Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 115 Don't melee!Do not melee!Do not melee!

Chapter 115 Don't melee!Do not melee!Do not melee!

Dark Ye Proxima Centauri died, and the death was quite embarrassing.

As one of the strongest fighters under Thanos, she also thought about how she would die.

For her, it is best for her to die under Thanos's snapping fingers. It would be good if she died in a war, or go to the end of her life with General Deathblade. . .

But it definitely does not include being beaten to death by a despicable human with a dozen mechas!

Moreover, during the beating, the other party fired at him from the sky, and he was played to death like being treated as a monkey by the other party!

And the other party doesn't talk about Wude!Not only air combat, but also bullying the few with more!
Flying in the sky with more than a dozen mechs, it's fine to strike with long-range artillery fire, and then a flying sorcerer came, who transformed into dozens of clones with a wave of his hand, and threw out a series of dark red chains. He was bound tightly, and finally he was fired by the mechs without any resistance.

Iron Man flew into the sky and said: "To be honest, this is the first time I can fire without any scruples."

"with full force?"

Doctor Strange curled his lips and said, "Compared to the outside world, yours is at best a laser pointer."

"What do you know about magic, I'm a high-tech. That guy solved it?"

"It's been solved a long time ago." Doctor Strange said, "I threw it directly into the mirror space, and a set of combos went on to solve it on the spot."

Before Stark finished speaking, a blue mist portal opened, and a burly purple giant walked out of it.




"Is he Thanos?"


Vision was dizzy and almost fell down, and the mind gem on his forehead gleamed.

"Four jewels!"

The sharp-eyed Hawkeye saw the four gems of Thanos' operation at a glance.

"It seems that you already know."

Thanos said unhurriedly: "Since this is the case, then I won't say more. It's you who handed it over, or me."

"The Shape of Ienck!"

"Seratok's Crimson Belt!"

"All Karma Taj listen to the order!! Mysterious chains!"

With Doctor Strange's shot, Kama Taj threw out a lot of control skills, from the most basic arcane chains to the high-end skills Seratek's crimson belt to Thanos, directly binding Thanos into a I got a zongzi.

At the same time, Mr. Cloak, who is very reliable in that world, made an instant move and directly wrapped Thanos' hands, preventing Thanos from using the infinite gems.


The Panther quickly ordered, and the Wakanda fighter and Iron Man prepared to make up the knife together.

Since they make up the knife, who will be responsible for the main attack?

That is Wanda who has been hidden in the snow all this time! ! !

"Chaos Hundred Soldiers Tomb!!!"

Faced with this guy who killed his lover in another world, snapped his fingers and killed half of the universe, and turned himself into ashes, even if it was a guy from another universe, Wanda didn't have any affection for him at all, even if he had chatted with another one. .

So Wanda used the most powerful spell so far without hesitation.

Chaos Hundred Soldiers Tomb!
The demon Zheng Zha directly called the expert.

Cloaked Lord Mao, who controlled Thanos' gloved hand, turned his head and ran away.

MD whoever loves to control whoever controls, master slipped away.

Just like that, Thanos can finally use the Infinity Gauntlet.

Thanos had no time to think about it, and directly used four infinite gems with one fist to form a sufficiently strong barrier.

The name of the Hundred Soldiers Tomb, which actually only has [-] weapons, collided with the four-gem barrier summoned by Thanos, and a huge energy wave swept across the audience. Under the concussion of the shock wave, flying and dizzy, for a while, even Wakanda's energy shield began to become unstable.

At the center of the explosion, Thanos, panting and with trembling arms, looked at the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand with lingering fear.

If he hadn't collected four infinity gems, he would have died on the spot.

The Soul Gem perfectly regulates the three gems, the Power Gem provides energy, the Space Gem blocks space and creates a subspace defense, and the Reality Gem strengthens the ability of the Space Gem. If there are four gems, Thanos will die here on the spot .

In the next second, a golden laser flew over and bombarded Thanos directly.

Thanos reacted quickly enough, clenched his fists decisively in front of him, and blocked the laser enough to dismember him.

It is vision.

