I want to be emperor

Chapter 536 The first battle is famous all over the world

Chapter 536

Major Fang Qulin, the battalion commander of the cavalry artillery battalion who was watching the battle from the rear, was stunned, and the first-line cavalry on the battlefield were even more surprised!

Many cavalrymen of the [-]th Cuirassier Regiment just felt that they charged with their comrades together with the drums, and then charged with their heads closed. However, there seemed to be a lot of cavalrymen in front of them, but after they really rushed in, they found that they were surrounded by There were not many enemies at all, and occasionally a few were stabbed to death by the comrades in front with a lance.

As a result, quite a few cavalrymen of the Chu army had never fought against the enemy from the beginning to the end, and could only follow their comrades in front and continue to rush forward...

As he rushed forward, he found that there were no traces of any enemies ahead.

They have completely pierced through the cavalry formation of the Eastern Captive Chinese Army, and killed each other directly!

But... this feels weird.

How should I put it, it doesn't feel like actual combat, but like a drill.

In the past, when they conducted drills, they basically charged like this, and at most there were only some scarecrows imitating the enemy in front of them, and sometimes there were not even scarecrows. A group of cavalry just charged into the air and performed various tactical actions.

Today's battle feels like a drill to many of them!
Not to mention them, even the cavalry of the [-]th Cuirassier Regiment who actually participated in the battle and fought against the enemy's cavalry, it feels weird...

This battle seemed too easy.

In their feeling, when encountering the enemy, their own side always fights with more and less. When an Eastern captive cavalry on the opposite side rushes over with a saber, they often need to face three or four long hollow lances at the same time!
These Eastern captive cavalry soldiers would often be directly dismounted by one or even several hollow lances before they could get close.

The horses in the sprint stage, the huge impact brought to the lance, can knock the enemy directly off the horse...

In order to protect the cavalry from being injured by the reaction force, the cavalry of the [-]th Cuirassier Regiment still used hollow lances, which would break in the middle when subjected to a huge impact force, thereby protecting the cavalry...

Otherwise, under the impact, the enemy will be knocked out by the lance, and the cavalry holding the lance may also have to fly backward, and injury or even death is inevitable.

The Eastern captive cavalry directly in front of them were massacred by this kind of hollow cavalry and then died directly.

Because of the length advantage of the cavalry, coupled with the local force advantage brought about by the dense force, the Fourth Cuirassier Regiment did not suffer too many casualties even after killing through the enemy's central army array.

This made the cavalry of the [-]th Cuirassier Regiment, who launched a large-scale actual combat charge for the first time, feel incredible.

You know, they are actually old cavalry, and they have experienced countless battles, but it is the first time they have encountered such an easy charge.

The cavalry in the Fourth Cuirassier Regiment were not trained directly from the recruits, but were selected from the cavalry of the entire army.

Many of them were also old cavalry who were born as cavalry of the Ming army or even the cavalry of the bandit army in the early years. Those who seldom rode horses for combat had five or six years of skill, and some even had more than ten years.

Only these elite cavalry can pass the assessment and finally be selected into the Fourth Cuirassier Regiment of the Guards, the first heavy cavalry unit of the Great Chu Empire.

In their perception, the cavalry charge shouldn't be like this, even if they made it with their own hands, even if the officers above had repeatedly emphasized the advantages of this kind of charge over the wall during the previous training.

But when they actually experienced it themselves, they still couldn't believe it.

Compared with the surprise of the ordinary cavalry, Major General Sheng Yushu, who personally led the cavalry to charge, was much calmer.

This situation was already within his expectation!

When he ordered to launch a sprint in advance, and the Dongyao cavalry on the opposite side were forced to rush up to fight, and when they still used the loose formation of the traditional cavalry and archery cavalry, he had already expected this result.


Even though this was Sheng Yushu's first time leading the cavalry to fight this kind of battle, many drills, tactical deduction and statistics in the past would not be faked!
When charging in a dense formation straddling the wall, this result can be achieved against traditional cavalry.

Sheng Yushu has always believed so firmly!
Otherwise, he would not have fully supported the Guards to engage in cuirassiers and hussars.

