I have a volume of demons

Chapter 133 Doomsday

Chapter 133 Doomsday
Human desires are derived from the instinctive needs of the body, and the desires are magnified in the heart.

Such as appetite, if you don’t eat, you will die. In order to survive, you will naturally have an appetite. After the human heart is enlarged, the appetite will change from the minimum need for food to the desire to enjoy food at a higher level.

This is the so-called starting from the body and flourishing in the heart. Everyone has desires, and the human heart can amplify desires.

In the same way, the human mind can also limit desires.

This depends on one's own willpower. The biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans can control themselves.

Ji Dong's eyes were bloodshot and he looked at Qu Jing, instinctively trying to lead his footsteps and let him pounce on him.

However, Ji Dong did not do this.

He does have desires, but he has not lost his mind.

Gently throwing the Demon Slayer Sword towards Qu Jing, Lin Yi said slowly, "Go find a way out, don't stay here for long, if I really go crazy, you can kill me."

"Can you hold back this? Interesting man, you have managed to attract my attention."

The voice next to his ear sounded again, like a ghost, Ji Yi guessed that it should be a demon.

The so-called bewitching, is that all?
Ji Dong concentrated and held his breath, completely ignoring the voice.

He didn't expect that the demon spirit didn't succeed with him, and went to seduce Qu Jing again.

Qu Jing's inner demon is hatred, but she also has desires.

Her desire evolved from hatred, because she had no hope of revenge, and while hating her incompetence, she also developed a mentality of evasion, which gave rise to a mentality of sacrifice.

If I can sacrifice for others, will the sacrifices of everyone in the master's sect become worthwhile?
And this is essentially a kind of escape. As long as she dies and dies worthwhile, she no longer has to suffer from her own powerlessness.

Her thoughts were all understood by the demon spirit.

It only takes a few words to break Qu Jing's defense.

"He didn't even want his life to save you. Are you going to leave him like this?"

Qu Jing couldn't tell whether it was someone else's voice or her inner voice.

Even though Ji Dong has changed his appearance now, Qu Jing still recognized his identity through various details.

Height and body shape are the first, and skills are the second. When Lin Yi punched the white carp in the air with the trick of killing ghosts and gods, Qu Jing felt the familiar smell, and the eight blood characters on her sword , only people from Jing Yesi would write like that.

She was almost sure that the person in front of her was her apprentice, and the details of getting along with Ji Dong could not help but emerge in her mind.

When they first met, Lin Yi showed his true face, and Lin Yi was full of surprises. Then he became a teacher, and he stated his conditions, and Lin Yi argued hard.

Afterwards, it was Ji Dong who made a coat from the skin of the vixen they killed together and gave it to her, and said in those wronged words: "Don't Master care about me?"

Thinking of the scene of Lin Yi sacrificing himself to stop Bai Li for herself, grabbing the Demon Slayer Sword to save her, and the decision to let her leave rather than bear the pain, Qu Jing also understood.

Ji Dong probably likes her.

This made Qu Jing feel a little shy, after all, she was Ji Dong's master.

However, she didn't hate Ji Dong, nor was she angry. Ji Dong didn't do anything unethical from the beginning to the end.

Right now, Ji Dong might be in danger, so of course she couldn't sit idly by.

Qu Jing put away her sword and walked to Ji Dong's side. The delicate fragrance wafted into Ji Dong's nose, which made Ji Yi a little bit unbearable.Qu Jingsu grabbed Ji Dong's wrist and felt her veins. It was true that she was full of energy and blood, exactly the same as her apprentice.

The liver is damaged, it should be the use of five spirits to return to the clan.

Qu Jing was well versed in medicine, so she knew the pulse and saw what was wrong with Lin Yi.

"You are in danger now, too much qi and blood are the incentives, and the root cause is the exuberant heart fire.

Qi and blood are like firewood, too strong Qi and blood will make the heart fire more and more intense. Now it is not a problem of excess Qi and blood, but the heart fire is already burning. If the fire is not extinguished, it may hurt the five internal organs. Burn together, gods can't save. "

This is why solitary yin does not grow, and solitary yang does not grow, and things will be reversed when they are extreme, and they will be hurt when they are extremely prosperous.The development of a single attribute to the extreme will hurt others and self, so people who practice Taoism never pursue the limit, but seek neutrality and peace.

"Then how to put out the fire?"

Ji Dong also knew that he was in a bad situation now, a false fire had already ignited in his body, and if he didn't control it, the real fire would follow.

The fire in his body is actually more dangerous than what Qu Jing said, the first sparks came from heaven.

The catastrophe can be said to have passed, but it has not completely passed.

Ji Dong has saved up a 500-year-old monster and a 400-year-old monster. There is no problem here. If you want to sacrifice blood, you only need to reach an average of 400 years to complete it.

Ji Dong thought to himself, 900 years of monsters plus 100 years of magic, the sum is about the same, right?
However, the calculation of the subduing demon spectrum is the Taoism after coefficient conversion.

That is to say, Ji Dong only had a total of 500 years of Taoism, and the average was less than 400 years. This first catastrophe lost [-]% of its power, leaving only a little spark.

This wasn't a big problem. Under normal circumstances, this spark would not kill Ji Dong, but would soon be wiped out by his strong physique.

