East Ying Weird Creation

Chapter 256 Sakurako

Chapter 256 Sakurako ([-])

When Yingzi walked into the corridor, the surroundings were empty.

Beeman and Shengzi have already transferred the police personnel away from the vicinity - although the suspected cheaters have been adjusted out of the team participating in the investigation, no one can say whether there are any intentional concealers among the remaining people.Moreover, it is hard to say if there are any other changes in Yingzi's killing rules.

"Sakura has entered the elevator!"

"Sakura walked out of the apartment!"

"Sakura is standing by Yuki Street!"

Shengzi kept sending Yingzi's news through the walkie-talkie. At this moment, the street was empty, and the police cordoned off several blocks nearby.

Through the live broadcast from "Bee", Shengzi could see Yingzi standing alone in the middle of the street, the corner of her skirt was blown up by the occasional wind, and the empty street was dead silent, just like Will Smith's "I Am The apocalyptic scene in the "Legend" movie.

Youcang Uegang: "There is no taxi, no bus, and she doesn't have a private car, so she can't go far, right? She can't meet a man, so she can't harm anyone..."

Beeman: "In theory, but it is impossible for us to carry out such a blockade all the time, and the resistance of nearby residents will also be very serious."

As he spoke, he looked at the Holy Son: "According to the plan."

Seiko picked up the walkie-talkie: "Nagasawa, Fujisaki is ready to play."


Fujisaki was originally sentenced for robbery with a gun, and the amount was not large. Theoretically speaking, the death penalty cannot be imposed in this case, but there is no way. The precedent of the death penalty for thieves can be said to have completely ignored the voice of the people. Every prime minister's party will shout the slogan of fair justice before the election, but after taking office, they forget all the promises of the election.

The direct reason why Fujisaki was selected for this bizarre incident is that according to the police investigation data, he had a history of cheating for a long time, and he dated four women at the same time, so he is undoubtedly a habitual cheater.

Hey... It is precisely because of this that Fujisaki has no choice but to embark on the road of crime in order to satisfy the extravagant expenses of women.

Fujisaki once heard that some scumbags are like himself, dating several women at the same time, but they don't need to spend a penny. Instead, those women will give money to the scumbags.

Fujisaki was very envious of such a skill, and tried to imitate the behavior of a scumbag, but the result was that the women left him one by one... Practice has proved that love is nothing, and money is eternal.

In other words, the investigation of the prisoners by the police is too meticulous, and there are no taboos. They want to get to the bottom of all the shady things in each prisoner's life and shake them out, completely ignoring the privacy of the prisoners. There is still a democratic country here system?
Fujisaki heard from the seniors in the prison that this is to deal with those terrible monsters, by finding out the past experience and unique characteristics of each prisoner, and then carrying out targeted trial and error work on monster rules.Well, it turns out that death row inmates in this country are not human beings.What an asshole!The vast majority of death row inmates should not be sentenced to death at all.Fujisaki thought.


While thinking wildly, Fujisaki's earphones came from the police officer's instructions, "According to the plan."

Walking out from the corner of a building, Fujisaki slowly approached Sakurako.The police have already uncuffed his handcuffs and ankles, and in a sense he has actually been freed.But Fujino never dared to escape without authorization - the sniper's guns on a building not far away were aimed at him at this moment.

If you are shot because of escaping, the pension = 0; if you die due to trial and error, the government will distribute a large amount of money, and the mother, wife and children can benefit.

In fact, Fujisaki feels guilty towards his wife.After he was arrested for robbery, all four of his docile and lovely girlfriends abandoned him. Only his wife never left him and went to the prison to greet him regularly.

If you can leave your wife with a large amount of pension to improve your life, it would be a good result, right?

Thinking of this, Fujisaki gradually accelerated his pace toward Sakurako.Sakura is still a long way from him.

The police told him not to deliberately approach Yingzi, but to pretend to be passing by.Does that mean that he still has a chance?Fujisaki prayed to heaven.