You must know that he is the director of the Cavalry Department of the Guards, and he is the cavalry director in the army, and he is the number one cavalry figure in the Guards.

As for Lieutenant General Qian Tai, although he is also a supporter of the cuirassiers and was born as a cavalry, in fact Qian Tai has less power to speak than Sheng Yushu in the development of the cavalry of the Guards.

Lieutenant General Qian Tai's many ideas need to be seen through Sheng Yushu. If Sheng Yushu disagrees with Qian Tai's views, then Qian Tai has no way to bypass Sheng Yushu, the head of the cavalry department, and directly create a fourth cuirassier regiment. and three hussar regiments.

In the final analysis, the Guards were able to engage in new-style cavalry because Sheng Yushu himself was a staunch supporter of the new-style cavalry, especially the wall-type assault cavalry.

He has long believed that the wall-type assault cavalry is the future!

He also believes that if the wall-type assault cavalry wants to gain a greater battlefield advantage, the cavalry must be used in a concentrated manner. It cannot be dispersed to engage in harassment like traditional cavalry and archery cavalry. Even charging operations are very sparse.

He believes that density is the first element when cavalry charge and fight. Only when the density of troops increases, can they form a local advantage in strength.

The pursuit of military superiority has always been the pursuit of generals.

If you study all kinds of tactics and tactics, regardless of whether it is a roundabout or a rush, etc., in the final analysis, it is for the pursuit of military superiority, especially the pursuit of local military superiority.

Well, in the modern tactics of later generations, such as the Soviet Union's grand strategy, there is a core tactical idea in it: concentrate most of the firepower and troops, focus on breaking through the enemy's, a certain area, tear it up, and then mechanized troops from Rush in through this gap, conduct a large-scale strategic detour or surprise attack, and finally force the enemy to withdraw from the front or directly surround the enemy force strategically.

What this pursues is local firepower and troop superiority.

Another example is the German blitzkrieg, which has a very important tactical idea, that is, to concentrate and use mechanized forces such as tanks, and then form fists for assaults and large-scale strategic detours.

This is still the pursuit of local strength and firepower superiority.

When the U.S. emperor comes on the field, they will not engage in such messy things, and directly come to a comprehensively enhanced firepower advantage. An ordinary infantry division can equip you with a tank regiment... There are countless kinds of support firepower.

But in the final analysis, what the U.S. emperor is still pursuing is superiority in military strength/firepower.

It's just that the national strength of other countries is not good, and they can only pursue local advantages... The US empire is powerful and directly pursues overall advantages.

Sheng Yushu always felt that he should pursue military superiority.

Especially when the number of cavalry on one's own side is relatively limited, it is even more necessary to concentrate the cavalry to form a fist and form an advantage in cavalry strength locally.

As for tactics, the cavalry array must increase the density of troops to accommodate more cavalry within the limited tactical width!
The final result is the dense formation of cavalry that the Great Chu Empire Army and Guards have been engaged in for several years.

It's just that it's not easy to form such a dense cavalry formation!

This thing is actually quite demanding.

On the one hand, extremely strict discipline is required, the actions of the cavalry must be consistent, especially before launching the final sprint, the integrity of the formation must be maintained.

Even in the attack stage, the integrity of the formation must be maintained as much as possible.

A charge without a unified formation in a dense formation is not a charge over a wall.

On the other hand, there are also great requirements for war horses and soldiers.

The war horse does not mean how good it must be, how excellent its physical fitness is, and how powerful its bearing is. Although the top Central Asian horses are used in the Fourth Cuirassier Regiment, this is because the Fourth Cuirassier Regiment is a serious horse. Eight-class heavy cavalry, in fact, you can also engage in intensive charges of light cavalry with Mongolian horses.

The high requirements for war horses are reflected in the rigorous training. The war horses must go through perfect training so that they can be calm and restless, let alone panic because of the sound of guns and guns, especially when the artillery hits. In formation charge, if a horse moves around, it will mess up the entire cavalry formation.

Finally, the requirements for the cavalry are not low. The cavalry also needs to undergo rigorous training, especially in terms of discipline. It is necessary to strictly implement orders. If the superior tells you to jog, you can jog, and if you walk fast, you can walk quickly. When you run, you run, when you step, you step. To strictly control the pace of the horse, you must keep consistent with your comrades.

