Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 184 Loki in the 1st lap, why so many Loki! ! !

Chapter 184 Loki in a circle, why are there so many Loki! ! !
【"Why do you obey that little Loki?"】

【Loki couldn't keep his mouth shut all the way. He noticed one thing soon after he came here, that is, the two Lokis were obviously listening to the little Loki. 】

[Old Loki turned back and said: "You must respect him, because he is the king here. And here is his kingdom."]

【"Okay then, Your Majesty, what did yours do to be cut by the Time Administration?"】

【Little Loki turned his head and smiled coldly, and said, "I killed Thor."】

[After hearing this, all of Loki's dissatisfaction disappeared, this is the strongest Loki! 】

And when everyone in the screening hall heard this, they couldn't help their eyelids twitching.

They have enough understanding of Thor and Loki, it seems that in any world they are a pair of good brothers who love each other and kill each other.

As a result, in Little Rocky's timeline, the mutual love was directly removed, leaving only mutual killing!
This is so fucked up.

Even Loki in the dungeon of Asgard was at a loss when he heard this.

Although he had been at odds with Sol all the time, he really never thought about killing him.

Even when he was at his craziest, he just killed his biological father who was related by blood.

For Loki, emotion is greater than blood.

But this immature self in front of him actually killed Sol!
Is he a hundred years old?
in the theater.

"I suddenly thought of a sentence." Strange said: "That is when Sylvie and Loki were on the satellite Lamandis, they talked about it in their conversation, 'The reason why Loki became Loki Ki, it’s because we are doomed to fail!’ Loki attacked the earth and failed, and this is the setting of Loki’s life, that is to become a failed villain and constantly lose in the hands of the protagonist.”

"Obviously, in the story of Asgard, Thor is a well-deserved protagonist, and Loki is the villain."

"But now the protagonist is actually killed by the villain. This kind of plot is obviously a serious violation of the setting of the Time Administration."

[Loki: Impossible!Who said I never beat Sol! 】

[Locky: Exams when I was a child!I am well-deserved number one in all literature subjects!In addition to various small languages, Sol also has some basic knowledge that may be able to pass the exam, and the rest is already blessed by his father! 】

【Strange: But this is just a setback in the growth of the protagonist. 】

[Loki: You! 】

Loki's whole body was trembling with anger. He had been trying to surpass Thor since he was a child.

He is indeed better than Thor in culture class, but Asgard is a martial nation!

Even though they have technology that surpasses the Nine Realms, and even the Rainbow Bridge technology that crushes other cosmic empires, they are still an extremely martial nation.

No matter what, Loki can't surpass Thor and gain the respect of the people of Asgard.

The previous Loki didn't know about this, but now it seems that this is all set by that damned Time Management Bureau!

[Video continues]

[Several Loki came to a mountain, which is a refuge from Elrios, and it is also the kingdom of the Lokis. 】

【Old Loki waved his hand and opened the iron door of the refuge. The camera followed several Lokis down. With the moving camera, some interesting things gradually appeared. 】

[A Thor's Hammer, a frog wearing Thor's costume. 】

"That's Thor's hammer!"

Tony recognized the Thor's hammer immediately.

"Wait, is that frog wearing Thor's clothes?"

Hearing this, Hikari called up the previous video and took a closer look. Damn it, it's true!

"This thing is really fucked up."

"No." Hikari said: "Since there is already an alligator version of Loki, why can't there be a frog version of Thor?"

[Wanda: Turn Thor into a frog and put it in a bottle. Loki in a certain world can't do it. 】

[Loki: That's right!This is me, Loki's powerful magic! 】

【Strange: I think he's talking nonsense. 】

Avengers Building.

Sol saw the frog Thor and said, "Loki, you almost caused me to enter that end of time before!"


"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Loki hurriedly explained: "My illusion doesn't have the ability to turn this guy into a frog."

"Impossible!" Sol retorted directly: "You turned me into a frog before, and you said you were going to throw me into the river!"

"Idiot!" Loki roared: "That's fake! Illusion, do you understand illusion!? You just turned into a frog, and your power hasn't changed at all!"

"It turned out to be an illusion, no! You have lied to me for so many years!!!"

