Chapter 171 Fighting the Bayonet
[Sylvie:? ? ? 】

【Seeing Sylvie wake up, Loki simply sang to her. 】

[Finally, Loki drank the wine in his glass. 】

【"Respect Silvi!"】

【Holding up the empty wine glass, Loki yelled "One more glass!", and then held the Asgard refill ceremony, smashing the poor wine glass to pieces. 】

[Tony Stark: By the way, what does this throwing wine glass mean in Asgard's culture? Every time Sol finishes drinking, he will leave a glass scum on the ground. 】

【Locky: Hmph, it's just what barbarians do. 】

[Wanda: Are you looking at yourself on the screen and saying it again? 】

[Locky: A mere low-level Rocky definitely can't represent me, the highest-level Rocky! 】

[Bruce Wayne: You definitely need to be careful. You are now on a planet that is about to be destroyed. You are still a black household. Not only did you not disguise yourself well, you also took off your original disguise, and even went to sing and dance , this is absolutely fatal at any point, the most important thing is that you have been targeted. 】

Rocky looked at Rocky who was doing a self-guided video with a pain in his face.

Damn it, why did that guy drink and make me embarrass myself!

This is a secret that all Asgard's high-level officials know, that is - Loki is not good at drinking, but at the same time he is not good at drinking.

After a couple of embarrassments, Loki stopped drinking much.

As a result, on this planet, perhaps due to too much pressure, Loki drank alcohol, and after two glasses of wine, he began to get drunk and started a carnival.

[Video continues]

【Sylvie pulled Loki aside and said, "You drank too much!"】

【"No, I'm just full."】

【Seeing this, Sylvie seemed to be looking at a naughty child. She questioned, "Where's your guard clothes?!"]

【Locky said with a wave of his hand: "Who cares about this?! It's the end of the world anyway!"】

【"I think there is a problem."】

【"Of course, that planet is about to hit us."】

【"Idiot, that's not what I'm talking about!!! Some people look at you in the wrong way!"】

【"You are too sensitive, maybe you are persecuted paranoia?"】

【Sylvie laughed angrily when she heard the words: "Yeah, who told me to fight against your shitty Time Administration?!"】

【Locky didn't drink more than one or two o'clock, he directly started singing poems to Sylvie. 】

[And when the two Loki recited poems, the passenger who felt something was wrong called the guards. 】

[Locky said that there is no problem, isn't it just a ticket?Look at me, the god of tricks, the master of illusion, the number one magician in the Nine Realms, rubbing a hand out! 】

[Then Loki released the magic fireworks. 】

[Therefore, the two parties chose to use fists and kicks to solve problems and disputes in a simpler way. 】

[Although Loki's fighting moves are very handsome, Loki was thrown off the train by two guards. 】

【Seeing this, Sylvie immediately remembered that the time controller was still on him, so she could only grit her teeth and jump out of the car with him. 】

【Wanda: You are so easy to fish, you are a god after all, how could you be thrown out by two ordinary people. 】

[Tony Stark: Yes, I have also seen Thor’s combat records. Even if he was unarmed, even when Sol’s divine power was blocked and Odin was thrown to the earth, Sol’s fights with others are the same. Hit a group effortlessly. 】

【Peter Parker: That's right, I think you even used your magic, why were you thrown down? 】

[Strange: And at the beginning of "Rocky Part [-]", Loki was beaten to the ground by a guard of the Time Management Bureau. 】

[Strange: I thought it was because the Time Administration itself was extremely strong, but now it seems that I am more inclined to think that Rocky's own strength is too weak. 】

[Bruce Wayne: Are you really a god? 】

At this moment, Bruce felt that the plans he had prepared for Loki were a bit redundant. He felt that after practicing the Crane Immortal Style martial arts, he could push Loki to the ground and beat him up with his bare hands.

[Video continues]

[After the two left the train, Sylvie finally couldn't take it anymore, took out a knife and put it on Loki's neck, threatening viciously: "Give me the time controller!"]

【"Okay okay."】

【Locky could see that the other party was really angry, and took out the hidden time controller. 】

[Then, he found that the time controller was smoking. 】

【"Maybe I fell too badly just now."】

【"You bastard, you killed us all!"】

【"Maybe it can be repaired." Loki fiddled with the time controller, but with too much strength, the time controller broke into eight pieces on the spot. 】

【Looking at the time controller split into eight segments, Loki froze in embarrassment. 】

【"You are not a reliable person, are you?"】

【"I am a god."】

【"You are a clown, you got drunk in the car."】

【"I am a hedonist."】

【"I can be a hedonist, I am definitely more hedonistic than you, but it will not be at the expense of the task!"】

【"Mission, what mission?" Loki retorted: "Your glorious mission? Save yourself, you can't beat them at all."】

[At this moment, Sylvie, who had been calm all this time, finally broke out under the blame of her teammate Pig. 】


[Sylvie's hands gathered green magic power, and the dust on the ground two meters around was shaken up by her. 】

【Looking at Sylvie who was sitting on the mound sullenly, Loki also felt a little regretful. 】

【He walked over slowly, sat gently beside Sylvie and asked, "Did yelling make you feel better?"】

【Sylvie glanced at him and said: "Yeah, it's more comfortable, you should try it too."】

【"What should we do now?"】

【"I don't know." Sylvie said, "You broke the time controller."】

【"All right."】

【"Now that planet is about to hit us."】


【"but what?"】

【"Is the entire satellite destroyed?"】

【"Yes, everyone is dead."】

【"Including us?"】

【"Yes, including."】

【"What about the Ark?"】

【"The Ark failed to set off, it was destroyed."】

【"We didn't go up again."】

【Sylvie heard what Loki said, and asked with a disdainful smile: "So what? Let's hijack the Ark and let it leave this satellite?"】

[I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was Loki's serious words: "I think this idea is good."]

【"All right."】

【Sylvie is a person with strong mobility. Hearing this, she stood up and walked towards the distance. 】

【Seeing Sylvie's firmness, Loki walked over directly. 】

[The two of them walked towards the distance like this. 】

in the theater.

"That Sylvie is obviously much stronger than Rocky." Tony said, "Believe it or not, if it were the two Rockies now, instead of Rocky and Sylvie, they would already be bayoneting each other at this time." .”

"Don't tell me, the possibility is not ordinary."

 Speaking of which, Sylvie's mentality is much stronger than that of the trash author who was so angry with pig teammates that he bit the phone to pieces when playing games. The author has already mentioned killing people

(End of this chapter)

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