I want to be emperor

Chapter 914 Marriage and Welcoming

The marriage between the Song family and the Chen family was a foregone conclusion after a blind date on an outing.

Song Erniu is quite satisfied with the daughter of the Chen family's concubine, she has what she needs, and Song Erniu doesn't care much about her negative opinion of herself.

He is not a Chu Yuan gold coin, he can make everyone like him!
As for the prostitute of the Chen family, even though she feels disgusted or even contemptuous of some seemingly crude things of Song Erniu, through the narration of everyone and her own contact and observation during the outing, it is basically certain that this Song Erniu is a big He is a capable person, and his behavior and personality are very good. Except for his lower background, lower education, ordinary appearance, and occasionally being rude and looking like a rough person, everything else is pretty good.

Besides, Song Erniu is really rich, very rich!

Moreover, the daughter of the Chen family is also somewhat confident in herself. She somewhat feels that Song Erniu's occasional disrespectful behavior is caused by too much hardship in growing up. She only needs some time and some suitable people to teach her. can be changed.

If I put more thought into it in the future, Song Erniu's behavior will definitely change a lot in the long run.

To sum up, the eldest daughter of the Chen family does not like Song Erniu at all, and even looks down on people like Song Erniu in her heart... But she does not object to marrying Song Erniu...

That is a real millionaire, and a millionaire who is still on the rise. Not all women have the courage to reject a young millionaire.

The daughter of the Chen family doesn't know everything, she can only read novels, she is an ignorant girl who yearns for love and love... She grew up in a scholarly family since she was a child, and as the daughter of the first wife, Chen's mother was also a young girl when she was very young. Just teach some ways and means of housekeeping by precept and example.

She is very clear about the many ways in the upper class...and what is the upper class?It doesn't matter if it's a family of officials, royal family, aristocrats, scholarly family, no matter what background and identity they are, but they can't do without 'money'.

No money, no matter how high your status is, you can't even show off the decency that upper class society should have.

The so-called etiquette and lifestyle of the upper class are all supported by money.

The eldest daughter of the Chen family knows very well that money is very important.

In addition to words and deeds, the daughter of the Chen family is not illiterate. She can only be a female celebrity if she doesn't know anything. She graduated from Yingzhou Women's Middle School and she knows the basic principles of high society: money is decent!

The Great Chu Empire started inclusive sex education a long time ago, and girls' school education was launched ten years after Chengshun.

In the 20s of Chengshun, the Great Chu Empire had established a large number of girls' schools to provide girls with education from elementary school to middle school, and even to university. Yingzhou Girls' Middle School was established during this period.

It's just that because of the defense between men and women, schools in the Great Chu Empire are generally divided into boys' schools and girls' schools. Even if they are coeducational schools, they are also divided into boys' and girls' schools.

Although this will lead to a waste of resources, many traditional things cannot be changed in a short time, and can only be done slowly.

During this process, a large number of middle- and upper-class girls have gained the opportunity to receive education. For example, Sun Xu’s wife, Sun Mengshi, is a daughter of a typical middle-class family. She attended girls’ schools and graduated from middle school.

The eldest daughter of the Chen family is no exception. Even the poor Chen family is countless times better than those so-called middle-class families. The eldest daughter of the Chen family received family education when she was a child. After she was a little older, she entered Yingzhou Girls' Middle School. Now she is in middle school. already graduated.

It is worth noting that in addition to the officialdom, the promoters of female education in the Great Chu Empire are also vigorously promoted by the business community... As for why?
A female worker who has graduated from primary school is more useful than an illiterate female worker and can create more value.

Young men can enter factories and make profits for capitalists, and so can women!

Even some business leaders are imagining: If women all receive basic education, then in addition to men, there will be countless women in the labor market... This is equivalent to a direct doubling of the supply in the labor market. According to basic According to the theory of supply and demand, when supply exceeds demand, prices will naturally fall...

This also means that enterprises can obtain a large amount of cheap labor, and thus earn more profits.

Even the wages of male workers will be reduced because of the existence of a large number of female workers...

Therefore, the largest social group promoting women's education in the Great Chu Empire is the "Great Chu Empire Textile Industry Association". , and even women’s colleges, they don’t do it... After all, what the textile industry needs is a large number of cheap low-end female workers to replace male textile workers, and there is little need for female management and female technical backbones.

