
Chapter 882 Breaking through the burning shop is today

Chapter 882 Breaking through the burning shop is today

In a blink of an eye, it was September [-]th, and the Chuangjun captured several officers and soldiers who had escaped from the burning shop.

Li Guo interrogated himself immediately, and learned that the food in Huoshaodian Village had been eaten up as early as the twelfth day, and for the past two days, they had relied on slaughtering mules and horses to satisfy their hunger.

Li Guo asked one of the deserters, "If this goes on, how many days can the officers and soldiers last?"

The deserter replied: "The mules and horses are about to be killed, and the bark and grass have already been obtained. At this rate, we can hold on for another three days at most."

Li Guo asked again: "How much gunpowder is there?"

The deserter replied: "Not much. There is no sulfur in the camp, even if there is, no one here knows how to make gunpowder, so if you use a little, you can use a little less."

"What about the arrow?" Li Guo continued to ask.

The officer deserter knelt on the ground, his body was still shaking, he was obviously terrified, he hurriedly replied: "It's almost over, General."

Li Guo saw that the questioning was almost finished, and he saw that the deserter's attitude did not seem to be lying, so he stopped asking questions, but ordered someone to take the escaped officer away, and ordered him to eat, so that he could treat him well. kill it.

In the night of that day, he sent people to continue feinting to attack the Huoshaodian, and even once attacked the ditch outside the wall of the village, forcing the officers and soldiers to fire artillery and arrows as a last resort.

In a blink of an eye, it was the seventeenth day, and it was only five o'clock, when the Chuang army launched a feint attack.

However, they found that this time the officers and soldiers in Huoshaodian village no longer fired artillery or arrows, but only let out waves of roaring and howling.

After Li Guo heard the news, he came to the Zhaihao in person. The shouts he heard did not have the slightest majesty and majesty, but sometimes scattered, sometimes even weaker, as if they were the desperate cries of the officers and soldiers. .

He smiled slightly, and confidently said to the surrounding generals, large and small, "Break through Huoshaodian in one fell swoop, and capture Fu Zonglong alive, today is the day!"

After the sky was bright, Li Guo ordered the whole army to take a good rest today, and at the same time, each battalion should prepare enough hemp rope for capturing prisoners.

Throughout the whole day, he kept sending small groups of intruders to harass the defenders in Huoshaodian, and withdrew many of the bandit troops besieging Huoshaodian in the east, so that the strength on this side was obviously weaker than other places.

When they arrived at Shenshi, Li Guo ordered the whole army to have dinner, he even called Liu Tichun and Tong Shoushan to his front, and whispered a secret plan to them.

After dinner, he came to the moat of Huoshaodian again, listened carefully to the commotion inside, and as soon as he got back to the tent of the Chinese army, he immediately summoned all the generals and said to them: "My dear brothers, I ordered people to evacuate the east. The soldiers and horses in front of him are even more certain that Fu Zonglong, an old fox, will break through tonight. Kill the general and capture the flag, and capture Fu Zonglong at this very moment."

Having said that, he stood up even more, and continued in a majestic voice: "All generals obey orders!"

All the generals in the military tent stood in awe, all eyes focused on Li Guo's face, waiting for his military order...


In fact, on the night when Fu Zonglong was besieged in the burning shop, he took advantage of the thieves' siege and sent his most loyal slave, Lu San, to rush out with several elite cavalry.

Of course, Fu Zonglong rushed out of the siege with his slave Lu San, and there was also a handwritten letter written by Fu Zonglong to He Renlong and Li Guoqi, asking them to return troops quickly to rescue them.

However, that night, the fire was burning outside, and there were constant shouts of killing. Fu Zonglong didn't dare to determine whether Lu San had rushed out. He even thought that Lu San hadn't rushed out at all, but died in the formation of bandits besieging Huoshaodian. .

In the following days, I was always in fear. The bandit soldiers attacked three times a day. Although it seemed that they did not try their best to attack, the officers and soldiers did not dare to neglect. They took it seriously every time, and the whole army defended. Bows and arrows fired at each other endlessly.

Even later, the bandit soldiers did not allow the officers and soldiers to rest even at night, and they often attacked the officers' defense line in the dark, and the artillery fire continued, so that the officers and soldiers had to defend. In short, under such repeated attacks, the officers and soldiers were exhausted.

Since the siege, the only houses in the village were destroyed due to the constant shelling by bandit soldiers every day.

At first, some officers and soldiers lived in houses, but as the houses were destroyed, everyone now sleeps in tents, and some soldiers don’t even have tents. They dig some walls beside the walls of the village. They slept in ditches, and some people dug some nests because of the ruined walls.

