Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 213 'Pleasant' Dinner Party

Chapter 213 'Pleasant' Dinner Party
[Norman expresses surprise at the violent reaction to the vision. 】

[Suddenly, Vision's boss came in, Vision knew that today is the day that his boss wants to come to his house for dinner. 】

[The boss chatted with Vision for a few words, and asked, "You don't have a skeleton (dirty secret) in your closet, Vision?"]

["I have no bones, sir."]

[Hahaha laughter sounded, as if someone was watching a very interesting comedy. 】

["That's great, the future company will depend on you."]

[The boss left after drawing a cake for Vision. 】

in the theater.

The two groups were very divided.

Wanda Vision was at the front, and the others sat at the back for the reason of not disturbing them.

"I know where this sense of disobedience comes from!"

Strange said, "The same! The laughter is the same!"

"the same?"

"Yes, just like those nutritious funny videos that Wang watched when he was fishing for fish at work. Those funny videos would add meaningless embarrassing laughter to their own videos. This laughter is the same as those laughter, just like It was artificially synthesized and then added.”


[Video continues]

[Vision made a special call to Wanda at home. 】

[One of the two talked about the anniversary, and the other talked about the boss coming to the house for dinner. 】

[“I think the best way is to please my husband.”]

[“I think the best way is to please my wife.”]

[“Great, glad we agreed.”]

[“See you tonight, my dear.”]

[Just when the two of them were talking about the front door basket and the other talking about the hip shaft, the laughter sounded again. 】

[At this moment, an advertisement for a toaster is playing on TV. 】

[This toaster is also a ginseng of Stark Industries. 】

"I don't recall our company ever developing a toaster."

Stark said aside.

"That's better than developing weapons."


[In the evening, Vision led the boss and his wife back home. 】

[The room is dark, only a few candles are lit. 】

[Then when Vision went to find Wanda, Wanda ran out wearing a long dress, and mistaken the boss for Vision, and played a game of guessing who I was with the boss. 】

[The scene was embarrassing at one point, and Vision could only forcefully explain that it was Sokovia's hospitality. 】

[Finally, after a wave of forced explanations, Wanda and Vision entered the kitchen. 】

[They begin to discuss the matter. 】

【“Isn’t today our anniversary?”】

【“What anniversary?”】

["If you don't know, I won't tell you!"]

["The people outside are my boss Hart and his wife, the caution on the calendar is the abbreviation!"]

[“One of us can move at the speed of sound, and the other can make the pen float in mid-air, who needs abbreviations!”]

[Although Wanda is extremely dissatisfied, her husband's career is the most important thing. 】

[Wanda has to cook, otherwise the four of us cannot share a strawberry covered with chocolate. 】

[Laughter sounds again. 】

[Wanda squeezed lightly, and the pajamas on her body turned into a normal evening dress. 】

[Then Vision was responsible for going out to drag the boss and his wife, while Wanda went to the next door to find Agnes to come to the rescue. 】

[Vision and his boss were very happy when they chatted about work, but his wife was obviously a little impatient. 】

[Wanda started to prepare dinner with the ingredients borrowed from Agnes, but the process was not smooth. First, the pot fell to the ground, which attracted the boss's wife to come and help. Vision can only attract the attention of the other party by singing. 】

[Then after Wanda burnt the chicken, he tried to turn the chicken back, but the force was so strong that the chicken turned into an egg directly. 】

"Dear, do you still have this ability?"


Hearing Vision asking himself, Wanda was also a little confused.

It doesn't make sense. At most, her own chaotic fire can directly burn roast chicken into molecules. She really doesn't know the ability to change objects.

"Damn it." Constantine couldn't help but swear, and asked, "Strange, Wang, what kind of magic does Wanda use? Is it from the Chaos Tome?"

"No, the Chaos Magic Tome is the series of Chaos Fire, that is, the Chaos Fireball, the Chaos Great Fireball, the Chaos Lianzhu Fireball, and the Chaos Burst Fireball. The ability to modify reality has nothing to do with the Chaos Magic Book. It's the ability of the Reality Gem."

"This should be the power of chaos."

"Sishorn's Chaos Power! A terrifying power that is enough to reverse the pluralism!"

"Upside down... Multiverse?!"

[Although the process was difficult, Wanda made a simple meal. 】

[“Is this taking dinner for breakfast?”]

【"European style."】

[Anyway, the boss and his wife, who are already starving, are too lazy to care so much, it is important to fill their stomachs first. 】

[Fortunately, although the food is small, the taste is still good. 】

[While eating, the boss and his wife started asking soul questions. 】

【“Where are you from? How long have you been married? Why don’t you have children?”】

[The boss's series of questions like a barrage of cannons has confused the two of them. 】

[This makes the boss more and more curious, is this question difficult? 】

[Suddenly, the boss was caught in the throat by the food. 】

[The boss's wife thought the boss was pretending, so she said, "Stop."]

[But the boss is obviously really choked. 】

[But the boss's wife keeps saying 'stop']

[Keep saying stop, while talking, looking at Wanda, as if saying to Wanda: "Stop, stop, stop, Wanda, stop."]

[Even, there are already crying voices in these words. 】

"I know it's not so simple."

The eerie scene on the screen made everyone horrified, and even Wanda and Vision began to feel that something was wrong.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Is Mrs. Hart telling Wanda to stop?"

"Change questions to declarative sentences, that's what you're saying to Wanda!"

"What the hell is going on here!"

[This bizarre scene was not interrupted until Wanda called Vision to help]

["Vision, help him."]

[Vision ran to the boss, used his blurring ability, and directly blurred his hand into the boss's body to take out the cake that choked the boss. 】

[After taking out the cake, the boss said to leave. 】

[At the same time, they said that they had a good time at Wanda's house, and the boss also said that they would talk to Vision about the promotion on Monday. 】

[When they left, the lobster that Wanda had thrown out of the window before appeared on the door. 】

[As expected, laughter arrives as promised. 】

(End of this chapter)

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