
Chapter 854 Half a Prospect?

Due to the fierce offensive of the Tartars, they attacked under the low wall several times, and the two sides had to fight in close combat. The Xuanfu army on Changling Mountain also suffered casualties, eventually forcing Chen Zheng to retreat to the second line of defense behind.

At the same time, he also mobilized a large number of young and strong civilians, registered them and urgently incorporated them into the army to make up for the shortage caused by casualties. If they participated in the war, they would have good food and some dried fish, although they were all in bulk , but also extremely rare.

What's more, the Xuanfu army is the only battalion in Ming Dynasty that can pay on time. Even here, military merits and heads are all rewarded in real terms, without exploitation or embezzlement.

So all the civilian husbands actively signed up for the recruitment. In the end, Chen Zheng had to expand the number several times, because most of these civilian husbands were mainly local military households in Liaodong.

Not only are they all physically strong, but they are also full of resilience. Because of their background in military households and being in the Liaodong region where wars are constantly incessant, almost everyone has combat experience.

They are indeed rare and excellent sergeant seeds!
Chen Zheng loves the other when he sees one, and besides, these men in Liaodong have had enough hard times, and now they see that the Xuanfu army eats every meal, and they can still eat meat every now and then. How can you let go of the opportunity to join now?
Seeing this situation, Chen Zheng decided without authorization and changed the original decision to supplement the military losses. On top of this, he recruited a total of 500 men, and organized them into three battalions with 500 men as a battalion. pawn.

This proposal was also supported by the battalion governor Liu Jingzhu. These town governors had a very special status in the army. They were originally responsible for supervising the generals and investigating the merits and demerits of the generals.

But after a series of rectifications by Zhang Cheng, they not only appealed to the responsibilities of supervision and discipline in the army, but also assumed a certain role of staff, and had the right to make suggestions on all major and minor matters.

In addition to specific tactical command, they also have a veto in many fields, but they must not be used lightly!
Now, with the support of Liu Jingzhu, Chen Zheng is even more courageous. He assigns the newly formed three battalions to the original commander-in-chief of the three left, middle and right divisions.

At the same time, [-] strong and healthy men were recruited to serve as the young men of the army, and assigned them to the car battalion, mainly to help transfer the artillery positions, move the carriages, and carry the guns and guns.

And the rest of the peasants were also mobilized by him to be responsible for repairing the camp walls and other defensive facilities destroyed by the war, as well as grinding stones, making horses and so on.

Anyway, there is enough food in Changling Mountain, and it is useless to keep it. It is just to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm and eat a lot. If the Tartars really break through the defense line on the mountain, they will have more energy when they are desperately fighting.

Tian Mingyu, Qianzong of the left, even suggested that the peasants should use stones of the same size to practice throwing thousands of enemies for use in wartime.

However, this proposal was directly vetoed by Chen Zheng. He knew that the Grenadiers in Che Ying were all carefully selected, not to mention that they had practiced for more than a year before they dared to use them on the battlefield.

What effect can these short-term exercises of the peasants have?
You must know that throwing ten thousand enemies is not just relying on brute force, the most important thing is to have a good psychological quality, and there is not too much fear in the heart of the "squeaky" lead. …

In addition, the timing and strength must be properly adjusted. If you cast too early, you may fall into the bandits, and someone will break or destroy the fuze. If you cast too late, you may endanger your own life.

This is not like the hand grenade of the later generations. The fuze delay technology is very mature, and it can be thrown by hand after a short period of practice.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Zheng didn't dare to let them practice throwing ten thousand enemies.

Because he couldn't guarantee that, under the fear of these peasants, whether they would let the enemy blow themselves up, or even throw them into the formation of Xuanfu army soldiers in front.


Manchuria inlaid with red flags, Gushan forehead is really full of the sea, a gilt armor, standing beside Prince Yu Duoduo.

Compared with Gushan Ezhen'ashan and Baiyintu of the two yellow flags, Duoduo treats Man Dahai quite politely. After all, he is the seventh son of Prince Li Daishan, and the strength of the two red flags behind him should not be underestimated. .

Unlike Ashan and Baiyintu, who have limited strength behind them, in Duoduo's eyes they are just two dogs raised by Huang Taiji.

At this time, the main force attacking the mountain has been replaced by the warriors with the bordered white flag and the bordered red flag, and the Zhenghuang flag is also under the command of Gushan Ezhen'ashan, going upstream from the valley, preparing to attack the Xuanfu army's flank.