Can't be fast, can't be slow.

Even if the enemy is rushing towards you tens of meters in front, you can't back down!
But people have the instinct to fear death and survive. There may be a few truly brave people who are not afraid of life and death, but most people will still be afraid even after training.

Among the [-] cavalry, what will happen when they charge without a strict formation maintenance?

For example, in the traditional cavalry charge, there is no strict formation, and there is no particular formation, and it is often a swarm of swarms.

At this time, the brave or brainless cavalry will gradually rush to the forefront, while the timid or more thoughtful cavalry will involuntarily, or deliberately lag behind by a few steps...and then form a disconnection.

When the brave or brainless people in the front fight with the enemy, there will be more casualties, then the cowards in the back will often let their horses walk around the enemy, or even turn to retreat...

This point exists widely in classical cavalry, regardless of Eastern or Western cavalry, and even in modern cavalry.

This has nothing to do with equipment level or anything like that, it's purely human nature.

After all, you can't make every soldier under your command not fear life and death.

After all, the army is made up of people, and these soldiers were just ordinary people before.

The cavalry generals of the Chu army also knew this, and got inspiration from the battle tactics of the infantry.

There must be braves and cowards in the infantry, and there are also those who are brainless and thoughtful. As for the infantry, how do the infantry fight together?

It relies on an extremely tight line array.

At the same time, during training and combat, soldiers must maneuver in strict accordance with the formation requirements. If you let go ten steps forward, you can only take ten steps, not nine steps, nor eleven steps.

And this is actually common to the infantry units of the army, because the Chu army has attached great importance to the discipline training of the infantry from the beginning, relying on long-term, day-to-day discipline training, so that the soldiers form the conditioned reflex to obey orders , Let soldiers fear military law more than fear death!

How to train specifically?

In fact, it is very simple. During training, you are asked to turn left, and if you turn right, Shangguan will go down with a whip without saying a word.

Let you take ten steps forward, you take nine steps, and you go down with another whip without saying a word.

Coupled with some auxiliary team training, such as if one person makes a mistake, the whole class will be punished, and if one class makes a mistake, the whole platoon will be punished.

Those who refuse to change after being taught repeatedly... just retire, what, you still want to retire and go home, how can there be such a good thing, you think the army can come in if you want to come in, and you can leave if you want to leave!
Those who were dismissed would generally be convicted of desertion, and then thrown directly into a special deserter battalion to do exhausting coolies without enough food, and even hurt their families.

What, you have a big temper, and you are not afraid of being beaten. When you entered the Amoy Barracks, you still yelled that you were old enough to beat me to death, and you were even powerless to resist... Alas, such people are usually shot directly.

The recruit training of the Chu army has always been very strict. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the soldiers to honestly form up on the battlefield, fight against the enemy's guns, bows and arrows, and their comrades will be blown away by the shells. , can still turn a blind eye and continue to move forward steadily.

After a complete three months of training in the recruit training camp, the recruits of the Chu Army will not talk about their physical fitness and personal combat skills, but the chances are that they can basically pass the test.

However, the cavalry training of the Chu army was not as strict as the infantry in the early days. It was still trained according to the traditional cavalry training method, focusing on riding skills and the soldiers' personal combat skills.

After all, the cavalry of the Chu army was originally from the Yulin frontier army, and most of the cavalry accepted later were also cavalry of the Ming army, because they also carried a strong atmosphere of traditional cavalry, from training to combat.

This is different from the infantry and artillery, which are directly engaged in from scratch, without the habit of entraining traditional troops.

And Major General Sheng Yushu wanted to introduce infantry training methods and even combat thinking into the cavalry.

Because only the strict military discipline of the line infantry can allow the cavalry to maintain a tight uniform formation to fight.

The fourth cuirassier regiment and the three hussar regiments are the products of this military thinking.

But now it seems that he, Sheng Yushu, has succeeded!

In the shock battle just now, the total strength of the enemy cavalry was actually even greater, but our own cavalry concentrated their forces and directly charged and killed the opponent's central army, forming a huge local force advantage.

