
Chapter 875 The Holy Majesty is responsible, what will happen?

Although what I have seen with my own eyes now is that this group of thieves is indeed different from other thieves, but after all, these villagers were born and raised in Daming, so they still have some feelings for Daming.

They only saw the strength of Daming in their eyes, and they didn't believe that bandits such as King Chuang could achieve great things, let alone their claim that he was the right man, and they didn't see that King Chuang had a tendency to replace the emperor of Ming Dynasty.

But these village elders also know the truth that people have to bow their heads under the eaves, so it is naturally impossible for them to speak the truth at this time.

However, people's hearts are different, there are a few people who saw the bandit general Li Guo, he treated himself and others very politely, and the bandit soldiers under him also had strict military discipline.

Now, after hearing Li Guo's words again, although he didn't dare to believe it completely, but there was a big turbulence in his heart, and he faintly felt that this Ming Dynasty was really going to change.

There are also some people whose lives are not going very smoothly, and they are even more eager for this, so that they can see a peaceful world as soon as possible, and it is hard to say that they may turn around just like this.

However, Li Guo saw the submissive attitude of the crowd, and he didn't want to entangle with them too much, so he announced in public: "If any of the soldiers under my command harass the people, please come and sue them at any time, and they will be punished according to the military law. They should be killed." The killing, the punishment that should be punished, will never be lenient.

After Li Guo said these words, he called the Chinese army over and ordered him to release some grain overnight to help the hungry people nearby.

After hearing this, all the villagers hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed again, and said many words of gratitude, some even rolled a few tears, and some were sobbing.

In fact, many officers and bandits crossed the border in Henan during the Fourth World War, and they robbed, raped, and even killed without exception.

In terms of these matters, no matter whether it is an officer or a bandit soldier, there is no distinction between good and bad, but in comparison, the bandit soldiers seem to be slightly better. Most of them only ask for money and food, and hardly hurt innocent lives.

But the officers and soldiers are different, they rob all the money, food and grain, and even the heads of these poor people are often borrowed by them to pretend to be the heads of the thieves and use them to claim credit.

But today's so-called King Li Chuang's troops not only have strict military discipline, but what's more rare is that they will give relief to the villagers that night, which is completely beyond the expectations of the villagers.

Although these village elders are local talkers and are usually respected in their respective villages, they themselves are also suffering, and they also deeply understand the suffering of the poor and ordinary people.

Sheqiao is under the jurisdiction of Ruyang Prefecture. It is located in the middle of the road from Shangcai to Xincai. Because I heard that the officers and bandits were coming one after another, most of the young people with quick legs and quick thoughts fled to other places to avoid the military disaster. Most of them are old, weak, sick and disabled.

I really don't know how many people will be left here in the spring of next year, and how many people will not be starved to death, no one can say for sure!
Tonight, they received relief from bandit soldiers very unexpectedly. Although this is not a long-term life-saving method, it is something that has rarely happened for many years. It is also their current life-saving grain, so they can't help Don't drop a drop of tears.

After several village elders had resigned, "a tiger" Li Guo ordered the Chinese army to allocate as much grain as possible so that the nearby villagers could feel the kindness of King Chuang.

The Chinese army persuaded from the side: "Master Tiger, we will come here on Qingqi, and we don't have much food and grain, barely enough to eat for two or three days.

If there is another relief to the villagers here tonight, what should we do if we can't provide food and grain in the future? "

Li Guo seemed to be confident in his heart, he smiled and said to the Chinese army: "Within three days, we will know for ourselves. Besides, our army will arrive at Sheqiao tomorrow, and the grain they brought is enough for our army.

You can just follow my orders now, the reputation of King Chuang will be spread in southern Henan by relying on these old folks! "

After the Chinese army withdrew, Li Guo led a few soldiers out to watch the night.


"A tiger" Li Guo, in order to avoid disturbing the people of Sheqiao too much and ruin the reputation of King Chuang, he even set up his own army in a ruined temple outside Sheqiao village.

In the many empty houses in Sheqiao Village, only some soldiers and horses were stationed in order to control the situation in the village. At the same time, they also forced the wealthy households in the village to donate food to help the army, just in order not to damage the reputation of King Chuang, and forced King Chuang to I'm not in a hurry.

After all, the purpose of coming this time is not here, and he doesn't want to make extra troubles.

Li Guo walked several places inside and outside Sheqiao Village, and saw that the streets were very deserted, there were no idlers walking around at all, and his own sentries were guarding several important intersections.

