Chapter 552

According to Luo Zhixue's request in the early years, the Great Chu Empire had already set up an Army Officer Academy before the official founding of the country. If we go back further, it can be traced back to the Suiying Academy during the Funiu Mountain period.

The early camp school was not only the first school in the Chu Empire and even the entire land of China to train military officers, but also the first school in the land of China to adopt a new school system and teach various new subjects.

In the early camp schools, there were infantry, artillery, cavalry, and transportation departments. These so-called departments can actually be regarded as departments, not separate subjects.

In fact, students in formal classes of each of the above-mentioned subjects must learn basic science and engineering knowledge, especially mathematics, and also need to learn astronomy and geography.

Take the students in the regular class of the Artillery Department as an example. They need to study mathematics, geometry, physics, chemistry, and geography. Only after they have these basic science knowledge can they learn advanced artillery skills, especially the crucial shooting skills. Yuan calculations.

If an artillery officer wants to temporarily calculate the shooting elements on the battlefield, basic mathematics and geometric knowledge are indispensable, otherwise, there is no way to calculate the shooting elements.

Officers in other departments also need to learn basic science content. Later, because of the need to manufacture guns, the camp school also started an ordnance department to train R&D and production technicians who design and produce various weapons.

This series of subjects was taught by Luo Zhixue himself in the early days. While training the first batch of military talents for the Great Chu Empire, it also trained a small number of basic science personnel.

Later, the Camp School was reformed into the Army Officers School, and the Ordnance Department was divided into two, leaving some teachers and students to stay in the Ordnance Department, and some teachers and students became independent and joined other departments. Eventually, the Royal Institute of Technology was established, and a wide range of talents were selected to study science and engineering.

At the same time, during this period, the Great Chu Empire also began to recruit and recruit all kinds of personnel who understand science and engineering on a large scale. Talents who had studied in the West were recruited and entered the Royal Institute of Technology, Guozijian Academy or the Education Department of the Ministry of Rites and Education.

Among them is Song Yingxing, a low-level official in the former Ming Dynasty. The "Tiangong Kaiwu" written by this gentleman is quite good. In the past two years, Song Yingxing has continued to edit his works, and adopted more concise, more detailed, and more in line with scientific attitude. to recompile.

At present, it has been compiled and published, and it has become a very good science and engineering popular science book in the Great Chu Empire.

However, Song Yingxing himself is not satisfied with Tiangong Kaiwu, because many contents of Tiangong Kaiwu have fallen behind the times, and as an encyclopedia of crafts, it is actually too complicated and messy, and there are many mistakes. Things have no real value.

For this reason, Song Xingyu has begun to write a new popular science book. His ambition is very big. He wants to popularize the known world and some phenomena to people. He named this book "Gewu Nature"

In this regard, the above is also extremely supportive, providing a lot of materials and personnel to assist him in compiling.

As a popular science book, this book raises a question at the beginning and provides a basic answer, that is, why the chopsticks are broken when the chopsticks are inserted into the cup?
This is a very classic and very common optical problem. The answer is also very simple for future generations, that is, the refraction of light, the refraction phenomenon that occurs when light passes through different media.

Gewu naturally answered in the same way.

But as a popular science book, this book will not go too deep, such as explaining why light refracts...

It is not easy to explain these problems in detail, or even impossible with the current technical level.

With the current optical research level of the Great Chu Empire, it is impossible to explain why light refracts. After all, the researchers of the Great Chu Empire don’t even know what the spectrum is... Luo Zhixue didn’t mention it when he taught in person in the early days These things, when Luo Zhixue taught in person in the early days, he only briefly talked about the phenomenon of refraction of light, and this was for the purpose of making telescopes, microscopes and other optical equipment.

Otherwise, Luo Zhixue, who is the emperor, is so busy, how could he have time to be a teacher and talk about optics...

Furthermore, things related to photons are difficult to deal with, not to mention the Great Chu Empire, which is in its infancy in science and engineering. Even in the 21st century, people's understanding of photons tends to be superficial, and there are still many optical phenomena that scientists They can't explain it, but it exists in reality.

Song Yingxing is not a researcher, at most he is a hobbyist, and he has a lot of hobbies... This involves a lot of scope, so naturally he doesn't have enough time and energy to delve into a certain field.

This is also reflected in the books he wrote. The previous set of Kaigong Tianwu is very comprehensive as an encyclopedia of crafts, but it doesn't actually explain the theory much.

The popular science books for ordinary people written now will not be highly technical books. It is just a popular science book, but it will cover a very wide range, allowing people to have a basic understanding of the world they live in. cognition.

For example, knowing that the earth where you live is round; the earth is flying around the sun, and the sun is flying around the center of the galaxy; the air is not empty, but there are various gases and tiny particles; wound infection It is because of bacterial infection. There are many pathogenic microorganisms in raw water. It must be boiled before drinking. Wash your hands frequently to prevent germs from entering the mouth or eyes through your hands; water at high altitudes can use lower temperature boil etc.