Aichi Apartment, in a certain room on the top floor, Haeto and Seiko set up a temporary investigation and judgment point for Sakurako's weird incident.

In the living room, Kamioka Yukura paced anxiously.

Behind the live broadcast screen, Seiko observed Fujisaki's facial expression and the distance between him and Sakurako without blinking, so as to judge the trigger time and trigger point of the weird rule.

Behind her, the beeman took a sip of the canned coffee: "I think Fujisaki will not trigger Sakurako's rule in all likelihood."

Holy Son: "What's the reason?"

Beeman: "Fujisaki has no contact with those four girls. That is to say, at this moment, he is not in a state of cheating. We have analyzed it before - Sakurako's rules are based on a man's feelings. On the premise of being separated from the family or wife, entangled with a third party, the whole person and feelings need to be divided into two parts. Obviously, Fujisaki does not belong to this situation. Therefore, the focus of our observation is actually the next death row... "

Son: "Want to bet?"

Beeman: "Bet?"

Shengzi: "I bet that Fujisaki will be recruited, and you bet that Fujisaki will not be recruited."

The bee man's eyes lit up: "Where's the bet?"

Shengzi: "If I lose, I swear, after I become an investigator, I will help you take over three difficult cases."

The Son is not writing a blank promise.Even Beeman himself has said many times that the Holy Son has great potential in terms of growth in spiritual power, and the probability of becoming a formal investigator in the future is more than [-]%.

For the bee-man, instead of letting Shengzi die as an assistant in a certain weird investigation incident, it is better to let her grow into a weird investigator smoothly and help the bee-man overcome several difficulties.In the subconscious mind of the Holy Son, there is actually such a consideration - after making such a bet, even in some emergency situations, the bee man may not easily let her try and make mistakes.

"I know that the red shirt and the crow had a similar agreement," the bee man said with a smile: "then the two of them became grotesque together,"

Holy Son: "I don't have many options for gambling, and even less valuable ones. Are you coming or not?"

Beeman: "Well, what if I lose?"

Holy Son: "You promise me one thing."

The bee man looked at the Son for a while, but the Son didn't continue talking.

Beeman: "Is this the end?"

Holy Son: "I haven't quite figured out what it is, but don't worry, it won't be difficult for you, it won't violate the law and morality, and it won't endanger your life. However, maybe It takes work and energy.”

Beeman: "..."

"Fujisaki is very close to Sakurako." Seiko looked at the screen, "Are you coming or not? Are all the men in our country like you?"

Beeman: "Damn it, that's why male investigators were rarely assigned female assistants in the past! We good men are always eaten to death by cunning women! If you were a man, I would have..."

Holy Son: "Are you coming or not?"

The beeman gritted his teeth and said, "Deal!"

Son: "Okay! Just right, Fujisaki walked over."

The two looked at the screen of the live broadcast together——

On the empty street, Fujisaki approached Sakurako, he kept silent and kept his eyes fixed, ten meters, five meters, three meters, one meter... and passed by.

"I think,"

The beeman took a sip of coffee leisurely: "It's more reliable for us to write down the bet just now on paper."

On the screen, it seemed that the call of the bee man was sensed. The moment he finished speaking, Fujisaki stopped, turned to look at Sakurako, with an obsessive look on his face:
"Beautiful lady, I am a very professional robber. I have completed many highly artistic robberies. The main banks of the six major families, the major museums in our country, and the small coffers of the chaebols are all A place I often visit. I am already well-known in the industry, but the police have nothing to do with me. Often they can only watch me disappear into the vast night sky in a simple glider after I succeed.

Seriously, recently, I'm planning an earth-shattering robbery.I think, if a peerless beauty like you has never witnessed a robbery scene or participated in such a majestic and exciting action in his life, it may not be a great regret.With that in mind, I sincerely invite you to join me in this... "

"grown ups,"

Shengzi took out an A4 piece of paper from the bag and put it on the table in front of the bee-man: "If a bet like this is written on paper, how can I describe it better?"

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(End of this chapter)

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