belongs to the private property of the royal family, not the public property of the imperial court, nor the power of the people.

Such a holy lord is by no means comparable to a vulgar lord who only talks about morality and benevolence.

As for the tax issue, as long as you can make money, who cares about the tax or not?

The reason why Li Si is so famous in history is not because he helped the first emperor unify the six countries, but because he designed a set of eternal systems for the first emperor after the first emperor unified the six countries.

Sun Xian didn't care about 21, and directly said: "Master Shengming!"

Zhu Changluo said: "Tell me, how about this Liu Pinru?"

Only in this way is it worthy of the reputation of a pioneer and designer!

Liu Pinru hurriedly bowed and said: "I obey the order."

The talents that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince likes are different from the talents that everyone recognized in the past.

Zhu Changluo glanced at Sun Xian, this question obviously crossed the line.

And this joke was made by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, which made Sun Xian dare not laugh, but only jealous.

When Dong Qichang, who was in retreat in the mansion, worked hard for the reform plan of the imperial court, heard this gossip. Unlike the unbelievers outside, he firmly believed in it.

After all, Liu Pinru's character is cautious if it sounds good, and timid if it sounds bad.

Therefore, using royal rules to name the management organization of Xishan Huangzhuang can not only strengthen the ownership of Xishan Huangzhuang, but also clearly inform everyone that Xishan Huangzhuang is the site of the crown prince. Rules, and more importantly, peace of mind.

Therefore, after Dong Qichang heard this gossip, he concluded that it must be true, and this gossip was also the wind of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Thinking of this, it was hard for Dong Qichang not to get excited.

Zhu Changluo waited for a while, and seeing that Liu Pinru didn't answer him, he also understood that it was indeed a bit embarrassing for Liu Pinru to ask such a fierce question.

After all, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has the world in mind and is an example for all people. Naturally, he will not do things like bullying customers and destroying his own brand.

Zhong Huamin has the ability to govern the local area, Shen Yongmao has the ability to manage waterways, and Liu Pinru has the ability to manage money.

However, things are different now.

Zhu Changluo smiled and said, "Really? This Liu Pinru was recommended by you at the beginning. Without your recommendation, he might have died in Nanjing."

These new functional departments can give Dong Qichang a lot of inspiration, so that he can plan more reasonable reform plans, and he will not sit on the ground and work behind closed doors.

When Sun Xian heard Zhu Changluo's question, he was at a loss for a moment, and then quickly replied: "This servant thinks that old man Liu Ge is not bad."

Thinking of this, Dong Qichang couldn't help being even more afraid of the crown prince's lofty sacred heart.

After listening to Zhu Changluo's words, Liu Pinru's thoughts changed in a flash. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wanted to select a senior official who had experience in sealing off borders to join the cabinet. This was a great signal.

Moreover, what Zhu Changluo needs most now is still an obedient person to be his right and left hand, so Zhu Changluo also admires Liu Pinru very much.

Liu Pinru tried his best to digest Zhu Changluo's words, and at the same time tried his best to recall the governors who are currently serving in various places in Ming Dynasty. He wanted to find a few governors who could be recommended for the cabinet in just a few moments.

They were all promoted in the capital, all the way to the cabinet with the green light, and then ruled the world.

Sun Xian replied cautiously: "Then what errand is the master going to arrange for Liu Pinru?"

After seeing these feedbacks, Zhu Changluo became more determined in his decision to choose Liu Pinru as the chief assistant.

After all, they are used to it.

Unfortunately, though, they get used to it.Others are not used to it yet.

Therefore, what Zhu Changluo has to do now is to let those who don't pay taxes get used to the days of paying taxes. Otherwise, how can Zhu Changluo continue to collect taxes from these good people?
Zhu Changluo understands the principle of not worrying about scarcity but about inequality.

Therefore, after the completion of the six-part restructuring, Zhu Changluo freed up his hands and feet, and he will go to Jiangnan to kiss those aristocratic families who have been entrenched in Jiangnan for thousands of years, and compare whether his imperial power is strong enough or their bones Hard enough?

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