Prince of Chaos

Chapter 726 Tweet

Tweeting has existed since ancient times!

The strategy that started from the father of Yan in the Western Han Dynasty was adopted by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and it became the best plan to weaken the princes and kings!
Under the Tweet Order of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the originally powerful vassal state was subdivided into several or dozens of vassal states.

Such a small vassal state is not as powerful as the previous vassal states, and naturally it cannot threaten the centralized rule of the central government. Therefore, since Han Wu, the life of the Han clan clan members began to go from bad to worse, and it became Wang Xiaoer's new year—— A year is not as good as a year.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Bei, the famous clan of the Han Dynasty and the founder of the Three Kingdoms, became a weaver of mats and shoes, and became a laughing stock among the princes.

Of course, laughing away, no one looked down on Liu Bei's background.After all, in an era that has been stable for 400 years, nobility has become a prerequisite for mutual recognition by the mainstream of society.

If you were not from a famous family, it would be extremely difficult for you to get ahead in that era.

Even Boss Cao, who is known for his meritocracy, had to compromise with the gentry in the end. In his emerging Cao Wei Group, there are not a few officials from aristocratic families.

Like Xun Yu, Cheng Yu, Sima Yi and other important ministers and counselors, without exception, they were all descendants of the aristocratic family at that time. If they were not used, it would be really difficult for the huge northern Boss Cao to suppress it by himself.

After all, these aristocratic families have monopolized resources and monopolized education, so that many poor people have no learning opportunities at all. Even if those who have lost the learning opportunities are geniuses and super-intelligent, they will still disappear after reaching a certain age. There is no bright future.

Therefore, the rise of aristocrats has become an unstoppable torrent since the Han Dynasty. In their eyes, the emperor is just an upstart with a relatively famous name, and the real nobles have to be their group.

The entire social structure fell into a deadly silence.

But the core of the imperial examination system is to see one's background.

Although, after the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the emperor designed the imperial examination system in order to suppress the powerful.

Although this quietness gave the feudal dynasty a certain period of stable rule to a certain extent, the backlog of problems in it was also extremely terrifying.

Therefore, even the imperial examination system created by the Sui and Tang Dynasties did not actually prevent those aristocratic families from monopolizing politics and knowledge in a real sense.

Because the cost of studying in ancient times was too high.The expenditure of pen, ink, paper and inkstone is more terrifying than firewood, rice, oil and salt.

However, according to Zhu Changluo's vision of 400 years beyond the ancients, Zhu Changluo knew that if he wanted to break this evil tide of mergers from the land, he had to create a new mechanism to release greater interests than the land, so that it was possible to liberate those The miserable life of the people at the bottom.

In ancient times when productivity was low, it was extremely difficult for a poor family to support a full-time scholar, and it was not necessarily fruitful.

When Daming lags behind Taixi again, these Taixi "gentlemen" who pursue profit and start as pirates will surely turn into sharks of civilization just like in the original historical time and space, and bloody bite those backwards. The body of civilization!
Those massacres and plunders that occurred in Zhu Changluo's time and space before traveling through history will not be missing, and will only repeat themselves in the future of this time and space!
Therefore, Zhu Changluo will never ruin this hard-won bright future for the short-lived illusory bloodline power inheritance!
Zhu Changluo really couldn't bear the charge of being a national sinner, nor would he dare to bear it.

Not to mention worshiping famous teachers, reading famous works, reading extensively, making friends with scholars and other necessary learning methods and social contacts for scholars.

Poor people can't afford this at all!

Although Zhu Changluo, who is familiar with the laws of history, could not find a perfect solution to break the situation.

Although it is very risky to do so, it may lead to the gradual development of people's wisdom and threaten the rule, but Zhu Changluo doesn't care!
After all, it takes time for people's wisdom to develop, and it is impossible to develop to the point of pursuing equal rights and pursuing democracy during Zhu Changluo's time in power.

On the contrary, it also created a gentry force that is more terrifying than the power of the clan!

However, these gentry can survive the troubled times intact, and continue to enjoy themselves comfortably in a world where monopoly and mergers bring benefits in a new dynasty, and continue to squeeze the poor people at the bottom, waiting for the next round Reincarnation was born.

The gentry clan is intertwined and straddles all aspects of society. They use various communication methods such as blood relationship, teacher inheritance, sect, and imperial examinations to connect together, and completely monopolize the channels for the bottom-level people to rise.

Zhu Changluo couldn't afford to be such a sinner, and he didn't dare to!
After all, the current world is no longer the original world, even if Zhu Changluo is selfish and determined to suppress the wisdom of the people and maintain the governance of the system.But Taixi, who has already started the renaissance process, will not be polite to Ming Dynasty after Zhu Changluo.

When the land and resources are annexed to a certain extent by these gentry, the people at the bottom who can't live will make a shattering cry!
When this cry reverberates between heaven and earth, no matter how glorious the dynasty is, it will return to ashes and become a description in the long river of history that only exists between words.

Therefore, Zhu Changluo will never imprison the long-term future of a great nation for the sake of the illusory future generations!

Therefore, in order to be one step ahead of the world and get rid of the vicious circle of historical reincarnation, what Zhu Changluo can think of now is tweeting!

Zhu Changluo wanted to use the form of Tweeting to divide the gentry who are based on the clan and family as a unit, and to conduct a fierce division of their land and wealth within them.

When they are divided into small parts in the generation after generation, Zhu Changluo can sit back and relax and solve the land annexation problems they brought, and implement a more refined and strict taxation system!

So as to truly achieve the taxation of officials and gentry!
So this conspiracy called Tweeting is Zhu Changluo's biggest weapon in going to the south of the Yangtze River this time!
Zhu Changluo didn't believe that the nephews and nephews of those big families, who were not the sons and daughters of the big family, could still selflessly give up their wealth and rights after seeing this decree of grace, and continue to serve the big family!

Zhu Changluo believes that human nature is selfish. If he can continue to sacrifice his life and forget himself in the face of interests, it means that the temptation of interests is not strong enough!
As long as the weight continues to increase, Zhu Changluo believes that as long as the benefits are large enough, it is not impossible for Jesus and Satan to hold hands!
Moreover, this time Zhu Changluo also brought [-] steel masters to fight against the formation. Once there are thorns who dare to make trouble, Zhu Changluo will definitely not be lenient. Those who make trouble will be suppressed by Zhu Changluo's ruthless iron fist and pay a heavy price !

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