I want to be emperor

Chapter 936 Weird Imperial Target

In the autumn and August of the 40th year of Chengshun, after several years of repeated demonstrations and multiple trials, the Dachu Empire officially launched a new grain production support plan.

The plan has two core goals. The first is to directly target the key goal of [-] kilograms of grain per capita.

The second core goal is to reduce the proportion of food consumption in household consumption.

The goal of per capita grain consumption of 20 kilograms has been a goal that the senior leaders of the Chu Empire have been pursuing for the past [-] years. Many past policies, including many overseas expansion policies, have served this goal.

With the unswerving promotion of the empire for more than 20 years, although this goal has not yet been achieved, the prospects are very good. With the further continuous development of North and South America, the colonization in India, Africa, Europe and other regions has further deepened, and the food supply The problem is expected to be completely resolved within the next few years.

This also caused the senior officials of the Dachu Empire, or Luo Zhixue, to focus on another key indicator of the food issue: reducing the proportion of food consumption in residents' consumption. (Engel coefficient).

Because according to the analysis of some economic researchers within the empire, the living standards of the people in a region and the economic development are often directly reflected in the data of 'grain consumption proportion'.

If the economic income is high and food prices are low, then this coefficient will be very low. The lower the Engel coefficient, the less people have to worry about having enough to eat and have more expenditures on non-food consumption, such as housing. Clothing, education, travel, medical care, entertainment activities and other aspects.

This not only means that the living conditions of the people themselves have become better, but will also greatly stimulate consumption in many industries, thereby promoting the sustainable development of industry and commerce.

As for industry and commerce, first of all, there must be demand before there is a market. Only when there is a market can enterprises develop... If there is no demand and no market, who will the products produced by the enterprise be sold to?
Therefore, in recent years, Luo Zhixue, in addition to continuing to pay attention to the important hurdle of [-] kilograms of per capita grain consumption, has also begun to pay attention to the issue of Engel's coefficient when it comes to food issues.

The introduction of the 'Grain Production Support Plan' reflects the changes in Luo Zhixue's core policy thinking on people's livelihood and the overall economy.

By the way, the so-called economic policies of the Dachu Empire never consider pure data growth, how much money is earned, how much GDP increases, etc... let alone introduce any policies to pursue how many percentage points of GDP increase.

Because pure digital growth does not make much sense to the Dachu Empire. If we really want pure data growth, just add zero to the currency unit... Then the economic volume will increase tenfold every minute, but this is meaningless.

For a purely internal circular economic system with no external threats, no international trade competition, a gold standard currency, and strictly speaking no import and export trade (except for the Chu State itself, the rest are colonies...) In fact, pure paper data does not mean much.

The annual salary is 100 million, but if you need more than 100 million to have a full meal, you will still starve to death...

The annual salary is one yuan, but a full meal only costs [-] cents, so you can still live a very comfortable life (according to the standards of the [-]th century).

Therefore, the Dachu Empire's series of macroeconomic policies were basically aimed directly at living standards, rather than pursuing pure monetary figures...

After all, it doesn’t matter how much money you make. Being able to eat well, eat well, and eat cheaply (relative to income) is the key!
Therefore, in recent years, when many local governments in the Chu Empire demonstrated their people's livelihood achievements, they basically used data on the proportion of food consumption of local residents, rather than how high the local GDP was...

Otherwise, if a country's GDP is super high, but the people can't even afford to eat, what's the point?It’s just self-deception.

This is also the reason why the grain production plan has become the most core economic policy of the Chu Empire in the past two years, rather than other industrial development policies.

Steel machinery, shipbuilding, etc., although important, are incidental to the issue of food...

Even in more extreme terms, the Chu Empire developed a series of industries, including the national defense industry, with the ultimate goal of obtaining more food so that the people could eat well and eat cheaply!

The master-slave relationship here must be clarified, otherwise it will be very troublesome and even lead to the collapse of the empire if it is reversed.

The Soviet Union is a super typical example... Their top leaders obviously failed to understand what a series of heavy industries, especially the defense industry, were used for. The purpose of developing industry was to make people's lives better.

But not just the Soviet Union, even in the 21st century, many countries have failed to understand such a set of logic.

But regardless of whether they are good or bad, those in power are basically elites, and fools cannot get into power!

Therefore, it is impossible for them not to know such a simple truth. The reason why they still do this is that the answer is: I just want to enjoy the glory and wealth myself. As for the life and death of the people, it is none of my business...

