I want to be emperor

Chapter 811 The Protest of the Spaniards

Chapter 811 The Protest of the Spaniards

The purpose of building railways in North America or in South Africa is simple and pure, either to mine and obtain more strategic resources, such as the Maputo Railway in South Africa, purely to obtain more gold, to help The empire better implements the indirect gold standard currency system to maintain the healthy operation of the overall economy.

Either it serves to expand and control more areas, such as the North American East-West Railway proposed in North America. The initial goal of the railway is to better develop the nearby Golden Valley area, mine local gold mines, and develop more of arable land.

The follow-up will continue to extend to the inland of North America, allowing the immigrants of the Great Chu Empire to set foot in the inland areas, all the way to the Mississippi River, and eventually even to the east coast of North America.

In fact, these two purposes can ultimately be summarized as seeking to obtain more overseas resources to supplement the huge local industrial consumption and at the same time improve the local food supply level.

Although the Great Chu Empire has completed the initial industrialization, the overall per capita grain output is still not good. After all, the technology of agricultural production is still not good, the chemical fertilizer industry has not been developed, and the research progress of excellent grain varieties is not good. .

This has also led to the fact that although the current grain output per mu in the Great Chu Empire is higher than that in traditional agricultural societies, it is still limited. To solve the food problem in the empire itself, more of it is to use the power of industry to reclaim more arable land. , and transform some existing ordinary land, and use water conservancy facilities to turn ordinary low and medium fields into high-grade fields.

Through these methods to increase the total output of food.

However, although the total grain output has increased, the empire has been at peace for a long time. The 30 years of peace and rapid development have brought not only economic growth, but also the improvement of living standards, and also brought a huge population.

When people are peaceful and stable, and they can see hope, they will have a stronger desire to marry, start a family, and have children; on the contrary, if the war continues, life is difficult, and there is no hope in life, people will reduce their desire to marry and start a family. Willingness to have children.

This point is not only reflected in various modern countries in later generations, but also in ancient feudal dynasties.

The so-called flourishing ages that emerged decades after the founding of the country in all dynasties basically reflected this situation.

The same is true in the Great Chu Empire, and even this situation is more obvious.

In the Great Chu Empire today, it was very common for a couple to have two or three children, and many would have four or five or even more children.

Although limited by the medical level, the maternal mortality rate is high, and the child mortality rate is also high, but summed up, the birth rate is still very scary.

In the 30th year of Chengshun, according to the third census conducted by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the total population of the Great Chu Empire has reached 6000 million people, and this does not include the large wave of babies born 30 years after Chengshun!

Compared with the population of more than 1 million in the early days of the founding of the country, it has tripled directly...

This is a terrifying number!

And most of them are children and young people.

The first batch of baby boomers born in the early days of the founding of the country, who are now generally in their 20s, have grown into the backbone of the empire's labor force.

In recent years, the first batch of baby boomers have married and given birth one after another, which has also brought about a second wave of even larger baby boomers!
This means that in the last three years and in the next few years, there will be hundreds of millions of newborns!
This has led to the great food pressure in the Great Chu Empire. It has reached a level of [-] kilograms per capita in the early days, but in the past ten years of rapid development, it has only increased by [-] to [-] kilograms. That's all.

In the 33 years of Chengshun, according to the preliminary statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the per capita grain is expected to reach 360 kg, the overall level is the same as last year.

In fact, this year's grain output will increase a lot, but it can't support the large new population!

When there are more people, the per capita food level will be lowered. .

In this way, there is still a long way to go from Luo Zhixue's goal of [-] kilograms of grain per capita.

Regardless of the level of 360 five kilograms, it is only 35 kilograms away from [-] kilograms!

However, it is very difficult to achieve this goal across the past.

Especially when the level of agricultural cultivation is still relatively low, the grain output per mu is limited, and at the same time the population is increasing significantly, it is much more difficult to quickly increase the per capita food level than it is to flatten the world!

In terms of war, in fact, if the high-level leaders of the Great Chu Empire are willing and pay a huge price for it, to be honest, they can start from Central Asia, fight all the way to West Asia, and then Eastern Europe, directly to Western Europe, and drink horses in the English Channel!
When the Mongols were so backward in productivity, they could use the characteristics of the nomads to defeat them, let alone the Great Chu Empire today.

Although the Great Chu Empire was not a nomadic people, in fact the number of horses, sheep and other livestock kept by the Great Chu Empire far exceeded that of the Mongols back then.

How can the ancient traditional grazing level and the size of the horse herd it maintains be comparable to the modern animal husbandry technology that adopts modern animal husbandry technology for large-scale grazing and breeding.

Besides, even the traditional grassland grazing areas back then are basically in the hands of the Great Chu Empire now!

The entire Central Asian grassland, Siberia, Mongolia, etc., are all pastures of the Great Chu Empire!

And the huge number of horses has also led to the Great Chu Empire having powerful cavalry far surpassing the traditional nomads... Well, not to mention the quality, the quantity alone is far superior to the so-called Great Chu Empire back then.

