I want to be emperor

Chapter 912 Meeting

Song Erniu has always been a person who is obsessed with work, and rarely goes out for fun on weekdays.

When he used to work for others in China, he had no time or money to go out and play. After arriving in America, although he had money, he didn’t have enough time, and he felt that working to make money would make him happier than going out to play.

Of course, this was mainly related to Song Erniu's worries.

As a person who didn't even have food to eat when he was young, and who worked at the lowest level in Songjiang, his hometown, for many years, Song Erniu is really afraid of poverty, and he knows even more how difficult it is to make money.

He knows very well that he was able to rely on canvas tooling to start a business. It is a kind of luck. It does not mean how strong his real strength is, but that everyone only focused on panning for gold at the beginning, and panning for gold really made money, and it was very dangerous to mix with gold diggers. It happened that the gold diggers urgently needed a kind of wear-resistant clothes as work clothes, but there was no corresponding finished product on the market.

A combination of various factors led him to choose canvas business, and he was extremely lucky to save his first pot of gold, and even luckier not to be robbed by those ferocious bandits in the early days...

There were many small businessmen setting up stalls in the gold mining area back then, and many of them were even more successful than Song Erniu in various businesses. There were even many gold businessmen with a rich fortune... But to be honest, Not many people were able to get through it all without being robbed on a large scale and saving their lives and wealth.

Although these businessmen will also wear firearms when doing business in these dangerous areas, it is difficult to compare with those robbers who specialize in robbery.

And Song Erniu is lucky, maybe because he is low-key enough, maybe because he is only in the business of selling cheap tooling, and the cash flow is not so big that he was not seen by the gangsters. In short, he survived the danger in the mining area The previous year, and then expanded rapidly after accumulating capital.

And many businessmen who did business at the same time as him died in the mining area.

One of the wealthy gold merchants even had his family members kidnapped by bandits.

Doing business in early America, especially the goldfields, was very dangerous.

And Song Erniu passed through this dangerous period, and only then did Song's Clothing Company come into being.

Song Erniu, who has experienced all this, knows very well that his success is an accident. Even if he is reborn again, it will be difficult for him to replicate his success again... After all, luck is hard to say. God knows when it will be robbed. The bandit was robbed and shot to death.

The hardships in the early years and the dangers and crises in the early stage of doing business have let Song Erniu know that success is a rare thing, and since God has given him a chance, he must firmly grasp it.

So he has been working very hard!

In addition, he was afraid of poverty in the early years, and he also had a natural desire or greed for money. He always wanted to make more money. Even the purpose was not just for money, but the process of making money itself.

You must know that with his current wealth, even if he does nothing and just waits for death, he can still live a luxurious life for the rest of his life... As rich as he is now, in fact, most of the time money is just a bunch of money to him Numbers no longer have much practical significance.

Anyway, he should enjoy what he should enjoy, and he can enjoy it if he can enjoy it. Even if he is worth a few million more, it will not make a qualitative change in his quality of life.

However, he still enjoys the process of making money...

In this way, even in the years after America developed, he was still obsessed with work every day. Apart from necessary social interactions and participating in various banquets, he rarely went out to play.

So today I went to visit Fenglaifeng Taoist Temple in the outskirts of the county... He himself didn't care about it, nor was he interested... If it wasn't for a blind date, he would rather look through the various documents collected by the secretaries when they were in Songjiang.

However, Brother Song's family seemed to be more active, especially the two children who were chattering along the way, lying on the edge of the glass window of the carriage, looking outside non-stop, and asking their mother various questions from time to time.

The little niece took the trouble to ask over and over again: What is that?what is that?
His mother also took the trouble to answer over and over again.

Compared with the continuous laughter and laughter coming from Brother Song's family's carriage, Song Erniu's carriage alone seemed quiet... He even narrowed his eyes for a while on the road.

The carriage swayed all the way and finally arrived at the foot of Fenglai Peak, where I met the followers of the Chen family. The followers of the Chen family said that their eldest son and his family had arrived first, and they went up the mountain first, leaving the followers here to wait to inform Song The family then went directly to the gazebo on the mountainside to meet.

Then a group of people abandoned the car and walked up. In front of them was the Song family chatting while walking, and the two children couldn't stop jumping around.

At the back are two maids and two attendants carrying thermos bottles, teapots, pastries and many other items.

This Fenglai Peak is also a well-known tourist attraction near the county seat. Every year, a large number of people come to climb the mountain to look far away. During weekdays, such as holidays, many people will take their families out for an outing on the weekend.

However, there are naturally not many people on weekdays... After all, everyone has to work and eat these days, so there is no time to take the family out for fun during weekdays.

Therefore, the Song family and the others slowly walked up the mountain path without meeting any tourists on the way.

Soon, they arrived at a pavilion facing the cliff on the mountainside, and saw Chen Yuanxiang, the eldest son of Chen's parents, and one of his followers.

I heard from Brother Song that as the eldest son of Chen's parents, he also aspired to study and become an official in the early years, but he failed to pass the high school after several exams, and finally had to study in a technical secondary school, and later he did not take the college examination to become an official , but started to take care of the family business.