After a charge, the total loss of the three cavalry regiments on our side was no more than 80 cavalry, most of which were hussars covering their wings and fighting with sabers.

And the fourth cuirassier regiment, the main force, only lost more than 20 cavalry in total!

As for the Eastern captive cavalry, they lost at least 500 cavalry!
The enemy's central cavalry was directly pierced by the Chu cavalry. In the process, they suffered heavy losses, most of which were killed by the fourth cuirassier regiment.

If a casualty comparison is made, then the casualty ratio between the Dongyao Cavalry and the Fourth Cuirassier Regiment is about fifteen to one.

This is a very scary number.

Earlier, before the Battle of Liaoxi was launched, the Fourth Cuirassier Regiment, which had just arrived at Shanhaiguan, was ordered to conduct actual combat exercises with the traditional elite fourth cavalry brigade of the Chu Army. The referee decided that the casualty ratio was five to one.

But today's ratio in actual combat is directly much higher than the number determined by the referee.

"This is the true power of cavalry charging over the wall!"

Charging over the wall is the future of cavalry! "Sheng Yushu, Major General of the Guards, looked back at the cavalrymen with joyful and even disbelieving faces.

Immediately raised the saber: "Turn around and attack the enemy's left flank!"

"Let's do it again!"

"The guards charge!"

Major General Sheng Yushu, with his cavalry under his command, made a big turn, and directly attacked the left-wing cavalry of the enemy army who was still in a state of panic.

The enemy's left-wing cavalry didn't even understand the situation on the battlefield. They didn't even understand how it took a while for the Chinese army to be defeated.

You know, they have a full three thousand horses
The Chumanzi cavalry on the opposite side seemed to have 4000 to [-] cavalry, but apart from cavalry artillery and those infantry (supplies) with muskets, there were actually only a little over [-] cavalry.

They captured the cavalry from the east, so they had an advantage in strength.

Not to mention, their [-] cavalry are the elite cavalry of the Eight Banners, whether it is horsemanship, archery, or even dismounting to fight, they are all first-class.

However, such a group of elite cavalry was directly defeated by the Chinese army under the impact of the opponent...

As for the cavalry on their left wing, according to their usual combat methods, they actually didn’t come into contact with many enemies at all. To put it bluntly, most of these left-wing cavalry from the Eastern Captives actually felt lonely in the charge just now... Only the left-wing cavalry of the eastern captives on the edge can fight against the hussars of the Chu army covering the flank.

However, after a strange charge, more than a thousand cavalry of the Chinese army were completely defeated, and then these Chu Manzi cavalry turned their heads and rushed towards their left flank.

At this time, what should we do?
What else can I do, naturally turn around and run away, maybe I can't hedge against Chu Manzi on the opposite side again...

Just now they hedged with three thousand riders, and they all lost cleanly.

Now the Chinese army suffered heavy casualties, and the rest also fled in a piecemeal manner. The distance on the right wing was a little farther away, while their left wing had only a few hundred horsemen.

Even in conventional combat, they can't defeat the two thousand knights on the opposite side!
Ever since, they turned their horses and fled. Not to mention, they ran so fast that the Fourth Cuirassier Regiment behind them couldn't catch up...

Seeing this, Major General Sheng Yushu directly ordered the [-]th Cuirassier Regiment to stop advancing, and only let the [-]rd Hussar Regiment pursue, while he himself led the [-]th Cuirassier Regiment and the [-]nd Hussar Regiment to kill again. The hundreds of cavalry left on the right wing were captured eastward...

The right-wing cavalry of the Eastern Captives were smarter. As soon as they saw the main force of the Chu cavalry turning around, they ran away before Sheng Yushu and the others chased them with the cavalry.

These Eastern captive cavalry are still typical cavalry and light cavalry. Regardless of the fact that many cavalry are armored, they all look like armored cavalry...but in fact they are either armored or only a small amount of iron is added. The cotton cloth clip, although the protective power is very scumbag, but the weight is very light.

It is the same as the cavalry-specific light armor worn by the hussars and dragoons in the Chu army... It is said to be a half-length armor, but it is a different concept from the regular half-length armor of infantry, and there is a big difference in weight and protection ability. very.

