I want to be emperor

Chapter 997 Spring Chapter in England

Time passed day by day, and soon it was December 45, the 26th year of Chengshun. The Spring Festival holiday was approaching. Even Cardiff, a small port city in the British region, was beginning to have a Spring Festival atmosphere.

The only shops in the town have begun to sell various festival items such as Spring Festival couplets, red lanterns, blessing characters and even firecrackers.

People began to go out to buy New Year goods one after another in order to have a good New Year.

The children happily followed their parents to the store, looking forward to getting new clothes.

Seeing this, you may think that those who go to the streets to buy New Year goods are all Chu people... In fact, the people who are happily buying various New Year goods on the streets are local aborigines... Welsh people.

Why do Welsh people celebrate the Spring Festival of Chu people?
Because they only have one holiday all year round: the Spring Festival...but they have no other holidays to celebrate during the Spring Festival.

Chu people don't recognize other things like Christmas, and Chu people's companies will not give these local employees a holiday because of this.

But the Spring Festival is different. Anwei Mining Company will give employees a holiday and give out a small gift as a new year's gift.

As for the local middle- and lower-class indigenous people...actually limited by their previous living conditions, they actually didn't celebrate any festivals. They were exhausted all day long but still didn't have enough to eat. normal.

Now these Welsh people who work for the Chu people are able to enjoy the joy of the festival.

In order to let his employees have a good holiday, An Tongxuan even arranged to invite a juggling troupe to perform, and also organized and arranged some cheap New Year goods to enrich his store.

This year has been very busy, and I have made a lot of money. After all, I want to make employees, their families, and partners happy.

As for Cardiff... you must know that the entire Cardiff has actually been purchased by An Tongxuan. Nowadays, quite a few people living in this port town are basically employees of Anwei Mining Company. and dependents, either employees and dependents of partners.

Of course, there are also vendors, service workers, and indigenous people looking for a better life who come here to make money.

There are now about 1000 people in Cardiff, and most of them are related to Anwei Mining Company. The remaining irrelevant people are basically indigenous workers and other people who provide various services to Anwei Mining Company employees and their families. family members.

No matter how you look at it, these people actually rely on Anwei Mining Company for their livelihood, it's just a matter of direct or indirect.

By the way, because now the entire town, including all land and buildings, belongs to Anwei Mining Company, and many of the shops in it also belong to Anwei Mining Company... Therefore, many labor costs of Anwei Mining Company, and Through the consumption of these employees and outsiders in the town, part of this money can be earned back!

Even because it attracted some local middle- and upper-class Welsh people, they came here to rent houses for safety and to enjoy a more modern life. The consumption of these people contributed a lot of money to Antongxuan. .

In a sense, Antongxuan not only runs several coal mines and iron mines, but also runs a city... Although the city of Cardiff is still a bit small and has a small population.

However, An Tongxuan feels that if he continues this way, especially if he attracts some wealthy people from the Kingdom of Wales to live and even invest here, he may be able to make a lot of money from the income he earns from running the city!

It is worth mentioning that if other people or organizations operate in Cardiff, An Tongxuan will also collect money...but not in the name of tax, but in the form of land/shop rent, health management fees, public security management fees, etc. Charged in name...

The Welsh or other indigenous people engaged in business in Cardiff do not need to pay taxes to the Kingdom of Wales... because when Anwei Mining Company purchased the territory, it obtained not only the land use rights, but also the rights to bring this land. Tax, judicial and even military rights on a piece of land... Strictly speaking, this is even a sovereign purchase.

Don’t think that this kind of sovereignty to purchase a piece of land is special. In fact, it was very normal before and now. Countless Chu businessmen have done this in indigenous controlled areas, but the names may be different. Some may be When using concessions, some may adopt methods such as permanent purchase.

And it’s not surprising for those indigenous kingdoms... There is no saying that every inch of mountains and rivers are worth every inch of blood these days. In essence, these territories are not actually the territory of a certain country, but the territory of a certain family...

It is very common for European nobles to transfer and sell territories... Many territories will be merged or split due to the marriage of nobles.

How did the Habsburg family in Austria rise?
It was through marriage that they continued to gain more territory, and eventually controlled a large number of territories in Europe.

Therefore, don't take territorial sovereignty too seriously these days... In fact, as long as you can afford a sufficient price, many European nobles are willing to transfer their territories to you.