"Supreme Mage." Odin stared at the Thunder God frog on the screen for a moment, and then asked: "Can you tell whether that frog was transformed into that by magic, or is he a frog in the first place?" ?”

"If you look closely, it's okay, but how can I see it through two screens now."

Master Gu Yi said: "The multiverse is so big, it's normal to have a frog named Thor. If that frog was turned into this by magic, then the person who made the move must be at least a single universe-level powerhouse, and one who is proficient in magic." Otherwise, it is the top single-body universe level of Galactus, and the general heavenly father does not have the power to turn Sol, who uses the thunder godhead, into a frog."

Gu Yi went on to say: "Cell distorting rays, genetic infectious agents, insect viruses, celestial snake viruses, abyss alienation, photon baptism, Leiyin Hualongchi. The multiverse is so big that it can completely distort and alienate the life form of a heavenly father." There's so much technology and sorcery that we can't speculate about what happened to that Thor."

[Video continues]

[After entering here, Old Loki had time to breathe a sigh of relief and asked: "Speaking of which, why are you in such a hurry to return to the Time Administration?"]

【Facing old Loki's question, Loki fell silent. 】

【"Where did you leave your glorious mission?" Heloki also asked. 】

【"more or less."】

[Locky still can't explain the variant of himself that he fell in love with, which most people dare not think about. 】

【Locky chose to stay here temporarily, because he couldn't think of a better way. 】

[In the underground refuge, which is the kingdom of Little Rocky, several Rocky sat around and chatted with each other about their glorious achievements. 】

[Even Crocodile Loki has a pool. 】

["After I conquered Captain America and Iron Man, I got an unimaginable harvest, that is, all six infinity gems!" Black Rocky was boasting about his achievements. 】

【Hearing Hei Luoji's bragging about not drafting, Crocodile Luoji roared softly. 】

[Old Loki, as the only one who understands the crocodile language, acts as the translator of Crocodile Loki. 】

【"It's saying you're a liar."】

[Hei Luoji was furious when he heard the words, stared at the crocodile Luoji and said: "Yeah, at least I didn't commit a crime because I was sent in because I ate the neighbor's cat!"]

【The crocodile Loki was furious when he heard the words, he crawled out of the water basin, aimed at Hei Loki, and jumped on him. 】

【Old Loki hurriedly persuaded him to fight. Loki stared blankly at all this, especially the calm expression of little Loki. It seems that this kind of thing happened not once or twice. 】

【"Loki, tell your story too."】

【Little Loki sitting on the throne said to old Loki. 】


[Old Loki threw the crocodile Loki back into the pool, sat on the sofa and said, "No one wants to hear my story."]

【"I actually really want to hear it." Loki said. As the longest-lived person in a group of Rocky, old Loki must have experienced much more than others. 】

[Because he knows that his future is to be killed by Thanos after Ragnarok, so Loki wants to know how old Loki lived to this age. 】

[Although Loki is a frost giant, he has the same setting as the Asgardian royal family. 】

【longevity. 】

[Old Loki is so old, at least a few thousand years old. 】

【Locky said slowly: "Actually, I've been thinking that we should die, right?"】

【"Thanos killed us all after Ragnarok."】

【Hearing about Thanos and Ragnarok, old Loki finally came to his senses. 】


[Old Loki chewed on the name, he lived so long that even Thanos died. 】

【"In my timeline, everything is normal." Old Loki began his own memories: "Until Thanos attacked our spaceship."】

【"Have you tried to assassinate him?" Loki immediately regained his energy when he heard this, and quickly asked: "Have you?" "]

【"Of course, no." Old Loki said with a smile: "Friends, I don't mean to offend, but your weapons are worthless in front of Loki's magic."】

【"Excessive reliance and use of weapons will only hinder us from displaying our true strength, which is the ultimate power hidden in our bones-magic!"】

【"Magic! Magic is Loki's most powerful power!"】

[Heloki held his hammer and said: "But these weapons make us look very powerful. You know, this is the Thor's Hammer of my world."]