It is not surprising that many countries in later generations were like this.

In the Dachu Empire, many powerful people actually didn't care much about the life and death of the people... but these people often couldn't really enter high positions.

The absolute highest level in the Dachu Empire is the Senate, and the senior officials who have been able to enter the Senate, especially the civil servants, have basically killed countless competitors along the way, and they are hard to fault in many aspects. politician.

Many of them are not only capable, but many also have ideals.

What ideal?
First of all, this ideal is not a false idea of ​​world unification and making the people live better. Many senior officials in the Chu Empire, regardless of civil and military affairs, mostly have the idea of ​​​​a traditional literati: to leave their name in history!
To be honest, when they reach the level of a counselor, they actually have no chance of advancement. Moreover, the rotation system of the counselor in the Great Chu Empire is relatively stable. It is rare that they are killed as soon as they enter, or they are killed. A situation where you can still occupy the position after many years.

Over the past 40 years, Luo Zhixue has formed a set of conventions for the appointment and dismissal of ministers. The term of office is generally five years. Unless there is any major situation within five years, he will basically not be removed from office. At the same time, after five years, regardless of good or bad, he will have to get out...

In other words, today, 40 years after Chengshun, the absolute high-level system of the Dachu Empire already has a complete set of replacement systems after entering the Senate.

The maximum term of a co-minister is five years. If he is not promoted to the position of minister within five years, he will have to leave. This is not the ordinary loss of the position of co-minister, but the kind of retirement.

The Minister of Counselor does not care about civil and military matters, and the longest assignment is five years. Unless there is a major mistake within five years, Luo Zhixue will generally not easily remove the Minister of Counselor midway, but will let him serve for five years and then retire after five years.

At the same time, the personnel replacement of the co-organizing ministers and ministers of the Council of Ministers is not all done at once, but a few are replaced a year, and so on.

Every year there are ministers retiring, and every year there are new ministers.

In this way, in addition to ensuring a smooth promotion channel for the top leaders of the Great Chu Empire, it also ensured the stability of the power of the Senate, an institution that only existed in the mouth of the emperor, and the coherence and sustainability of policies.

This also allows the ministers who have entered the Senate to basically not have to worry too much about being attacked by political opponents and falling midway... How should I put it, as long as you don't create a huge trap or rebel, you can usually Luo Zhixue will basically turn a blind eye to some minor problems such as corruption, so he doesn't have to worry about losing his position midway.

After all, what Luo Zhixue wants is a politician, not a saint... On the contrary, if a politician-sage really appears, Luo Zhixue will chop him down first to avoid instability in the throne.Moreover, Luo Zhixue is also famous for treating heroes well. Not to mention the batch of heroes who founded the country, most of them are still fine now. As for the ministers who entered the Senate, Luo Zhixue also ensured their safety after they stepped down and avoided them. After losing power, he was attacked by his former political opponents and his body disappeared.

These measures are actually to ensure that the ministers can not be attacked by other opposition forces in the court, and then display their political ambitions, without worrying that they will be dug up and whipped after they step down from power.

No matter how well you did in office or what policies you implemented, Luo Zhixue will ensure that you are prosperous and wealthy and enjoy your old age in peace in five years!

You won’t have any worries!
At this time, after many ministers have climbed to this position, they can no longer pursue power. They already have glory, wealth and so on, and are guaranteed for the rest of their lives. They don't even have to worry about their descendants... What's next? What can be done?
Personal choices are different, but quite a few people will throw away their half-life political ambitions and pick up some ideals, or simply pursue some posthumous fame and want to be a famous official who will leave a name in history. !

Many ministers who have entered the Senate, whether civil or military, hope that after they die, they can get a first-row position outside Luo Zhixue's mausoleum, which is now the Zhongshan Tomb of Meritorious Officials...

Although Luo Zhixue is only in his 50s and in good health, like most emperors of traditional dynasties, the construction of his mausoleum started as early as the 15th year of Chengshun, and the construction has not stopped until now. It’s tinkering.

At the same time, in the past ten years or so, some of the founding heroes who died first had their bodies folded before their death, hoping to be buried near Luo Zhixue's mausoleum.

