
Chapter 429

Chapter 429

In front of Lijiazhai, more than ten miles west of Wu'an County under the jurisdiction of Cizhou, Zhangde Prefecture, Zhang Guangda stood on his horse, with nearly a hundred horsemen behind him.

When he heard that the old man on the wall of the stronghold dared to refuse, his face was filled with anger. When he saw his eyes, two knights galloped forward. At more than 30 steps in front of the stronghold, they got off their horses and took bows and arrows in their hands.

"Swoosh...swoosh..." The sound of arrows piercing through the air resounded.

"Du...Du..." two sounds, and they hit the big wooden pillar of the gatehouse next to the old man impartially, making them shrink their necks in fright and run around.

Only then did Zhang Guangda ride his horse to a place more than 20 steps away from the village, and shouted loudly: "Don't talk nonsense, quickly ask your head to come out and answer!"

Seeing that there were no more bows and arrows coming, the old man poked his head out from behind the wall of the stronghold and shouted: "Master, don't mess around, my grand master is the servant of the former court, and the current governor of Cizhou belongs to my grand master." student……"

"Duk...duk..." Two more arrows flew towards him, scaring him back.

Zhang Guangda was a little impatient, and with a wave of his hand, a knight with a loud voice rushed forward and shouted: "My general has an order to open the gate of the village as soon as possible, otherwise we will be called bandits!"

Hearing this, the old man was also flustered, now that the years are full of chaos, the prestige of the Grand Master is not as effective as before, he knows this.

Immediately he poked his head out and replied loudly: "Master Jun, don't get angry. The little old man is going to ask the head of the family to come back and answer, and please ask Master Jun to wait for a while."

At this moment, a donkey cart slowly came from the village and stopped in front of the gate of the village. The curtain of the car was lifted, and a middle-aged man in his 40s poked his head out. With a shock, he shrank back.

A steady voice came from inside the car: "Uncle Fu, have the officers and soldiers from there ever reported the name of our old man?"

Uncle Fu hurriedly replied in a slightly old voice: "I have already reported, but those Qiu Ba insisted on not leaving, and insisted on seeing the uncle."

The curtain of the donkey cart was raised again, and a thin body wrapped in a thick plush cloak got out of the cart. Fu Bo trotted forward to hold him, for fear that he would be blown down by the cold wind.

"Qiu Ba, who has never seen the world, does he not know how big the servant is?"

Although he is thin and frail, he is full of energy when speaking, presumably he must be well nourished on weekdays.

Uncle Fu helped him walk up the wall slowly, the thin middle-aged man also saw the situation outside the wall, couldn't help taking a breath, he stretched out a hand from the inside of the cloak, and tightened the inside of the cloak jacket collar.

Then he settled down, and Fang said: "Ask who is the general they are waiting for, and what is the reason here?"

Since this middle-aged man is the person in charge of the village, so is Li Guangqi, the uncle of the Li family from Wu'anju, who can be the person in charge of a large family, he must have seen some things in the world.

Just now, he saw that these knights in the outer room were all well-equipped and well-armored. Although they were well-proportioned, they were very organized. He knew that they were not comparable to the local officers and soldiers, and they were even stronger than the frontier troops in some places.

At this time, a rough voice came from outside: "It is a guerrilla attack in front of the tent of General Zhang Cheng, the deputy general of Xuanzhen. He is passing through Wu'an today. According to the military order of my family's commander, he came to raise food. I ask Li's family to put state affairs first. Don't worry." shirk."

"... Zhang Cheng... Zhang Cheng?"

The middle-aged man repeated it twice, shaking his head, and muttered again: "It seems familiar, why can't I remember it?"

Uncle Fu next to him said: "Master, there are only a few dozen officers and soldiers here. Forgive him for not daring to attack our village. What will he do?"

The middle-aged man stared at the words, and said angrily: "Confused, do you really think that he is here to beg for food? What is called courtesy before soldiers. Do you understand?"

He turned around and looked at the one-eyed Zhang Guangda outside the gate of the village, thinking to himself: "How many people in the world can have such a strong army? Why can't I remember who Zhang Cheng is!"

Just now, the young man who climbed down the wall and went back to invite him, at this time, Fuzhi suddenly said in his heart: "Isn't the one who killed the Tartar's head called Zhang Cheng?"

"Which one?"

The middle-aged man was shocked when he heard the words, and said, "Yuetuo!"

"Ah, it's Zhang Cheng."

He hastily ordered: "Hurry up, Uncle Fu, go down, open the gate of the village, and invite this general from outside to enter the village."

Uncle Fu was taken aback for a moment, but he came to his senses in an instant, and hurried to the gate of the village, but was stopped by a middle-aged man: "Wait, Uncle Fu, invite this one-eyed general to come into the village alone.

Xu Dunzi, take a few people with you, bring some hot food and tea to rest for the brothers riding horses outside, and drive away the cold air at the stable in the north, don't let him and others enter the village. "

Uncle Fu and the clever young man agreed, then turned around and ran down the wall to prepare everything. The middle-aged man was also helped down the wall by Zhai Ding.


The gate to the east of Li's Village opened slowly, and the not-so-large suspension bridge slowly fell down. Uncle Fu changed his indifferent expression just now, and walked out with a pleasant smile.

Xu Dunzi followed Uncle Fu, and was directing several young and strong village men to move or carry them across the suspension bridge, and they went directly to a stable in the north of the gate of the village.

This is a resting place for people who come and go. It is a wooden shed built with thatch, with earth walls nearly one person high piled up on three sides, and the inside is quite large.

Uncle Fu came to Zhang Guangda's horse and said with a smile on his face: "The little old man is ordered by my uncle to invite the general into the village to talk."

Zhang Guangdace looked down at Uncle Fu on his horse, and said in a slightly cold tone, "Your uncle is so arrogant, why didn't you come to greet me in person?"

He had never been ridiculed like this before, and he was about to reply, but when he looked up, he saw Zhang Guangda's cold gaze shot out of his one eye, and he hurriedly changed his mouth and said with a smile: "My uncle is weak and can't stand the cold wind in winter, please forgive me." Lord, please forgive me."

Seeing that his words had softened, Zhang Guangda stopped pressing him, and shouted: "Lead the way ahead."

Uncle Fu turned around and walked towards the gate of the village, Zhang Guangda rode his horse behind him, waved his hand to guard him and said, "Leave two of them to follow me into the village, and the rest go to the thatched shed to rest."


In the northwest of Lijiazhai is a four-deep tall courtyard. The courtyard wall looks thicker than the wall of the village. There is also a tall gatehouse, and a turret can be vaguely seen around the corner.

In the main hall of the second courtyard, Zhang Guangda was sitting in it swaggeringly, and two guards stood behind him. The two of them pressed their waist sabers with their eyes wide open.

Li Guangqi's expression was no longer indifferent, he put a smile on his face, and said: "My servant, Li Guangqi, is the head of the clan. Just now, my servants have treated the general slowly. I am here to plead for him. To count."

He didn't wait for Zhang Guangda to open his mouth, and continued: "I don't know if Vice President Zhang is passing through Wu'an, if he knew earlier, he would definitely go to the county to pay his respects, but he doesn't know the name of the general, can you tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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