Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 125 The author who forgets to publish regularly is a crumb

Chapter 125 The author who forgets to publish regularly is a crumb

"Holy Lord: The battle between father and son?"

"Is this newcomer so lucky? It was his video when it came up."

"The battle between father and son? The Holy Master seemed to say that he was raised by nature? Does that mean this is the story of the Holy Master and his son?"

Demon hell.

The Lord was also taken aback when he saw this.


When did I have a son?
"Holy Lord, when did you add a nephew to us?" Ximu flapped his wings and flew around, quacking and laughing: "Why don't you tell us uncles and aunts about this kind of happy event! We are so casual Li, quack quack quack."

Looking at the crazy Ximu, the Holy Master secretly made up his mind to escape from this crappy place no matter what. Damn, a demon as smart as Ximu has been in prison for more than a thousand years than himself, and now his IQ is almost reduced to Now that he is in the company of Di Kui, he is a dragon soul, so he might go crazy faster.

"It should be the future." Ju Lan said calmly: "It seems that in the future, Holy Master, you have found a way to escape from here."

"No, there is another possibility, that is the devil energy seeds that those eight guys intercepted from us back then!"

The Lord suddenly thought of something.

"The seeds of demonic energy that those eight guys intercepted from us back then are likely to change in the future, causing them to be activated, and the lives that inherited our eight demonic energy are indeed qualified to be called our heirs .”

"That means I can be a father in the future too! Hahahahaha!!!"

Xi Mufei became more cheerful.

"Son, hehehe, it's delicious." Dikui also shed happy tears of being a father from the corner of his mouth.

In the live broadcast room of the screening hall, everyone is going crazy @Holy Lord.

[Tony Stark: How do you demons reproduce? 】

[Wolverine: Do you have a bad relationship with your son? 】

【Strange: Hey hey hey!Don't be so curious about demons!Curiosity can kill! 】

【Wang: The devil is definitely a very dangerous creature, we should be vigilant with each other. 】

[Ultraman Hikari: Ace, have you heard anything about demons on Earth? 】

[Altman Ace: After being bewitched by the Yabo people, many people on earth called me a devil. Anyway, in the eyes of people on earth, devil is synonymous with cruelty, brutality, and evil. 】

[Peter Parker: Huh?What are you doing on earth. 】

[Altman Ace: The Yabo people captured the resentful humans, then transformed them into super beasts, and then let the super beasts attack the earth and destroy the city. I was forced to have no choice but to kill those Super Beast, the earth is saved, but the conspiracy of the Yabo people has also succeeded, which is to make humans no longer trust Ultraman Ace. 】

【Altman Ace: In the end, I was forced to leave the earth. 】

[Altman Ace: But fortunately, I have learned Tathagata Palm now, so I don’t have to worry about that kind of thing. 】

【Wang: Are you digressing again, we are talking about demons, Constantine, aren’t you also an exorcist?You say a few words. 】

[Konstantin: Well, I'm just an ordinary exorcist, I don't have any great skills, I can only expel ghosts and other low-level evil souls for drinking money, I have no experience with this kind of big demon who looks very powerful what. 】

Demon hell.

When the Holy Lord saw the word ghost and other low-level evil spirits, his face seemed to be wearing a mask of pain.

Damn chicken, which pot is not open and which pot to lift.

Damn humans!
Although he wished to burn this human being who touched his reverse scale to ashes, the Holy Master knew very well that he could not show his fangs, and he had to gain their trust.

For a group of old demons, in the face of the only hope, face and dignity or something, fuck it, what kind of thing is that!I don't want it anymore!
【Fire Demon·Holy Lord: Everyone, you really have to trust me. 】

【Strange: Alright, anyway, it will be the Holy Master's video soon, shall we know after watching it? 】

[Wanda: Yes!I haven't seen a real demon yet. 】


Ju Lan frowned.

Although he didn't know why Sheng wanted to fight with his future son, but he probably couldn't pretend anymore.

What is the Holy Lord?
Curse Lan is too clear.

None of the eight great demons is a good thing, and the Holy Master is still the least good thing among them.

Here's the pill.

The Lord is also aware of this.

"It's troublesome..."

[Holy Lord: The battle between father and son!broadcast! 】

[Ah, San Francisco is sunny and sunny, everything is so beautiful. 】(Please automatically fill in the narration of SpongeBob SquarePants, that is to say: Ah, the one in Bikini Beach.)

[In a cafe, a bald man in a windbreaker is drinking coffee. 】

【"Sir, do you need me to fill it up for you?" A waitress came over with a coffee pot. 】

【"Oh, thank you." The bald head said, "It's just a while before I go to work."】

【"What do you do, sir?"】

【"Uh, clean up the pests." The bald head paused briefly, and then said: "I'm in charge of cleaning up the pests in the house."]

[At this point, the screen pauses, and an information panel pops up. 】

【Sheriff Black, male, 44 years old, the chief officer of the thirteenth district of the mysterious organization, responsible for arresting special criminals. . . 】

"The sheriff of the thirteenth district?"

Upon seeing this, Tony asked:

[Tony Stark: Captain, help me ask Nick about the thirteenth district. If Nick doesn’t tell Jarvis to violently invade the information database, it’s fine. Come on us. 】

Avengers Building.


Nick Fury's face darkened.

"Mommy Falk! This guy!"

"Nick, how long have you known Tony? Isn't this a routine operation?" Black Widow ate the fruit and said, "You should learn how to cultivate Qi from Dr. Banner."

"Damn Falk!" Nick Fury said angrily: "Captain! Tell that guy, I don't know what District [-] is!"

[Captain America: Nick said he didn't know. 】

[Tony Stark: I knew it, captain, ask Jarvis directly, I set you as the highest authority. 】


"Sir, I'm checking the government's database." Jarvis said calmly, "Oh, I found it. The thirteenth district does exist, but the current sheriff is not the Sheriff Blake from the live broadcast."

[Video continues]

[Sergeant Black picked up his coffee and was about to take a sip, when a roar of engine sounded, a wild-looking armored vehicle crashed into it, and a black figure got out of the vehicle, it could be seen that it was a humanoid creature , and then a yellow light was released from the opponent's hand, and Sheriff Black was directly taken away by the corona. 】

[Only the melon-eaters with confused faces were left, and the waiter said, "He hasn't paid the bill yet."]

【"So is this a new way of escaping orders?"】

【"I learned it, I learned it."】

[At the same time, the same thing happened in two other places in San Francisco. 】

[San Francisco Chinatown, Papa Antique Store. 】

[A silver-haired but energetic old man is preparing his tea. 】

[Suddenly another armored vehicle broke into the door, and a non-human guy came down from it. 】

[A human-shaped green lizard!It was wearing a dark black coat, light black clothes, a dark red belt, and a bracelet-like thing on each of its left and right hands. The sleeves were torn, and its pupils were red. It didn't look like a good thing at first glance! 】

[Devil Xiaolong, the son of the Lord, has a more cruel and ruthless personality than his father. 】

 Brothers, backstabbed!Ao Wang's Star of the King actually has to be allowed by Ao Wang to enter!Ao Wang didn't want the ordinary Ultraman to be unable to find and get in!
(End of this chapter)

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