Chapter 147 How old are you?

[In the original Supreme Sanctuary in New York City, Wang was accompanying Doctor Strange. 】

【"I'm going to boil the water, don't do anything stupid, come and help me."】

【Doctor Strange looked at the Eye of Agamotto in his hand, and his heavy face suddenly relaxed.

【"You're right, it's almost enough to remember one night."】

【Doctor Strange put the Eye of Agamotto on the table and went to help the king. 】

[The next day, the wind was sunny and the sky was cloudless. 】

【Doctor Strange opened the door and saw a terrifying scene. 】

[The world is collapsing! 】

[City buildings, animals and plants, everything is disintegrating and turning into black liquid! 】

[This scene is extremely weird and terrifying! 】

【"Did I take the wrong medicine?"】

[Doctor Strange suspected that Wang had drugged himself, and behind him, a blue light descended. 】

[Ancient One! 】

[How are you? 】

【How are old you? 】(Note 1)

【"Ancient Master? You are not"】


["That's right."]

【"Yes, just treat it as a projection of mental power."】

[Doctor Strange said: "Well, actually, I want to ask, is this the end of the world?"]

【"That's right." Gu nodded and said, "You deserve to be the best."】

【"Who is making trouble, let the Sa family go and kill him!"】

【"It's you."】


【Under Gu Yi's explanation, Doctor Strange finally understood the situation. 】

[The other self used the time gem to escape into the timeline, and Gu Yi couldn't track him, but she used a more peculiar magic to split Doctor Strange in two, split the timeline, and Doctor Strange is divided into two, not only two Doctor Strange appeared on two timelines, but these two timelines are still in the same universe. 】

[A blackened Doctor who is obsessed with obsession and obsessed with madness, and a Doctor Strange who puts down his obsession and is determined to protect the world. 】

[To put it simply, Doctor Strange has an evil half body, and that half body not only intends to destroy the world but also intends to eat Doctor Strange himself. 】

【"If he reverses the absolute time point, the resulting time paradox will destroy the entire universe."】

[Ancient One's spiritual power projection finally told Doctor Strange to protect the world. 】


In the projection hall, Strange looked at the video in disbelief.

Dividing the timeline into two is amazing enough, but it is amazing how the two timelines can be in the same universe!
"This method is incredible."

"Yeah, splitting the timeline in half will allow the two timelines to be in the same universe!" Various data flashed on a miniature screen in Hikari's hand, and he said: "I never thought This kind of thing, my knowledge can't analyze its occurrence."

"Master Gu Yi's power is far beyond my imagination."

Avengers Building.

Just when everyone was amazed that Ancient One could divide the timeline into two and allow them to coexist in the same universe, Modu discovered something that surprised him even more.

"Master, you died in the future?!"

Modu's words awakened everyone, yes, the Ancient One mage was so powerful, he actually died? !

"This is all a choice of fate, Mo Du." Gu Yi said indifferently to the news of his own death: "There is nothing to be surprised about, people will die, and human life is limited after all. A hundred years, compared to ordinary people, I have lived too long."

"I chose Strange to be my successor. As long as he doesn't go astray, he will definitely be more dedicated than me."

"Mage, have you also absorbed power from the dark dimension?" Mo Du immediately asked the second question. He had already wanted to ask when he heard that Gu Yi had absorbed power from the dark dimension, but he still cared more about Gu Yi. die.

Looking at Modu who wished to negate this sentence, Gu Yi sighed, and then told him the most unacceptable fact: "That's right, Modu, I absorbed the power of the dark dimension and used them to protect Earth."

Modu seemed to have lost his three views, and sat down on the floor in disbelief.

Gu Yi sighed. Although Modu is not the best talent, he is definitely the one with the strongest belief.

But once the belief of this kind of person collapses, the blow will definitely be the biggest.

"After all, I'm just an ordinary human being, and I don't have the lifespan of His Majesty Odin. I can't die until I choose the best guardian." Gu Yi said lightly: "The former Calicassis also had the opportunity to become the supreme guardian." Mage, I have seen the possibility of Calicassis becoming the Supreme Mage in countless timelines."

"But he failed, he failed to resist the temptation of darkness."

"It is very easy to accept the power of darkness and fall, but it is indeed extremely difficult to accept the power of darkness and maintain one's heart."

"So I have been teaching you not to borrow those dark powers."

"Sorry Mage." Modu looked at Gu Yi, his face full of confusion and pain: "I need to calm down by myself."

"it is good."

Modu drew a circle and left, while Nick Fury on the side said, "I think you need a psychiatrist."

"Perhaps I should take your suggestion."

[Video continues]

[After getting another message about himself from Mage Ancient One, Doctor Strange returned to the Supreme Sanctuary to start preparations. 】

[In the Supreme Sanctuary, the phenomenon of collapse is also happening, and the culprit of all this is the blackened Doctor Strange. 】

【Doctor Strange and his assistant Wang are outlining golden runes one by one. 】

【"So, the structure of reality is collapsing, it started with you, and it can only end with you, right?"】

【Wang's body is also collapsing at this moment, and black unknown liquid is gradually appearing on his face and shoulders. 】

[Perhaps because of the magic he practiced, the king at this moment did not lose consciousness like the passers-by before, and he and Doctor Strange were preparing to face the magic of Doctor Blackening. 】

【"To be honest, we have faced weirder things."】

【"But do you want to stop him?"】

[The collapse of Wang's body is gradually accelerating, which is also the manifestation of Dr. Heihua's coming. 】

[At this moment, Wang didn't care about the collapse of his body at all, but instead asked Doctor Strange a question. 】

【"Don't you love Christine?"】

【"I have no other choice." Doctor Strange did hesitate, but he still said, "At least I have to save you."】

【Wang smiled and nodded, this is a tacit understanding between the two old buddies. 】

【"Weishan Emperor Guardian Protection Curse."】

【With a wave of the king's hand, this extremely complicated magic is finally completed. 】

【"How do you find him?"】

【"No need, he will come to me." At this moment, a crimson teleportation circle lit up under Dr. Strange's feet. Dr. Strange didn't leave, because he knew that this battle was inevitable. 】

【"He found me."】

【After speaking, Doctor Strange was teleported away, and the king, who could barely see the human form, could only shout at the place where the teleportation circle disappeared: "Good luck!"】

[This is the only thing Wang can do now, and that is to wish Dr. Strange good luck. 】

【Doctor Strange walks through a tunnel intertwined with red, blue and purple, and opposite him is a figure like a demon god. 】

 Note 1: This quote is from a certain episode of Hanging Man’s video. I thought it was so magical, so I took it here, but I forgot which episode it was.

(End of this chapter)

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