I have a volume of demons

Chapter 684 What Happened

Chapter 684 What Happened

Liuwei took the four great demon ancestors to the underworld, and went to the earth mother Tianjun to make a difference.

Seeing that she was tired, the Earth Mother Tianjun asked her to rest first, and she could suppress the four great demon ancestors on her behalf.

Liuwei didn't think much, she was indeed tired, handed over the four great demon ancestors, and returned to her palace.

But Wuhu didn't leave, and after Liuwei left, she asked the earth mother, Tianjun: "I have a question, and I want to ask Tianjun to clarify."

Wuhu didn't open her mouth, and Earth Mother Tianjun also knew what she wanted to ask.

So before Wuhu asked, she first asked: "Then you answer me first, what do you think life and death are?"

The words of Earth Mother Tianjun made Wu Hu feel inexplicable.

When it comes to the way of life and death, she should be the one who has the deepest understanding. As the central ghost emperor, both the Hall of Yama and the Hall of Reincarnation are her authority.

From life to death, from death to reincarnation, it is her strength.

So the earth mother Tianjun asked this suddenly, which made Wuhu a little confused.

The answer was so simple that she had to think in a complicated direction, and for a while, she couldn't answer it.

Earth Mother Tianjun was also very patient, waiting for Wuhu.

It wasn't until Wuhu himself felt that there should be no more delay that he replied: "Life and death are a kind of reincarnation. Everything in the world is born to die, dies to come back to life, and the cycle goes on and on, that's all."


Earth Mother Tianjun shook his head and sighed, feeling that Wuhu's understanding of life and death was too shallow.

"Life is the beginning of everything, and death is the end of everything. Between life and death is the meaning of our existence."

Hearing this, Wuhu felt that what Tianjun said made sense, but she couldn't understand the deep meaning in it.

"If fear ends and refusal begins, existence loses its meaning, do you understand?"

Wu Hu shook her head, not understanding the witty strikes of Earth Mother Tianjun.

She just wanted to know why Dimu Tianjun agreed to sworn brothers with His Highness and Lin Yi.

"The answer has already been told to you, step back."

Wuhu: "..."

She always feels that there is something wrong with the Earth Mother Tianjun today. She was also stupid in the past, but the Earth Mother Heavenly Lord would always gently answer her questions, but now the Earth Mother Heavenly Lord speaks vaguely, Let her very troubled.

But Tianjun ordered, so she had no choice but to retreat.

As soon as Wuhu left, the Demon Lord immediately showed his figure.

"How is it possible, how were they caught?"

The devil can't understand.

She thought that summoning four demon ancestors at a great price would bring great disturbance to the world.

In the end, how long has she been arrested?
All four of my subordinates were arrested?

She even wanted to ask, what these demon ancestors have been doing recently.

It's a pity that the Earth Mother Tianjun didn't give her the intention to visit her fellow clan.

After suppressing the four major demon ancestors in different places, the Earth Mother Tianjun responded: "Evil does not suppress righteousness, you cannot be the final winner.

It's better to look back in time and make plans early. "


Of course, it is impossible for the Demon Lord to turn back. She has only one goal, and that is to become the Lord of the Three Realms.

Although he is trapped now, the demon lord's ambition has not been extinguished.

As a demon master, she believes in the power of demons.

This world is a paradise for demons. Whether it is a human being or a god, everyone has hidden evil thoughts hidden in their hearts.

Some people have it occasionally, while others have it all year round.

The demons feed on evil thoughts. In this world, it is equivalent to a mouse falling into a rice bowl. How could the demons be willing to leave!
It doesn't matter if you get frustrated for a while, one day, she will rule the world!

"Then let me wait and see."

The Earth Mother Tianjun still had a kind face, but under the candlelight of the temple, half of her was in the light and the other half was in the dark.


In the world, Taishan Temple.

Bixia meditated alone.

With Liuwei's confirmation, she became even more at a loss.

That sword fairy is indeed Ji Dong.

But since Ji Dong forgot about her, why did he save her?

What is she looking forward to?
Bixia's heart was a little messed up, but she knew that she couldn't be messed up.

There have been lessons learned from the past. Once she is upset, she may fall into the hands of the demons again.

At that time, there may not be anyone who can save her.

Bixia also doesn't like to trouble others, and she doesn't want Ji Dong to see her bad side.

She could only force herself to be shocked.