The Chen family's comprehensive small textile factory was managed by Chen Yuanxiang. The eldest son of the Chen family ran the Chen family textile company. In the early years, it was actually okay, and it didn't make a lot of money, but it was not in a state of bankruptcy.

But in the past two years, this textile factory has become more and more stretched...Of course, this is also related to the changes in the general environment of the textile industry. The rapid rise of new cotton yarns in just over two years has something to do with the huge impact on the market. .

The birth of new cotton yarn has allowed a large number of textile enterprises to seize the opportunity and have sufficient capital to enter the new cotton yarn industry, making use of the cost and quality advantages brought by new cotton yarn to become bigger and stronger.

However, quite a number of small and medium-sized textile companies that are not strong enough, or conservative and do not keep up with the times, are quickly facing crisis.

This situation is actually very common throughout the Dachu Empire, because the emergence of new cotton yarns has led to a new round of reshuffle in the cotton spinning industry and large-scale mergers and reorganizations among enterprises.

The Chen family's textile company is not well managed and even faces bankruptcy crisis. This is not an isolated case, but a common situation.

Of course, this is not to say that the entire cotton spinning industry has experienced a crisis. In fact, the entire cotton spinning industry has seen a corresponding increase in both output value and new investment quota. A number of high-quality enterprises in the cotton spinning industry have emerged, such as Wang Liqing's Anhua Textile Co., Ltd. is an independent cotton spinning manufacturer that has taken off the wind.

In general, the cotton spinning industry, driven by new technologies, has further raised the threshold of technology and capital, so that the cotton spinning industry has a situation where big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimp.

So to a certain extent, Chen Yuanxiang, the eldest son of Chen's parents, is also out of luck... After taking over the family business, he spent a few years getting familiar with the industry, sorting out the factory and the industry situation, and just wanted to do something ambitious , As a result, there was an outbreak of new cotton yarn... Then if you didn't keep up for a while, you ran into big trouble.

Of course, with the financial strength of the Chen family, even if they want to follow up, it will be extremely difficult. The new cotton yarn is based on a complete set of matching new equipment, and its investment scale is very large. Small textile companies generally cannot afford it. .

When Wang Liqing was working on a new type of cotton yarn, he lost face and asked his wife to get hundreds of thousands of funds... Otherwise, he couldn't buy the equipment and couldn't afford the talent... These days, technical talents for the new type of cotton yarn are very valuable... …

So to a certain extent, the decline of the Chen family's textile company is doomed... To be precise, the decline of all the Chen's textile companies is doomed. It's uncertain if the owner changes.

Even if Chen Yuanxiang did not take radical measures to expand two or three years ago, he incurred a large amount of debt, and the new production capacity could not be digested and utilized by the market and could not be sold.

However, in the environment of the rise of new cotton yarn, only the low-end market is left for small textile companies like the Chen family. If they do well, they can barely survive.

After all, the low-end market seems huge, but the competition is equally fierce, and the profit margin is too low. It is actually more difficult to operate than the mid-to-high-end market.

Because in the low-end market, price is everything, and the small textile enterprises that make small businesses are far inferior to those large enterprises in terms of cost control.

If nothing else, just for the purchase of raw materials, the purchase prices of small companies and large companies are not on the same order of magnitude.

If you want to compare costs with those big companies, you really can’t compare...

In the past, the survival of small businesses in many places actually relied on local support!

In this case, if the local officials are strong enough and care about local independent industries, they can continue to survive. If they encounter an unreliable local official who doesn't care about the life and death of local enterprises, then there is a high probability that they will die .

The situation of the Chen family textile company is what Song Erniu has focused on these days... After all, this factory was the core industry of the Chen family in the past, and through the operation of this core industry, one can basically figure out the situation of the Chen family. Some basic characteristics of people in power.

Obviously, through the operation of this Chen family textile company, Song Erniu can say with certainty that the Chen family really has no talent for doing business... and there are probably not many high-level connections left.

In the follow-up business cooperation with the Chen family, I am afraid that more attention should be paid to this aspect. At least they should not be allowed to control any management rights. Just take some shares and pay dividends with peace of mind. Don't come to the company to mess around.

At the same time, at the beginning, Song Erniu thought that in his hometown, relying on the Chen family's personal connections to make some investments and other ideas can be dispelled.

Although Song Erniu is a local, in fact, Song Erniu's business and personal connections are all in Jinshan Prefecture, America... He doesn't recognize half of the people in his hometown, and he doesn't have the time or mood to spend time in his hometown. What kind of connections are there in the place?

If you want to do any business with the Chen family locally, you have to mainly rely on some of the Chen family's personal connections... But now it seems that the Chen family's personal connections are not that good either...

Well, from now on, the business here in my hometown will be like this. There will be a small garment factory, and then it will be enough to jointly run the Chen's small textile company with the Chen family. I don't expect to make a lot of money, that is, I will give it to my eldest brother, his family, my parents, and It is enough for the Yue Chen family to earn some living expenses and maintain a decent life.

