
Chapter 889 Thunderbolt

That night, Huang Taiji suddenly felt uneasy. He tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep, but in a trance, he had a dream.

Huang Taiji dreamed that when he was commanding an army formation, suddenly, he saw mountain eagles swooping down from the sky, but they stopped flying after landing, but walked towards him with their heads upright.

Huang Taiji couldn't help being annoyed by that brash look, as if he was demonstrating to himself, but he shot two arrows in succession, but failed to hit the mountain eagles.

It wasn't until a general standing beside him handed him another arrow that he was able to hit the mountain eagle, but he was about to order someone to go up and fetch the dead eagle to see what happened.

But suddenly, he found another big green snake rushing out of a forest, and fled to the south like flying, the speed was very fast, so he hurriedly chased after it, but no matter what, he couldn't catch up , so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

But when he looked carefully, he found out that the green snake had many legs, which is why it ran so fast like a shooting star.

Just when he was feeling anxious about this, he suddenly saw a white stork flying down from the sky, and it opened its iron beak and pecked at the head of the big green snake. The snake moved gradually slowed down.

The white stork pecked at the big green snake one after another, finally, after several rounds, the big green snake was exhausted and could not move at all.

He felt very strange, thinking that the white stork was probably a bird specially designed to deal with the big green snake, so when the big green snake saw it, it would panic and panic at all, and it didn't dare to resist at all.

When Huang Taiji was thinking wildly, somehow he suddenly woke up!
Early the next morning, he summoned Fan Wencheng, Xi Fu, Gang Lin and others from the Imperial College of the Qing Dynasty into his imperial tent, and then told him about his strange dream last night. they listen.

In the end, he even asked them: "According to the few of you, is my dream last night a good omen or a bad omen?"

Everyone thought for a while, and then they all said: "If you return to the emperor, this is a good omen, a very auspicious omen."

Huang Taiji was overjoyed when he heard the words, but then he frowned and asked, "Where is Ji?"

His eyes looked at one person in particular, Fan Wencheng, a bachelor of the Academy of Internal Secretaries, and asked him another sentence: "Fan Xueshi, you have come to fulfill this dream for me, and you must not only choose those who are good-looking. In other words, I want to hear you tell the truth and listen to me!"

Among the Han civil servants in the Qing Dynasty, this Fan Wencheng was most trusted by the slave chief Huang Taiji. Huang Taiji had to discuss with him privately on many extremely important military and state plans, and listen to his opinions before making a decision. .

Fan Wencheng, courtesy name Xiandou and nickname Huiyue, was a native of Shenyang Wei in Liaodong of the Ming Dynasty. According to legend, he was a descendant of Fan Zhongyan, the prime minister of the Song Dynasty.

He was born in the 25th year of Wanli, and he was born in a family of officials. His sixth ancestor, Fan Yue, was convicted of a crime as early as the Hongwu period, and his family was relegated to Shenyang Wei, the capital of Liaodong. Fan has since become a native of Shenyang.

His great-grandfather, Fan Rui, served as Minister of War during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, and his grandfather, Fan Chen, also served as an official in Shenyang Wei to command Tongzhi. Although he was not a wealthy family, he still had no worries about food and clothing.

Fan Wencheng is even more eager to learn, smart and agile. When he was young, he and his brother Fan Wencai were admitted as student members of Shenyang County, and he was indeed a young talent.

He is sensitive, alert, calm and resolute. He liked to read books when he was young, and he loved the so-called "Wang Ba Da Da Lu" the most!
In the 46th year of Wanli, Nurhachi, an old slave of the Tartars, led the army to capture Fushun in Liaodong, plundered wantonly, and rewarded more than [-] people and animals for the generals who had made meritorious service in this battle. households and became slaves of the banners.

Fan Wencheng was living in Fushun at that time, and unfortunately he became one of this group of captives. It was only because of an extremely accidental factor that he was not killed by the Tartars and his life was spared.

In fact, the reason why Fan Wencheng was able to save his life was actually due to his own appearance advantage.

Although Fan Wencheng was a scholar, he was tall and mighty, with the air of a tiger general. Although the old slave Nurhachi hated the Han people very much, especially those Confucian scholars in Ming Dynasty.