Therefore, sometimes you just look at the clothes of the Chu army or the cavalry of the Eastern captivity, and don't think that the armor on the opposite side is a heavy cavalry... They are all appearances, so you can block arrows at a medium distance or light cold weapons. some type of.

If it is a heavy arrow, especially a heavy arrow used for piercing armor, it cannot be blocked at all.

And the protection against cold weapons such as spears and blunt weapons is not good.

You can't expect such a light half body armor with a relatively large protective area to have such strong protective performance.

The real protection is the cuirassier's cuirass!
Although the protection area is a bit small, the protection to the front of the torso is very good, and even medium and long-range bullets can resist it. As for arrows, even short-range armor-piercing heavy arrows cannot break through...

Just kidding, it is a few millimeters thick steel plate. Although it is mild steel and the workmanship is very sloppy, it is still steel... The design goal is to block bullets... mere arrows... It is not the protection target of the breastplate at all. !
Of course, the breastplate can only protect the front torso, and the helmet can only protect the head. Considering that the enemies of the Great Chu Empire, whether they are captives in the East, Mongolia, or those in the Western Regions, are still playing riding and shooting, a large number The stage of equipping bows and arrows.

In order to protect the limbs from being injured by cold weapons such as enemy arrows or sabers.

The cavalry of the Fourth Cuirassier Regiment, in addition to the breastplate, will also be equipped with leather armguards, skirts, boots, and fart gloves.

Although these leather armors can only protect against ordinary bows and arrows, medium and long-distance heavy armor-piercing swords and light chopping sharpeners, they are superior in light weight.

When these leather armors are combined with the breastplate, it is possible to achieve a perfect balance between protection and mobility for the cuirassier unit of the Fourth Cuirassier Regiment.

Well, this situation is only temporary.

If the enemies of the Great Chu Empire slowly progress in the future, abandoning a large number of cold weapons such as bows and arrows, and switching to muskets, then this kind of improvised leather accessories can directly withdraw from the stage of history, because this thing cannot be defended at all. Hold the bullet.

At that time, a cuirassier with a breastplate and a helmet was enough!

As for the hussars and dragoons, the light half-body armor worn by cavalry can be thrown away directly.

But now... the enemies of the Great Chu Empire are still using bows and arrows and cold weapons on a large scale, so the seemingly sloppy light armor and even leather armor can still play a big role on the battlefield, protecting their soldiers from being attacked. The threat of barbarian arrows, swords and other outdated weapons.

Well, the premise is that these barbarian backward troops can have the opportunity to rush over and shoot arrows at the Chu army!

And the Chu army stood obediently and stood up to the arrows foolishly!

But in actual combat... everyone is not stupid!

Just now, the Cavalrymen of the Eastern Captives wanted to have a typical traditional cavalry cavalry's cavalry shooting tactics of going left and right, back and forth... But the cavalry of the Guards didn't give them this opportunity at all, and directly held their lances and sabers Arranged in a dense formation and rushed over.

Simply beat the cavalrymen from Dongyao on the opposite side and run away like a rat!

Three thousand cavalry were captured from the east, and more than [-] people were killed or injured on the spot. Later, the Chu army sent hussars to chase and kill hundreds of them, causing [-] or [-] casualties.

The remaining [-] Eastern captive cavalry had no choice but to flee, and they were divided into several parts to escape, and there was no way to stop them in a short time.

Judging from this battle, even if there are more than 2000 horses left among the [-] Eastern captives, they have actually disappeared in the Eastern captive battle sequence!
The cavalry detachment of the imperial guards of the Great Chu Empire directly ignored the scattered cavalry fleeing from the east, and continued to advance towards the northeast, where the Chinese armies of the two sides were fighting!
Sheng Yushu needs to lead the cavalry detachment of the guards straight into the rear of the enemy's central army, and give them a heavy blow, crushing them directly, and securing the victory of this super-large-scale battle!

In this regard, Major General Sheng Yushu Jinwei has sufficient confidence!
After this battle, their guard cavalry's large-scale wall charge tactics are destined to become famous all over the world.

And he, Sheng Yushu, will also rely on this battle to advance to the rank of Lieutenant General of the Guards and become one of the core executives in the Guards!

(End of this chapter)

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