Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 166 I can be single, but my CP1 must get married

Chapter 166 I Can Be Single, But My CP Must Be Married
[End of "Hell Detective"]

[Play "Rocky Part II" in three minutes]

"Looks like the other me ended well."

Constantine smoked in satisfaction.

"Well, Mr. Constantine, can't you tell what Miss Angela means to you?"

【Wanda: Of course he saw it, that's why he handed the gun of Longinus to Angela. 】

【Wanda: Because he wants Angela to never find him. 】

"That's right, how could I not even see such a small thought."

Peter originally thought that Constantine was a straight steel man who was tougher than him, but he didn't expect that Constantine was already a veteran in love.

"I have been targeted by Lucifer, and what happened to David and the others has proved that I am a lone star, and it is better to live alone." Constantine said: "I should consider letting David and the others leave. I'm farther away, maybe I can live in another place incognito."

"Speaking of a boy." Constantine asked back: "You haven't dealt with your own emotional problems well, and you still have the mood to ask me?"


"Ha ha!"

When Tony heard the excitement, he slapped Peter on the shoulder and said, "When the screening is over, I'll give you everything I've learned in Bisheng, and I promise you to take down that girl!"

"Forget it, Stark." Strange pushed Tony's hand away from Peter's shoulder, and said, "Peter is a very talented young man, I can't let you lead him astray. .His talent is not inferior to mine, and what he should do is to practice magic more in the limited time instead of indulging in sex."

"Pull it down, mage." Tony said mercilessly: "I remember that your Kama Taj is not an oriental temple, and you haven't banned weddings and funerals."

"Even if it is, Peter and you are not worshiping a god along the way. His power comes from Ultraman, not your Weissandi."

"True, but it's just as important to keep yourself clean."

Seeing the two who were about to pinch each other, Peter could only turn his eyes to OMO's Hikari for help.

"Peter, you should boldly pursue your love. It would be a pity if you missed it."

Unexpectedly, a neutral Hikari also gave Peter an unexpected answer.

"That's right, life is short, you should enjoy yourself in time."

"I won't even interfere with the conflicts within the planet, let alone your private life. But Peter, some people love you and are just waiting for your response. If you really don't like that girl, you should be simple and clear." Tell her that sometimes the temporary pain is unbearable, but the long-term sustained injury hurts more."

Hikari said: "I actually have no experience in this area. I have devoted my whole life to the scientific research of the Kingdom of Light, but the young researchers under me like to talk to me when they encounter various difficulties." , many of them came to consult about relationship issues.”

"If you like it, go after it. Even if you don't get together in the end, it's something worth remembering. At least, you don't have any regrets."

(I suddenly remembered the days I couldn't let go of, it was so uncomfortable... woo woo woo)

Although Hikari is a person who has delayed his feelings because of his obsession with scientific research, he has a good saying.

"I can be single, but my CP must be married."

Anyway, I'm out of the game. Seeing the cubs I brought up with my lover together lovingly, although they were abused miserably, I'm still very relieved.

So the author loves warriors so much.

The tauren is dead!

[Wolverine: Boy, if you like it, go after it!What are you worried about, this is not going to the battlefield, what are you thinking about! 】

[Wanda: That's it! 】

[Captain America: Don't let waiting become a regret. 】

[Captain America: Cherish what is in front of you, cherish the moment. 】

[Altman Ace: Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is not having the courage to try! 】

"Haha, even the captain, that old antique, has spoken, why are you still hesitating!"

With the encouragement (instigation) of most of the active staff, Peter finally got up the courage to say: "Then I, I will go to Gwen when I go back."


"That's right, that's right!"


["Rocky Part [-]" starts broadcasting! 】

[Loki: Haha!mortal!It's finally the turn of the gods! 】

[Wolverine: Who are you sending it to! 】

[Loki: Mortals, how dare you disrespect the gods! 】

[Tony Stark: Hehe, you should still pray that some embarrassing scenes will be shown in the screening room, such as a one-sixteenth speed flow, 1 Hulk throwing back and forth in the ultimate world. . . 】

The bluntness is the bluntness, but Loki has already prayed in his heart for Odin to bless him not to make a fool of his peers.


【Locky was caught in the Time Management Bureau. After gaining initial trust, Rocky followed the people of the Time Management Bureau to search for the time offender Loki. Then, one of the guards was possessed by the female Loki, and the two Loki were negotiation. 】

【"Possession is a smart move."】

【Looky looked at the possessed guard in front of him and said: "Some cowardly and amateurish, but still very smart."】

【"Really? A lackey of the Time Management Bureau?"】

【"I work for myself."】

[Don't worry about anything else, at least you can't lose with your mouth, especially when the opponent is another self. Loki knows very well that as long as he leaves a slight disadvantage to himself, he will lose completely. 】

[If the other party is Sol, that brat may not need it, because the brat doesn't care about so many details, but the other party is Loki, even if it's his own peer, he must be extra careful. 】

["You just deceive yourself."]

[Possessed Loki said disdainfully: "I was really worried before, they found a more advanced me."]

【Subsequently, Loki possessed another male clerk.】

【Looking at the other party's ever-changing means, Loki's face was extraordinarily serious, and he asked tentatively: "Are you afraid? Afraid to meet me? Or show up."】

【"You know, it's not easy to gain the trust of TVA (Time Administration)."】

[Hearing that Loki was going undercover, the other party was a little surprised. 】

【Seeing this, Loki said while the iron was hot: "I want to overthrow the Guardian of Time! And, now I need a deputy!"】

【"That deputy is me, right?"】

【"That's right, there is no one more suitable to be Loki's assistant than Loki, what do you think?"】

"Haha, that's right, that's it!"

Loki sent out barrage with excitement.

[Locky: As long as I subdue that low-level Loki, the next step is to counterattack the Time Administration! "]

 I originally wanted to play Avengers III: Clash of the Titans, but after thinking about it, that part is the icing on the cake for the overall plot, dessert after dinner, so I decided to play "Rocky" and ask everyone's opinions, should I show the reunion later? Lian San.

(End of this chapter)

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