After two days of fighting, the coated slaves who came with the army suffered heavy casualties, but they did not die in vain. It was because of their sacrifice that the trenches in front of the formation were filled and the Qing army successfully broke through the first line of defense. .

Of course, the Qing army also paid a high price for this. Outer Fan Mongolia was almost disabled and lost the will to fight. Even the two yellow banners of Mongolia and the yellow banners of Manchuria also suffered heavy losses.

Especially the two yellow flags of Mongolia. They were responsible for the second round of the main attack on the first day, and on the second day they assisted the Manchurian Xianghuang flag to attack the mountains. The loss of more than one-third of the men and horses.

In fact, the Xiangbaiqi and the newly arrived Xianghongqi are still relatively complete, so today they are the two main attackers.

And Manchuria Zhenghuangqi had been playing support before, and hadn't really participated in the attack. That's why Duoduo was sent out to go retrograde along the valley and attack the Xuanfu army's flank.

In the Qing Dynasty, the status of the kings has always been measured by the strength of each banner, even Gushan Ezhen, Meile Ezhen, Gejia Lazhangjing, Niuluzhangjing, etc. of each banner.

Therefore, every time they go to battle, the banner owners and lords try their best to encourage the warriors in the banner to charge and fight fiercely, hoping to plunder more slaves and goods, so as to strengthen their own strength.

Since Hou Jin was transformed into the Qing Dynasty by Huang Taiji, the original private system of plundering was abolished, but all plundering was owned by the public, and then distributed according to the number of military exploits of each banner.

However, in order to encourage all banners to compete for the first place, it is still stipulated that whichever banner loots the most will get more in the end, but no matter how the spoils are divided, Huang Taiji's two yellow banners will always get the most in the end.

It is through this method that the strength of the two yellow flags has also continued to grow, which has aroused the jealousy of other flags!

Now, they lost troops and generals at the foot of Xiaochangling Mountain. Although Duoduo's personal revenge was involved, but from the perspective of military command, there is nothing wrong with it.

However, the great loss of Xianghuangqi's strength will affect the balance of power within the Qing Dynasty, and many future variables will be foreshadowed! …

Now, because of the many deaths and injuries of the coated slaves, even the remnants of the Outer Mongolian soldiers were expelled to push the few shield chariots ahead.

Although they were full of complaints, but after all the Tatars were powerful, how dare they resist?

Manchuria Xiangbai Banner Baya Battalion was assigned Shikule Qihun, and this time he also brought two coats to accompany him in the battle. Originally, it was only Wang Erdan who volunteered to fight, and because of this, he made some contributions and was sent to the Baya La Battalion. Jia Lazhangjing promised half the future.

But as the battle progressed, let alone Le Qihun's coat, even the coat brought by Jialazhangjing went to the battlefield. Now, only Wang Erdan is still alive.

By the way, this Wang Erdan is really lucky, but I don't know if he is so lucky, so we have to look at the back!
He was the first to take the initiative to ask to fight. From the afternoon of the first day, he participated in almost all the battles to attack the mountain in the past two days. survived.

But now he has changed into a new white jacket with borders, which is only available to real soldiers with bordered white banners.

Although this is just an ordinary jacket, in Wang Erdan's eyes, this jacket seems to be more precious than the yellow vests obtained by the Batulu warriors of the Qing Dynasty.

Today's him is not ordinary, he is no longer always bent over and bowed his head like before, as if he was a different person, he started to raise his head and chest, his face is filled with pride and confidence that he didn't have in the past.

At this moment, he felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life, holding his master's war horse in his hand, looking at the slaves who were pushing the shield chariot in the distance, feeling extremely happy in his heart, as if he was no longer the same person as them.

And Ba Yala with the inlaid white flag was awarded Pashkule Qihun, who was at the side with the warriors in his team, ready to join the battle at any time.


The Qing army had already rushed through the first low wall, and what they saw before their eyes were intricate trenches and sections of low walls.

The difference from before is that these ditches and low walls seem to be completely irregular, but they seem to have some kind of connection.

But now they didn't care about thinking carefully, they pushed the shielded carts along the roads reserved by the Ming army, and rushed forward. The Qing army with white flags was mainly attacking the northeast corner, and the red flag was mainly attacking the southeast corner.