The old slave Nurhachi's policy towards the Han people was actually massacre and plundering as slaves. He believed in the policy of "killing the Han people and raising Manchuria", and he was even more disgusted with the Confucian scholars of the Ming Dynasty. generation."

But for a mighty man like Fan Wencheng, he looked at him differently, so he saved his life because of this, was incorporated into the red flag of the Manchurian Eight Banners, and became a slave of the Han people.

At this time, Fan Wencheng not only was not reused by the old slave Nurhachi, but also starved and starved to serve the Tartar master carefully, and endured the discrimination and humiliation he suffered.

With such a cruel life, he spent nearly nine long years in depression, but at this moment, no one thought that he would actually help the evildoers in the future and become one of the biggest criminals who destroyed Ming Dynasty.

It was not until the second year of Tianqi that this situation changed slightly. At that time, the old slave Nurhachi was leading an army to attack Daming, and the capture of Daming was in Xiping, Guangning and other important towns in Liaodong. Fan Wencheng went out as a slave follower.

It was in this series of battles that in order not to be discriminated against and humiliated, he fought hard and repeatedly made small contributions. As a result, he was treated kindly by the old slave Nurhachi, but he did not welcome his ambition when.

Even at this moment, Fan Wencheng had the opportunity to speak to the old slave, but the old slave only wanted to plunder to make a living, so he didn't have much interest in the system of the Han people. Because of complacency, Fan Wencheng was not reused.

In this way, it was not until the sixth year of Tianqi, when the old slave Nurhachi died of illness, and the fourth elder brother Huang Taiji was able to inherit the throne of King Khan, that Fan Wencheng ushered in his own spring.

After Huang Taiji inherited the position of the Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, because he wanted to ease the conflict between the Manchus and the Han people, he needed Han Chinese students to assist him, so as to demonstrate the change of the Later Jin Dynasty's policy.

It was against this background that Huang Taiji, the slave chief, set up a literary museum with the theme of "taking the gains and losses of the emperors of the past dynasties as a mirror and remembering the gains and losses of merit" in the second year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty.

After the establishment of the Wenguan, Huang Taiji, the slave chief, even issued an edict ordering to select learned Han people from all the banners in Manchuria to enrich the newly established Wenguan so as to serve him.

The so-called "students" are actually the domestic slaves of the banner owners. For example, Fan Wencheng is included in this category of "students".

It was in this selection that Fan Wencheng had the opportunity to stand out. Not only was he selected into the Wenguan, but he also became the backbone of it, and finally ushered in his day of success.

And since then, he has embarked on a life of cheating step by step, and eventually became the trusted adviser of the slave chieftain Huang Taiji, especially after Huang Taiji became emperor, he often "called to the left and right".

Fan Wencheng not only participated in the process of reforming the Qing Dynasty after the Jin Dynasty, but also promoted the integration between the Manchus and the Han people in Liaodong, and was deeply involved in the formulation of a series of strategies such as conquering Mongolia, surrendering Korea, and conquering Ming Dynasty.

Especially in the matter of fighting for the surrender of the Han officials of the Ming Dynasty, Fan Wencheng spared no effort. It seemed that every time an additional Han official surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, his reputation would improve by a point!
Moreover, there is another particularly important contribution. Fan Wencheng solved the major problem of attacking Daming for the slave chieftain Huang Taiji, but it was unknown.

Fan Wencheng proposed to Huang Taiji, "If you worry about the unknown teacher, you should tell the people that Chahar Khan is far away..." This false strategy of attacking Guo is really extremely insidious.

He suggested that since there was no justifiable reason to attack the interior of Daming, he would use chasing Chahar Khan as an excuse. Shaanxi, Shanxi, Xuanda and other places.

Since Fan Wencheng was appreciated by the slave chieftain Huang Taiji, he has devoted his wisdom and loyalty to the Aixinjueluo family, running the battlefield and strategizing, even working harder and more useful than some Manchu nobles.

Huang Taiji also had great trust in him and obeyed his words. Every time when discussing important political affairs, he always asked the ministers: "Does Fan Zhangjing know?"

If, Huang Taiji feels that the results discussed by the kings, Baylor, and ministers cannot satisfy him, or it is not yet possible for him to make up his mind with confidence.

He would often ask, "Why didn't Fan Zhangjing discuss this matter?"

And if everyone replied "Fan Zhangjing also has the same opinion", he would happily nod his head in agreement.