This is also a kind of exercise for Bixia.

No matter how turbulent your heart is, you must have the ability to stay calm at any time.

Love is indeed one of the driving forces behind human growth.

When Bixia adjusted her mood and opened her eyes again, she realized that there was an extra vixen in her bedroom.

Seeing that it was Yan Qingqiu, Bixia was also startled.

"How did you get in?"

"It's okay to be idle, stroll around, and come to see you by the way."

Actually, Yan Qingqiu was a little restless.

She was really dissatisfied with this man Ji Dong.

Ask her for help if you have something to do, and turn your face away if you have nothing to do.

The last time they didn't agree on a little issue, this guy never came to her again, not even trying to coax her.

Yan Qingqiu deliberately went to the palace to make trouble, but the effect was very poor, and she didn't let out a bad breath, so she was naturally upset.

No, she went to Bixia's place for entertainment.

I'm in a bad mood today, so forget about bullying Bixia.

Bixia didn't know that Yan Qingqiu was here to have fun, and she was a little moved when she heard that she came to see her.

"The night is long, how about you and I enjoy the moon together?"


The fox likes the moon very much.

The two were invited to the top of Mount Tai, where they set up a table, accompanied by sake and spiritual fruits, and the atmosphere was quite good.

But Yan Qingqiu was lying on the grass, looking up at the starry sky, and suddenly felt a little lonely.

In the bright sky and the moon, he was still a person in the old days.

In ancient times, there probably would have been a few foxes, like her, looking up at the starry sky.

Where are they now?
"Xunxian asked, is longevity and long-sight also like a big dream?"

Bixia couldn't help asking: "Why do you say that?"

Yan Qingqiu said sadly: "I am not the first generation of nine-tailed fox, nor am I the strongest fox in the history of the fox clan.

Those fox kings who are stronger than me will eventually pass away in the long river of history, and immortal things like us are not immortal.

Ordinary people live old, sick and die, but they know their destiny.

We are detached from the world, but we don't know when our death will come.Is this also a kind of sadness? "

Apparently, this vixen is emo.

Bixia actually felt the same way.

Unlike the longevity of gods, mortals are only five or sixty years old in their lifetime, and it is precisely because of their short lives that their emotions are complicated and strong.

And the various emotions of the immortal will be wiped away with the passage of time until there are no waves left.

What is the difference between this kind of longevity and long-term vision and a stubborn stone?
A stone never grows old and never dies.

"drink wine."

Bixia didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only pour wine.

Yan Qingqiu became interested, she looked at Bixia with burning eyes, and said, "A hundred years from now, will you regret your inaction now?"

"what do you mean?"

Bixia started to pretend to be stupid, and Yan Qingqiu simply said, "It is difficult for ordinary people to exceed the limit of a hundred years of life, and he is an emperor in the world, and it is even more impossible to live for a hundred years.

Moreover, he provoked the Heavenly Court several times, and the Heavenly Court probably couldn't tolerate him continuing to be the emperor of the world.

In 20 years at the most, he will probably walk away from you once. What will happen to you by then? "

The wine glass in Bixia's hand was crushed.

Yan Qingqiu is the best at killing people and killing people's hearts, and he specifically picks the places where people break through defenses.

Bixia imagined the scene at that time, she and Lin Yi would meet each other for the last time on Mount Tai.

But at that time, she was the one who sent Ji Dong to reincarnation.

Once entering reincarnation, cause and effect will disappear from then on.

Even if we meet again, we are just strangers.

Bixia's mentality was a little broken, she lay down silently and did not speak.

Two women, looking up at the sky together.

The river of stars turned, and it was dawn again.

It was dawn, and both of them were awake. Bixia should continue to be a goddess, and Yan Qingqiu also planned to go back.

Before leaving, she also felt that she somehow made Bixia feel bad, which was a little too much, and she should give Bixia some compensation.

Recalling what he said last night, Yan Qingqiu threw out a token.

"With this token, you can come and go freely in the capital. If you don't want to leave any regrets, go and meet him before the catastrophe arrives. In a few days, you may not have the chance."

Yan Qingqiu has the ability to spy on fate, so he naturally knows that the powerful national fortune of the big merchants will soon go to the road of prosperity and decline.

And the key point of all this is the sacrifice at the Nuwa Temple in the near future.

Yan Qingqiu had already seen this, but she had no intention of changing her mind.

Even if she wanted to, she couldn't change it.

