Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 1204 We are above Nara Island, everything is normal here

"Here is the dragon. Mirai and I are preparing to return. Everything is normal here, over."

On the Flying Wing, Long and Future, who have completed the collection, are preparing to return to the base.

"I'm Marina, and George and I will drive the booster to patrol other areas, over."

"This is the command room. I'm forced water. You guys have worked hard." Captain forced water was sitting in the command room, and suddenly the screen in front of him flickered with snowflakes.To be precise, only the channel of the Flying Wing lost contact.

"Dragon! Future!"

"I'm a dragon, we're flying above Kunara Island, hello? Hello?"

"Dragon! Front!"

Long looked up sharply, and saw that the sky in the distance was like a mirror being severely damaged, accompanied by the sound of cracking and lightning, and several huge cracks were opened.


The sky exploded, and a space exuding blood-red mist emerged from the shattered sky. A giant beast stared at the Wing with its blue eyes.

The sky shattered and all spirits howled.

One-cornered Super Beast Baksim!
Long pressed the control panel twice and wanted to activate the Meteor Technology to fight the enemy, but not to mention the start switch of the Meteor Technology, even the most basic control panel was about to fail, so he could only shout unwillingly: "Damn it! How can you die with this kind of opponent?!"

Future knew that now was not the time to hesitate, so he directly took out Hikari's breath and prepared to transform.

"Mebius, you young Ultra warrior!"

"Who are you?!"

"I am, a demon from another dimension, a person from another dimension, Yabo, Yabru!"

"You are the group of different-dimensional demons that Brother Ace told me about!"

Ace's teaching echoed in Mebius' mind.

"That's right, Mebius! What are you doing! Aren't you afraid that your identity will be exposed?!"

Yabulu wanted to continue the chat, so as to slowly attack his heart, but suddenly he saw that Mebius didn't talk about martial arts, he was speechless and planned to transform.

This makes opponents like the Yapo people who like disgusting people feel very powerless.

For an old Yinbi who likes to play tricks on people's hearts, what is the most annoying opponent?
It's not a wise man with a super high IQ who can fight with them for [-] rounds of verbal battles, but a reckless man who doesn't agree with each other without a word, directly disagrees, and raises his fists to come up to Tatakai.

The verbal battle with the former is an extreme enjoyment for them no matter whether they win or lose.

Whether they win or lose a physical battle with the latter, it is an extreme torture for them.

Why didn't the Yabo people engage in Zeta's mentality when Zeta returned, but did it directly?

Because our family’s little Zeta doesn’t have that stupid brain, what, what, what, what, a sentence of Oss and a word, the rest is Tata Kai, Izmo Tata Kai!

Only the wise and the foolish can stand firm, while those in the middle will be chaotic.

Because people who are too smart can't flicker, and those who are too stupid can't understand your flickers; only those who are neither very smart nor very stupid, especially those who think they are smart under this condition, the best flicker.

The Yabo people's own prediction is that Mebius's personality needs to have a chat with himself, but why does this guy not talk about martial arts and directly fight? !

Mebius resisted the urge to talk to Abru, because before coming to Earth, Ace had held his hand and told him repeatedly.

"Mebius, I'm going to patrol Andromeda. If you go to the earth, you may encounter the powerful enemy I have encountered before, the Yapo people from another dimension. If you meet them, remember, remember me Say what you say next, and do it well.”

"First! The Yapo people of different dimensions will create a monster called super beast. Super beast is far stronger than monster, and because super beast is a modified creature, they have a much stronger vitality than normal creatures. Maybe Cut off their heads and their bodies can still move. Therefore, in the battle with the super beast, the body of the super beast must be blown to pieces, and it is best to burn it until there are no ashes left. "

"Second! People from another dimension, Abru, are a group of Babars. Don't listen to even a single punctuation mark, don't believe what they say, don't answer, don't answer, don't answer! When you meet Yabru and his super beasts, don't After thinking so much, go up and beat them all to death!"

"Third! Super beasts don't feel pain! Yabo people are the same, even if they do, then you have to treat them as if they don't feel pain! Beat them to death! Never feel pity because of their screams, you release them The kindness of a person becomes a hundred times more malicious and returns."

"Finally, if you go to the moon to patrol, help me give a message to a lunar man named Nan Xiangzi, just... just say that I am doing well recently."


His vision of the future was suddenly distorted, and he realized that he was no longer on the Flying Wing.

And in the sky, a ray hit the Flying Wing directly!


Several landmines exploded around the future, and the future in the form of a human body was blown away by the landmines. I watched the flying wing on which the dragon was riding was blown up by Baksim's light, and he was also on the side of the Yaboren landmine. Passed unconscious under the impact of the explosion.

Oh, the power of this landmine is really powerful, it can blow Ultraman Mebius unconscious. Why is there such a powerful force?
Because the raw material for the mines is the ashes of Sima Gangjing, the sheep ZERO!The ashes of Sima Babal, who has no father and no mother, who will come to challenge me during the Chinese New Year, are very suitable for making landmines. The scene of his ashes flying all over the sky is so beautiful!
May all the bullies in the world be used as landmines by the Yabo people.

Andromeda Galaxy.


Ace clutched his chest, a feeling of uneasiness suddenly emerged in his heart.

"Mebius Earth Abru, you'd better die!"

He had been to Earth once before, and helped Mebius fight a few monsters with the first generation who also stayed on Earth for a while.

But that was only a short stay, and he soon flew back to the Andromeda Galaxy.

Anyway, he himself can fly faster than the speed of light without using the traveling red ball.

"Brother Ace, we found a batch of Di Nozom near Imaar, but their expressions don't seem to be too many."

"Huh? Let me go and see!"

Ace flew to the planet Yimaar and saw the group of Di Nozom who seemed to be a little bit wrong in the mouth of the members of the Space Guard.

They don't seem to be migrating normally, but are very frightened, as if they are being chased by something.

Soon, Ace knew what was causing Di Nozom to panic.

High-dimensional predator——Bogaru!

Ace has seen a Bogaru, and that Bogaru was fed as a bird by the King of Ultra, and it was fed so fat that the whole monster turned into a ball, very round and round, just like a skin Like Gu Meng, he has no will to fight at all.

But the one in front of him was full of wildness, full of murderous aura, with a blood-red evil light shining in its pupils.

Bogaru is a race, they will devour each other, while constantly hunting, absorbing nutrients to evolve themselves, but generally speaking only the strongest leader can grow so big.

This one looks like an advanced evolutionary body that has devoured an unknown amount of life.

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