By the way, in the process of promoting women's education in the business community, it has encountered opposition from many strata... Some of them are really conservative old diehards who say that it is virtue for women to have no talent.

But another group of people believe that it is very immoral to allow women to receive basic education before sending them to factories. They strongly recommend banning female workers... Women can just do housework and take care of children at home, and they will be exhausted outside. Making money while living is a matter for men.

There are also some people who believe that women need to receive education, but the education they receive must be different from that of men. For example, men’s studies are more traditional liberal arts and sciences, but women’s studies can be more focused on housekeeping and improving their own qualities, such as studying Manage family assets, etiquette, beauties, chess, calligraphy and painting, and then learn some basic cultural knowledge, such as mathematics, scriptures, astronomy and geography, etc.

In the all-girls middle school where the daughter of the Chen family attended, in fact, the courses taught are more inclined towards this kind of housekeeping and cultural improvement courses...

In short, girls' education in the Great Chu Empire is still in a relatively chaotic state. The scale of government-run girls' schools is not too large. It's not that the government doesn't want to build more basic girls' schools, but that many families don't want to send girls Send them to school... In the current education system of the Empire, inclusive education is implemented to reduce the cost of education as much as possible, so that more ordinary families can support their children to go to school.

It is not mandatory compulsory education... After all, once it is mandatory, it involves an issue of education costs.

If you charge a fee, you force all children to go to school, what if they can't afford the tuition?What will the public think?

If it is free... the people will be happy, and there is no money to go to school, but the empire's finances can't support it... The productivity of these years is like that, and it is not enough for the Great Chu Empire with a population of more than 5 million to implement comprehensive free compulsory education.

So for now, the empire's policy on basic education is to adopt a universal education system and reduce the cost of education as much as possible. After reducing the cost, you can come to school if you want to, and there is nothing you can do if you don't!

This measure treats boys and girls schools equally, regardless of whether boys or girls come to school, the same policy is adopted.

At the same time, the content of the courses taught is the same, and there is no gender bias.

However, at present, the school-age boys' enrollment rate in the Great Chu Empire is far from reaching [-]%, and the enrollment rate of girls is even lower.

Compared with the problem of low enrollment rate, the more serious problem is how to ensure that students continue to study after enrollment until they graduate from primary school.

This problem is actually more serious than the simple enrollment rate of school-age children.

Songjiang Prefecture is the most affluent area in the Dachu Empire. The enrollment rate of school-age boys is not 100%, but it can occasionally reach more than 90.00%... But in fact, only among these male students can graduate from elementary school. Around 80.00%…

During the six years of elementary school, there will be many students unable to continue their studies due to various reasons...

Among these many reasons, the family cannot afford tuition fees is only a very low reason, the main reason is also absurd to say: parents generally do not let their children continue to go to school, thinking that after three years of elementary school, learning common words and basic numbers is enough Then, at this time, they are generally eleven or twelve years old, and they can help the family with work... As for the senior primary school, they will not be able to attend.

This is still talking about Songjiang...the richest place in the Chu Empire.

If it is changed to other places, the situation is actually even worse.

To a certain extent, if you are a child from a low-level family, you are actually very lucky to be able to successfully complete six years of elementary school, at least surpassing half of your peers.

This is still talking about boys... If it is a girl, this situation is even more serious.

However, with the continuous progress of society, the continuous improvement of living standards, the continued improvement of the empire's finances in the future, and the gradual increase in education investment, the above-mentioned situations will gradually improve.

Just like the past thirty years!
Thirty years ago, when the empire first launched inclusive education and established a large number of government-run basic schools, the enrollment rate of school-age boys was not even 5.00%...At that time, there was generally only one school in a town Government-run elementary schools only have one in the county, and junior high schools only have one in the state capital.

And high school... At that time, it was called a college preparatory school, and there were usually only one or two schools in a province.

It can be seen that the education penetration rate was low at that time.

But now... basically larger villages will have a three-year junior primary school, and smaller villages will jointly run a junior primary school with surrounding villages.

In a town, there will be at least one high school that provides three-year education, and some towns with large populations often have several.

At the same time, the educational circles of the Great Chu Empire began to combine junior and senior primary schools in some places, mainly in densely populated areas. Six years of complete primary education.

In counties, three-year junior high schools are generally established. Some counties with large populations and developed economies even provide three-year high school education or technical secondary education.

There will be a high school education and supporting technical secondary schools at the government level.

Each province has several four-year colleges or three-year colleges.

