
Chapter 452

Chapter 452

"Dong dong dong..."

With the sound of war drums, the armored army of thousands of people moved forward slowly. Even the howling cold wind could not shake their strict formation, and they gradually approached the city wall of Yanshi with the sound of drums.

The rays of the sun slanting to the west shone on the rows of shiny armor, reflecting the dazzling light. The armored army marched in formation, and stopped about [-] steps outside the south gate of Yanshi County.

Cui Shijie shouted: "Attention everyone, after the long ladder climbs the city wall, all gunmen aim at the city wall and shoot freely. All sword and shield soldiers climb the ladder first to climb the city. Those who climb the city first will be rewarded with ten taels of silver!"

"Tiger Tiger Tiger!"

All the sergeants shouted together again.

"The army marched slowly to within a hundred steps, then lifted the ladder and rushed forward, rushing straight to the bottom of the city wall, and the vertical ladder built the wall!"


All the soldiers received the military order, shouted slogans loudly, and slowly advanced to a hundred steps away from the city wall. Everyone shouted and rushed forward.

Zhang Cheng held up the binoculars and observed the situation on the city wall on the high platform behind. He saw bandits in turbans running back and forth against the cold wind on the city wall.

It can be seen that the thieves are not professional in the deployment of the city defense, and it is even more messy, but it is also obvious that the city wall is also full of large logs, stones, large bricks and other defensive equipment.

Suddenly, he saw black iron bumps one after another. Zhang Cheng was startled, and hurriedly said to Zhang Chengfang beside him, "Hurry up, send the order, the army rushes into the city, beware of bandits' shelling!"

After Zhang Chengfang got the order, he called Zhang Jintai to get on his horse and rushed forward, shouting all the way: "The whole army is rushing forward, build ladders to climb the city, be careful of the bombardment of bandits..."


At this moment, Zhang Cheng saw through the binoculars two balls of black smoke rising from the top of Yanshi City, followed by two loud noises, and two black cannons flew out of the smoke.

Just as he was about to see the casualties of the soldiers, he caught a glimpse of a flash of flames on the city wall. It may have been a cannon. In a panic, too much gunpowder was filled so that it exploded, and the cannon burst completely. The thieves were killed and wounded, and they dared not use artillery to bombard them.

However, the two cannons fired by the thieves caused some damage to the siege officers and soldiers. One of the cannons directly hit a long ladder and jumped left and right, causing five or six sergeants to be killed or injured.

The other cannon shot missed and hit the empty space. Although it jumped forward and fell for more than ten zhang, it did not cause any casualties to the soldiers.

Zhang Chengfang rode his horse back to the high platform, his face was full of hope and he said loudly: "Father Commander, Cheng Fang has come to ask for orders to climb the city, I hope Father Commander will be kind!"

Zhang Cheng was just not willing to put these children in danger, but at the moment they were eager to fight, so they couldn't forcefully stop them, so he said immediately: "Okay, if the children have such a heart, I shouldn't stop it, it's just you When you first enter the battle, you must pay attention to safety, don't rush forward, if you try and fail, you must return!"

"Here! Cheng Fang understands, please don't worry, Commander-in-Chief."

After receiving the order, Zhang Chengfang rode his horse and galloped away.


In Yanshi City, outside the east gate, the roar of fighting resounded through the earth.

Jin Yong's right division, the Division A, was in charge of attacking the section of the city wall to the south of the east gate. Zheng Youjin, the chief of the first division of the Division A, led two guards and was supervising the battle.

The arrangement at the east gate is slightly different from that at Zhang Cheng’s. Zhang Cheng’s side split up the teams. All gunners were responsible for building ladders and building the city, while shield soldiers were responsible for climbing ladders to climb the city. There were also twelve armored spearmen. Changed his waist knife and hatchet, and climbed to the city with a shield.

But Zhang Guangda was a little different. The knights in his heavy cavalry department had not only equipped assault formations and heavy armored infantry before, Zhang Guangda also led them to practice climbing ladders, cavalry skirmishes and so on.

For this siege, he ordered his heavy cavalry to select 120 sergeants, and divided them into twelve teams to be responsible for climbing the ladder and climbing the city for each team of the Fire Gun Bureau, while the rest of the knights were used as the supervising team.

Jiao Shangkuan, the team officer of the second team of the first round of Division A, propped up one side of the long ladder with his hands, put it on his broad shoulders, shouted loudly, and rushed to the city wall.

Just like the south gate, there were also sparse cannons on the city wall, but it seemed that they were not skilled in using cannons, only three or four small cannons fired only one round.

When Jiao Shang's broadband team rushed up to a hundred paces, white clouds of smoke rose from the city wall, and the thieves defending the city actually used firecrackers, but they were too impatient and fired a little too early.

Zhang Guangda stood on the earthen platform in the distance, and he also held up the binoculars and looked at the battlefield ahead of the siege with concern. When he saw the gunfire on the city from a distance, he couldn't help sighing: "Oh, it's a pity that the attack was too early, and it's too late." Fortunately, the thieves are not good at using guns, otherwise..."


Under the leadership of Jiao Shangkuan, the second team carried the long ladder and rushed to about [-] steps away from the city wall. He shouted: "Drop the ladder, pull the rope, and build the wall!"

All the sergeants acted according to the command, and due to the great momentum of everyone carrying the ladder and running, the iron stick at the bottom of the long ladder was firmly inserted into the hard ground.

The No. [-] and No. [-] sergeants who were in charge of lifting the ladder did not delay at all after descending the long ladder. They followed the team officer Jiao Shangkuan and ran desperately to the root of the city wall.

Each of them was tied with a hemp rope, and the other end was tied to the top of the long ladder. As they rushed forward, the hemp rope was also stretched, and behind the long ladder were the sergeants who were coming to climb the ladder to the city. It is also divided into five people on each side, each of them is supporting a two-foot-long wooden pole, the forked head of which is supporting the top of the long ladder, and lifting it high.

"Boom... bang... bang..."

A long ladder was built on the top of the east gate of Yanshi County. The iron hook on the top of the long ladder hooked the city wall in an instant. Seventeen of the 24 long ladders outside the east gate were firmly hung on the city wall.

In addition, three long ladders were not hooked and fell under the city wall and fell apart, and two were pushed aside by the bandit soldiers with hooks at the moment when they were about to hang on the city wall.

"Gun soldiers, shoot freely at the city, shield soldiers ascend the city!"

The shouts from under the city wall mixed with the roars of the soldiers, and all the strong and healthy armored soldiers trotted up the long ladder with their big shields in hand, and rushed straight to the city wall.

Seeing that the long ladder was firmly on the top of the wall, Cheng Sanhu, a blunderbuss from the second team of Division A Division [-], hurriedly untied the rope on his body, took off the Yunzhou Type [-] flintlock from his body, and turned around. run backwards.

He turned around and ran for about 34 steps before standing still, holding up the flintlock in his hand and aiming at the top of the city, he saw a bandit soldier holding a bow and arrow poking out to shoot at the soldiers who were climbing the stairs.

Without further ado, he took aim and shot it. As the smoke rose, the bullet flew away from the muzzle in front of him. He saw the bandit soldier on the top of the wall shake his body, spit out a mouthful of bright red, and fell to the ground. Under the city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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