How many horses did the Great Chu Empire have in stock?

There is no exact number, but there is an approximate number: 500 million horses!
You read that right, not hundreds of thousands or millions, but a full 500 million horses!

A large number of horses are widely used in agricultural production, transportation and the number of troops.

You said that ordinary folk horses cannot fight wars, so you only talk about military horses. The major official horse farms, military horse farms, and private horse farms. Chengshun has provided up to 30 horses for the army, navy, and guards of the Great Chu Empire in the past [-] years. Army horse after military training!

This number is actually not the largest number, but the number of official purchases by the Army, Navy and Guards every year!
If the military has a greater demand, in fact, the major racecourses can provide more military horses.

At the same time, I am not talking about ordinary horses, but professionally trained horses that will not panic when encountering the sound of guns, and are specially used for cavalry or officers.Riding horses used by messengers or professional artillery and logistics horses.

The Great Chu Empire purchases tens of thousands of riding horses a year... and the number of military horses for the Army, Navy and Guards has reached 60!
And in many countries in the world, there are not so many horses in stock...

The sufficient number of horses also allowed the Great Chu Empire to have the largest cavalry force in the world, as well as the most powerful artillery force, especially the artillery force.

Cold knowledge, in modern times, in an army that mainly uses guns, cavalry is not a big user of horses, but artillery and luggage are!
A standard six-door 115mm field artillery post in the Great Chu Empire required 150 horses!
The powerful cavalry and artillery force, coupled with the powerful industrial system, can completely make the Great Chu Empire have the strength to overwhelm the world... It doesn't need so many conspiracy and weirdness, it can overwhelm the indigenous countries in the past.

It's just that if the Great Chu Empire really mobilizes on a large scale, it wants to quickly destroy other countries in just a few years... In fact, it doesn't need other countries to resist, and it can drag itself to death...

A powerful army corresponds to a strong logistics consumption!
The more advanced the equipment and the stronger the mobility of the army, the greater the consumption.

Not to mention other things, the food consumption alone is several times higher than that of simple foot soldiers.

Why did the Great Chu Empire want to build a third-class division... It was not for the purpose of building a low-cost army to save military expenses.

The high mobility of the first-class division is based on the huge number of draft horses and horses... Without these horses, they can't even pull the artillery away!
As for the C-class division, although they also have guns, they basically do not keep these horses for service on weekdays. They will only recruit horses for service from the people when a war breaks out and if necessary, which leaves a huge number of horses on weekdays. Consumption of draft horses.

The second-class division is in the middle of the two. It usually has a certain amount of horses, but not many. Basically, it can only guarantee the horse needs of the backbone troops. When it is time to fight, it still needs to mobilize a large number of horses.

That's why there are hundreds of divisions in the Great Chu Empire, but only [-] first-class divisions...it's too expensive to raise and it's not worth it.

If you want to fight a war and push the world directly, you need to mobilize a lot of troops and horses, and the food consumption alone will be terrible.

In terms of the current national strength of the Great Chu Empire, it is also very difficult to support it.

Therefore, expansion still needs to be expanded, but you must pay attention to the rhythm and method... Don't just focus on the expansion in front of you, and then find out that the front is constantly winning battles, and the country's economy in the rear is constantly collapsing...

In the end, we don't know when all the enemies from all over the world will be wiped out, but Luo Zhixue will definitely be wiped out in a few years.

Therefore, even if the empire has the strength to directly promote the world, Luo Zhixue and the high-level officials of the empire are very cautious in their external expansion, and it can be regarded as a slow pace.

Anyway, I have the advantage, don't worry, take your time, expand step by step, and develop new territories in time to digest, to supplement domestic consumption, and continue to improve the living standards of the people.

No, it has successively captured Siberia, Central Asia, and various places in Southeast Asia, and now it also controls most of India, the west coast of North America, and now it is targeting Africa and the inland areas of North America.

Step by step, there is no burden on national strength, and the energy will continue to expand and resettle more immigrants, and plunder more industrial raw materials and agricultural products.

The domestic people can still live a leisurely life, and continue to obtain the benefits of overseas expansion, such as more food and more industrial raw materials.

That's pretty good!

Today, the construction of railways in South Africa and North America is also based on this mentality!
Let’s not talk about South Africa, the development there is still a bit poor, and gold mining is still the main focus for the time being, but North America is different.

After years of immigration to North America, and more importantly, the continuous development of ships, the tonnage of ocean liners and cargo ships has continued to expand, safety has continued to improve, and transportation costs have continued to decline.

This has led to the continuous reduction of the cost of immigration to North America. Whether it is official immigration or self-funded immigration, the cost has been reduced to an acceptable level.

In the Age of Sails, if immigrants wanted to go to North America, the price of the ticket alone was not affordable for ordinary poor immigrants.

In the Age of Sails in Europe, a large number of indentured slaves, or immigrant laborers, appeared. The root cause of the emergence was that the cost of immigration was high, and ordinary poor people could not afford it. They had to sell their labor for many years to get enough for a boat ticket. money.

