
Chapter 1101: When will Uncle Yongning come to Beijing?

Under the pressure of impeachment from the cabinet and the imperial censor, and being annoyed by the constant cries of the Dai and Jin vassal kings, Emperor Chongzhen finally made his decree.

Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng was severely reprimanded and severely punished by Emperor Chongzhen.

Zhang Cheng was removed from the rank of first-rank military governor and governor of the rear military governor's office, and was demoted to the third-rank rank of Wanquan commander-in-chief and commander of the Qianshi. He also had his seal of "General Zhenshuo" taken away and was fined for one year.

However, Zhang Cheng was still appointed as the chief military officer of Xuanfu Town, and his title of Earl of Yongning was not removed. At the same time, he was also ordered to send troops to Henan Province to suppress the bandits as soon as possible, so that he could redeem himself by performing meritorious service.

Wang Pu, the chief military officer of Datong Town, and Li Fuming, the chief military officer of Shanxi Town, naturally could not escape the blame. They were also severely punished, demoted to the second level to retain the chief military officer, and fined one year's salary. At the same time, they were also ordered to He immediately organized his army and went with Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng to aid Henan Province and eliminate the intruders.

Demotion can be said to be the lightest punishment for Zhang Cheng, Wang Pu and Li Fuming. What they care about is not the dispensable title. As long as the actual status of the chief military officer is still there, as long as the army is still there. , afraid of a ball again!

For Wang Pu and Li Fuming, they followed Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng to raid the home of a profiteer, and they had an unexpected gain.

Originally, the court only named Yongning Bo and Zhang Cheng as their brave soldiers to assist Henan in suppressing bandits, and did not give them any orders. But now, because they ransacked the house of a profiteer with Zhang Cheng, they unexpectedly got this opportunity to redeem themselves through meritorious service.

Like them, Jiang Yuxu, the governor of Xuanda, was also harshly reprimanded and demoted to a second level, but he still remained as the governor of Xuanda.

There were also three other people, Zhu Zhifeng, the governor of Xuanfu, Cai Maode, the governor of Shanxi, and Wei Jingyuan, the governor of Datong, who also ate Zhang Cheng's melons. They were all demoted one level and stayed in their original posts to atone for their sins.

Not to mention them, even Bian Yongqing, the eunuch who supervised the Yongyi Army, was also scolded and severely criticized by Emperor Chongzhen.

However, fortunately, there was Uncle Yong Ning and Zhang Cheng in front, so it was impossible for everyone to be punished more severely than him. Therefore, although the punishment looked heavy on the surface, it was actually better than nothing.

In such a commotion, the imperial court killed one of the second-rank deputy generals, and even killed two of the third-rank defensive officers. There were also some guerrilla and garrison military attachés, but nothing happened. Similar.

In the Ming Dynasty, various forces will have to re-evaluate Yongning Bo and Zhang Cheng from now on!

After the severe rebuke, there was no more movement, and the imperial censors and officials in the imperial court also stopped raising their flags one by one. Only Yu Shangyou persisted and continued to fire bullets, criticizing Yong Ningbo and Zhang Cheng for taking credit, being arrogant and domineering.

In the end, even Emperor Chongzhen was moved by his behavior and secretly called him "a loyal minister, he is really a loyal minister". However, publicly he had to issue an order to scold him and warned him not to hear false accusations again, so as not to interfere with the military affairs of the country and the DPRK. .

In fact, what Emperor Chongzhen said was very unsubtle. No wonder Yu Shangyou was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night after receiving the scolding order!
However, when the kings of the Dai and Jin dynasties saw no response for a long time, they continued to write to Emperor Chongzhen crying and even sounded like an elder, asking Emperor Chongzhen to severely punish Zhang Cheng.

They even said bluntly: "If Uncle Yongning is not severely punished, where will the Tian family's face be?"

However, their actions not only failed to win the sympathy of Emperor Chongzhen, but instead angered him.

The harsh imperial edict was then sent directly to the palaces of Datong and Taiyuan. The tone was even harsher than that of Zhang Cheng and others, rebuking them for their failure to discipline their subordinates, causing the palace servants and officials to get involved in smuggling and smuggling slaves. All these incidents occurred in his business.

If we talk about the "face of the Tianjia", it was all lost to them. The current situation is entirely their own fault. Emperor Chongzhen even strictly ordered them to shut up and think about their mistakes and not leave the house for two years.

In addition, Emperor Chongzhen also issued an imperial edict, ordering Yongningbo Zhang Cheng to escort all the traitors, traitors and traitors captured in the three places of Xuanda to Beijing and hand them over to the Three Laws Division for trial and conviction.

