Chapter 174
[Video continues]

[At this time, what appeared was no longer the planet that was on the verge of destruction of Loki and Sylvie before, but a huge palace resplendent and resplendent. 】

[This is the residence of the gods of the Nine Realms, Asgard. 】

[In the palace, there is a very cute little girl playing games with toys. 】

[She picked up a model of a giant dragon in her left hand, and a Valkyrie riding a flying horse in her right hand, muttering in her mouth: "The dragon rushed to the palace, and the Valkyrie galloped there, defeated the dragon, and saved Ah! Sgard."]

[At this moment, a golden light door was opened, and a team of time guards from the Time Administration came out of it. The leader looked at the little girl, and said to the bewildered little girl with an instrument : "She is a time criminal."]

【"According to the power granted by the time guardian, I will arrest you for violating the sacred timeline."】

【After speaking, two guards took the little girl away, and the other one put down the time reset device. 】

[The little girl was taken to the Time Management Bureau with a confused face, and experienced the same set of experiences as Loki before. 】

【Unlike Loki, an old guy who lived fifteen hundred years ago, the little girl is just a child, and she will only feel endless fear in the face of this strange thing. 】

【If you don't break out in silence, you will perish in silence. 】

【Sylvie, chose to explode. 】

【After going through a set of procedures, Sylvie bit the guard's hand in the time court, broke free from the guard's control, then snatched the time controller from the guard, opened the golden portal and escaped. 】

"Is this when Sylvie was a child?"

[Loki: That is, Asgard. 】

【Loki: How dare these bastards go to Asgard to play wild! 】

In the screening hall, seeing little Sylvie being taken away by the Time Management Bureau and brought to court, everyone was furious.

"Forget about Loki before, what did Sylvie do wrong again, she was just playing with toys!" Peter said puzzled, "Could it be possible that playing with toys will cause the timeline to branch?"

【Locky: I said it a long time ago, those bastards are a bunch of shit! 】

【Wanda: I thought she was caught when she was attacking the earth like Loki, but she turned out to be running away since she was a child.This is too pitiful. 】

Avengers Building.

Odin's single eye was full of anger, and the former king was once again ignited by his own anger.

As a ruthless person who slaughtered more than one race when he was young, Odin can't wait to lead his troops into the Time Management Bureau and make a mess of his daughter being taken away in his own home!

【Strange: Something is wrong, did you forget something. 】

【Strange: Before, that Mobius once said that there is no multiverse at all, there is only one sacred timeline, but if this is true, then how did this Sylvie come out. 】

[Bruce Wayne: That's right, if the timeline where Sylvie is in is wrong, Sylvie should have been reset right after she was born, and there is no chance of growing up. 】

【Wanda: That's right, and Sylvie, who was just a little girl, ran away. 】

[Strange: There is one more thing, that is, in the previous video, Mobius once said to the female judge that maybe Loki may not necessarily be evil, maybe he is tired and wants to change .This is completely outrageous for a completely fixed sacred timeline. 】

[Ultraman Hikari: So we can draw a conclusion-that is, the sacred timeline and the guardian of time should be a scam! 】

[Konstantin: In fact, doesn’t our own existence prove the existence of the sacred timeline?If the divine timeline exists, aren't we all of the same world or people of the same timeline? 】

[Konstantin: We have proved that we are not from the same world. 】

[Altman Hikari: Mr. Constantine, there are universes outside of the universe, so outside of the multiverse, shouldn’t there be multiverses? 】

[Konstantin: Here. 】

[Ultraman Hikari: The universe is too big to be explored. 】

[Tony Stark: However, the sacred timeline should exist in their universe. At the time, the female judge said that Loki was a liar, a bastard, and an evil villain. His role in the timeline is like this. 】

[Tony Stark: I can now have such a guess, that is, in the sacred timeline of their universe, the role of Loki cannot deviate from the villain, so when Sylvie is playing the game of Dragon Quest, The Time Management Bureau cut her out. 】

[Peter Parker: Why? 】

【Locky: Because, if I in that world become admiring of the Valkyrie, wouldn't I want to go in the direction of the Valkyrie?Isn't it necessary to be a righteous hero, those bastards can't let this happen, so they took action. 】

Loki took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

But the surrounding environment betrayed his mood.

The entire prison cell turned into Jotunheim at this moment, and the walls and furniture were covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

"I can only be a villain, and I want to kill my mother. Well, you are doing well."

[Wanda: But when Loki assassinated Thanos, didn't he not meet the requirements of a villain? 】

[Thanos Thanos: Because he is about to die. 】

[Thanos Thanos: Dead people don’t need to care about so many things. Besides, who can explain that the Asgardian’s last behavior was not set? 】

[Tony Stark: That's right, even if Loki's actions at the last moment were not designed, there is no need to care about a dead person, because he will not trigger the timeline, but Sylvie is just a little girl , she, no!Some people will have a huge impact even if they die! ! 】

[Tony Stark: No, no, no, no, no! 】

[Tony Stark: Let me take a look, it seems that more bugs have appeared. 】

[Locky: Don't even think about it, those guys are a bunch of bastards and liars! 】

[Video continues]

【Sylvie chatted with Loki about her own stories over the years. 】

【Sylvie's eyes were full of sadness, she said: "I still remember Asgard, but the memory is not clear anymore."】

["My hometown, my people, my life."]

[Sylvie's words are not amazing and endless. 】

【"The universe wants to break free, so it creates chaos."】

【"For example, I was born as a goddess of trickery."】

["There is an obvious branch in the sacred timeline, because I don't want to be the goddess of tricks, so the branch of the timeline is very obvious. In this case, the Time Management Bureau will appear, eliminate the reality I am in, and then arrest me stand up."】

【"I was just a kid."】

【"I ran away."】

【"I stole a time controller, and then kept running away for a long time. It was an unbearable memory."】

【"Because my reality no longer exists, I am an anomaly everywhere. As long as I reach a place, I will be discovered."】

(End of this chapter)

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