Accidentally found that there were a few sporadic fires erupting outside Sheqiao Village, he immediately sent his own soldiers to order to extinguish them, and called the little leader in charge over there to severely reprimand them.

There are three roads on Sheqiao, leading to Shangcai, Xincai and Xiangcheng respectively.

Li Guo specially instructed the brothers guarding the intersection: "If anyone from other places comes to shoot the bridge, he is not allowed to leave; but all the people who shoot the bridge, no matter adults or children, are not allowed to go out again, so as not to reveal the secrets of the army. "

After spending the night patrolling, Li Guo headed to the northwest of Sheqiao Village, where General Yang Chengzu of the "Cao Ying" was stationed.

The soldiers in Yang Chengzu's battalion saw that it was Li Guo who came in person, they didn't dare to neglect, they hurriedly turned around and ran in to report, but Li Guo waved his hand to stop them, telling them not to report, then walked slowly towards Yang Chengzu's military tent.

At this moment, Yang Chengzu was drinking and having fun with a group of his subordinates, when he suddenly saw Li Guo walking in, he felt a little embarrassed, he quickly got up and gave up his seat.

Li Guo didn't seem to care, he smiled and waved his hands to everyone, and told everyone not to get up, the one who should drink is still drinking, saying that he just came out to look around and had no other intentions.

In fact, this is also the case. Don't look at the fact that Chuang Wang Li Zicheng and Cao Cao Luo Rucai have joined forces, but they are just fighting together, and they are still divided into two factions. Do not disturb each other.

After Yang Chengzu got up, he said: "Hey, brother Buzhi, you have been traveling for days and have to do military affairs. It is very hard. After you are stationed here, why don't you take a rest early, why come out to check the night again?"

Li Guo said with a smile: "I am also used to it. Whenever I go to a place to garrison troops, if I don't check the night, I will always feel at ease. Don't bother me, everyone continue to drink, I will just take a look and see." Walk."

Even though he talked like this, how could Yang Chengzu allow him to leave, he hurriedly pulled Li Guo and said: "Since Brother Buzhi is here, please drink a cup of hot wine, and leave before he is tired."

Seeing that Yang Chengzu was so enthusiastic about staying, even if Li Guo wanted to leave, he felt that if he left like this, it would inevitably leave a knot in Yang Chengzu's heart, so he sat down with a relieved smile.

Seeing that Li Guo agreed to stay, everyone stood up and toasted him, but he just had a drink and refused to drink any more.

Li Guo sat for a while, chatted a few gossips with everyone, then got up to say goodbye, before leaving, he also told everyone that they should not drink too much when they are marching, they should rest early, maybe there will be a war tomorrow.

Yang Chengzu naturally agreed, and he led a group of leaders to personally send Li Guo out of the tent, watching him gradually go away.

Back in his military tent, Yang Chengzu looked at everyone with a wry smile on his face, signaling them not to drink too much.

A leader who was very close to him on weekdays leaned forward and said, "Now, we, Shuai Cao, are partnering with Chuangying, but we have an extra mother-in-law."

Yang Chengzu also sighed secretly in his heart, he shook his head to prevent the leader from continuing, and then said to everyone: "On that day, our Cao Shuai was going to Henan to join King Chuang, and everyone felt that this was not an option.

But our Cao Shuai just won't listen, so what can I do?
Now, since we are under the control of others, we can only bear with it for the time being, and we should take this medicine of regret, what else can we do! "

Everyone was also speechless. After complaining for a while, they all felt that drinking was boring, so they dispersed.

After Li Guo left Yang Chengzu's side, he walked around Sheqiao again, especially the intersections leading to the outside world, he was most concerned.

Around three o'clock, Li Guo also felt tired, he didn't want to take off his clothes, so he lay down on the bed, just fell asleep, suddenly the sound of footsteps woke him up.

But the Chinese army came to report, and reported in detail. It has been found out that the officers and soldiers will cross the Ru River tomorrow and come north. They even threatened to destroy the bandits and save Runing.

After hearing the news, Li Guo pondered for a while, and then said, "Maybe it's not Rushui, but the flood?"

The Chinese army listened to Li Guo's words, thought for a while, and then said: "It's a flood, it must be a flood, it can't be the Ru River. Maybe it's because of the urgency in careful work. I didn't figure it out for a while, so I said it was Ru River in a hurry."

Li Guo nodded and said: "I understand, the intention of the officers and soldiers is now very clear."

At this time, he was completely sleepy, so he didn't go to bed anymore, and quickly sent a small cavalry squadron with a few cavalrymen to report the latest military situation and his battle plan to King Chuang overnight.

