Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 136 Demon Xiaolong · 8 Demon Real Body!

Chapter 136 Demon Little Dragon·Eight Devils Real Body!

【"In short, this world cannot be destroyed yet!"】

【"Yeah, we just came out of the cell, it's not fair."】

【"So you've decided? Dad. We're freelancers, and the price is fair."】

["We will not take anything from you." Rasu also added. 】

【The old man dragged his chin and pondered for a while, then said: "Then what are you waiting for outside, why don't you come in and help the old man with work."】

【"One more thing, generally speaking, only people who can't find a job will call themselves freelancers for the sake of face."】

[In the stadium, Han Bing and the three had just crawled out of the ground when they heard a burst of alarm bells. 】

[The next second, tanks, planes, and laser vehicles all came together and launched an attack on this place. 】

【Looking at the incoming tanks, the three of Han Bing gave a French military salute collectively. 】

[Although they are still in dragon man mode and have strong physical fitness, it is okay to bully unarmed ordinary people. If the opponent does not use heavy weapons, it is not impossible to fight, but forget about tanks. 】

[And the other party not only has tanks, but the laser cannon, a black-tech weapon, is actually taken out just like the development. 】

【"Okay, tell me quickly, where is the devil dragon?!"】

Watching the [-]th district that was mobilized extremely quickly in the video, Wanda and the others were so annoyed.

Even if Sergeant Blake has the power to mobilize the entire thirteenth district to attack, and even if it is an attack in the city, he can mobilize all the citizens in a short time.

This kind of action, even half of their government would not be so envious of them!
Wanda roughly compared the government of her own world with the one in the video, and then came to a conclusion.

If it is our own government, there are probably two possibilities now.

One, life and death do not believe.

[-]. Believe it, and then say that demons are not to be feared, so don't worry about him, but dangerous forces such as magicians and magic must be supervised!
Then when they find that they can't deal with the devil dragon, they will choose to serve with nuclear bombs. If the nuclear bombs cannot be cured, they will start preparing to cast.

[Video continues]

[Han Bing and the three heard Black's words, looked at each other and smiled, and looked at the sky together. 】

【Above the sky, within the vortex of dark clouds, there is a flash of lightning. 】

[And a huge figure appeared in the eyes of everyone. 】

[Devil Little Dragon Eight Devils Avatar! 】

[The body as big as a mountain, the huge horns on the forehead, the wings on the back, the three tentacles on the chin, and the scarlet eyes all show the terror of the opponent. 】

[The current demon dragon has gathered the characteristics of the other seven demons, Dikui's horn, Julan's face, Saofeng's neck, Ximu's wings, Bazaar's tentacles, Zhongsu's horn and Bo Gang's huge body. 】

[If it weren't for the iconic clothes, Jackie Chan would never connect this Cthulhu-style monster with the devil dragon anyway. 】

[The devil dragon looked down at the humans below, and jokingly said: "Are you looking forward to a battle?"]

【"let's start."】

[Sergeant Black gave an order, and the police officers in the thirteenth district opened fire collectively. 】

[The scene at this moment was extremely shocking. A battalion of firepower launched an attack on a huge monster. On the ground, laser cannons, tanks, and police officers with rifles shot at the devil dragon. In the sky, several armed The helicopter fired missiles one after another around the devil dragon. 】

In the video, the firepower of the human side is fierce, but the faces of everyone in the live broadcast room and the projection hall are extremely ugly at the moment.

They saw quite clearly from the perspective of God, the human weapons did not hit the demon dragon at all!

Whether it was a laser or a cannonball, it exploded at least five meters away from the devil dragon.

A huge cloud of smoke filled the demon dragon, but these attacks did not cause any damage to the demon dragon at all.

They tried their best to attack the little devil dragon, even at the cost of their lives, but it was like a joke to the little devil dragon.

A clown show for his amusement.

The devil dragon can blow an armed helicopter away with just a breath, and a golden thunderbolt can blow up an armed helicopter with a single thought, but human attacks can't even do scraping!

"Damn it, what if this kind of monster appears in our world?"

Unsurprisingly, everyone thought of this question.

"If it was my world, Thor and Hulk could fight this guy, but the situation of the battle is unknown." Tony said: "And Wanda in our world, if he can stably exert the power of the infinite gems, he can also solve this monster .”

"Our world is similar." Strange said, "Although the power system is different, I have the confidence to deal with that monster."

[Wanda: When I achieve the perfect Chaos Magic, I'm not afraid of ten more! 】

[Wanda: I want to hit ten! 】

Bruce Wayne frowned. He really had no clue about this guy, and he also arranged for the Wayne Group to search for information on everyone in the auditorium, but they couldn't find any.

But this also shows that there are not so many messy things in his world. Although there are all kinds of messy super villains in his world, at least those demons who destroy the world do not exist. If this is the case, his world is still relatively safe of.

"Mr. Hikari, tell me, if a little devil dragon appeared in my world, would I be able to defeat him?" Peter looked at the little devil dragon in the video who looked like a world-destroying demon god, and asked worriedly: "Although I got The light of an Ultraman, but my strength is still weak."

"You have to believe in yourself, kid." Hikari handed Peter a drink and said, "As long as you don't give up the light in your heart, you will surely win."


Peter watched the video, still a little worried.

"What should I do if one day I meet an enemy that I really can't deal with?"


Hikari didn't know how to answer.

After all, with them, if you can't beat them, you can shake people, and if you invite people, you can't beat them, then you can fit them together, such as merging with a super Taro without a leather case.

If it still doesn't work, then Father Ao will take action.

If Father Ao couldn't beat him, wouldn't there be King of Ultra?
If King Ao is not an opponent, then he can prepare to accept his fate calmly.

[Altman Ace: If you really try your best, then it will be fine. 】

[Ace Altman: Peter, you are just a child, don't put so much pressure on yourself, protecting the world is not your responsibility alone. 】

【Peter Parker: However, with great power comes great responsibility. 】

[Altman Ace: That's right, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Since you don't have the ability to protect the world, you don't need to bear the responsibility of protecting the world. 】

[Altman Ace: My child, you look like me. 】

[Ultraman Hikari: Yes, I have been involved in you, Peter, protecting the world has never been a matter of one person, and we Ultra fighters have never unilaterally protected the earth, but with human beings. Let's fight together! 】

[Ultraman Hikari: Ace, when you come to the live broadcast room later, bring my light particle extractor and energy analyzer. I'll try to decipher the light in Peter's body. 】

 On Christmas Day in 1991, our big brother passed away. Although he was already Su Xiu, he still felt a little sad in his heart.Let us miss Big Brother deeply on this day, and pour another layer of cement on his grave by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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