Chapter 168 Ace's Warning

[The sound brought by the cutting attracted more guards, and the female Loki directly fought with them. 】

[The guard who beat up Loki looked extremely weak in front of the female Loki, and was easily knocked down and cut by the female Loki, with extremely cruel methods. 】

【And Loki also entered the portal and entered the Time Management Bureau. 】

【The first thing he did was to take out his equipment from a closet. 】

[A pair of extremely sharp daggers. 】

[Perhaps it was the telepathy between Loki, the two Loki pretended to be upright in front of the golden elevator door. 】

【Looking at Loki holding a dagger, the female Loki showed a disdainful smile instead. 】

[The battle between Loki and Loki has officially begun! 】

【"Rude savage."】

【Looking at the female Loki, Loki asked helplessly, "Are you really Loki? I think you're more like Thor."】

【"You are blocking my way."】

【"I'll block it!"】

[A word disagrees, the two of them fight together, and for a moment, swords and swords are inseparable. 】

【"I thought we could work together! But now I think you lack vision!"】

【"To shut up!"】

[Just as the two Lokis were fighting, the female judge arrived with a large team. 】

【"If you dare to come over, I will kill him!"】

[The female Loki took advantage of Loki's distraction, and took him as a hostage in a dodge. 】


[The female judge doesn't care about the hostages at all, and her operation is more fierce than the Russian anti-terrorism. After all, in her opinion, the female Rocky is equivalent to when the robbers are suppressing the bandits, and the robbers take their accomplices as hostages. 】

【Taking advantage of this opportunity, Loki snatched the time controller from the female Loki backhand, opened a golden light door, and teleported him and the female Loki away. 】

Seeing the miraculous operation between the two Lokis on the screen, Peter was really dizzy.

"What the hell are they doing? Why is this still fighting?" Peter asked puzzled, "Don't they all have a common enemy, the Time Administration?"

"Peter, you don't understand this." Buconstantine said, "In religion, there is such a saying."

"Heretics are far more hateful than heresy gods!"

"Although the two Lokis have the same enemy, the Time Management Bureau, their goals are different." Strange continued, "I can hear it very clearly. Of the two Lokis, one wants to control the Time Management Bureau." Bureau, another time bureau that completely destroys."

"The female Loki obviously has a deeper hatred for the Time Administration!"

[Wanda: This group of Time Administration, I am increasingly suspicious of their identities. 】

[Wanda: If they really have the ability to control the timeline of the entire multiverse, will they not even be able to control a mere Loki peer? 】

【Wanda: And those time guardians will need a group of time guardians with that strength to help them work?Not to mention protection. 】

[Wanda: According to my research, the stronger the living body should be, the less it needs ordinary people. I can already create things out of thin air. It is impossible for me to create living things now, but making some Dead things are simpler than squeezing plasticine and stacking paper airplanes. 】

【Wanda: As long as I want, I can create a diamond castle anytime. 】

[Altman Ace: Wanda, remember, no matter how powerful you are in the future, don't try to use magic to create a real life!Never, remember, remember. 】

[Wanda: Why?Is it because of ethics? 】

[Bruce Wayne: There are some, part of the reason why human cloning is banned, and now test-tube babies are also banned is because of our human ethics and morality. 】

【Wanda: But Ace and the others are not from Earth either. 】

[Altman Ace: Wanda, listen to me, we don’t care what this has to do with ethics. This is my experience born in years of combat. 】

[Altman Ace: As far as I know, there is only one ending for all artificial life!That is to go berserk and get killed! 】

[Ace Altman: When Brother Jack was on the earth, he encountered a strange monster. This monster was created by a human scientist. He wanted to combine animals and plants to create He succeeded in creating a brand new life, but this creature was completely out of his control. In the end, the human scientist also died in the hands of his creator. 】

[Altman Ace: There is also Infinite Ultron, which is also a man-made object. Although it is artificial intelligence, it can also be regarded as a kind of life. You are late, and I don’t know how strong Infinite Ultron is, but he Destroyed life in an entire universe! 】

[Altman Ace: So, don't try to touch the whole absolute taboo! 】

[Altman Ace: Do you understand? 】

[Wanda: Got it. . . 】

Seeing that Wanda dismissed this crazy idea for the time being, everyone was also relieved.

[Tony Stark: Listen to Wanda, you need to settle down. 】

[Captain America: That's right!You are losing your reverence for life right now! 】

[Wolverine: Girl, listen to me, I don't have that much culture, but I know what you will become if you continue to develop according to the current situation, you will become an old witch in those fairy tales!Fiddle with all kinds of disgusting spell-casting materials all day long!Alone! 】

[Wolverine: It may be okay for you to have someone to accompany you now, but when you taste the loneliness alone, you will gradually lose your humanity, no longer understand feelings, and gradually become a character like the big villain in those stories. 】

[Wanda: Okay, okay!I see! 】

[Wanda: That Chaos Law God has already written three Chaos Magic Tomes, isn't it all right? 】

[Strange: You are different from him. I read the life of that Dharma God in the Scroll of Fire. How long did it take him to become a god from the beginning?millennium!How about you?You are only twenty years old! 】

[Strange: You don't need to practice magic for a while, anyway, the Thanos of your world is already dead and there is not even a scum left. In this case, you can go for a walk, travel, spend a honeymoon Bar. 】

【Wang: Yes, it’s also quite beneficial to relax. If you don’t have enough money, go to Stark for it. Can he give it to you? 】

Wanda was taken aback when she saw this.

How long has she been obsessed with the Chaos Grimoire?

Since the book came into her hands, it seems that it has never left her a meter away.

Eating, sleeping, and even taking a bath, the Chaos Grimoire never left him.

Correspondingly, it seemed that she hadn't had a good meal with Vision for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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