
Chapter 650 Ning Yuan is in front of you

Chapter 650 Ning Yuan is in front of you
Chen Zhongcai, as the vice-commander of the Chinese army in the Supervising Biao Battalion of the governor of Jiliao, may have a lot of face in Liaodong, but it is a different matter with Zhang Cheng and Chen Jiugao.

However, fortunately, Zhang Cheng had promised to order the infantry battalion of the third battalion to break out of the battalion first, so he had something to say to Governor Hong Chengchou.

You must know that these are nearly ten thousand elite infantry. If they are placed elsewhere, not to mention the deputy commander, even the commander of a town may not have such a huge army.

That night, the thousands of households in Zhongqian were naturally entertained with great hospitality. There were many delicacies on the table, but there was no seafood feast that Zhang Cheng was looking forward to. Don't eat seafood to make yourself full.

Although he was a little disappointed, it was not enough to express it. Apart from telling Zhang Guodong, Chen Zheng, Li Jiyu and the others to drink less alcohol, Zhang Cheng no longer restricted the generals under his command, and was not in a hurry to enter Jinzhou anyway.

During the banquet, everyone chatted happily, Zhang Cheng's generals naturally respected Chen Jiugao, Fu Yingchong and Chen Zhongcai to drink, and even reminisced with Chen Shihu and Chen Chongchang, and new acquaintances such as Chen Zheng and Li Jiyu naturally deepened their impressions.

After drinking for three rounds, when everyone got drunk, Zhang Guodong, Chen Zheng, Li Jiyu and the other three retired first, and went back to reorganize the army and horses for tomorrow's march to Ningyuan.

Seeing this, Chen Zhongcai also wanted to take this opportunity to resign, but how could Fu Yingchong let him go. In desperation, he had to stay and continue to have a banquet with Zhang Cheng, Chen Jiugao and others.

On the second day, Chen Zhongcai dragged his tired body to get up, and he and Bu Ying set off for Ningyuan.


Afterwards, the army headed east all the way, passing through Qiantunwei, Shahe Station, Zhonghousuo, Dongguan Station, Zhongyousuo, Caozhuang Station and other castle posts successively. It has long been commonplace.

Over the years, apart from the fact that their defenders have remained unchanged, looking back at the officers and soldiers who have marched into the land of Liaodong all the way, which one is not majestic and high-spirited, but how many people can return to the pass alive, let alone receive a reward? .

In the eyes of these defenders, the foreign officers and soldiers are both benefactors and enemies!
Said to be benefactors, they traveled thousands of miles to defend the land of Liaodong, but left their lives here one by one; said to be enemies, their arrival always threatened these local aborigines.

If the foreign officers and soldiers win a big battle, they will return to their original station after receiving the reward. In the future, the imperial court will no longer give so much money, food, salaries and silver to the natives of Liaodong. What else can they rely on to maintain themselves? An easy and peaceful life.

For example, the credit for winning the battle belongs to others, but I still have to work hard to plan food from the frozen ground.

But what if it is defeated?
Then there will be a steady stream of huge "Liao pay" to accelerate the continuous delivery of countless grains and rice. You don't need to do those hard farming things, and you can easily own a large amount of wealth and inexhaustible grains. How to choose?
Although I have other thoughts in my heart, the face project is also to be done. The several castles I passed by also showed a warm welcome, and there is ample food supply everywhere I go.

Zhang Cheng was deeply touched. He remembered that when Chongzhen entered the capital in 11 years, he often fought hungry. Even the last time he helped suppress Henan Province, he was not treated as he is today, so they felt very satisfied in their hearts.

But the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion didn't take it seriously. These veteran soldiers were used to enjoying themselves in the capital, and they found it unbearable to march all the way. Although the hot food, soup and rice were served at this time, they still blamed the lack of wine and meat, and the taste Also feel boring.

Zhang Cheng has always pretended that he has never heard of this, and he is not a soldier under his command. It is wrong to say or not to say, and the best policy is to pretend that he does not know.


The Acropolis of Ningyuan, backed by the hills of western Liaoning and facing the Bohai Sea in the south, occupies the throat of the middle part of the western corridor of Liaoning.It is the main traffic route leading to the Central Plains from the Liaodong area.

It was built as a city in the eighth year of Shengtonghe in the Liao Dynasty, and it was called Xingcheng at the beginning. In the third year of Xuande in the Ming Dynasty, it was decided to build a Weijian city here and named it "Ningyuan".

Finally, in the fifth year of Xuande, the Acropolis of Ningyuan, which was divided into inner and outer cities, was built. The inner city has a circumference of five miles, and there are four inner city gates, namely Chunhe Gate in the east, Yanhui Gate in the south, Yongning Gate in the west, and Weiyuan Gate in the north. , Streets were built in the city, and the second floor of the bell and drum was also built.

The perimeter of the outer city is nine li, and there are four gates in the outer city, namely Anyuan Gate in the east, Yongqing Gate in the south, Yingen Gate in the west, and Dading Gate in the north.

It is a pity that this Acropolis of Ningyuan, which has both inner and outer cities, has only existed for more than a hundred years. It suffered a major earthquake on March 28, the second year of Longqing, and both the inner and outer cities were destroyed.

Although it was rebuilt later, in order to restore the original scale, in the second year of Tianqi, because of the disagreement between Xiong Tingbi and Wang Huazhen, it led to the disastrous defeat of Guangning and the collapse of Liaodong. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians fled into Shanhaiguan. The castle is lost.

In the third year of the Apocalypse, Jiannu destroyed the castles and retreated. Yuan Chonghuan, who was the imperial envoy of Youqian Capital at the time, led the crowd to repair the city wall of Ningyuan's inner city, making it once again an important town outside the pass, and the center of the Liaodong military command in the late Ming Dynasty. The outer city has not been repaired.

Today's Acropolis of Ningyuan is rebuilt on the basis of the original inner city, and still maintains a square plane. Its circumference is more than six miles, and the height of the city is about three feet. Huge boulders are built with rammed loess in the middle.

The four corners of Ningyuan City Wall are equipped with forts, which protrude from the corners of the city and are used to erect Hongyi cannons. During the Ming and Qing Ningyuan battles, Qing Taizu Nurhachi was hit by Hongyi cannons and was seriously injured. He died shortly after returning to Shengjing.

There are gates in the middle of the four walls, and the names are still the same as before. There are semi-circular urns outside each gate. There are slope-shaped climbing paths on both sides of each gate. The archery tower is majestic.

Zhang Cheng and Chen Jiugao rode past Caozhuang Post. After less than five li away, they saw endless barracks. A few miles further along, a river lay in front of them. Their eyes.

On both sides of the river, there are dense army camps. They set up camp along the river for the convenience of getting water. Tens of thousands of troops gather, and there are tens of thousands of horses, mules and horses, and the daily water is constant.

Chen Zhongcai pointed to the front and said: "Two general soldiers, after crossing the stone bridge in front, you will be Ningyuan within two miles."

Zhang Cheng looked in the direction he pointed, and he saw a stone bridge standing by the river in front of him, which was several feet wide, and beside the stone bridge was a wider wooden bridge.

Chen Zhongcai went on to say: "The two chief soldiers came late, and the camping place is a little far from the Acropolis, please don't mind it."

(End of this chapter)

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