Chapter 186 A Guang's Guess

[Video continues]

[The scene changes and Sylvie wakes up in a broken car. 】

【She was right, she won the bet! 】

[Sure enough, as long as you pass the cropper, you can come to the land of nothingness! 】

【But just as Sylvie climbed out of the broken car, she encountered a mass of purple fog. 】

【Elrios! 】

[This thing actually came directly to Sylvie's side! 】

[Although I don't know what the hell it is, Sylvie instinctively sensed the danger of death and ran away from Elrios. 】

【Arios swallowed the broken car first, and then rushed towards Sylvie. 】

[In desperation, Sylvie didn't care too much, and directly activated the possession magic. 】

[Sylvie herself has no hope of possessing such a terrifying monster, but with just one move, countless scenes appeared in Sylvie's mind at this moment. 】

【'This thing is self-aware! Sylvie quickly came to this conclusion. 】

[In the memory fragments she saw, besides all kinds of eating and drinking scenes of Elrios, there is also an old castle! 】

"Is that possession magic?!"

Everyone saw Sylvie raised her hand on the screen to illuminate the surrounding smoke with a green light, and then the short fragmented memory appeared in the video, combined with Sylvie's signature skill possessing magic, everyone came to this conclusion.

"It seems that this Elrios has seen the black hand betting behind the scenes. It is very likely that Ellios was raised by the black hand behind the scenes to clean up the empty land for him, just like being raised in a fish tank. Like a scavenger."

[Wanda: But does this monster also have a brain?

[Wang: It should be the soul. According to the previous description of Elios by a group of Loki, the composition of this thing should be composed of fog, but he will also have a soul. 】

[Wang: Kama Taj has a book about souls called "Heavenly Position". It was written by a strong man named Da. That strong man believes that everything in the world has a soul. It's just that both stones and sand use souls, but they are different in size, strength, and activity. 】

【Wanda: Well, it’s fine if flowers, plants and trees have souls. After all, they are living things, but stones and gravel are dead things. How can they have souls? 】

【Wang: That book is very difficult to understand. At the beginning, Master Gu Yi didn't recommend us to read it, so it was locked in Karma Taj's library. You can go to Karma Taj's library to have a look. 】

[Wanda: Hmmmm. 】

[Captain America: So, can Sylvie use possession magic to control Elrios? 】

[Locky: Of course!You must know that it is my peer! 】

[Holy Lord: Seriously speaking, I don’t think so. 】

[Holy Lord: Ellios has the ability to devour all energy and matter. Magic is very powerful, but it is actually a kind of manipulation of energy. That kind of possession magic may be applied to spiritual power. If Airi If Oss has no resistance to mental power, it may be okay, but the probability of this is too low. 】

[Constantine: I was wondering if Elios could swallow Satan? 】

[Holy Lord: See if the so-called Lord of Hell is strong enough, or if he has the magic to restrain him. 】

[Holy Master: For this kind of creature, if the opponent does not have the ability to travel through space and time, then it will be fine just to exile it to another world. 】

[Holy Lord: I remember that year, that year, that year. . .I forgot. 】

Listen, listen to what is called professional!
This is called professionalism!
Although the behavior of the Holy Lord farting half at the end made everyone unhappy, but the analysis of the Holy Lord is much better than Loki's nonsense!

[Bruce Wayne: But being exiled to other worlds, what if the other party escapes back? 】

[Holy Master: Then throw it again!If Elios has the ability to devour all matter and energy, and assuming that the opponent also has the ability to break through space, then just throw it casually, pick a coordinate that you don't know and throw it there! 】

[Holy Lord: Traveling across the world is not about coming and going as you want. There is no world coordinate, so unless you have extremely unlucky luck, don't even try to find it! 】

[Strange: Indeed, Kama Taj does have an extremely dangerous exile magic, which exiles opponents you can't beat to other worlds, and then you don't care about them. Generally speaking, it is impossible for the opponent to come back. 】

[Holy Master: That's right!This kind of exile spell is thrown in as dangerous a place as it is! 】

[Konstantin: I remembered!I remember reading an ancient book!Ancient magicians invented a magic called Hell's Mouth, which was specially used to deal with waste materials in some magic experiments. 】

[Konstantin: After finishing the experiment, open the passage to hell, and then throw all the unnecessary garbage in there! 】

[Wanda: Not good!Sylvie is in danger! 】

[Video continues]

[Sylvie, who was chased by Elrios, ran wildly all the way, and was about to die when a car suddenly appeared, and there was a clinker pizza in the car, and the pizza was pineapple! (Italian Wrath.jpg)]

[The driver is actually Mobius! 】


[Sylvie didn't care about so much, and got into the car directly. Seeing that Sylvie got into the car smoothly, Mobius stepped on the accelerator and joked: "You should be careful, girls get in casually." A stranger's car is very dangerous, although we can be regarded as acquaintances."]

【"why you!"】

【"you guess!"】

【"Be careful!"】

【"I saw it!"】

【"You were just a little bit close to putting it on!"】

【"My God! You Lokis are all exactly the same! Sit tight!"】

"You said, can the two of them escape smoothly?"

Watching the fast and furious car in the wilderness, Peter looked worried.

"I think it can." Hikali said suddenly: "Have you found out? So far, none of the protagonists played in the theater has died."

"What about the four generals of Obsidian?"

"Well, except for the four of them."

"No." Magneto retorted: "Shikali, you are an old man. During the trial broadcast, the entire Avengers were wiped out."


Tony groaned slightly dissatisfied.

"No, they weren't the protagonists that time." Hikari said: "The protagonists, I'm talking about the protagonists, except for the four generals of Obsidian, and the title of that time was "Avengers III: Four Generals of Obsidian" instead of "The Four Generals of Obsidian" Obsidian Four Generals"

"In other words, we can understand that in that video, the Avenger is the main character."

"And except for that one time, in the rest of the videos, the main character didn't die."

"Ultra destroyed the world, Ultron destroyed the entire universe, and even in Doctor Strange we speculated that the other party might have killed in front of the observer."

"Doctor Strange, the counterpart of Mr. Strange has entered permanent self-imprisonment, but he is still alive, but life is better than death."

"Holy Lord: The battle between father and son, Holy Lord fell into hell with his son, the devil dragon, and he still didn't die."

"To sum up, can we draw a conclusion."

"That is, after the video is played, the protagonist will not die?" Hikali said: "Sylvie is also Loki's counterpart, so is it also within this range?"

 I recommend a game "No Regrets Huaxia" to everyone, an excellent must-have for killing time, I played a game for a whole afternoon


(End of this chapter)

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