Governor please stay

Chapter 193 What should come will always come

Chapter 193 What should come will always come

Dunqiu, originally located in Puyang, Henan, was destroyed in the war.During the Rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Western Jin Dynasty, Yongjia went south, and experienced the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty. In the east of Licheng, the Overseas Chinese County "Dunqiu County" was established, and Dunqiu City was built to resettle the refugees from the north. After the establishment of the Northern Qi Dynasty, it was abandoned.

The ridiculous thing is that the original "Dunqiu" has disappeared into the long river of history. In Liu Yishou's previous life, the place had been renamed Qingfeng County.On the contrary, the name of "Dunqiu", which was built overseas, was preserved and became the fringe area of ​​Jinan.

This is the gateway to the east of Licheng. Although it is located overseas, its strategic position is very important. If you occupy this place, you can view Licheng from the east!
Xing Gao came in menacingly and led his troops to besiege Juhe City. Liu Yishou led his army from Licheng, and when they arrived at Dunqiu with a low city wall, they stationed here and did not leave!
A day later, the scouts reported that Xing Gao's army was still besieging Dunqiu, even building special siege equipment.Such a big guy is not easy to carry, so it can only be made nearby when attacking the city.

In the signing room in Dunqiu City, Yu Jin was arguing with Wang Wei, and other people were also talking about it, and they were quite hesitant about whether to rescue Juhe City.

Liu Yishou, on the other hand, let his subordinates argue. He looked at the map of states and counties hanging on the wall alone, frowning, as if thinking.

Wang Wei's opinion is that Juhecheng must not only be saved, but also confront Xing Gaogang, and he must not retreat.If Xing Gao wiped out Zhao Gui's troops who stood by and defended Juhe City, what would the rest of Liu Yishou's troops think?
Can it still be twisted into a rope like before?
And Yu Jin pointed out that Xing Gao's siege of Juhe City is a typical siege to fight for aid. If he goes to rescue this time, he will definitely be ambushed.The two sides are in dispute, and each has its own reasons.

"In the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty Geng Yan Biography", there was a battle case. It said that Geng Yan attacked Juhe City, wiped out Zhang Bu's forces, and pacified Qingxu. It is somewhat similar to the situation we are encountering today."

Liu Yishou turned around, looked at the people in front of him, and said, "We came yesterday, and I deliberately delayed for a day to see if Xing Gao's army could capture Juhe City. City equipment, the siege of the city did not seem to be going well yesterday.

Juhe City is no longer the Juhe City in the late Western Han Dynasty, and the city is dilapidated.

If Xing Gao wanted to fight recklessly, he would definitely not say that the siege had made no progress for a day.His way of luring the enemy is a bit fake. "

Liu Yishou sighed with emotion and shook his head slightly, as if he didn't approve of rushing into Juhe City rashly.Yu Jin and the others were taken aback, Liu Yishou's words seemed to have other meanings.

"My lord, do you ask Zhao Gui to stall for time?"

Wang Wei asked calmly.

Liu Yishou waved his hands and said:
"I came here yesterday. When you were setting up defenses in Dunqiu City, I went around the surrounding area on purpose. You see, we distributed the fields to those tenants and lowered the rent. So the nearby farmers saw me and Yuan Shikang, after knowing our identities, he was very warm to us, and I also asked some things by the way."

Speaking of this, Liu Yishou pointed to Yuan Shikang and said, "Come and talk to them."

"Okay my lord, then I'm making a fool of myself."

Yuan Shikang walked up to the map, pointed to the location of Juhe City and said: "Juhe City is also called Longshan. It looks like a mountain but not a mountain, but it is just a north-south slope, where soldiers can be hidden.

To the east of Juhe City is the Wuyuan River, which flows deep and bends into a bay. There is a temple beside the bay to worship the god of the river; looking at the villages and towns from the other side of the river, loess cliffs stand tall, like hills and mountains.There are dragons in the gullies, and the tallest ones are mountains. This is probably the reason why Longshan was named.

Juhe City is located at Longkou, guarding the north-south river course and the east-west official road. "

It is "giant" and "close", isn't it just like the dragon's big mouth is closed?

Everyone understood Yuan Shikang's words. This place is pronounced as Juhe and written as "Longshan".If you look at the map, you must not see these terrains. Only local people who are familiar with the terrain know these.

These words must have been spoken by the tenants without level, but those people have a much clearer understanding of the terrain here than outsiders like Liu Yishou and the others.What Yuan Shikang said was all summed up by Liu Yishou after he came back and asked some children from rich local families.

The remnants of the "Xing Gao" army have harmed many big families and powerful families in Jinan County recently. Although these people know that Xing Gao's remnants will never have such a powerful force and the intelligence advantage of precise strikes, they still have a lot of respect for them. Thanks for the protection provided by Liu Yishou and others.