To put it simply, after these years of development, the education of the Great Chu Empire generally sank to an administrative level, achieving the government-run education model of township-run primary schools, county-run junior high schools, government-run high schools/technical secondary schools, and provincial-run universities/junior colleges.

Even though it is just a drop in administrative level, the gap between the two, especially the financial needs, is dozens of times.

Behind this is the strong financial support of the Great Chu Empire, and this support requires the increase in taxes brought about by the comprehensive development of industry, commerce, and agricultural products.

This is still inclusive education. If compulsory education is to be implemented, then more financial funds will be needed... With the current national strength of the Great Chu Empire, it will not be able to do it for a while.

After all, compulsory education in a country with a large population is too difficult, and later generations of China will have to enter the 21st century to achieve nine-year compulsory education in the true sense... That is the 21st century, the era of explosive productivity.

However, in the contemporary Great Chu Empire, the productivity is only so low, and it is very good to be able to do a good job in inclusive education, and no amount of it can be forced.

Therefore, for the contemporary Great Chu Empire, although inclusive education has a large scale, it is still not possible for everyone to receive a complete six-year primary education, and there are even fewer women, who are usually middle class. Girls in the family have a better chance of completing primary school, but not many girls have the opportunity to go to girls' secondary school.

Of course, these problems naturally do not exist for the upper class.

The daughter of the Chen family received family education at home when she was a child, and then went directly to enroll in a girls' middle school. The girls' middle school she attended was actually a private girls' middle school with an aristocratic model. Same.

Having received education, coupled with the influence of the family atmosphere, etc., the Chen family's prostitute daughter is different from girls from ordinary families. Even because of the gradual decline of the Chen family in recent years, it has made her more deeply aware of what It's high society.

This kind of her is destined to be different from women from ordinary families, or she is more aware of reality and more rational.

At least, she has never expected so-called love... That thing is too far away from her, and she doesn't even believe in it.

In this way, after fully understanding Song Erniu's situation, she finally made the decision to marry Song Erniu...not just for the Chen family, but for the parents and elder brother's family.

She is also for herself!
When Song Erniu and the legitimate daughter of the Chen family expressed their approval of the marriage, the marriage finally entered the formal process.

Only three days later, the Song family invited a well-known local official to go to the Chen family to formally propose marriage on behalf of the Song family.

After starting the process of proposing marriage, from a traditional point of view, the daughter of the Chen family's prostitute is actually Song Erniu's fiancée, and the title has already been decided, and the next step is to go through the process step by step and finally get married.

Because it is impossible for Song Erniu to stay in the mainland for too long. After all, there is still a huge industry in the Americas waiting for him to take care of. If he leaves for too long, he is afraid that the company will have problems.

Even when he is in his home country, he has to allocate some time to finalize the time for investing in his home country. It is impossible to stay here in his hometown all the time.

Song Erniu's time is tight, so he wants to speed up the marriage process... Traditional weddings are actually quite troublesome. They need to go through the five steps of accepting, asking, accepting, accepting, and asking for a date, and finally the wedding can be completed. Ushering in the wedding in people's concept, that is, the sixth step of welcoming relatives.

But in fact, the first five steps are also part of the entire marriage process and are equally important.

As a respectable family, the marriage of the Song and Chen families cannot be simply messed up, and all the traditional steps have to be completed in one step.

So Song Erniu's idea is that the steps that should be done must be done, but the time must be compressed...to complete all the steps as soon as possible.

Naturally, the Chen family had no objection... They even welcomed it a little bit. Well, on the one hand, the Chen family's textile company has become more and more difficult, and in order to marry a daughter, they have to spend a lot of money. Sell ​​a store in your dowry.

The blood loss was too severe, and he had been waiting bitterly for Song Erniu's financial support.

So I also tend to go through the marriage process quickly, and then get a large amount of dowry from Song Erniu, and then more importantly, invest funds in the textile company for cooperative operations.

That's right, Song Erniu needs to spend a lot of money for this marriage.

All kinds of betrothal gifts are worth more than 1 Chu Yuan, and in order to facilitate the realization of the Chen family, Song Erniu thoughtfully included in the many betrothal gifts, except for some essential things in traditional customs, most of the other valuable betrothal gifts were made It has become an easy-to-realize gift...such as real estate, national debt certificates, gold decorations, etc.!
In fact, Song Erniu planned to give cash directly at the beginning... In this way, there is no need to toss, but the Chen family can't save face, for fear that others will say that the Chen family sells their daughters and so on, and they don't want cash... But they tactfully mentioned It’s best to cash out the gifts easily... Song Erniu was very troublesome. He had to temporarily buy some real estate and heavy gold jewelry. In the end, it was not easy to deal with, so he simply bought a national bond for the past...

