
Chapter 415 Murderous!

Chapter 415 Murderous!
On the third day of August in the 13th year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, it was only after Youshi, and the Deyi Building not far from the Yongning County Government was already brightly lit. , Zhang Cheng, the admiral of North Road Military Affairs, arrived.

Today, they had almost all rushed outside the city to welcome Zhang Cheng's arrival, and they had already seen the power of the soldiers brought by Zhang Cheng, which they had never felt before.

Although the military horses brought by the former deputy general Zhang Guowei are also very strong and mighty, but it always feels like there is something missing.

While they were discussing, a thin man was sitting on a round stool, holding a "Yunzhou brand" cigarette in his hand, and was puffing. After he exhaled a puff of green smoke, he said two Word: "Murderous!"


"murderous look!"

"It's killing intent!"

"Look at their eyes, they are so cold!"

"Why does everyone look like hell soldiers?"

"Yes... yes..."

"...Here we come..."

Under the curious eyes of everyone, Zhang Cheng and others finally rode their horses towards them. Guard Tong Shouxin had been waiting here for a long time. He hurried forward to take the reins of Zhang Cheng's horse, and a sergeant came to meet him. However, I took it to the stable behind the restaurant.

After receiving the letter that Zhang Cheng had arrived, County Magistrate Liu Minshen also came out to greet him. He and Tong Shouxin accompanied Zhang Cheng up to the second floor, where four tables of wine and food were set up in the hall on the second floor.

The banquet tonight was extremely large-scale. Although Zhang Cheng hadn't watched it carefully, he could feel that almost all the prominent figures in Yongning City had gathered in this Deyi Building.

Most of them were seated on the first floor. Although none of them caught Zhang Cheng's eyes, participating in this kind of banquet tonight can be regarded as a bragging capital in the future.

But the more than twenty people in the hall on the second floor are different. Everyone who can go up to the second floor is Yongning's top face. People are envious.

Zhang Cheng, Liu Minshen, magistrate of Yongning County, and guard Tong Shouxin were seated at the table by the window. The rest were Liang Cixin, a commander of Yongning Guard, Du Mingli, a scholar of Confucianism, Fu Yuxi, a nobleman, two wealthy businessmen, Zhai Xiaowei and Tian Weiqun, etc. people.

Wu Zhizhong, Wei Zhice, Gao Jingong and others who came with him were seated at the other three tables. Yongningwei's other acquaintance and two other officials, and the county magistrate, chief secretary, Dianshi, etc. were also present to accompany them.

Basically, each table is accompanied by one person from the guard and the county government, and the rest are accompanied by Confucianism, medical officials, gentry, merchants, etc. During the table, everyone is very interested in Wu Zhizhong's arm.

He also told everyone without hesitation that his arm was broken during the Battle of Julu. Thanks to the rescue of the commander-in-chief Zhang Cheng, he was able to be what he is today.

Knowing that he participated in the 11th year of Chongzhen's Battle of King Qin, everyone at the table was looking for the story of the Battle of Julu, and the story of Zhang Cheng shooting Dorgon and beheading Yuetuo, but it was soon uploaded by the next table The voice attracted.

It turned out that Wei Zhice at the other table was also being questioned about Zhang Cheng's deeds. He was already very eloquent, and what was even more rare was that he could speak eloquently, and he spoke vividly and vividly.

On the entire second floor, Zhang Cheng was the only one who was slightly calm. They couldn't let go after all. Liu Minshen, the county magistrate, and Du Mingli, Xuezheng, had been chatting with Zhang Cheng about his poem "Song of Congjun", which gave him Zhang Cheng also praised it.

Guard Tong Shouxin has always been submissive to Zhang Cheng as a superior official, while Jinshen Fu Yuxi, Zhai Xiaowei, and Tian Weiqun just smiled along, praising Zhang Cheng's good words for a while, and praising Zhang Cheng for a while. Cheng Yingwu, sometimes listening to Wei Zhice's narration at the next table, is really busy.

During the banquet, Zhang Cheng ordered the guard Tong Shouxin in a deep voice in front of everyone. He was scheduled to inspect the defenders under his command at the Yongning North Campus on the sixth day of the lunar new year, as well as the two soldiers left by Zhang Guowei, the deputy commander. There are more than a thousand troops and horses in preparation for the expedition to suppress bandits.


On the fourth day of August in the 13th year of Chongzhen, at the beginning of Chenshi, the sun had already risen and was hanging obliquely in the sky, lazily shining on the people who were preparing for breakfast.

There is a bandit village hidden in the big ditch 25 miles east of Yongning. It is not very large, but the terrain is dangerous. The first gate of the village is stuck on a section of the main road into the mountain.

This is the only way to enter the mountain. It is only one foot wide for about a mile in front and back. There are stone walls on both sides of the gate, and the gate made of big wood is also extremely strong.

There were less than ten bandits inside the gate of the village, sitting around a fire, smelling the faint smell of meat wafting from the fire, they sat on the stones one by one, and chatted when the meat porridge was cooked with.

But they never saw a few groups of black and green shadows on the cliff on their right side, moving back and forth, less than fifty steps away from them, and vaguely saw that those shadows were actually a big man dressed up.

About a mile and a half further away, there is a stream wading through. There is even a water gate built here, which is also a wooden gate made of big wood. There is a gap in the gate that no one can pass through to facilitate the stream. Stone wall stacks.

There were no less than 20 bandits here, most of them were inside the water gate, only five or six people outside were walking towards the first gate, while the bandits inside were eating breakfast.

It can be seen that it is also meat porridge paired with dark steamed buns, but this is already an excellent meal outside the big cities on the East Road, at least you can still smell the meat.

The clothes on them were all shabby, five or six of them were wearing cloth armor, all kinds of long and short weapons were scattered around them, and there were three or four bird guns poking on the wall pier.

A bandit with a slightly naive face had just finished eating a steamed bun. He held a broken bowl in his right hand, which still contained half a bowl of meat porridge, and was wiping his clothes carelessly with his left hand.

He kept muttering something in his mouth, another bandit seemed to find it interesting, so he put his ear close to him, which made him retract his neck in a fright, his little head turned around, and looked around. What are you looking at?

A bandit leader in cloth armor came up, kicked him staggeringly, staggered forward a long way, lying on the ground like a dog chewing.

The bandit leader scolded angrily: "You dog, barking a ball indiscriminately, where did the murderous intent come from..."

Suddenly, he saw a green shadow moving in the grass beside the stream more than 40 steps away to the right, and then saw a cold light flash, and before he had time to react, it flew to his eyes, it was indeed an arrow It pierced straight through his neck, and the point of the arrow protruded from the back of his neck close to the cervical spine. Under the sunlight, it shone coldly and dripped with bright red drops.

Then there was a burst of gunshots, and arrows mixed with lead bullets flew towards him. Another bandit in cloth armor yelled "Sneak attack by the officers and soldiers", and was hit by a lead bullet, killing him on the spot.

In this battle, only one person survived, and that was the silly fool who kept muttering "murderous" in his mouth at the very beginning!
(End of this chapter)

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