It doesn't matter if you don't have money, you can do it if you have strong military strength.

Anwei Mining Company, on the other hand, relied on the strong strength of the empire, and the price offered at the beginning was not small. It also cooperated with several local nobles on labor dispatch, and agreed to purchase vegetables, fruits, etc. from local nobles. Some living supplies.

Due to many factors, Anwei Mining Company finally succeeded in acquiring Cardiff and a large area of ​​territory nearby, as well as mineral exploration and mining rights, railway construction rights, etc. in a large area.

So today's Cardiff, strictly speaking, is the territory of Anwei Mining Company... Of course, it adopts a long-term lease model. In name, this place is still part of the Kingdom of Wales, and it also needs to pay a fixed fee to the Kingdom of Wales every year. The rent is hundreds of dollars, but according to the contract, everything in Cardiff has nothing to do with the Kingdom of Wales.

The Kingdom of Wales even set up a checkpoint at a nearby intersection to collect import and export duties... For people in the Kingdom of Wales, going to Cardiff is equivalent to going abroad.

Similar situations are not special, but common... Chu people's companies go to vassal countries to do business, especially those doing mining companies or plantation businesses, even for the most basic safety guarantee, often They will also ask for military authority and organize their own company armies!
In the Kingdom of Wales alone, there are as many as eight company territories like Cardiff, and in the entire British region, there are probably dozens of them in total.

These company territories do not count as colonies of the Great Chu Empire... because these are territory purchase or lease agreements signed between Chu people's companies and the indigenous rulers, and the empire will not even send troops to these places. colonial administration.

But if you want to say that these places are still the territories of the local indigenous people, that is nonsense...especially those corporate territories that have signed permanent land transfer contracts. Those indigenous kingdoms no longer even have nominal sovereignty over this place... This All affairs on the land belong to the company that acquired the land.

Just like Cardiff, the local security team is responsible for the security team under the Anwei Mining Company. Criminal acts against local indigenous people are tried by personnel dispatched by the company... and for Chu people's criminal acts, it is Based on the local laws of Chu State, the company's security team caught the person and escorted him to the Isle of Man for prosecution by the local inspection agency.

There is no other way. The Chu Empire has very strong regulations. All criminal acts against Chu people must be based on the laws of the Chu Empire and handed over to the judicial institutions of the Chu State for prosecution and trial. If there are no judicial organs of the Chu State nearby, Leave it to the vassal consul who has obtained special judicial authorization to deal with it... This is the extra-legal jurisdiction that has caused dissatisfaction among many indigenous countries and is notorious in various indigenous countries. Strictly speaking, this extra-legal jurisdiction means that the Chu people are not governed by local laws even if they arrive in an indigenous kingdom... You, an indigenous country still stuck in the barbarian era, don't even have perfect laws. You and I Talk about law? Nonsense!

If someone from the Chu State breaks the law, you can arrest them, but the prosecution and trial must be carried out by the judicial organs of the Chu State. You natives cannot do it privately, and you have to be very careful even when arresting. If you accidentally cause the Chu State If there are casualties, then things will be big!

A very special company territory like Cardiff must also abide by this law... Just because your company has the so-called sovereignty of this land, you cannot judge Chu people on this land at will, An Tongxuan Neither Anwei Mining Company nor Anwei Mining Company has this power.

If he had this power, wouldn't An Tongxuan be able to kill any Chu people here at will... It is impossible for the empire to let such a hole go.

The Great Chu Empire had already introduced extra-legal governance and solved this problem based on the principle of "belonging to people and belonging to territory", without giving any chance to any indigenous kingdom or company territory!
We, the people of Chu State, can only let the judicial institutions of Chu State prosecute or judge...

So this also led to a series of very strange results.

For example, a fool ran into the Kingdom of Wales, ran to the street on a whim, and shot a Welsh native. The unlucky Welshman was killed on the spot... Then the Welsh soldiers arrested the gunman.

But...according to the Chu Empire's extra-legal jurisdiction regulations, they had no right to conduct any trial on the gunman and could only hand it over to the Da Chu Empire's consulate in the Kingdom of Wales.

The vassal consul in the consulate was a vassal consul who had obtained special judicial authorization. He read through the relevant legal provisions... and finally filed a public prosecution on the charge of "killing people of other countries on the territory of other countries", and finally handed it over to the neighboring country. The trial is held at the Liverpool Administrative Territory Tribunal!