However, with the bombardment of the bandit soldiers, those military tents were constantly being hit and destroyed. In addition, it was not safe to live in the military tents. In desperation, even Fu Zonglong, who was the governor, had to move into the trenches rest.

Of course, the ditch he was in was still very wide, compared to the ditch where other soldiers lived, this was already considered a mansion.

Because sometimes shells fell in the trench, which would still cause casualties to the officers and soldiers, so they took wooden boards, door panels, etc., and whatever they could find, spread them on the trench, and even covered the boards with another layer. earth.

In this way, the cannons no longer jumped repeatedly, and because of the shock absorption function of that layer of soil, the cannons never fell into the trench again.

In the past few days, whether Fu Zonglong is sleeping, handling official duties, or planning military affairs, he has done everything in the trenches. In fact, this is not the first time he has led troops to fight, but it seems that he is so embarrassed now that even It was the first time he tasted some despair.

On this day, he hadn't eaten a single drop of rice all day long, and his exhaustion and despair made his mental strength gradually haggard, and his sense of exhaustion and powerlessness also increased sharply every day.

Dragging his exhausted body, he fell asleep in the middle of the night, but in a daze, he seemed to hear a noise outside the village, which seemed to be quite different from the past.

Just in the midst of doubts, he heard the report that He Renlong and Li Guoqi, the two generals, had returned from their command and were fighting fiercely with the bandits outside the northeast corner.

Fu Zonglong didn't have time to put on his battle armor, so he put on the wool cloak and went up to the wall of the village. He saw a fire outside the northeast corner building, and the sound of shouting and killing was earth-shattering, especially loud in the silent night.

Looking at the flames in the bandit formation, they kept running around, and it was obvious that the main cavalry of the two generals, He and Li, had all returned, and they were coming very fiercely.

Suddenly, the soldiers rushed to report, and another group of people came to kill from the south.

Fu Zonglong was overjoyed, he hurried to the south wall of the village again, and at a glance, in the light of the fire, he vaguely saw the banner of Zuo Liangyu, the general who suppressed the bandits.

He couldn't help being very excited, and immediately said loudly: "Heaven is above, heaven is above! Both reinforcements have arrived, and at this time, we can attack from inside and outside. As long as we can defeat the tens of thousands of thieves outside, Yu Province The situation will turn around!"

Here, as soon as Fu Zonglong finished speaking, he had to report to the northeast that the two generals, He and Li, had defeated the thief and were chasing the thief.

Fu Zonglong didn't have time to think, he immediately stepped on the horse, and led his standard army to gallop out of the Huoshao shop. He wanted to join forces with He, Li, and Zuo to attack the bandits.

He just rode out of the Huoshao shop, and saw a thief general in front of him, who kept shooting arrows backwards while fleeing. Fu Zonglong immediately turned around and shouted to several generals: "Whoever kills this thief will be promoted two ranks. Capture this thief alive and be promoted to three ranks!"

Several members of the generals were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they were always good at fighting with the wind, so they immediately rode up and chased after Fu Zonglong, but left Fu Zonglong behind.

Suddenly, a horse stumbled, and Governor Fu Zonglong fell from the saddle.

He just got up from the ground when he saw a band of bandit cavalry rushing towards him. They barked their teeth and claws and roared, and several long spears stabbed at him almost simultaneously.

Fu Zonglong was shocked, and hurriedly shouted: "Save me...quickly save me...save me!"

When several soldiers and servants heard his scream, they rushed to his side and shouted, "Du Chen, don't be afraid, Du Chen. The bandits outside the stronghold are just bluffing, and have never entered the stronghold."

Fu Zonglong didn't wake up suddenly until now, knowing that Shicai had just had a nightmare, but even so, it also made him break out in a cold sweat.

He looked out the window and murmured, "Can He Zhen and Li Zhen come back?"

A leader of the soldiers stepped forward and replied: "Minister, outside the stronghold, there are only thieves pretending to attack, but no officers and soldiers."

Fu Zonglong still seemed unwilling, and murmured: "It can be seen that Zuo Shuai's soldiers and horses came from the south?"

"The thieves from the south will attack in the future. There will be silence, and there is no sign of the officers and soldiers." The leader of the guards continued to reply.

Fu Zonglong sat slumped on a simple bed made of wood, his eyes were deep and lifeless, it seemed that at this moment, he was much older, and he was still muttering: "It's Nankeyimeng, they really won't come back Well?"