After a series of imperial edicts were issued, Emperor Chongzhen and the imperial court responded, which could be regarded as an explanation to the imperial officials. The matter of Yongning Bo and Zhang Cheng being good at arresting slave-travelers and profiteers was finally over.

Although there are still many people who feel that the court's treatment of Yong Ningbo can be said to be loud and light, with no real punishment other than demotion or salary.

However, each of them knew in their hearts that this matter could only end here. Could they really do anything to Uncle Yong Ning?

Once the Yongyi Army is provoked to mutiny, they will not be the unlucky ones in the end. What's more, if the Yongyi Army refuses to aid Henan in the end, can they still be sent to exterminate the rebels?
After this incident, the Donglin Party members also began to re-examine Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng. Many people were secretly thinking about how to deal with Zhang Cheng in the future, but they had to think carefully before doing so!

By late March, all places in the three towns of Xuanda had basically returned to their former peace.

However, although people have returned to normal production and life, they are acting cautiously. Even though it is difficult to see armed warriors wearing helmets and armor on the streets, there is still a little panic in their hearts.

It was nearly April, and all matters in Xuanda had been decided. Except for a few soldiers and horses left in various places to supervise the inspection and property auction, the soldiers of each battalion also returned to the army one after another, or continued southward to Henan Province.

There was a mighty movement, and the cavalry troops were constantly checking outposts at the front and rear, just like during the war, between the infantry battalions, there were all large and small vehicles, all of which were fully loaded with the proceeds of the inspection.

According to Yongningbo's instructions, all the proceeds seized from Zhangjiakou and other places in Xuanfu were returned to the town. After being counted, they were transported to Beijing and delivered to the Ministry of Household Affairs of the imperial court for storage.

Of course, before that, Uncle Yong Ning would withhold his own share first, so as not to give any advantage to the worms in the household department.

As for the proceeds from the seizures in Datong and Shanxi, except for part of the silver that was transported back to the towns, the rest of the money was temporarily stored there. As for other materials, all the other materials were transported south to support the war against bandits in Henan Province, and some were used. to resettle the refugees.

Countless people are staring at such a huge amount of wealth, and many people privately speculate that Zhang Cheng's actual gains this time may be far more than that.

However, so what if they believe it, and what if they don’t believe it?
Anyway, Uncle Yong Ning said there were so many, so there must be so many!
Nearly 400 million taels of cash, as well as countless commodities. Such a huge sum of money attracted the attention of many people. Ever since Yong Ningbo reported his arrival in Beijing, an unprecedented fierce battle had begun secretly. .

Although Wei Zhaocheng, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue and a scholar of Dongge University, was mediocre in talent and self-willed. He had served for four years and achieved nothing, but he was the most influential person in this matter.

The Ming Dynasty's treasury was depleted, money and food could not be maintained, but there were internal and external troubles, natural disasters and military disasters, and money was everywhere. Wei Zhaocheng, as the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, was already as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and had no other choice.

Now, these more than 400 million taels of wealth have fallen from the sky. He, the God of Wealth of the Ming Empire, has instantly become arrogant. No matter what anyone says, he must collect all this huge wealth into the national treasury. In order to solve the urgent needs of the court.

In this regard, although the officials knew that every time he came in and out, they would definitely use their hands to reap huge benefits, but they had no reason to object.

However, Chen Xinjia, the Minister of the Ministry of War, had another opinion. He said: Yongning Bo was the chief military officer of Xuanfu Town. The money and goods he confiscated should naturally be owned and controlled by the Ministry of War.The Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Rites, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and other yamen also made the same announcement, hoping to get a piece of the pie for various reasons.

This is just the ministries and offices of the central court. Even the provincial and state offices below heard that the court had money, and each had their own reasons, either to provide disaster relief and appease the people, or to build embankments and consolidate rivers, or...

Even Jiang Yuxu, the governor of Xuanda, who had just been severely punished by Emperor Chongzhen's decree, wrote a letter bluntly saying that the food and salary for the sergeants in the three towns had not been paid for a long time. The soldiers and the people had been suffering for a long time. Please leave some money and food in Xuanda.

However, Wei Zhaocheng would not give face to anyone, including the elder of the cabinet, the minister, the governor, Futai, etc. He firmly grasped one point and announced that the proceeds from the inspection must be counted and put into the treasury before they can be used as needed, and Must be used on the edge...


Antang, an organization that has always been very secretive, also began to show its prominence during this house raid. It was well known to the officers and soldiers of the Yongyi Army battalions, and was also heard by outsiders.

They have people in various places in Xuanda to supervise the local government offices to receive and auction houses, shops and goods to prevent them from engaging in corruption for personal gain.

The shops of the captured prostitutes outside Xuanda were beyond the control of the Yongyi Army, so they only reported them to the local prefectures and counties and conducted inspections on their own.