While the family members are still alive, it is better to be grateful, otherwise what if the "Xing Gao" people come again, and Liu Yishou doesn't protect them?
"According to historical records, Geng Yan led his troops eastward to Juhe City and set up camp on the west bank of the Juye River. He also sent soldiers to cut down trees and make ladders. He threatened to attack the city in three days and deliberately released some captives so that they would Inform the enemy general Fei Yi on the day of the siege.

After Fei Yi heard about it, he hurriedly led his troops to rescue Juli.Geng Yan left part of his troops to continue the feint attack, secretly led the main force to ambush on the high ground, and wiped out the rescue enemy outside Juhe City.

Geng Yan ordered people to lift Fei Yi's head up with a tall pole, and showed the crowd to join the city to defend the enemy. The enemy's troops were distraught and abandoned the city to flee.Juhe City was easily taken by Geng Yan.

I don’t know if you have noticed, but the river outside our city is called Juye River! "Hearing this, everyone was shocked! If you want to talk about a coincidence, it's too much of a coincidence, right?
"The governor is saying that Longshan is not a mountain, but a slope where soldiers can hide. Geng Yan decided to fight there in the past, and surrounded them to fight for reinforcements. Now Xing Gao's troops are probably waiting for us at Longshan.

Remember the terrain of Juhe City?Walking to the dragon's head, you have to pass through the entire dragon's body, and that line is where Xing Gao can use it to ambush us. "

Yu Jin said in a low voice.

He felt that he couldn't go to reinforce Juhe City, but it was just out of the general's intuition.After all, in the border town back then, similar routines were almost tried and tested!The scene in front of him is a typical siege to fight for aid. If he rushed forward foolishly, Liu Jun's tragedy would definitely be repeated.

But Yu Jin didn't expect Liu Yishou to figure out the situation in such a short period of time, which is already amazing.

"It's just that if you don't go to reinforce Juhe and let the city be captured by Xing Gao, it seems... the situation will be a little bad."

Wang Wei still felt that his idea was correct. War is the continuation of politics. To Liu Yishou, keeping Juhe City has great political significance and must not be lost.

"Send people to the upper reaches of the Wuyuan River to build dams to intercept the water source. The spring floods are about to rise, and I think there may be heavy rains in the near future. When the heavy rains occur, the dams will be opened to release water to flood Xing Gao's camp. "

Liu Yishou clenched his fist with one hand and said fiercely.

It seems that it is indeed possible to play like this, and it is very secretive.

Everyone looked at Liu Yishou and had doubts in their hearts.If the great flood flooded the camp of Xing Gao's army, wouldn't the city of Juhe on the shore be flooded as well?
Is it okay to kill [-] enemies and lose [-] in this way?

"Liu Dudu, Zhao Gui's troops are still in the city, flooding Juhe City, they must have suffered heavy casualties. It seems...inappropriate."

Dugu Xin, who had been silent since he came to Liu Yishou's team, finally couldn't help it this time.It's normal for him not to be able to help it, but the death of the rabbit and the fox is sad, and things hurt their own kind.

"Don't worry, it's fine. Existence is reasonable. Juhe City has a history of hundreds of years and has not been destroyed by floods. It will be fine this time."

Liu Yishou waved his hand, he knew it well.

Why is Juhe city not flooded?Because when this city was first built, Liu Fa, the prince of the Western Han Dynasty who built this city, built it as the capital of a feudal country, fully considering the terrain.

Juhe City has stood for hundreds of years, and there is always something special about it.Torrential rain and floods are very frequent in Shandong, and local river water surges are fundamental. Jining has changed its name because it was not affected by floods.

In addition, Liu Yishou went deep into the grassroots yesterday, and asked a lot of knowledge that could not be found in books. The Wuyuan River is deep and the current is fast.

If Xing Gao's army besieged Juhe honestly, then this move might not be able to hurt them.But if Xing Gao's idea was to surround the spot to fight for aid, he deliberately released water, superimposed heavy rain, and then some landslides or something, it would be enough for him to drink a pot.

"Duguxin, you and Zhao Gui have worked together near Zhongshan, Hebei before, and you are familiar with each other. This time, you take your own troops to the upper reaches of the Wuyuan River to block the dam. The Wuyuan River is a tributary of the Xiaoqing River. North, that is not the activity area of ​​Xing Gao's army, so as long as you are careful, the possibility of being discovered by Xing Gao's army's scouts is very small."

Since Dugu Xin paid so much attention to Zhao Gui in Juhe City, it would be perfect for him to be responsible for intercepting the dam.In case things are not done well in the end, there is no excuse for prevarication.

"Here, let's do it next time."

Dugu Xin left with a sigh of relief.What he wanted to know was not actually how Zhao Gui would end up, but how Liu Yishou would treat his trapped subordinates.Is self-preservation the top priority, or is it desperate to save each other?

