
Chapter 520 Cheng 3 Tigers and Li 2 Eggs

Chapter 520 Cheng Sanhu and Li Erdan

The right part of Zhang Cheng's infantry battalion was under the command of Qian Zong Jin Yong, and the bandit soldiers in the camp didn't notice it until they approached less than a hundred paces to the north of the bandit camp.

Seeing the hasty reaction of the bandit soldiers, Jin Yong boldly ordered: "The blunderbuss shoot freely, and the cold soldiers rush into the bandit camp from both sides!"

Cheng Sanhu, the second-tier blunderbuss of the second team in the first game of Division A, was eager to make contributions and reacted quickly. He had already checked the Yunzhou blunderbuss type [-] in his hand. In a squatting position, the gun muzzle is slightly raised upwards, and a bandit soldier's head is placed on the three-point line and looking at this side.


A small cloud of white smoke rises amidst the explosion, and at the moment when the muzzle flashes, a deadly lead bullet shoots out.

Cheng Sanhu was very lucky to hit the bandit soldier with the first shot, and from a distance, he could see that his head looked like a burst watermelon, with red and yellow splashes flying in all directions.

"Crackling... bang bang bang..."

There was a burst of smoke and explosions, and in an instant, nearly a hundred firecrackers fired at the bandit camp in front, and the simple wooden wall was full of holes.

Cheng Sanhu deftly stood the firecracker on the ground, took out a paper tube fixed ammunition from the slanted ammunition, brought it to his mouth and gently bit a corner, first poured a little gunpowder into the gunpowder pool , Then stuff the remaining sub-powder and lead bullets into the mouth of the gun, and then take out the stick and probe into the barrel for compaction.

Although this set of actions seems cumbersome, since the gunpowder under Zhang Cheng generally used paper tubes to pack gunpowder, many loading procedures have been subtracted, and the loading speed has been increased by more than double compared with the gunpowder elsewhere. .

At the moment when Cheng Sanhu finished reloading and lifted the gun to level, if one looked carefully, there were five small knife-like marks on the wooden handle of the fire gun in his hand under the sunlight.

In less than a minute, Cheng Sanhu finished reloading in one go, and chased forward with the Yunzhou blunderbuss type [-] in his hand. The blunderbuss soldiers behind him also finished loading one after another and chased after him.


The firemen quickly rushed towards the bandit camp in a loose three-row formation. They fired row after row of firecrackers, suppressing the bandit soldiers in the camp without even poking their heads out.

Just as the blunderbusses were shooting to attract and suppress the thieves in the camp, the cold killers from Division A and Division B on the right quickly covered and killed them from the left and right wings of the blunderbusses.

Li Erdan, a shield soldier in the first team of Division A's second bureau, followed closely behind Fan Jin, the leader of the armor. With a round waist and broad shoulders, he was a full head taller than the leader of the armor, and he was the most conspicuous in the team.

To be honest, it was quite difficult for Li Erdan to follow the armor leader Fan Jin. He was afraid of stepping on Fan Jin's heels in front of him if he walked a little too far.

Seeing that the simple wooden wall of the bandit camp was ten steps ahead, Jia Chang Fan Jin also knew that Li Erdan behind him was not only proficient in sword and shield skills, but also had a long stride. Brothers, kill and open a way!"

Li Erdan was originally bound by military regulations and laws, so he always followed Jiachang Fan Jin, and did not dare to leave the team. Now that he has obtained a military order, it is not like a tiger getting out of a cage.


Hearing a loud shout, he stepped forward and rushed forward. He put the big shield horizontally in front of him, concentrated all his strength on the big shield, jumped up and slammed into the wooden wall that was one person high.


The wooden wall of the bandit camp, which was not very strong at all, was smashed into a big gap by Li Erdan's body like an iron tower. Although the wall of the bandit camp was not strong, the wooden boards and branches were indeed tied together. Very strong.

After Li Erdan broke through the gap, the wooden wall began to shake, and more and more officers and soldiers poured in from behind, causing the wooden wall to collapse inward.

Li Erdan was the first to break through the wall of the bandit camp, and he saw more than a dozen bandit soldiers looking at him more than 20 steps away, with a trace of panic looming in their eyes.


His tiger roar actually woke up the bandit soldiers on the opposite side. They also howled and threw the spears in their hands towards Li Erdan. Cover head and chest.

"Duk duk...dang...boom..."

Seven or eight spears were shot, although the force and aim were slightly insufficient in a hurry, and many of them missed, but two of them hit the uncollapsed wooden wall, and two were blocked by Li Erdan's big shield. open.

The dozen or so bandit soldiers saw the officers and soldiers breaking through the wall from the opposite side, covered in iron armor, tall and broad, rushing like devils from hell, and then more and more officers and soldiers charged, no one had the heart to fight.

After throwing the spears in their hands, they yelled in unison and fled towards the camp.

Li Erdan's advantage lies in fighting. He is strong and powerful, and he is also skilled in swords and shields. He has rough skin and thick flesh. With a sword and shield, no matter what, he couldn't catch up with those bandits.

He unhurriedly followed the bandits all the way into the camp, when suddenly a bandit rushed out from behind the tent on the right side and struck at him with a big ax in his hand.

Li Erdan's big shield lay across his chest, so he had to use the steel knife in his right hand to meet the big axe. Although the steel knife was not as heavy as the big axe, it depended on who used it. Li Erdan was also shocked to the point of pain. , but it is also worthy of holding a big axe.

He immediately swung the big shield with his left hand at the thief, but before the thief could swing the big axe, he suddenly fell down on the ground, dropped the big ax in his hand, and hugged Li Erdan's feet tightly.

But Li Erdan's feet broke free as soon as he struggled, and the thief finally only hugged his right foot, and at the same time shouted: "Brother Zhu, let's go up together."

I saw another five or six people rushing out of the surroundings, Li Erdan dragged the thief who was hugging his feet and still struggled forward, and a thief threw a thick log at him.

He raised his shield and faced it head-on, the thick wood was knocked flying with a loud noise, the thief was so shaken that his mouth was bleeding, his arms were numb, he knelt on the ground and howled heart-piercingly.

Although Li Erdan was dragged by his right foot, it was difficult to move, but his power did not diminish at all. He raised his left foot with a roar and kicked a bandit soldier to the ground, unable to get up for a while.

At this moment, a bandit soldier touched behind him, flew up and grabbed his neck, holding his neck tightly with his hands like eagle claws, and saw the blue veins bulging.


Li Erdan felt the oppression in his chest, he screamed loudly and tried his best to turn his body, then jumped up and threw away the bandit soldier holding his right leg, and fell backwards on his back.

"Boom... ah... bang chi... chi... ah..."

The bandit soldier hugging behind Li Erdan slammed heavily on the hard ground, plus Li Erdan's huge body weighed about two hundred kilograms, and he was also blessed with an iron armor of several tens of kilograms.

The bandit soldier was thrown to the ground at that time, and his body was like a deflated ball. He lay deflated under Li Erdan's body. I don't know if it was feces or other magic horses in the pan. Things, mixed with bright red blood, yellow thick water of excrement and urine, and intestines and the like, splashed all over Li Erdan's body.

"Kill...kill the thief...kill...kill..."

Not far away, the sound of killing was loud, and teams of officers and soldiers rushed into the bandit camp in neat armor. They searched for the bandit soldiers everywhere, and fires were lit everywhere, and black smoke rose into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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