Chapter 164 Dawn Star
[Wolverine: You are a ruthless person, no worse than a mage. 】

Wolverine was really shocked, and he didn't expect to be able to play like this.

A sorcerer has died countless times in order to prevent the demon god from the other world from descending, and has annoyed the demon god from the other world.

Another exorcist, in order to prevent the devil from descending on the world, committed suicide directly in exchange for the safety of the world.

At this moment, Wolverine really admired these mages.

[Video continues]

[Gabriel's power is too strong, and he easily defeated Constantine. For this reason, Constantine can only call for God to come. 】

【"I know I'm not your favourite, not even in church, but just give me a little attention, I beg you."】

[But it doesn't work. 】

【Looking at the piece of glass on the ground, Konstantin knew that now he could only use the only way he didn't want to use. 】

【Konstantin sat on the ground, the glass in his hand cut his wrist without hesitation. 】

[It hurts. 】

【"hurry up."】

[Konstantin didn't care about the pain, and was even a little impatient. Why did death come so slowly. 】

[In another room, Gabriel looked at Angela's churning stomach, ready to let Mammon come. 】

[As the archangel who guards the world, it has seen too many ugliness of human beings, and now these mortals only need to repent to enter the embrace of the Lord. 】

[This is so unfair. 】

[This group of humans needs training! 】

[In Gabriel's view, only those who can remain pure from the hell on earth of mammon can enter the kingdom of the Lord. 】

【"Son of Satan, I will release you into this world."】

【It took out the spear of Longinus from its body, and the blood of God on the spear head can make the son of Satan break through the barrier and truly come to this world! 】

[Just like the illustration in the "Hell Bible", Gabriel raised his gun and stabbed Angela in the stomach! 】

[As long as the gun head cuts through the belly, the son of Satan will come to the world! 】

【Just at the critical moment, Gabriel stopped. 】

[No, it should be—frozen! 】

[It's not just Gabriel who is frozen, everything in the world is frozen! 】

[And in Constantine's room, a figure in a white suit, barefoot, but the existence of black unknown liquid on the feet appeared. 】

【"Why are you so slow."】

[Konstantin looks at the other party, as if greeting an old friend. 】

[The other party is the strongest demon Satan in hell, Lucifer. 】

【The enemy of God is called Satan, Satan is a position, and Lucifer, as the strongest fallen angel, obtained this title after the fall. 】

【"Hello, John."】

【When the demon king saw his enemy, he was not as enraged as he imagined, but greeted him politely. 】

【It took a stool, put it in front of Constantine, and sat there, like a victor, a hunter, looking at its prey, Constantine. 】

【"Your soul, I will definitely come up to collect it myself."】

【In response, Satan happily clapped his hands. 】

【"I've heard that too."】

[Konstantin said that he was also very clear about his soul being taken away by Satan. 】

【"Don't mind if I smoke a cigarette."】

[Konstantin actually regained his strength at this moment, and stretched his hands into his pockets. 】

【"You are free, I have plenty of time, and the tobacco factory also has my shares."】

【Satan said indifferently. 】

[One person and one devil are like old friends gathering for many years, chatting harmoniously. 】

[Konstantin stuffs the cigarette into his mouth, but finds that his hand has no strength to hold the lighter. 】

【"Cut too deep and you will sever the tendon."】

[Satan commented, and at the same time he lit the lighter and helped Constantine light a cigarette. 】

[At this moment, Satan cares about Constantine like an old executioner who has executed countless executions. An old executioner cares for the criminals on execution. 】

[Just like the wall-breaker and the wall-facer Taylor. 】

【Satan looked at Constantine and said, "I'm okay?"】

【"Little guy, I still have a theme park waiting for you in hell."】

【"You are so kind to me."】

[Constantine said with a sneer. 】

【"I don't think you make the same mistake twice."】

【Satan looked at Constantine and said seriously: "You did it on purpose."】

[Yes, Satan has long seen that the other party did it on purpose. 】

[As a person who once committed suicide, and now thinks of everything, disdain to offend [-]% of the demons in hell, just for the sake of going to heaven, suicide, or suicide again. 】

【is it possible? 】

[It's possible, but that was when Constantine was crazy. Obviously, the current Constantine is not crazy. 】


【"Is everything alright at home?"】

[Konstantin asked back. 】

【"Very good, busy, busy, busy, very busy, need a vacation."】

【"It is said that your child is carved out of the same mold as you. I want to remind you that he is next door."】


【"He is with Gabriel."】


【"They have the spear of Longinus."】

【"They have the gun of Longinus." Hearing this, Satan laughed disdainfully, and then said very seriously: "Is this another conspiracy of yours?"]

[Obviously, this King of Hell has also been tricked by Constantine, and he has also left a deep impression on him. 】

【"You'll know when you go and see for yourself. They're right next door. You've been waiting for a long time. You've been waiting for twenty years. It's only twenty seconds. It's not too late. Lucifer."]

【Satan, or Lucifer. 】

【He went directly into another room, where he saw Gabriel holding the spear of Longinus, which was about to stab Angela with the spear of Longinus. 】

[Of course Lucifer understands what he intends to do. 】

[Lucifer was frozen in time, Lucifer reached out and hugged Angela out. 】

[Then, the passage of time began. 】


【I can't do it in one blow, and Gabriel, who saw the old acquaintance and the old boss, was so frightened that his wings came out. 】

[Gabriel can show off his power in front of Constantine, but he is not enough to look good in front of Lucifer. 】

[After all, it is Lucifer, the former star of the morning light, the only seraphim created by God himself, the vice-lord of heaven, his status in heaven was second only to God, and he is also the most powerful existence in hell after his fall .Gabriel was nothing to Him, not even Michael. 】

【"Sooner or later, this world will be mine."】

【"You, Gabriel, know better than us what ambition is."】

【"Son of perdition, little trumpet, unclean man." Gabriel tremblingly said Lucifer's old name. 】

【"I really miss these old names."】

【"It's time to go home, son."】

【Lucifer whispered in Angela's ear. 】

[The next second, Mammon was sent back to hell. 】

【"In the name of God! Slay the evil!"】

【Gabriel punched him, but stopped in front of Lucifer. 】

【"Michael, I'm still interested in making two moves with him."】

 Regarding Satan and Lucifer, you can read it according to your favorite version. I used to think that Satan and Lucifer were two people, but I later learned that Satan is the same name.In many versions, Lucifer and Satan are not the same existence. For example, "The King of Hades Is Not Happy", which I like to watch, is now renamed "The King is Not Happy", and the anime Yan Xiaoluo always makes me feel that there is no manga. looks good
(End of this chapter)

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