Now that he got the other party's answer, he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

After Duguxin left, Liu Yishou said to the generals in the signing room: "The army must be prepared for war, and it must be ready to go at any time. I judge that Xing Gao will set up Juhe City to catch us, but it may not be absolute." .

If he captures Juhe City, we can fight them head-on at any time!I have already asked Yu Wentai to arrange for the luggage to be sent here. You all perform your duties, so let's go. "

When everyone left, they all admired Liu Yishou for being ahead of the enemy.After everyone left, Liu Yishou looked at the wooden frame on the right side of the map hanging on the wall.

"The real victory or defeat is not in Jinan County, but in Gwangju, alas!"

He sighed and frowned slightly.The index finger of his right hand tapped the back of his left hand continuously.

This feeling of entrusting the victory and defeat to others is terrible!


Mi County is the gateway to Xingyang, on the north bank of Wei River.Mi County got its name because of its proximity to Mi Mountain. It is shaped like the entrance of a hall, and it is the only place to go from south to north to Xingyang.

Outside the county seat of Mi County, Chen Qingzhi in a white robe looked to the north as if he could see the tall Xingyang City.Beside him stood Yang Zhong and his subordinates Song Jingxiu, Yu Tianmin and others, all silent, like stone statues.

"I didn't expect to be able to come here."

Chen Qingzhi sighed softly, feeling a little sentimental.

I think back then, gold and iron horses swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger.How majestic Liu Yu is, the Northern Expedition made him famous. At that time, many people even thought that he could dominate the world!

I didn't expect that the next 100 years... don't mention it.

Liang Guo is now glamorous on the outside, but rotten on the inside, but its luck is slightly better than that of the Northern Wei Dynasty.Chen Qingzhi was a little worried in his heart, but he knew that he came from a poor family, and he was soft-spoken and could not change anything.

This time I was able to lead the troops to the edge of Xingyang, thanks to the internal corruption of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the help of many leading parties.It's just that everyone who didn't seem to win before won, but this time in Xingyang, it seems to be a hard stubble, which is not easy to deal with.

"The Battle of Xingyang, do you have any ideas?"

Chen Qingzhi asked a little casually.Song Jingxiu and the other three generals clasped their hands and replied loudly: "Follow the command of the governor!" Only Yang Zhong remained silent.

"what do you think?"

Chen Qingzhi asked Yang Zhongdao.

"Captain, I heard that Fei Mu's army in Xingyang may not be less than [-] troops. Moreover, it has been repaired for a long time, so it is easy to wait for work, and there is still the convenience of the city."

Yang Zhong said calmly.

Chen Qingzhi nodded slightly and smiled, "Do you have any other ideas?"

Yang Zhong's expression was troubled, he could tell that what Chen Qingzhi wanted to know was not what the situation ahead would be, but how he should defeat the enemy.

Chen Qingzhi had already considered those hardships and dangers. If he was afraid of difficulties, he would not have made the Northern Expedition at all!

"Our army is brave and good at fighting. Fei Mu's army has different origins and was not under each other before. Although there are many people, they lack real experience. If the battle goes well, it's okay, but if the battle goes bad, there is a risk of collapse.

This battle is bound to be a fierce battle, and the brave will win when we meet on a narrow road. Courage and determination are our only advantages.only……"

Yang Zhong hesitated to speak.

"But it doesn't matter."

"It's just that Fei Mu is not a mediocre person. Yang Chun's example is in front of him. He must also know that if you defend for a long time, you will lose. It is not enough to defend the city by relying on it. You have to fight back to defeat us.

So Fei Mu's thoughts are probably to attract us firmly under the city of Xingyang, and then the other troops of Wei State will go around to our side and rear, and then besiege us to death.

The general thought that the key to the victory of this battle lies in time.If we can conquer Xingyang before reinforcements arrive, then the morale of the Wei army will plummet like a landslide and tsunami!No matter how many reinforcements come, they are not afraid of them.

But if Xingyang City cannot be attacked for a long time, the situation will be dangerous. "

Yang Zhong said it very implicitly, in fact, if Xingyang City cannot be captured, then all of them will be buried here.

"In the past five years, you have made great progress, and you are no longer the same as you were back then. I am very relieved."

Chen Qingzhi nodded with a smile and said: "That's right, it is indeed as you said, if we can't conquer Xingyang in this battle in a short time, we will all die there. The man is shrouded in horse leather, fearless. It's just that we have already come here, but not It's a pity to go to Luoyang to take a look, don't you think?"

Chen Qingzhi looked around the crowd and said: "Life is only a few dozen years, and I am forty-six this year, so I can't afford to wait. If I lose this time, even if I can escape back to Liang Kingdom, I will be like a walking dead, and life is meaningless .So, I will not retreat from this battle, I will not escape, either I will win or I will die.

Those of you who cherish your life can go to Yuan Hao's side. "

"Swear to die for the governor!"

Everyone clasped their hands together and roared.

"Well, set off tomorrow to attack Xingyang."

(End of this chapter)

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