Originally, the five elements were fixed, and the kidney water could be used to put out the fire, but because the essence and blood were too strong, the kidney water not only couldn't put out the fire, but was thrown here by that bastard who didn't know what to do, and lighted a fire for him.

In the end, there is no human wisdom in the subduing demon spectrum. Doesn't it know how to use Prime Minister Gui's Taoism to overcome the catastrophe and let Mr. Sang's 500-year Taoism remain?Now Prime Minister Gui's 700-year Taoism is adding fuel to the fire. With the superposition of multiple buffs, Ji Yi is about to ignite.

This is different from the fire that burned He Dong back then. She was an external fire, while Ji Dong was an internal fire, and he didn't even know how to put it out.

Now that Qu Jing was speaking clearly and logically, Lin Yi naturally asked quickly.

Qu Jing's face was a little rosy, although she had already made a decision, it was still a bit difficult to say it out.

But the situation was urgent, and she didn't twitch too much, but her expression was unnatural, and she said: "Harmony of yin and yang, use water to put out fire."

Coincidentally, she is exactly the five elements of water.

Qu Jing only said eight words, Lin Yi thought for a while, and immediately understood what she meant, and his eyes were a little surprised.

"It's not appropriate."

"There's nothing inappropriate. You saved my life, so it's my turn to pay it back to you."

Lin Yi was still a little distracted at first. After all, Qu Jing is good-looking, has a good figure, and has a gentle personality. Such a beautiful woman, who has the idea of ​​dedicating herself to him, would be tempted by a growing man, not to mention that he is not normal now.

However, hearing what she said, Ji Dong became much firmer in his heart.

"It doesn't have to be like this, I might be able to get through it by myself, and, do you know that I am..."

"I don't need to know who you are."

Qu Jing interrupted Lin Yi cleanly. She was also afraid that Lin Yi would reveal her identity, and then she would really have no face to face others. Although it was a self-deception, the scene was more or less passable.

"I only know that you are a very smart person, and you have justice in your heart. As long as you continue to slay demons and eliminate demons and help justice in the future, I will not regret everything you have done today. Let's start without delay!"

After finishing speaking, Qu Jing sat down next to Lin Yi.

Although she has made a decision, she doesn't know what to do next, after all, she has no experience before.

Ji Dong's scalp is numb, so you use this method to test the cadres?Which cadre can stand such a test?

This is deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!

He wanted to reveal his identity, but when Qu Jing gritted her teeth and leaned against him, Lin Yi didn't dare to.

No matter what happens next, if he takes off this mask, it will be embarrassing for the master and apprentice to get along with each other in the future.

If Lin Yi could restrain himself before Qu Jing approached, now he really can't stand it anymore.

The faint fragrance from Qu Jing's body continuously penetrated into his nose, making one want to get into her hair and smell it.

"No, no, if this kind of thing is not a mutual love, what is the difference between a PC? Even if I do it myself, I will never touch her!"

Ji Dong closed his eyes, trying to stay calm.

In the dark, a mass of dark matter with no fixed form watched all of this quietly, feeling a sense of respect.

"There is such a child in the world, this person will become a sage in the future."

She is best at touching people's emotions and desires, she can play with people easily, but it's really boring.

Now, an interesting man appeared.

It's not that he doesn't have desires, what's rare is that he was obviously attracted to the people around him, but he stopped it.

Who counts as a sage?
So... Isn't it the most interesting thing to let the sage fall?
Seeing that Ji Dong is still restraining himself, Mo Ling finds it interesting.

Can't break Ji Dong's defense, can't break other people's defenses?
"Let me add fire to you!"

Seeing that Lin Yi could still sit still, Qu Jing couldn't help feeling a little more fond of him.

Her choice today seems to be correct.

Seeing that Ji Dong's body was getting hotter and hotter, it might be too late if he didn't help him.

Qu Jing glanced at the statues of different shapes, her eyes gradually became firmer.

Just as Lin Yi suppressed his internal fire a little, he saw Qu Jing's resolute eyes, and his face turned pale with shock.

Don't come here!

At some point in the palace, a little pink mist rose up, gradually engulfing the two of them.

There is a poem that says: ...


In the Crystal Palace, Jiang Linglong, who was soundly sleeping, suddenly woke up. She lifted the coffin board and sat up slowly.

Just now she suddenly had a dream. In the dream, she and Lin Yi got married and worshiped heaven and earth. When they were about to bridal chamber, the bride suddenly changed.

The person's appearance is very vague, and I can't remember it now, but it is definitely not her.

Jiang Linglong woke up angrily on the spot, and the coffin boards flew away.

It doesn't matter, anyway, the crystal coffin is strong, and it can be restored after being gnawed.

"Who is disturbing my lucid dream?"

Jiang Linglong was angry.

After so many years, she fell asleep with great difficulty, and had a very happy dream, but the dream was reversed at the end.

Jiang Linglong was about to go out aggressively, but when she reached the gate of the Crystal Palace, she sensed something was wrong.

Her innate ability is to sense qi and blood, and all creatures whose morals are not higher than hers cannot hide from her perception.

The Xiangjiang River used to be very peaceful, but tonight the Xiangjiang River is full of ghosts and ghosts.

When I sleep, the world changes?
(End of this chapter)

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