But in the current Great Chu Empire, even if the people at the bottom do not have much money on hand, if they try to save some money, it is basically enough for a one-way ticket.

No matter how bad you are, you can also find a bank to apply for an immigration loan.

In order to encourage and support immigrants, many government-run banks in the Great Chu Empire have introduced corresponding immigration loans to support the immigration's boat ticket fees, initial rations at the destination of the immigrants, purchase of farm tools and grains, and so on.

As long as you are willing to immigrate and are willing to leave your hometown, it is still very easy in the contemporary Great Chu Empire.

This has all contributed to the explosive growth in the population of North America over the past decade.

Today, the number of Chu people in North America has increased from 10,000+ in the early days to more than 100 million.

Just one Jinshan Prefecture has a population of 10,000+.

At the same time, the North American governor of the Great Chu Empire established several prefectures directly under the territory in North America.

Today's Great Chu Empire has completely controlled the west coast of North America north of Mexico, established many large coastal cities, and built many inland cities along the river inland.

More importantly, there is a large influx of people into the area every year.

In the 32 years of Chengshun, more than 20 new immigrants have flooded into North America in this year alone!

And that number is still going up!

A large number of Chu immigrants landed on the west coast of North America, and then headed inland, hoping that the Golden Valley, which is still in the wilderness, has now become the new granary of the Great Chu Empire in North America. The large amount of food produced locally not only supplies Local demand is also shipped back to the country in large quantities.

The North American region has become the largest region for the Great Chu Empire to import grain from overseas, surpassing the Nanyang region and the Indian region.

In this way, it became natural for the Great Chu Empire to further develop North America.

Soon, the construction plan of the Jinshan Prefecture Railway was completed, and the first rail was laid in Jinshan Port. Afterwards, the railway will be developed from Jinshan Port all the way to the east and enter the key development area of ​​the Great Chu Empire in North America. Golden Valley.

In the future, it will also cross the mountains and go deep into the inland areas of central North America.

During this process, the immigrants of the Great Chu Empire inevitably confronted and clashed with the Spaniards!

After all, the immigrants of the Great Chu Empire not only expanded inland, but also expanded southward!
In the 26th year of Chengshun, the first group of free immigrants from the Great Chu Empire landed at a harbor in the south of Jinshan Prefecture, and established the first immigrant settlement in a fertile river valley area: Xinluo River, which was established as a town the following year. .

In the 28th year of Chengshun, the Great Chu Empire merged the town and several surrounding towns such as Nanluo Town to the south, and established Luohe County as an overseas territory directly under the jurisdiction of the North American governor's office.

Relying on Luohe County, the immigrants from Chu State continued to advance southward to establish new settlements, and then confronted the Spaniards in the south...

In the 33rd year of Chengshun, that is, this summer, the Great Chu Empire broke out in a fierce armed conflict with the Spaniards in the southern peninsula, which is called the Luohe Peninsula by the Chu people and the California Peninsula by the Spaniards. ...

The immigrants from Chu State who went to this place to start a new life and look for living space directly wiped out a Spanish immigrant settlement, occupied the immigrant settlement and a large area of ​​surrounding land, and started their own new life. Life……

This triggered a strong protest from the Spanish Governor of New Spain!
In the North American governor’s yamen of the Great Chu Empire, faced with written protests from the Spaniards, several Chu officials looked at me and I looked at you, and then became confused.

The Chu people established countless immigrant settlements in North America, and killed countless indigenous people during the period, but it was the first time that they sent someone to send documents to express a formal protest!
To be honest, they also have little experience!
Besides, in their view, this colonization is just that you rob me and I rob you...

If you are awesome enough, you can fight back. I, the people of Chu, can't say nonsense, let alone express any protests. I will only mobilize the army and kill them!

However, since they expressed their protest in official documents, the officials of the Great Chu Empire claimed to be high-level civilized people, and immediately wrote back, saying that the Luohe Peninsula area is the territory of our Great Chu Empire since ancient times. In the past, you Spaniards broke in and lived secretly, and we didn't bother to bother with you. Now hurry up and get out, or the king of the kingdom of heaven will kill him, and then no one will be left behind!
It's just that, this is a very formal official document, so it is written with gorgeous and rigorous rhetoric, and the whole article is written in a very formal way!

As for the official written language in Chinese, that is, traditional classical Chinese, not to mention Spanish, even Chu people with lower education may not be able to understand it!

After the Spaniards received the reply...their own translator was dumbfounded at first...the translator still knew all the words.

But combined together, I don't understand!

After the Chu people replied, they felt that they had complied with the diplomatic etiquette that should be observed, so what should they do next!
After discovering that the Spaniards still refused to take the initiative to leave, more than 200 local garrison troops in Luohe County led hundreds of immigrants to kill the last and largest Spanish immigrant settlement on the peninsula.

They simply and neatly occupied this immigrant settlement... thus occupying the entire Luohe Peninsula, which is also the California Peninsula in the Spanish population.

During this time, the Spaniards in New Mexico City were still studying what was written in the diplomatic letters sent by the Chu people!

(End of this chapter)

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