After all this trouble, the sky became brighter, and Fu Zonglong actually found his slave Lu San among the soldiers and servants in front of him. His clothes were torn and he was very haggard, as if he had changed like.

Fu Zonglong looked at him dubiously, and asked softly: "You are Lu San? I'm not dreaming!"

Lu San knelt down with a "plop", and replied: "The villain is Lu San, master, you are not dreaming, it is Lu San who is back."

Fu Zonglong was already a bit decadent, but now seeing Lu San, he seemed to have regained some energy. He hurriedly asked, "When did you come back?"

Lu San replied: "The villain came back a few days ago, but the thieves kept attacking every day, so they didn't have a chance to enter the stronghold. It wasn't until the fourth watch today that they found a chance to come in from the east, and then went around to the south. Only then was the military master sent to the wall of the stronghold.

Seeing that the master was still asleep, I didn't dare to disturb him. I originally thought that I would greet the master after he woke up. "

Fu Zonglong stared at him, his eyes were full of hope, and even his voice trembled a little: "Have you seen He and Li Ershuai?"

Lu San stabilized his mind first, and after some preparations, he opened his mouth and said: "Returning to the master, the villain chased Shen Qiu all the way, only to meet the two generals, He and Li, and handed over the master's handwritten letter.

They fled from the two towns all the way, like frightened birds, when they reached Xiangcheng, they didn't dare to stay, and fled to Shenqiu in one go, most of their infantry fled, only the cavalry was still intact, and now they are gathering the fleeing infantry in all directions.

After the two marshals finished reading the master's handwriting, they both said that they had to rectify their troops before they could come to the burning shop to rescue the master, but after saying that, they didn't see any action.

The villain lived in Shenqiu for two days, but he didn't know what to do. After arriving, it was impossible to even see them. Their subordinates even said to me, "You can stay here, and don't go back to the fire shop."

Anyway, there are no soldiers to go back to the fire-fighting and burning shop now, and it won't last long. Even Yang Du has fled, leaving only thousands of governors alone to defend. '

No matter what the villain said, he wanted to meet He Shuai, but he never got his wish, and finally met Li Shuai.

But Li Shuai said to the villain, "I don't have many troops left, and He Shuai has no intention of rescuing them. I'm also helpless. I really have no choice."You might as well just stay here and wait for the news for now.If we can gather some more people, then we can go back to the fire fighting shop. '

The villain did not expect that these two generals were so afraid of the bandits, seeing that the Huoshao shop was about to be breached by the bandits, but they still sat idly by, really heartless!
The villain cried a lot and left Shen Qiu, thinking of repaying the master, but the thieves outside were surrounded tightly, so it was not until tonight that he found a chance to return to the village and report to the master. "

Fu Zonglong was still not reconciled, and asked about Yang Wenyue and Hu Dawei, but Lu San didn't know much about it, and just simply dictated some news he had heard.

Fu Zonglong sighed, and said: "It's really hard to hold on here, you don't really need to come back, why do you have to die together?"

But Lu San cried and said: "I am a servant of the Fu family, and I will die in front of the master. No matter how difficult it is, I will return to the master's side."

Fu Zonglong couldn't help shedding two lines of old eyes. He shook his head, waved Lu San to quit, and only said: "You have a rest."

In order to stabilize the morale of the officers and soldiers in the burning shop, Fu Zonglong simply ate some breakfast, then came out of the trench, and went around the village to inspect.

Then, he summoned all the generals to his trench and explained briefly to everyone that He Renlong and Li Guoqi had fled to the vicinity of Shenqiu at this moment, and they were watching and fighting cowardly, not daring to return to the army for rescue.

Then, Fu Zonglong talked about the governor Yang Wenyue. He only said that he had fled to Chenzhou with his battalion, and Hu Dawei, the chief soldier of the Zhenbao, was originally stationed in Shenqiu, but he heard that Yang Wenyue had gone to Chenzhou. Run from Shenqiu to Chenzhou.

After talking about the situation, Fu Zonglong said angrily: "They are all greedy for life and afraid of death. Of course, they will not come back to rescue the burning shop, but how can we be as afraid of death as they are?"

At this moment, some people also made suggestions to him, thinking that he should break out of the siege earlier while the army rations were not exhausted.

However, Fu Zonglong understood that breaking out of the siege would be impossible at this moment. He said: "Zonglong is old, and unfortunately he is trapped in the siege of the bandits. He should lead the lords to fight the bandits to the death, and he must not flee like others!"

After saying that, he burst into tears, his fingers trembled, and he seemed very excited, but that kind of desperate state of mind was also palpable.

(End of this chapter)

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