【"Yeah, you are right, very right." Old Loki said mockingly, "Especially when you are being strangled by Thanos, these weapons look very powerful."】

[Then the old Loki said why he didn't die under Thanos. 】

【"I created a self-projection that should be very, very real, and even Thanos was deceived."】

【"Then I hid in a pile of corpses and pretended to be dead. Only then did I escape the catastrophe and regain my life. I have survived until now."】

【Hearing that old Loki actually used magic to avoid the slaughter of Thanos, Loki's eyes became serious.He knew his future very well and was killed by Thanos. 】

【"Wait, were you cut out by the Time Administration, or"】

【Old Rocky took a sip of his wine and said: "Keep listening, my friend."】

【"After faking my death, instead of going to Thor and the people of Asgard, I chose to wander in the universe."】

【"Stay away from the strife, stay away from Asgard, stay away from the earth, stay away from Sol"】

【Old Rocky's complexion kept changing, he sighed, and continued: "" While W was wandering in the starry sky, I was only thinking about my meaning and the role I played. 】

【"Then I suddenly understood that no matter where I go, it will only bring endless pain!"】

【"So I chose self-exile, let myself disappear in the universe, and never appear in front of Sol again."】

【"I found a planet, a very, very remote planet, where I lived alone, and it has been like this for many years."】

【"Then how did those bastards find you?"】

【Old Loki said lightly: "I'm so lonely."】

【"To tell the truth." Old Loki showed a smile on his face: "I miss my brother."】

【"I'm thinking about him, or someone else, do they miss me too?" Old Loki continued, "Just as I was about to leave the planet where I live in seclusion, people from the Time Management Bureau came Already."]

【Old Loki's expression became a little helpless: "Because... my dear friend, there is only one role that our group of Rocky can play."】

【"That is the God of Exile."】

【Speaking of which, Old Loki held up the wine glass in his hand. 】

【"Cheers to the God of Exile!!!"】


[The other two Loki also raised their glasses. Seeing their appearance, Loki knew that there was no need to rely on their power to return to the Time Administration. 】

[The fire in their hearts has been extinguished. 】

[Loki got up and said goodbye to three, no, four Lokis: "I'm leaving."]

【"Oh? Where are you going?"】

【"Get out of here, leave the void, and go back to the Time Management Bureau!"】

【Hearing Loki's resolute voice, the old Loki said coldly: "You are neither good at surviving nor at escaping, you will be torn to pieces!"]

【"That's it!" Loki said excitedly: "If this is the case, then this is my destiny!"】

【"You look different from us." Little Rocky was very surprised, he had never seen such a Rocky. 】

【"No! We are all the same!" Loki explained: "But Sylvie is different!"】


【"A female Loki."】

【"Sounds pretty scary."】

【"Yes, but this is what makes her attractive!" Loki said: "She is completely different from us. She is not going to rule the Time Administration, but to completely overthrow it, destroy it, destroy that damned place!"】

【"Goodbye, I'm going to help her, help her completely destroy the Time Administration!"】

【"You say Elrios is a shark, and it is the reason we are trapped here, so it's easy to handle, kill it!!"】

【"Since it is alive, it can be killed!"】

【"I'm going to use all my means to kill it now!"】

[Hearing Loki's impassioned speech, the Rockies looked at each other, and then burst out laughing violently. 】

【"Ha ha ha ha ha ha."】

[The Lokis laughed from ear to ear, even the crocodile Loki's eyes were full of smiles, but the crocodile seemed unable to laugh. 】

[Seeing the disdain of the Lokis for him, Loki also felt embarrassed, but he also knew in his heart that it was hopeless to expect these Lokis to help him solve Elrios. 】

【The cannon fodder plan failed, and Loki didn't intend to stay here any longer. He just waved his hand and turned his head to leave the shelter. 】

[I believe that with Loki's ability, as long as he leaves the refuge, he will be able to leap into the sea and let the birds fly. 】

[Loki climbs the ladder and opens the door of the shelter. 】

[Then he was stupid. 】

[There is a group of people outside the door. 】

【They are all Loki! ! ! 】

【"Hello." The leader Loki asked with a smile, "Which one of us are you?"】

【Loki's great plan was destroyed by not being able to go out. 】

 My teaching career is over, it's over, one semester, four months, whoosh, alas, it's gone.In the blink of an eye, it will be June next year, and I should be graduating.Then, I will face the cruel society.

(End of this chapter)

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