Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 194 Austrian King's Time Theory, Entering the Castle

Chapter 194 Austrian King's Time Theory, Entering the Castle

[Holy Lord: The speed at which Ellios is swallowed is naturally different depending on the strength of the body, just like the flame of agreement, the speed at which a piece of wood and a stone are melted is definitely different. 】

[Holy Lord: In front of Elrios, although the strength of Loki's body and Loki's cloak are different, they will be burned to nothing like wood and stone in front of the sun, but the speed must be different. 】

[Magneto: That's right, assuming that if the old Loki really has such a strong power, why doesn't he just stay and help his two young peers.If the future me has great strength, I can still help the present me fulfill my long-cherished wish.If I go to save the mutants, I will never give up! 】

【Loki: Hmph, stupid devil, I am Loki, and that old Loki is also Loki!We Loki will never die easily! ! 】

【Loki: In my opinion, Loki whose neck was broken by Thanos on the spaceship was just an illusion! 】

【Wang: You should give up on this. The screening room has been certified. That Loki is indeed dead. 】

[Locky:! 】

【Wang: Loki, if you want me to say, you should stop cultivating both magic and martial arts, choose one of martial arts and magic and go honestly. 】

[Strange: That's right, you can't defeat Thanos in melee dagger assassination, and illusion magic is only half-baked, so you should practice illusion magic well. 】

[Strange: To tell you the truth, I once hung you up for half an hour in our world. 】

[Loki: Impossible!Absolutely impossible! 】

[Loki: I, Loki, are invincible in the world! ! ! 】

【Strange: Ah yes yes yes. 】

【Wang: Ah yes yes yes. 】

[Tony Stark: Ah, yes, yes, Hulk said that you are right. 】

[Video continues]

[After walking an unknown distance, the two Lokis came to the castle. 】

[This ancient castle is built on a floating boulder, and there are a lot of floating stones on the boulder. 】

[And outside this boulder, there is a pure white halo surrounding it. 】

The moment he saw the halo, Hikari said suddenly: "I have a feeling that that halo is the timeline!"


"Yes, the sacred timeline!"

"You can actually see the sacred timeline here!"

"Then what is this place?"

"At first, I thought that the sacred timeline was just a metaphor." Peter said: "Just like the trend of history, it turned out to be a real line."

"Besides, it looks so pretty."

country of light.

Seeing that looping timeline, Zhong Ao was also amazed.

This thing has exceeded their cognition.

"Wang, is this really a timeline?"

Among the Austrians present, only the King of Ultra has this insight.

The King of Ultra looked at the pure white halo on the screen and said, "The person who created this timeline is very average."

"The normal timeline is not like this. I prefer to call the timeline a time stream."

"Countless timelines have emerged from the very beginning, countless branches that are constantly splitting, and finally rejoined at one point."

"You can imagine it as the shape of a football. I can't use the language of the three-dimensional world to tell you about the shape of time. You will be able to upgrade yourself one day, and you will understand after seeing it with your own eyes."

"The timeline on the screen was not only pulled out by someone and imprisoned into a separate timeline, but also not affected by other timelines."

"It's just that the method is too rough."

"If the mastermind behind the scenes is willing to spend a little more effort, he won't need the Time Management Bureau to help him get rid of the timeline branch like now."

"It is impossible for a completely frozen timeline to branch! Not to mention old Loki, little Loki, female Loki, crocodile Loki and other Loki homotopes, even what Loki had for breakfast that morning. There will be no change."

"This is the fully cohesive timeline."

"This is just a diverted river of time."

"A healthy multiverse should exist with countless timelines. Only countless timelines can give birth to infinite possibilities, such as us."

"I once observed the flow of time (because of boredom) for a while, and I saw an infinite future there. There are kingdoms of light, there are no kingdoms of light, and kingdoms of light are destroyed. There are many."

"From the Big Bang to the end of the universe, in the entire macroscopic time flow, there are only two absolute time points, one, the birth of the universe, and two, the destruction of the universe."

"Infinite time branches will give birth to infinite timelines and infinite possibilities, so that the multiverse will grow until the day when the multiverse is destroyed."

"The previous absolute point-in-time theory is very interesting and is a topic worth exploring."

The King of Ultra thought for a while and said, "Ace, tell Hikari that the old man has assigned him an academic question and asked him to study it carefully. Don't be idle all day studying those props."

[Video continues]

[The two Loki walk to the gate of the castle. 】

【Sylvie takes a deep breath, feeling extremely excited. 】

【She has worked so hard for today, just to settle accounts with the black hand behind the scenes. 】

[And now, the door is right in front of you. 】

【"Aren't you going to stop me from kicking the door open?"】

【"It doesn't matter."】

【"If you have an opinion, just say it."】

【Locky shrugged, but Sylvie still stood at the door with a nervous look on her face. She really wanted to kick the door open and go in directly, but Sylvie still didn't dare to act. 】

【"Are you OK?"】

【"I'm fine, but it will take some time."】

【"Just, you usually."】

【"Shut up, Loki." Sylvie looked at Loki and said excitedly: "I was almost cut off before you were born. I have been waiting for this moment all my life. I just need some time to calm down now. Just a moment, okay?"]

【"No problem at all."】

[At this moment, the door in front of the two of them suddenly opened. 】

【Looking at the corridor with the weird statue in front of him, Loki and Sylvie exchanged glances and stepped into the door at the same time. 】

[The two walked into the gate, and the gate behind them closed automatically. At the moment it closed, an orange-yellow guy suddenly appeared in front of them. 】



Peter was terrified.

"Son, don't shout so loud next time..."

The others were shocked by a shock from Peter.

"sorry Sorry..."

【Loki and Sylvie quickly drew out their weapons and pointed at the comer. 】

[The other party is the artificial intelligence of the Time Administration—Miss Time! 】

 The class used to watch horror movies and didn't feel much about them, but the girls in the class were scared to death.

(End of this chapter)

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