There is really no difference between bonds and cash in this country...

The exorbitant dowry is just one of them, and it's not even what the Chen family values... What the Chen family really values ​​is the business cooperation between the two families.

According to the agreed plan of the two parties, the Song family used a small local garment factory, which was previously invested, to let the garment factory run by Brother Song and Chen's Textile Company merge and reorganize to form the "Song Chen United Textile Company". Inject [-] Chu Yuan into the new United Textile Company.

The new company, Song Erniu, will get a controlling stake, the Chen family will get a secondary stake, and Brother Song will also get a part of the equity. In terms of specific operations, it will be managed by a team of professional managers appointed by Song Erniu... As for Chen Yuanxiang and Brother Song Well, in Song Erniu's view, they don't have much talent for business, so just take the shares and wait for the dividends... Don't interfere in the business.

This reorganization and merger, and even the United Textile Company after re-investment, will also become the leading textile enterprise in the local county and even in Yingzhou Prefecture. It shouldn't be a problem to survive.

After all, the textile industry is a very special industry, and local protection ideas are ubiquitous... To be honest, as long as you don't try to kill yourself, it is difficult to go bankrupt...

For example, when the local government of Yingzhou learned that Song Erniu, a millionaire, was coming home and planned to invest in the textile industry in his hometown, they expressed great welcome, and all kinds of support policies were directly thrown at Song Erniu's Faces... For example, the bank loan that the Chen family couldn't get before, the branch of Yingzhou Finance Bank said that it was too much to say, but the loan of [-] to [-] yuan was not a big problem.

As for why the Chen family couldn't get a loan before... Naturally, it's because the bank is not stupid, and the speed at which the Chen family loses money in business will make you bankrupt every minute... Who would dare to lend it to you!

But Song Erniu is different... This is a self-made millionaire, very rich, and he has also proved his ability.

This new United Textile Company is controlled by Song Erniu and sent to operate by people. The local bank thinks it is quite reliable. In addition, the local government wants to support the local industry, so the loan was granted easily.

After Chen Yuanxiang found out about this, he was depressed for a few days... The factory was actually the same factory, but why did the bank have a different controlling shareholder and management team?

Am I really that bad?

The series of cooperation between these two companies can be described as a forced needle for the Chen family. Although they haven't made a lot of money yet, they don't have to lose blood... In order to maintain a textile company that continued to lose money, their Chen family was forced I have emptied my old bottom... Even Chen Yuanxiang's wife's dowry has been sold a lot.

Now, after the joint venture, with Song Erniu's capital injection and bank loans, the new United Textile Company suddenly became rich in funds.

As for the follow-up operation, I don't know, but at least the Chen family doesn't need to continue to spend money...

Due to the need for business cooperation between the two parties, the Chen family also urgently needs a large sum of money to return blood, so the progress of the marriage process between the two parties is also very fast.

In just over a month, the first five steps were completed.

On the sixth day of September in the 38th year of Chengshun, it is appropriate to marry.

Early this morning, the Song Family Manor in Shuangshan Village on the outskirts of the county took on a completely new look, in a lively and festive atmosphere.

The people around had heard that the Song family was going to marry today, and it was the daughter of the famous Chen family, a scholarly family with a century of history.

Many people expressed their blessings and envy to this, but there were more sarcastic remarks in secret... After all, many people in the same village knew that Song Erniu used to be a poor farmer, and he lived in the Chen family farm not far away when he was a child. Here, let the Chen family let go of the cattle...

A cowherd boy marries the prostitute's daughter of his former boss. This kind of thing sounds magical... I don't know how many people are envious and jealous, and want to replace it.

But what some outsiders say can't affect the marriage of the Song and Chen families, let alone the mood of the parties involved.

Song Erniu was in a very good mood and went out on time at an auspicious time. He traveled slowly in a luxurious four-wheeled carriage that he specially sent someone to Fucheng to buy at a high price. There were a large number of carriages or various gifts in the front and rear. or relatives.

There has never been such a large and luxurious family reception team in the local history...

But today, Song Erniu let people see what it means to be a millionaire!

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