As they went higher and higher, the Qing army of their two banners could no longer connect, and they were completely blocked by raised rocks. At this moment, there were already two fronts in the north and south.

No, there is also the Zhenghuang Banner Qing army going up against the stream.

What Chen Zheng's Xuanfu army was facing was a three-sided attack from the Tatars, and more than [-] Tatars were rushing towards them.

However, the trenches in this section were staggered, and the shield vehicles often had to divert after advancing for a certain period. At the beginning, they were cautious and vigilant.

But behind the low walls of these ditches, there seemed to be no Ming army, except for the sound of the Tartars pushing the shield carts, it was their own footsteps.

"Put up the shield, be careful, there's something fucking wrong!"

Niulu Zhangjing, a Tatar with a red flag, seemed to have sensed something, and he reminded loudly. …

Following his reminder, the Tartar shield soldiers in the front row hurriedly set up their large shields and protected them in front of them, while the archers behind them were all vigilantly raising their bows and arrows, always ready to deal with the crisis.


After a soft sound, the signal cannon shot into the sky, facing the dazzling sun, it continued to climb higher and higher, exuding a dazzling red light, and dragging a tail formed of red smoke, which is really beautiful.

"Not good! Be on guard...the shield chariot is ready...put it..." All the officers of the Tartars with red flags shouted nervously.

Almost at the same time, the sound of the swan horn suddenly came, followed by the roar of "bang! bang! bang!...", just like the firecrackers of the New Year, there was a "cracking" sound. non-stop.

Although the red-flagged Tartars were reminded and ordered by the officers, they were also flustered under such intensive bombardment. .

Many shields were pierced and cracked, dozens of Qing soldiers fell to the ground and struggled endlessly, among them more than ten were Tazi soldiers with red flags.

However, they reacted quickly, and most of them avoided the shield car, and the thick and heavy shield car could just withstand the bombardment of the firecrackers.

Some Tazi soldiers who reacted quickly even raised their hands and shot arrows. Many soldiers of the Xuanfu army were killed or injured by the Tazi's cold arrows, and most of them had arrows in their mouths, noses and eyes.

However, the firecrackers of the Xuanfu army could not shoot continuously. Although they were also divided into three batches and fired in turn, there was still a certain time gap between each round.

The Tazi soldiers who attacked the mountain had already adapted to it, and they just took advantage of this gap to keep moving forward.

However, the enemy of ten thousand people that made them worry so much has never appeared. Even artillery of various sizes has never been seen before today's battle. In the Tartar's mind, there must be insufficient ammunition and artillery.

However, the actual situation is not much different from their imagination!

The Xuanfu army had indeed hoarded a large amount of grain, gunpowder, guns and other things on Changling Mountain, but Chen Zheng couldn't decide how many days he would have to stick to Changling Mountain.

Therefore, he also cherishes the gunpowder and cannon necessary for defense, and never dares to waste it lightly.

After two consecutive days of fierce fighting, a lot has been used up, and he also knows that under the current situation, even if reinforcements arrive, they will basically not replenish him with much supplies.

Therefore, since Da Duoduo led the Qing army to reach the foot of Changling Mountain, the Xuanfu army's grain supply has been opened up. Anyway, once this place falls, these grains will also be burned. Instead of this, it is better for everyone to eat him. .

As for all kinds of artillery, rockets, and tens of thousands of enemies, he had to save them until the critical moment, so as to inflict maximum damage on the Tartars, and he even gave up the first line of defense voluntarily in order to shrink his troops.

Here, it already belonged to the waist of Changling Mountain. As the mountain became steeper, the advancement of the shield car became more difficult, and every point of advancement required more manpower.

Seeing that the Ming army's musketeers were located less than sixty steps away, a Jia Lazhangjing with a red flag yelled loudly: "Kill, kill, kill all Nikan!"

Tartars in red armor were all over the mountains and fields. They roared angrily and rushed forward with their shields raised. The momentum was huge and astonishing. Suddenly, at the gap in the low wall in front of them, a series of black muzzles protruded.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Cannons such as Frangji, mortars, and Baizi guns exploded and fired in salvo. For a while, the flames flashed continuously, and the smoke billowed upwards, and was blown away by the mountain wind.

The Tazi soldiers with red flags pouring in like a tide fell down one by one amidst a loud bang, and the sound of wailing and roaring resounded throughout Changling Mountain.

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