Furthermore, almost all important documents issued in the name of the Qing emperor, such as edicts to various ministries of Korea and Mongolia, etc., would be handed over to Fan Wencheng for inspection before they could be finalized and issued.

At first, Huang Taiji would review the manuscript again, but later even he stopped reviewing the manuscript, and even said directly to Fan Wencheng: "You will definitely not make mistakes!"

But now, Huang Taiji, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, was very worried that his dream might indicate some unlucky things, so he hoped that the learned and loyal Fan Wencheng could faithfully fulfill this strange dream for him.

Fan Wencheng didn't answer Huang Taiji's question directly.

In his opinion, the big green snake most likely represented the Qing Dynasty, and the mountain sculpture that Huang Taiji had dreamed of before was more like the master of the Ming Dynasty who came from afar to help Jinzhou.

Huang Taiji's two missed shots coincided with the current battle situation between the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which represented that the two sides were evenly matched and each other would win or lose. As for the subsequent one shot, it seemed to indicate that the battle would be won.

The big green snake that appeared after that also seemed to indicate that the Qing Dynasty would become stronger and more prosperous in the future.

But the white stork that appeared at the end couldn't be explained. In Fan Wencheng's view, the sudden appearance of this white stork seemed to interrupt the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty, and it seemed to herald the changes in the battle of Jinzhou.

But where the variable came from, at this moment, he was not sure, because in his opinion, this possibility was really unexpected.

Could it be that there is still an unknown powerful force in the Ming army?
However, these thoughts and opinions in Fan Wencheng's heart naturally cannot be confessed to Huang Taiji.

After Fan Wencheng rolled his eyes and thought about it for a while, he looked confident, and he replied to Huang Taiji: "Ah, Your Majesty's dream is indeed very well done.

The eagle is the head of the birds of prey. It obviously refers to Hong Chengchou, the commander of the Ming army who came from afar to help. His Majesty missed two arrows, but hit the third arrow. ending.

In the future, he is also doomed to escape the snares laid by our warriors of the Qing Dynasty, either killed by our warriors or captured by our warriors! "

After listening to Fan Wencheng's analysis and explanation, Huang Taiji was determined. He seemed to be extremely capable, and continued: "I would rather he be caught by the warriors than die by the warriors."

Suddenly he suddenly remembered that last night's dream was only half completed, so he asked again: "But, what is the meaning of that green snake?"

Fan Wencheng had already thought about it at this moment, so he smiled slightly and played back pretending to be mysterious: "The green snake means that the Ming army will flee in a hurry in the near future. Your Majesty has already laid an ambush in advance, so I will still be intercepted by my warriors and wiped out in one fell swoop.

That white stork refers to the ambush that His Majesty prearranged. "

Huang Taiji nodded to express that he had no objection, but he didn't answer all his questions, so he asked again: "But why does the big green snake have feet?"

Seeing that Fan Wencheng was in the lead, Xifu, a scholar of the Neihong Academy of Arts, was already unhappy. At this moment, he hurried forward and explained: "This is the Ming army who was frightened by our Qing warriors and fled desperately. I can't wait to have a few more legs!"

Everyone in the imperial tent couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing his explanation.

Huang Taiji was even more happy, and then he sent an order to order the shaman to dance the gods, in order to thank the emperor for the auspicious dream bestowed by the emperor!

However, in the night of that day, when he changed the machine, he had another strange dream. He dreamed that the old slave Nurhachi ordered four shirtless men to give him a jade seal. catch.

But he felt that the jade seal was so heavy that it was about to fall to the ground. Fortunately, he lowered his waist and stabilized it in time so that he could hold it firmly in his hand, but it also woke him up in shock.

So, he hastily summoned great scholars Fan Wencheng, Xifu, Gang Lin and others to come to the imperial tent quickly, asking them to realize his dream again.

Fan Wencheng and the others did not have any hesitation this time, they all said that the dream was very clear.

The jade seal is the treasure of the Son of Heaven, and the Emperor Taizu sent someone to award the jade seal to the emperor. Doesn't this indicate that the emperor will inevitably enter the pass in the future, and the great cause of establishing the Qing Dynasty to rule the country is undoubtedly.

Huang Taiji was even happier when he heard the words.

But on the fifth day of September, a thunderbolt from the blue sky shocked his joy beyond the horizon!

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