Many of the founding heroes were very concerned about such posthumous honors, and Luo Zhixue did not reject the idea of ​​asking for posthumous honors, but naturally he would not let them pile them directly next to his tomb... or simply outside his mausoleum. A large cemetery, the Zhongshan Tomb of Meritorious Officials, was built, allowing civil servants from the second rank, military generals, major generals and above, and earls and above to be buried in it and enjoy the incense enshrined by the country for generations!
This cemetery is also known as Zhongshan Mausoleum. It is the highest-level cemetery in the Chu Empire and is exclusive to the powerful... The first row of the most core cemetery can only be buried in it after special approval. Those are the minimum standards!
Of course, there are also some ministers who are particular about returning to their roots after death. They will not choose to be buried in this cemetery, but return to their hometowns for burial. It basically depends on their own choice.

Generally speaking, the ministers of the Great Chu Empire still maintained some traditional concepts, and their pursuit of posthumous fame was relatively strong.

This also makes them think from a higher perspective and be more idealistic when implementing some policies.

Of course, this cannot avoid the compromise of many interests, but this is more a matter of different political opinions. As for pure private interests, there are also some, but not many.

After all, they have reached the level of counselor, and they basically have all the enjoyments they should and should not have... As for money and the like, it is just a number to them.

How can I put it, at their level, more money or less money is just the same, and it will not make even the slightest change in their quality of life and material enjoyment.

Of course, the above-mentioned things are not absolute. Even if some ministers take office, there will still be corruption. After all, nothing is absolute, and there are all kinds of people.

But the top executives of the Dachu Empire are quite special.

And then there is the emperor Luo Zhixue who rules over him... Even though Luo Zhixue has been the emperor for decades, he still has many pursuits of his own, and they are not for any ideals or ambitions, it is purely a kind of inertia.

It's like playing a game, always thinking about developing your country better, and there is no end to this kind of goodness!

With Luo Zhixue setting an example above, the ministers below will inevitably be affected!

In other words, if you don't follow Luo Zhixue and keep the same pace, you won't be able to catch Luo Zhixue's eyes and enter the Senate.

These high-level morphological changes also directly affected many macro-policy changes in the Chu Empire.

The grain production support plan is an important manifestation of this... No country, no matter ancient or modern countries, would reduce the Engel coefficient and Nicky index and make people's lives better as the core policy goal...

not a single one!

Because this is really weird and a very ideal behavior!
Who will do this in the future?A subset of strategy gamers...only they do this.

And Luo Zhixue is such a gamer!
To be honest, Luo Zhixue now has no desires and nothing to pursue... The only thing left is to play games.

That's why Luo Zhixue took many seemingly unrealistic and even extremely idealistic measures.

Such Luo Zhixue, such a great Chu Empire, promoted the grain production support plan. This plan came with a series of various policies, covering all aspects.

From basically encouraging land reclamation and increasing cultivated land area, to encouraging the innovation and application of agricultural tools, as well as the cultivation and promotion of new grain varieties, the research and application of chemical fertilizers, expanding overseas food sources, ensuring domestic food supply, etc.

Focusing on the food issue, the Chu Empire introduced a series of new policies covering countless industries.

For example, encouraging the innovation and application of agricultural tools, let alone traditional hand-made agricultural tools, and talking about mechanized agricultural equipment, in order to increase food production, especially in many northern regions of the country, such as Mongolia, Northeast, Siberia, Central Asia and other regions, as well as overseas in the Americas For grain farming in the region, the empire has decided to encourage and support the research and development, production and promotion of agricultural machinery and equipment.

The most representative one is a series of steam-powered agricultural equipment, such as plows, harvesters, etc.

After the introduction of this support policy, many domestic manufacturers engaged in agricultural machinery research and production, such as Hekou Machinery Company, Tangshan Agricultural Machinery Company, Tianjin Agricultural Machinery Company and other major agricultural equipment manufacturers, have seen their stock prices rise.

This is similar to the reason why the stock prices of shipping companies rose after the introduction of policies to reduce grain transportation costs.

Even with the introduction of the grain production support plan, even seemingly unrelated industries such as steel and coal have ushered in new growth momentum.

Agriculture's demand for agricultural machinery, ships, and even rail transportation will lead to increased demand for steel and coal.

The multi-faceted demand pull has ultimately led to the amplification of industrial and commercial demand, and the market is generally optimistic.

Therefore, agriculture is not just as simple as farming on the surface. It is also an extremely important economic leading industry like the textile industry and can drive the development of a series of industries.

Because people have only a few hard needs, nothing more than the four major categories of food, clothing, housing and transportation!Any one of them is the core leading industry!

Agriculture deserves to be the first item, because food is the most important thing for people!
I can’t even get enough to eat, and I’m talking nonsense about clothing, housing and transportation!

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