Beilu Trading Company also officially changed its name to "Yongning Trading Company" after the house raid.

At the same time, Yong Ningbo also established a new "Yongyi Military Products Trading Company" that specializes in selling military products, specifically for selling military products that can be used by civilians, as well as selling military equipment to foreign countries.

Most of the shops that were raided in the third town of Xuanda were redeemed by the wealthy "Yongning Trading Company" and "Yongyi Military Products Trading Company". The business tentacles under the name of Uncle Yongning suddenly extended to all places in the third town of Xuanda.

It has even opened shops outside the three towns. In terms of its scale and background, it is already the only one in Xuanfu. Even in Datong and Shanxi, there are few rivals.

All the merchants in Xuanda saw this, and because of the sense of oppression brought to them by this round of house raids, they all came to ask for help, expressing their intention to form a joint business with Yongning Trading Company.

Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng naturally welcomed this sincerely. He originally established the trading company on North Road for the purpose of government-run monopoly and to raise military expenses. Now that it has been renamed Yongning Trading Company, he even wants to build it into the kind of " Supply and marketing cooperatives" generally exist.

For Zhang Cheng now, Yongning Trading Co., Ltd. is no longer a tool for him to make money. Its greatest role is to stabilize the society and also have a certain united front function.

Nowadays, major merchants have reacted fiercely and are demanding cooperation with trading companies. Isn’t this just playing into Uncle Yongning’s mind?

Then there is the "Yongyi Military Products Trading Company", which is somewhat similar to those military service agencies found everywhere in later generations. Now the Yongyi Military Products Trading Company also provides services to ordinary people, mainly selling some dual-use military and civilian products, as well as products produced by military workshops in their spare time. Some civilian items and tools, etc.

Since it is called a Military Products Club, it naturally also distributes real military products, including armor, ordnance, guns, cannons, etc., as well as various military uniforms, etc. It can also accept reservations and process them according to the required styles and standards.

However, these military products cannot be purchased and used by ordinary people, so only the local garrison and generals in each town can visit them.

Due to the special nature of the Yongyi Military Products Trading Company, it only opened its own branches in various prefectures. Of course, some important gateways and transportation hubs also established branches of the Military Products Trading Company. This was naturally a special need.

When Xuanda was arresting profiteers in various places, there were also many servants in their houses, shop assistants, some hired gangsters, unsuspecting people who were instigated, etc.

In the hope that God will have a good life, these people will be carefully screened, and those who are indeed not the main culprits and have no evil deeds will be prosecuted for their crimes, signed and adjourned, and can be released and returned home immediately.

Since the soldiers of the Yongyi Army strictly abided by military discipline, although they entered the city to arrest people and ransack their homes, they did not disturb the ordinary people much. With appropriate follow-up measures, a large number of arrested people were released and returned home, and the local area gradually stabilized.


On the second day of April, Xuanfu Town was at the General Military Office.

"Uncle, when will you leave for Beijing?" Bian Yongqing asked with a smile.

Zhang Cheng replied to him calmly: "We will set off within the month. Don't be impatient, sir. I also want to deliver the money to the emperor as soon as possible. However, the army is going to Henan, and many affairs in Xuan Mansion still need time to be dealt with." It’s done properly.”

Bian Yongqing also knew that what Zhang Cheng said was true, and he promised to start the journey within a month. Feeling a little relieved, he said to him: "The prince has left Beijing and is expected to arrive in the town within a month. Uncle Yongning might as well I’ll meet the prince and then set off for the capital.”

"That's exactly what I mean."

Zhang Cheng continued with a smile: "The army and the silver chariot can set off first. The prince and I will drive quickly in the light chariot. Even if we catch up in a few days, we won't miss anything."

The two chatted and laughed for a while, then Bian Yongqing stood up and left.


"Brother Guo, I'll leave the Xuanfu to you."

Deputy Commander-in-Chief Guo Yingxian looked embarrassed, clasped his fists and begged: "Old Guo is just a rough guy. We can kill thieves in front of the battle line. But guarding the place is really not our specialty. Can we choose another person?" Stay in the town?"

Zhang Cheng smiled and said to him: "The old general has followed Yang Shuai for a long time and has been in the army for half his life. He has always had prestige in Xuanfu. Now that he is my deputy commander in Xuanzhen, he should shoulder this important task and stay in Xuanfu to serve our brave soldiers." The soldiers guard the foundation."

"It is our duty to look after the homes and homes of our brothers. I cannot allow you to refuse. I am also confident that with me, Lao Guo, here, young people will not be able to make trouble."

Guo Yingxian continued with a look of reluctance: "But when we think about not being able to follow the commander-in-chief, go to the battlefield, and kill thieves in front of the battle, we feel very uncomfortable." (End of this chapter)

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