Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 127 The author of the 1:XNUMX am update is a crumb

Chapter 127 The author of the [-]:[-] am update is Zha

"How can I make it up! I, I understand!"

【Fire Demon·Holy Master: This matter is related to the secrets of our world, but it doesn't hurt to tell you about it. 】

【Fire Demon·Holy Lord: Thousands of years ago, the heaven and earth changed, and the power of gods and demons began to gradually lose. We built two shelters to try to avoid this from happening. 】

【Fire Demon·Holy Lord: I don't know the specific situation, if I know, I will solve it directly! 】

Bruce looked disbelieving.

[Bruce Wayne: But I think your son is doing well. 】

【Fire Demon·Holy Master: That's not my son, I don't know him at all. 】

【Fire Demon·Holy Master: He should be the product of some mutation in my demon energy. In terms of blood, I am his father, but I have never seen him. 】

[Video continues]

【"Now we can only do what the devil dragon asks, otherwise Uncle Long and the others are in danger."】

【"But the devil dragon got those magic energy, our earth will be finished."】

Demon hell.


Seeing this sentence, the Holy Master seemed to be able to guess the next plot.

"No, there is a turning point. I should have fought that evil person, but I just don't know how to fight."

The Lord thought of this and began to think about how to get this lie back later.

[Video continues]

【"But if the devil dragon gets those magic energy, our earth will be over."】

【"So now we can only race against time." Xiaoyu jumped on the table and said: "Of course I will give the magic energy to the devil dragon on time. Before that, you have to make a magic spell."】



【"When the devil dragon ate the magic energy, we chanted a spell to invalidate his magic."】

【"That's a good idea." Trud's expression changed, and he said, "But I'm still just my father's apprentice, and I don't have the power to make spells."]

【"Don't say that about Tru!" Standing on the table, Xiaoyu looked up into Tru's eyes and said, "You are an amazing mage! Do you know what Dad said about you? He said you are an old man. The most talented mage dad has ever met.”]

【"Really?" Trudeau was extremely excited when he got the master's approval. 】

【"I don't remember the exact words." Xiaoyu scratched her head and said, "But Dad has great confidence in you, and so do I."】

【"Remember? When you overcame your fear, you sneaked into the Shadow Kingdom alone and got Tara's mask!"】

【"Since you could do it back then, you can do it now!"】

【True turned his head and left without saying a word after hearing this. 】

【"True, where are you going?"】

【"I'm going to make a spell."】

【"Come on Tru! You will definitely succeed!"】

Seeing Xiaoyu's wonderful operation, many people in the screening hall looked sideways at him.

"This little girl is great!" Bruce Wayne commented: "Whether it is calmness, strategy, or encouraging her companions, she is far beyond ordinary people. Although her strategy still has many loopholes, as long as she is professionally guidance, that’s not a problem.”

Bruce Wayne said seriously: "To be honest, if it wasn't for being in a different world, I would have taken her as an apprentice."

"She's a pretty brave girl."

"Not only brave, but also witty!" Strange said: "Speaking of which, we also need a little girl like this in Karma Taj. If she cultivates well in Karma Taj, she will at least be the guardian of the Supreme Sanctuary in the future." By."

Avengers Building.

After finishing his work in Asgard, Odin, who was free, also came over to continue watching the live broadcast.

"Alas." Looking at his niece and then at his own silly son, Odin didn't say anything, and silently drank his tea with his head down.

"It's the same junior, why is there such a big gap?"

Odin can fully guess that if Xiaoyu is replaced by Thor, and Tru is replaced by Loki, and the ones who are kidnapped are himself and Frigga, then Sol is already on his way to the opponent's lair.

Maybe I will take Loki with me to send it.

Odin now has a feeling of being called someone else's child.

[In a garbage dump, the three kidnapped people are trying to break the chains and escape. 】

【"Wow." The devil dragon descended from the sky, looked at the three people in front of him and asked, "Everyone, how do you feel?"]

【"No matter what, your plan will not succeed!"】

【"I will." The devil dragon's pupils radiated a strange light: "I will get eight devil qi."】

【"He wants the magic energy storage tank!" Jackie Chan immediately realized this. 】

【"I originally planned to launch an attack on the thirteenth district, but then I thought about it, why go to war? Isn't it better for us to solve the problem in a more peaceful way?"】

【My father immediately retorted when he saw this: "Maybe you have been in the garbage dump for too long and your brain has gone wrong."】

【"Don't be too proud of old things." The devil dragon said with a smirk: "Do you know that old saying? Chains are always broken at the weakest link. I think about it, school should be over by now."】

【"Don't get Xiaoyu involved!"】

【"It's too late, we have already made an appointment to meet at three o'clock in the morning, she is a key person."】

【Next, the devil dragon explained his evil plan to the three. 】

[Probably the content is that he wants to let an army of monsters invade this world, and then conquer this world. 】

[Fire Demon Holy Master: This rebellious son! 】

[Fire Demon·Holy Lord: Nizi Nizi Nizi! ! ! 】

Demon hell.

At this moment, the Holy Lord is being surrounded by the other five demons.

"Yes, Holy Master." Ximu sarcastically said, "As expected of your child, your thoughts coincide with those of your father."

"This, this, this..."

"Betrayed us for thousands of years, and then your child is still planning to ride on our heads!" Xiao Feng looked at the Holy Master and said, "It's great, Holy Master."

"You have to pay the price for your son's words and deeds!"

When Bazaar raised her hand, there was a violent impact of water.

"No no no no! I don't even know that evil!!"

Seeing that the water flow was about to hit the Holy Master's soul body, a purple magic force knocked the water flow away.

"What are you doing! Curse Lan!"

Zha Lan didn't say a word, and with a wave of her hand, Bazaar went to be with Zhong Su Bogang.


At this moment, the curse blue suppressed the remaining four demons not daring to speak.

How deep is this guy hiding!No wonder those eight guys were the first to attack Ju Lan, and almost got two of them left behind by Ju Lan.

(End of this chapter)

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