In addition, Li Guo sent Tangma overnight, urging the army behind to rush forward at night, to catch up as soon as possible, so as to prepare for the big battle tomorrow.

When he finished dealing with these things, he heard the first crowing of roosters, but it was still early in the sky, and he had nothing to do, so he lay on the bed with all his clothes on, and fell asleep in a daze.


Fu Zonglong, the governor of Shaanxi and Trilateral of the Ming Dynasty, and Yang Wenyue, the governor of Baoding, joined forces in Xincai County yesterday.

But after the gentry in Xincai County discussed together, they closed the city gates tightly and refused to let the officers and soldiers enter the city. Therefore, they had no choice but to temporarily stay in Yuecheng Town in the south of the city.

The old battalions of the two of them stayed in Yuecheng Town, while the armies of both sides were stationed in many villages on the south bank of Rushui. In addition, a guerrilla was sent to lead some troops to the city to ask Xincai County for what the army needed. grain supply.

The magistrate of Xincai County stood on the top of the city and shouted loudly: "General, please report back to the two governors. Xincai County has been hit by natural disasters and military disasters. Now the city is very difficult. It is too late to save itself. There is really no extra food and grass to supply the army. I sincerely forgive you!"

How could the guerrillas under the city agree to this? He yelled sharply: "The two governors both hold the Shangfang sword bestowed by the emperor, you little Xincai County, you dare to defy the governor's even order, so you are not afraid of the two governors!" Please take out Shangfang's sword, cut first and play later?"

After hearing this, the magistrate of Xincai County did not dare to argue too much, but replied: "Let me discuss with the local gentry and eunuchs again, and ask the general to return the two governors. Will do my best."

After he finished speaking, he got up and went down to the city to go back to the Yamen, and he never showed up again.

But here, before the meeting, Fu Zonglong and Yang Wenyue had sent back through messengers, and basically determined the strategy after the meeting, which is to be prudent as the best policy.

But what made the two of them helpless was that the Emperor Chongzhen's war urging edicts were getting more and more day by day. Just yesterday they respectively received the emperor's edicts, restricting the two of them to exterminate the treacherous Li Zicheng immediately.

Emperor Chongzhen was worried about state affairs. Internally, he was troubled by thieves in Henan and Huguang, while externally was the battle of Jinzhou with the Tartars.

But he never thinks about the solution, but only knows how to urge the war blindly, never asks about the difficulties, and doesn't care about the consequences, which makes the border ministers and governors who lead the army fighting outside are all Alexander, all at a loss feel.

They all know that the current emperor is not very clear about the current battle situation between Jinzhou and the Central Plains, and he is even more ignorant of the current combat situation. That is to say, he wrote down the edict and ordered the Ministry of war to urge the war frequently.

Just like Fu Zonglong and Yang Wenyue at this moment, if they follow the order to march, they are really not sure of defeating the "intruders", but if they don't follow the order, they will be convicted because of it, which is really a dilemma.

After the troops were settled, Fu Zonglong invited Yang Wenyue to come to his tent of the Chinese army to secretly discuss countermeasures.

However, after much discussion and discussion, they still failed to come up with a good strategy. In desperation, they had no choice but to act according to their original strategy. They did not easily fight against the intruders for the time being. .

In fact, they were afraid that once the officers and soldiers arrived in Runing, they would be surrounded by the rebels who rebelled against Li Zicheng. At that time, the rebels were many and powerful, but they were not only short of troops, but also short of food and grass. Wouldn't the whole army be wiped out?
Although the army of Supervisor Ding Qirui and Zuo Liangyu, the general who suppressed the thieves, is in the area of ​​Xinyang and Guangshan at the moment, they are also afraid of the power of the thieves, so they march south to avoid the thieves and go to fight against the thieves.

Now, how can they expect them to go north to rescue themselves?

Therefore, Fu Zonglong and Yang Wenyue finally agreed to lead the army to the north first, and march towards Xiangcheng and Chenzhou. Fu Zonglong was actually not very satisfied with this decision, but he was helpless.

For the past two years, Fu Zonglong has been in prison.

Now, he knew that the situation was not good, but when he thought about it, since the current emperor released him from prison and promoted him to be the governor of the three sides, no matter whether he was dead or alive, he should do his best to repay the emperor's kindness.

Now that the strategy is settled, he couldn't help sighing, and said: "Master Yang, the thief is in the northwest, and I'm facing the northeast, so it's hard to get rid of the suspicion of avoiding the thief?

What will happen if the sage takes the blame? "

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