At the same time, the gunman generously admitted his crime of killing the Welshman because he didn't like him and wanted to shoot him...

The judge at the Liverpool Court of Justice carefully studied the relevant laws and finally sentenced the shooter to one month of compulsory mental treatment for this crime and fined him [-] yuan!
And then... it's gone!
That's all.

Fine, this is basically the common punishment for Chu people who kill a native in non-Chu territory... and there is a fine, it is because the gunman confessed in court, and there are no lawyers to provide him with a strong defense... If you find If a lawyer defends the case, the gunman will not plead guilty in court, but will quibble and give himself a reason, such as lying and saying that he felt threatened and that shooting was a self-defense choice he had to make, so he will not even be fined.

As for why it also comes with a month of mandatory psychiatric treatment.

The main reason was that when the gunman gave the motive for the murder in court, his reasons were too ridiculous and he was just for fun... The judge felt that there was something wrong with such a person's brain, so he was given an extra month of compulsory psychiatric treatment. The psychiatrist gave him an electric shock to change his brain... to avoid killing another person for fun in two days. It would be okay to kill the natives, but it would not be good to kill a Chu nationality by then.

A fine of twenty Chu Yuan... accompanied by one month of compulsory mental treatment.

This is the heavy price a Chu man pays for killing an aboriginal on the spot in an aboriginal-controlled area...

This... to those indigenous people, this is nonsense!

Therefore, many times, Chu people are often lawless in areas controlled by indigenous people, and there are many who commit heinous crimes.

And those law enforcement officers or people in power in indigenous countries sometimes choose not to arrest Chu criminals who have committed heinous crimes and hand them over to the Chu consulate, but to kill them directly...

Don’t you Chu people want extra-judicial governance, and don’t you sentence these criminals lightly? Then I won’t hand them over at all…just kill them!
Of course, this kind of thing has to be done secretly so that the Chu State officials don’t discover it. If they are discovered, the matter will be very serious. The Chu State people will most likely send troops directly. At that time, it will be routine to pay compensation, cede land, and execute relevant personnel. operate.

Therefore, it is true that many Chu people in the indigenous territory are lawless, and it is also true that many people never come back...

Many things have two sides!


Because Cardiff is his own city, An Tongxuan is quite concerned about the construction of Cardiff and the lives of urban residents.

To keep the residents entertained, a circus performance and a subsequent New Year's Eve fireworks show were even arranged.

An Tongxuan sometimes thinks that maybe one day in the future, Cardiff can become a city with a large population and a prosperous economy. By then, with an entire city, he should be able to join the upper class of the empire, right?
In addition to providing a good festive atmosphere for the residents of Cardiff town, An Tongxuan also held a Spring Festival dinner at Cardiff Castle to entertain many employees in his company, not just Chu employees. , and there are a few indigenous employees who have made relatively large contributions to the company.

In addition, he also hosted a banquet for some of his partners, such as representatives from the Isle of Man Steel Plant and representatives from several coal channel dealers.

In addition, some indigenous partners were invited, mainly several nobles of the Kingdom of Wales who provided labor for their company.

The local Chu people are accustomed to the Spring Festival dinner arranged by An Tongxuan and are looking forward to it, because the Chu people attach great importance to the Spring Festival, and the empire also has a tradition of holding Spring Festival banquets!
This tradition is mainly an extension of the Spring Festival state banquet held by Luo Zhixue. Subsequently, many local officials in the Chu Empire will also hold a Spring Festival banquet every year before the new year. Its nature is mainly to thank the business community. At the same time, it also does charity fundraising.

Later, this tradition also continued to the industrial and commercial circles, and many companies would also hold dinners during this period to invite company employees and partners.
When they arrived overseas, the Chu people naturally continued this tradition to overseas areas.

Even in the territory of a vassal state like Cardiff, this is no exception!
Even because these places are far away from the mainland, the Chu people who are far away from their hometown even pay more attention to the Spring Festival than when they are at home.

The Spring Festival dinner organized by An Tongxuan was still very formal and the standards were quite high.

On December [-], many invited guests arrived at Cardiff Castle one after another.

Among the many guests, in addition to the regular guests, there were also several special indigenous guests brought by the cooperating Welsh nobles. They were members of the Welsh royal family, and one of them was a very young princess.

Naturally, An Tongxuan would not turn away these uninvited guests, but invited them in generously.

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