Wanda was stunned, but someone is still awake!
Iron Man directly commanded his men's steel suits to go up to a suicide attack, and nothing else was needed, even if it caused Thanos a little bit of trouble.

Doctor Strange pinched a formation with both hands, and a bolt of lightning jumped directly towards Thanos.

Thunder of Bossat!Doctor Strange's strongest single attack skill!
Thanos roared and shook his hand with the infinite glove, and a huge shock wave shook everyone away.

"You are very strong, but I am the final winner, because I am the destiny!!"

The blue light of the space gem in Thanos' hand flashed, and the whole person disappeared.

"He ran away?"

"No, he wants to sneak attack!"

A blue mist emerged from behind Vision, and a big hand directly grabbed Vision's neck tightly.

Vision wanted to escape by blurring, but found that he could not activate the ability of blurring.

It's a reality gem!Thanos used the Reality Gem!

Vision's hard Zhenjin body was helpless in front of Thanos, and cracks soon appeared on his neck.

At this critical moment, a meteor-like object fell from the sky!

Captain Marvel!

Captain Marvel, who had been on the road for several days, had a hard time catching up!
Captain Marvel spotted Thanos at a glance, and the whole body turned into a meteor and slammed towards Thanos.

Thanos literally had no choice but to raise the Infinity Gauntlet and fire a purple blast of energy at Captain Marvel.

Under the attack of the shock wave of the power gem, the captain who was as strong as surprise was also shot down.

But also taking advantage of this opportunity, Vision finally broke free from Thanos' control, turned his head and fired a dazzling laser at Thanos.

At the same time, a rainbow fell from the sky.

"Thanos! It's time to pay the price!"

An ax with violent thunder flew out of the rainbow and hit Thanos.


Finally, under the blessing of the storm battle axe, the four-gem shield could no longer stretch.

With a scream, Thanos' figure was once again submerged in various powerful skills.

"Everyone! Don't stop attacking!" Vision yelled, "This is what Mr. Ace taught Wanda! Keep attacking! Until the opponent is dead and there is nothing left!"

After speaking, the laser light on Vision's forehead appeared again, and Vision suppressed his thoughts of rushing up to close combat, and continued to use the laser to frantically attack Thanos.

"Sol! Don't melee! Take lightning to strike him!"

Iron Man yelled, "Don't melee! Don't melee! Don't melee!"

This is where they came to a conclusion.

That is, Thanos' melee ability is really strong, and their melee (Thanos doesn't release water, ordinary Avengers really punch one punch) is really not dominant.

Thanos never expected that it was another self who killed him.

Thanos in the screening hall told others about his information indifferently.

In the view of Thanos in the screening hall, since they all know that he is going to snap his fingers with six infinity gems, they will tell him about his strength and other data, and there is nothing to care about.

So Wanda and the others knew that this was a monster with a thousand tons of arms.

If Thor doesn't come and Hulk doesn't come out, then the close combat will be completely crushed.

It's absolutely stupid to fight this guy in close combat.

But remotely.

In a certain multiverse, Ultron, who occupied the body of Vision, killed Thanos with five gems in seconds with a single laser.

That's what they heard from senior members of the screening room.

Even if the illusion of his own world is not so strong, at least he can fight Thanos with four gems, right?
Coupled with Wanda, a super chaos magician, and the super powerful Thor who may come at any time, the advantage is mine!
So everyone made a basic plan for the battle before the war started.

That is long-range consumption, allowing Wanda to deal a fatal blow.

But they obviously didn't bring Thor with them when they laid out the battle plan.

Thor, who killed half of the people and his younger brother, was eager for revenge, and his combat power exploded with the Storm Axe, so he didn't listen to Iron Man's words at all, or maybe Sol didn't have a communicator and didn't hear it.

Just picked up the ax and hacked over.

On the other side, Vision saw Thor rushing to melee, so he could only stop the laser output to prevent accidentally injuring his teammates.

"How to do?"

"All personnel evacuate quickly! Don't melee! Melee is death!"

What else to do, start the old tradition!

 I went to buy a box of Yunnan Baiyao today, and it turned out that the box was more than [-]. I thought it was [-] at first, but I didn't know it until I changed the money.This is too expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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