With her own strength, how can she shake the will of heaven?
She can only give her friends a little help within the scope of what she can do.

As for Ji Dong, just let him go, anyway, her relationship with Ji Dong is average.

She also only wanted to have a love affair with Lin Yi, Yan Qingqiu didn't really care if he died or not.

If conditions permit, it is not impossible for her to do it herself.

Bixia was a little at a loss by the gift token, and didn't know what to do for a while.

But before she could figure it out, her hand had already caught it.Together with the token, there is also a book of illusion.

What does this mean, Bixia can understand.

Yan Qingqiu also disappeared very quickly, without giving her a chance to return it.

"Ten days later, I will come to pick it up."

Bixia: "..."

Her mind was already in a mess, and it was too much for everyone around her to mess with her mind.

It seemed that Ji Dong's aura still remained on the token. Bixia didn't dare to look at it for too long, so she quickly stuffed it into her arms and returned to the temple.

Entering the study, only to find that Linglin was already there.

She couldn't help asking curiously: "Why did you come back so early today?"

Linglin has been following Lingyi during this time, of course this matter is not in compliance with the rules, but sensible people know to turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, it's not too big and there is no need to worry about it.

Bixia is also used to Linglin's pace of life, and it was obviously abnormal today, so she asked this question.

With this question, Linglin's shyness flew to her cheeks again, she lowered her head and did not answer.

Bixia: "???"

what happened?

So shy, could it be that Lin Yi bullied her?

Thinking of this, Bixia's mood suddenly turned bad, and she felt that her guess might be right.

Lingyi and Linglin look the same, what if Lin Yi makes a mistake?

But on second thought, even if Lin Yi hadn't admitted his mistake, he would still make out with Lingyi every day.

Thinking of such a scene, her heart felt like a knife was twisted, and she no longer wanted to question Linglin.

Until the evening, usually Linglin should have left long ago, but today Linglin did not move.

Bixia's heart suddenly crawled like ants, and she refrained from asking.

But Linglin took the initiative to speak.

"Sister Xia, can you do me a favor?"

"What are you busy with?"

Linglin: "..."

When the words came to her lips, she didn't know what to say.

What happened yesterday was too secretive, and she was too embarrassed to tell Bixia.

I want to pick something to say, but I find that after picking and picking, there is nothing to say.

"Just...go to the palace to protect my sister instead of me."

Bixia: "..."

What exactly happened that made Linglin not want to go to the palace anymore?

When Bixia was thinking, Linglin emphasized again: "When the time comes, no matter who asks you to do something, you just refuse."

So what did you do yesterday?
Bixia's curiosity almost smothered her to death.

She was about to ask, but Linglin changed her mind again.

She looked deathly at home, and said: "Forget it, I'll go by myself, sister Xia, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Bixia: "..."

Is it fashionable for you to say half of the words to tantalize people?

"I go."

Bixia suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Sister Xia..."

"Don't worry, I won't ask you what happened."

No matter how curious you are, don't ask, my sister will check it herself!
Linglin couldn't bear it, so she reminded: "My sister has been a little strange these two days, you should avoid her."

Bixia: "..."

What happened to Lingyi?
There are more and more things that make people curious.

But Bixia faintly felt that her departure was like an arrangement of fate.

In the morning, Yan Qingqiu told her about it and gave her what she needed.

At night, Linglin gave her the reason to go to the palace.

She really felt a trend.

The arrangement of fate is particularly obvious at this moment.

Perhaps, when she met Ji Dong back then, it was also a deliberate arrangement of fate.

That being the case, she went to see what fate wanted to happen.

After leaving Mount Tai, Bixia used the fox illusion taught by Yan Qingqiu to transform into Linglin.

What Linglin said was to let her protect her instead of her. Since it is a substitute, it is reasonable to change her appearance!

With the token given by Linglin, Bixia can travel unimpeded all the way.

When she arrived at the palace, she also felt a strange atmosphere.

The palace man spoke in a low voice and walked in a hurry.

Although she had never stayed in the palace, she still found it unusual.

Both Ji Dong and Lingyi are generous people and will not treat others too harshly.

They were so cautious, something must have happened.

After searching in the palace, Bixia quickly found Lingyi's location.

She walked in that direction and found Lingyi's bedroom, only to hear faint crying.

For a moment, the plot exploded in Bixia's mind...

(End of this chapter)

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