It is popular science, but it is better to popularize some scientific knowledge that can be used in daily life to the public.

Even Emperor Luo Zhixue has heard about this huge popular science book that is still being compiled and is expected to take many years to complete, and personally ordered all departments to provide support and cooperation.

For this reason, the Ministry of Rites and Education also set up a special research room for Song Yingxing, and allocated special funds and personnel to compile this important popular science work.

A popular science-oriented book will be of great use to the empire. It can effectively improve people's basic understanding of the world and popularize scientific concepts.

However, apart from Song Yingxing's editor-in-chief of "Gewu Nature", the Great Chu Empire also had a real "Encyclopedia" project.

This project is not presided over by a certain person, but by the Ministry of Ethics and Education, which intends to record all known knowledge of human beings.

All knowledge is not limited to science and engineering knowledge, but also includes humanities and arts, social sciences, philosophy and even folk customs entertainment games and so on.

The principle is: as long as there are records, record them professionally!
And the knowledge it collects is professional, intending to provide knowledge explorers with all known professional knowledge.

According to Luo Zhixue's idea, this kind of encyclopedia will continue to be compiled, and new versions will be released continuously with the progress of the times and the growth of knowledge.

Until the collapse of the empire... Well, for this kind of encyclopedia books, there is a high probability that the Great Chu Empire will perish, and subsequent empires or republics will continue to compile this set of books until China and even human beings appear. until the catastrophe.

Of course, what form it will exist in is unknown. In the early stage, it existed in paper form, and in the mid-term it may become an electronic version. Only the future will know what it will be like later!
This encyclopedia is not only used for science popularization, but also for records, and it is also used as a reference book. Luo Zhixue attaches great importance to this.

The compilation of various new-style books can basically show Luo Zhixue's determination to promote comprehensive new-style education.

And what is new education?

The academic system is naturally very important, but it is not decisive. The most important thing is what to learn.

In addition to traditional literature such as the traditional Four Books and Five Classics, the new-style pedagogy will also learn mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy and geography.

Compared with new education is traditional education, what is traditional education?

When I was a child, I read the Three Character Classics and various enlightenment books, and then I learned the Four Books and Five more...suffering the students to learn arithmetic on their own.

This is because the Ming Dynasty paid attention to stereotyped essays. In the past 200 years, students have devoted themselves to studying how to write stereotyped essays.

Stereotyped essays are actually not all bad, at least they are fair... Because of the strict format and requirements of this thing, the level of essays can be evaluated objectively, which is very important for the fairness of the imperial examination.

In addition, to be able to write stereotyped essays, especially to write stereotyped essays such as intercepting and taking questions, the requirements for candidates are actually very high. Can justify itself... People with bad brains can't write.

Therefore, people who can pass the Jinshi exam are not stupid... Well, they may lack other common sense, exam-oriented education, it’s all like this, in order to pass the exam, students will ignore other things and focus on the content of the exam.

Later generations will still pass the exams lacking common sense when they take physical chemistry exams.

But the biggest benefit of exam-oriented education is fairness!
No matter what the test is, it's more brains and hard work. As for the external environment such as teachers, it doesn't hurt...

It's better than not even giving you a chance at a fair exam.

Do not expect absolute fairness at any time!
You envy and envy your classmates from rich families who have private tutors and can go to good school districts, but the children from rural areas envy you that you can go to school in the city; the children from poor families also envy the children from rural areas who can go to school!

It would be nice to have a relative fairness, and the ancient imperial examinations, the imperial examinations in the Great Chu Empire, and the entrance examinations of the four new academies are to maintain a fairness as much as possible.

Since last year, the Great Chu Empire Military Academy has taken the lead in conducting large-scale regional admissions examinations, because more and more students want to apply for the school.

The so-called divisional examination actually refers to organizing an examination in each province and then enrolling a certain number of places. Each province has a certain number of places, and candidates from each province compete for these places.

This is to avoid some places with better education, whose candidates directly occupy most of the admission places of the Army Military Academy.

Compared with civilian officials, the military pays more attention to local balance. It is impossible for military students to gather together in a few provinces.

Therefore, the Army Military Academy has adopted a very simple principle. Each province allocates quotas according to the population, and then candidates from each province compete among themselves.

This is a similar concept to the north-south rankings in the imperial examination system, except that the imperial examinations are just north-south rankings, and the Army Military Academy directly comes with a provincial ranking.

Under such a model, the internal competition in the Jiangnan region with a better reading atmosphere will naturally become more intense!

In Jiangnan Province, where internal competition is fierce, Fang Beitong failed the exam last year, but he was not reconciled. After failing the exam, he continued to study hard, and he was bound to pass the exam this year.

