Chapter 226 Euthanasia Plan

Only then did Bai Hongtu understand why Jiang Li had such a reaction when he saw the Feitian Group.

It took Feitian Group 50 years to bring the entire outline civilization into the virtual world.

And that was 1000 years ago.

"The so-called longevity and long sleep nutrient solution can only make people live to two hundred years old. No wonder there are no living people in this world." Only then did Bai Hongtu figure out why there is no living person in Outline Civilization.

This also proved that Du Ming was indeed dead.

"I remember Du Ming said that the Feitian Group spent a hundred years collecting data to create a virtual personality. The virtual personality has the same reaction as a human being."

"You mean Du Ming is also a virtual personality?"

"Yes, I suspect that during Du Ming's use of the holographic simulator, Feitian Company collected all of Du Ming's information, such as memory, physical strength, inner desires, etc., organized these into data, and after checking and calculation, it was able to create the same information as Du Ming. A virtual personality without any distinction!"

When a person has the same memory, body, and mind as you, is this person you?
In Jiang Li's previous life, this was a philosophical question, which would cause countless arguments and no conclusion could be reached.

Whereas in Kyushu, this is a non-controversial issue, your soul has been reincarnated, this person is not you.

The soul is the standard that distinguishes people from each other.

The two have already confirmed that Outline Civilization has neither living people nor souls, and the server is loaded with data.

"Let's go to Feitian Group headquarters."

The two agreed that the Feitian Group had a big problem.

The Feitian Group also has no living people.

When they came to the president's office at Feitian Group's headquarters, they found a secret plan called the "euthanasia" plan.

The plan is divided into four steps.

The first step is to use the divine inspiration to develop technology.

The second step is to control the government with the power of capital and technology.

The third step is to publicize that the virtual world is equivalent to the real world, give them reasons to escape from reality, and voluntarily go to the virtual world.

The fourth step is to develop a long-lived and long-sleeping nutrient solution for holographic simulators, allowing all human beings to enter the virtual world.

The plan was simple, but in the eyes of Jiang Li and Bai Hongtu, it was terrifying.

This is an open conspiracy, an open conspiracy without any cover-up.

A 200-year lifespan is just a short time for the two of them, but for ordinary people, it is a feat against heaven to break through Tianshou.

Who doesn't want to live a long life?
There is also a virtual world that is no different from the real world.

On the one hand, there is the cruel reality of studying in childhood, hard work of young and middle-aged people, and enjoying a moment of peace in old age, and they are also subject to material constraints.

On the other side is a virtual world that is omnipotent, equivalent to a god, free to the extreme.

Who doesn't want to be free?
Longevity and freedom are the two things that living beings desire the most. Who can refuse?

The only reason Jiang Li could think of for refusal was that the real world is real and the virtual world is fake.

But is it important to be true or false?

"Fuck, who came up with this plan! No blood will be seen in killing people." Bai Hongtu yelled, this thing is also very marketable in Kyushu, Bai Hongtu can guarantee that [-]% of Kyushu people will choose to go to the virtual world.

"Here, this is the holographic simulator, let's go meet Du Ming."

Bai Hongtu nodded and put on the holographic simulator, and the two came to the big world together.

Du Ming regarded Jiang Li as a friend, and gave Jiang Li a communication method, so Jiang Li could find him at will.

"Brother Jiang came back so soon, um, there are newcomers?" Du Ming noticed Bai Hongtu.

"This is Bai Hongtu. It just so happened that I didn't get things done, so I came back." Jiang Li said with a smile, "I happened to see your nameplate, and then I realized that Brother Du, you are an ancient person from thousands of years ago. I am lucky to meet you." meeting."

"Thousands of years?" Du Ming frowned, and then he was relieved, "The flow of time in the small world can be adjusted, but the big world doesn't display the time, so I didn't notice that so long has passed in the outside world."

"No, the outside world has changed a lot now. We also discovered a continent with more advanced technology than ours. Outlines that humans are not the only intelligent existence in the universe."

"And there are worlds beyond the world. We also discovered the world of cultivating immortals. People in the world of cultivating immortals can turn mountains and seas with their bodies. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it."

"Brother Du, do you want to go out and have a look?" Jiang Li looked at Du Ming eagerly.

Du Ming shook his head regretfully: "If I just came in, I'd like to go out and have a look, but unfortunately I can't go out now."

"How come?" Jiang Li asked knowingly.

"Brother Jiang... Although I am an ancient person, there is no seniority in the virtual world, so let's call you a brother. Brother Jiang should know that the nutrient solution can only make me live two hundred years. Since the outside world has passed a thousand years, I have already died of old age. Now I am an electronic consciousness and cannot leave the virtual world."

"Dead?" Jiang Li was surprised, he was really shocked, Du Ming actually knew that he was dead.

"I can't remember how long ago, one day I suddenly lost consciousness and disconnected, but soon regained consciousness, and I was able to go to the big and small worlds freely. I thought it was a problem with the server. Now that I think about it, at that time I'm already dead."

"But it's not really dead. You see, I'm still conscious. I can be considered alive, but I'm living in the virtual world."

Du Ming didn't care about his own death.

Jiang Li and Bai Hongtu looked at each other, this virtual personality thought he was the real Du Ming.

"Brother Du, you accepted death so calmly, I admire you."

This time it was Du Ming's turn to be puzzled: "Didn't Feitian tell you before using the virtual machine?"

"What did you say?"

Jiang Li and Bai Hongtu didn't know what Feitian Company had said. Now Feitian Company's building is occupied by a group of wild dogs.

"The Feitian company said that soaking in the nutrient solution will certainly make you live longer, but it will also gradually strip away your consciousness. After a long time, you will not be able to return to reality. At the same time, you will lose your reproductive function from the genetic level."

"Everyone who goes into a virtual world agrees to that price."

Jiang Li and Bai Hongtu were silent.

They cannot tell who is at fault.

Is Feitian company wrong?People have clearly told people the consequences.

Is the user wrong?The reality is unsatisfactory, and people are not allowed to go to the virtual world?

They can't even judge whether this matter is right or wrong.

Du Ming thought that Jiang Li and Bai Hongtu were depressed because they couldn't have children, so he said in relief, "It's just that they can't have children in reality, so it's not a big problem."

"For example, I only have one wife and one son in reality, but in my world, there are many wives and concubines, and a house full of children and grandchildren."

"Then where is sister-in-law now?"

Du Ming waved his hand: "At the beginning, we got married because life forced us to. The two of us made do with each other and had no feelings. As for our son, if he is not filial, he will not be a good thing."

"It's not like my world. The wives are all the most beautiful women in the world. They all really like me. The younger generations are capable and filial to me. I have long since lost the contact information of my wife and son."

Jiang Li sighed inwardly. Everyone voluntarily went to die and felt very happy. It really was a "euthanasia" plan, and the name was not wrong at all.

(End of this chapter)

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