As for the real local investment, you still have to choose the Yangtze River Delta region with a more complete geographical, transportation and industrial layout.

Songjiang City is the first choice, but considering that the cost of personnel and factory buildings in Songjiang City is relatively high, it can be appropriately established in surrounding areas, such as Suzhou, Yangzhou, Tongzhou, Zhenjiang, and Changzhou.

If the factories in the Yangtze River Delta can be established and the denim brand clothing can also open up the local market, then you can choose to open a few more branch factories in the Pearl River Delta, Tianjin, Hantian and other places.

As for my hometown... just start a small business and do some charity.


After Brother Song saw Chen Yuanxiang in front of him, he immediately stepped forward to say hello, and gave a formal introduction to Song Erniu who followed behind.

First he said to Chen Yuanxiang: "This is my younger brother Song Erniu. He was in North America for many years before, and he just came back a few days ago!"

Then he turned to Song Erniu and said, "This is the brother Yuan Xiang I mentioned to you before!"

Immediately, a few people chatted, but they just said some ordinary greetings, but they didn't talk too deeply.

Soon Chen Yuanxiang said: "My wife and my sister, and my kid is on the front platform now, let's go, we will go there too!"

Then the group of people continued to move forward, and it didn't take long to reach a flat land on the mountainside. There was a pavilion in the flat ground, and there were several people in the pavilion.

From a distance, Song Erniu saw the Chen family in front. There was a young woman dressed as a woman, holding the hand of a little boy, and a young girl was standing beside her.

There were two maids and a follower waiting beside him.

Just looking at this group of people, Song Erniu could basically figure out the identities of the people in front of him.

The older one holding the little boy's hand should be Chen Yuanxiang's wife. I heard that she came from a big family in the next county, so the little boy is naturally Chen Yuanxiang's son.

And the young girl on the side, if nothing else, is Chen Yuanxiang's youngest sister, also the prostitute daughter of the Chen family who is his blind date.

Song Erniu sized it up carefully, and felt relieved. The daughter of the Chen family's concubine in front of her was very good-looking, although not as good as his two personal maids. It belongs to the upper-class appearance, surpassing most ordinary women.

The most important thing is that this woman has a very good temperament. Just by standing there, people can tell at a glance that this woman is from a noble family.

This kind of temperament, coupled with its own outstanding appearance, makes people unable to move their eyes away...

How should I put it, it's not that Song Erniu has never seen beautiful women. After these years of development, all kinds of beautiful women have played a lot... The various long-term or short-term personal maids he has hired over the years can form a platoon... ...It's far more than these two brought back to my hometown.

The two personal maids he brought home are a bit special. They are in a long-term relationship. The main reason is that they have top-notch looks, and there is nothing messy about their personalities and the families behind them, so Song Erniu still likes them. , they were given a super long-term guaranteed contract...

Song Erniu took them back to their hometown to recognize people, mainly because they couldn't give them official titles, but they also allowed them to meet their own family members, and they were regarded as members of the Song family.

But the girls I have experienced in the past are all from ordinary or even poor families.

But there are no ladies, beautiful women in the upper class let him mess around... Even on weekdays, it is difficult for him to get in touch...

Those upper-class families in Jinshan Mansion don't like him getting rich very much, so they won't let him see his female relatives easily.

So Song Erniu has been living in the upper class in Jinshan City for several years, but there are only a few unmarried legitimate daughters in the upper class that he can see... none of them are of good shape and appearance.

After all, many people came into contact with Song Erniu just to do business, and they would not bring home a business partner who was suddenly rich, and even introduced his unmarried daughter to him...

Strictly speaking, this Chen family's legitimate daughter was the first unmarried legitimate daughter from an upper-class family that Song Erniu had ever seen.

With such an appearance and temperament, coupled with her unique upper-class background, the combination of these makes Song Erniu feel astonished.

Although Song Erniu has good psychological quality and good expression control, even though he feels amazing in his heart, he actually does not keep his eyes on the Chen family's legitimate daughter for too long...

However, the daughter of the Chen family was still keenly aware of his gaze. She also looked up at Song Erniu a few times, and then turned her head slightly to avert her gaze.

No blush, only helplessness and sadness!

She had known for a long time that Song Erniu had no education. He only went to high school and never even went to junior high school. His family background was just an ordinary farmer. He left the country early and went to America to work hard to build a huge family business. His wealth was It made her mother couldn't help persuading herself again and again.

I have seen sketches and portraits of this appearance before, but I can only see a basic human appearance.

Now that I really saw it, the daughter of the Chen family couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. How can I say this Song Erniu's appearance...it's very ordinary!
He doesn't have the appearance of a gentleman from a family that girls expect at all!
Even though she had never expected such a thing... But she still couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when she really saw Song Erniu, who was very ordinary in appearance!
In addition to disappointment, there is more helplessness and even sadness!
Because even though the man in front of me was not good-looking, and he was never the prince of the Pianpian family that I expected in my heart, I still couldn't refuse him, and even... I had to take the initiative!
Because, the Chen family needs him, and they need him too!

The Chen family needs this marriage more than the Song family!

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