After arriving in Suzhou, the provincial capital of Jiangnan Province, Fang Beitong and a few friends went to the home of a friend who had already made an appointment to temporarily settle down, resting and continuing to review.

Not only them, but also some scholars who had taken the provincial examination in Suzhou did not leave, but were preparing to continue to take the entrance examinations of the four colleges.

This year's entrance examination is the joint entrance examination of the four schools. As long as you pass the preliminary examination of the college, you can take it, and you will be ranked according to your scores in arts and sciences, and you will be admitted according to your own wishes.

The reason for the joint entrance exam is to avoid duplication of resources, and to avoid candidates going back and forth. After all, many candidates do not have to go to a specific school, and other schools will also go to other schools if they can be admitted, so they will take multiple school entrance examination.

For this reason, the imperial officials simply came to the joint entrance examination of the four schools.

On August 27, not long after the end of the Jiangnan Provincial Examination, the Jiangnan Provincial Examination Center for the Joint Examination of the Four Schools officially opened.

Fang Beitong also entered the examination room to take the exam like many other students. Because of the large scale, for the convenience of management and to prevent cheating, the examination system is still the same as the traditional imperial examination. Candidates enter for three days, and then test different subjects every day.

There are scriptures in the test subjects: there are many contents in the test paper of scriptures, but the core thing is to write a stereotyped essay. As for why you have to write stereotyped essays in the new school exam, you can’t even write stereotyped essays. How can you write various official documents in the future? ah?

In addition to the classics, there are four subjects in the comprehensive paper of physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, geography and biology. Each subject has a full score of [-], and the total score of the five subjects is [-].

Because it was the first time for the entrance exam, the officials attached great importance to it and mobilized many people to mark the papers. Except for the stereotyped essays, these papers had standard answers, so the papers were graded very quickly.

It didn't take a few days for the scores of the joint examination of the four schools to come out. Fang Beitong immediately went outside the examination institute to know his scores and ranking.

470 seven points, ranking 72 in the province!
Seeing this score and seeing this ranking, Fang Beitong couldn't help but clenched his fist!
This time, there is hope!

This time, the Army Military Academy has a quota of 52 students in Jiangnan Province!
Although his ranking is only 72, not everyone among these 70 people intends to apply for the Army Military Academy.

Although there are quite a few people who want to join the army, there are also many who want to go to the Imperial College, and some who want to go to the Royal Institute of Technology, and there are sporadic people who yearn for the sea to go to the Naval Academy.

The treatment of these four colleges is actually quite good, as long as you enroll, you will be granted an official title.

Students at the Army Academy and Naval Academy are awarded the rank of Warrant Officer upon enrollment.

Once enrolled in Guozijian Academy, it will also be granted the status of the ninth rank immediately, and you can directly work at the rank of the ninth rank after graduation.

The Royal Institute of Technology is better. A few years ago, when you entered the school, you were a seventh-rank official, and you were paid directly...

Now the salary has been lowered, but there is also a ninth-rank treatment for admission, living allowances are given, and the grade can be directly upgraded when entering a higher school. According to the current system, if you graduate successfully, you will be given the seventh-rank treatment. This treatment refers to political treatment, and then the salary directly Benchmarking the Imperial Academy, it belongs to the absolutely high standard salary among officials, and then there are various subsidies...

If you have a strong research ability and make some achievements, basically you don't have to worry about it in this life, and titles and so on are easy.

The remuneration in all aspects is much better than the direct admission to Jinshi, but this school is also the most demanding.

Royal Institute of Technology also has the lowest number of admissions, expecting to enroll only five students in Jiangnan province.

In addition to recruiting students through the joint entrance examination, they will also recruit students independently, directly recruiting the so-called young geniuses.

Combining the situation of the four schools, Fang Beitong's 72nd rank has great hopes of being admitted to the Army Military Academy.

Sure enough, as he expected, after applying according to his own wishes, he successfully obtained the admission notice from the Army Military Academy.

When holding the admission notice in his hand, he couldn't help but clenched his fists and waved towards the air in front of him!

Two years of hard study, no waste!

After registering, Fang Beitong was told to arrive at the school before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month next year.

Several official schools of the Great Chu Empire, the new school year starts in the first month, not autumn... There is no special reason, it is because the school admissions examination is often in autumn, and it is after the township examination, and then you have to Allow at least ten days and a half months to as many as two or three months for candidates from various provinces to go to Beijing to study, and give candidates some time to reunite with their families and say goodbye. After all, it is conservatively estimated that there will be no way for many years back home...

Therefore, candidates will be given half a year of free time after admission in the fall to do what they like, as long as they report to the school when the school starts in the first month of next year.

Fang Beitong did not stay in Suzhou for too long. After saying goodbye to a few friends, he returned to his hometown in Songjiang. In the next few months, he would review his homework, exercise his body, and respect his parents at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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