Chapter 218 One thought of June

"I now think this black and white world is Wanda's dream world! Otherwise, it is the astral world or the dream dimension!"

"Only the dimension of dreams and the astral world, where consciousness determines matter, can such strange things happen!"

"Wanda got pregnant because Wanda wanted a baby."

"Vision, allow me to offend, tell me, do you have a normal human reproductive system?" Strange asked: "I only know that you are a biochemical robot, although your thinking is the same as a normal human, but... "


Vision said: "Dr. Strange, although my interior is consistent with humans, my body is indeed mechanical, and naturally there is no human reproductive system. My body was originally created by Ultron to gain stronger power. It is not necessary to create additional human reproductive system."

"Since this is the case, in addition to the dimension of dreams, perhaps, there is another possibility." Strange said: "That is the power of chaos, which has the power to transform the virtual and the real, and refine the fake into the real chaos."

[Video continues]

[Vision angrily walked out of the door, during which he did not forget to switch himself into a human mimic. 】

[Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. . . 】

[A strange music sounded, and a manhole cover on the road began to vibrate. 】

[Wanda and Vision looked carefully at the manhole cover, and soon, the manhole cover was pushed, and a man dressed as a beekeeper and surrounded by a bunch of bees climbed out of it. 】

[Wanda saw this and said a word lightly: "No"]

The next second, the entire screen began to rattle like an old black-and-white TV with poor signal.

Immediately afterwards, like an old-fashioned projector rewinding, the sizzling, indistinct picture begins to rewind, culminating in the moment Wanda finds out that she is pregnant.


"Thousands of worlds and multiverses are truly amazing."

"Reversing time? Wanda doesn't have a time gem, she seems to have reversed time in a single thought."

"Maybe it's because this black and white world is under Wanda's control," Strange said. "I'm absolutely sure now that Wanda definitely created a world by himself! Maybe this world is a dream, maybe it's something else. What, the power of chaos is extremely mysterious. If it is Master Gu Yi, I might be able to help analyze it, but I have less knowledge. Although I have read a lot of books, the power of chaos is related to Sishorn. A terrifying force capable of tearing apart the multiverse at its strongest, and Kama Taj's book is just a brief overview."

"Among them, there is one point, that is, the power of chaos has the power of creation to transform corruption into magic."

"That is to say, we now have a general direction." Tony continued: "Wanda created a world under her control for some reason. In this world, Wanda is the absolute true god, Creating life and manipulating time is a matter of course.”

"This is too crazy! I prefer that Wanda is dreaming, rather than building a dimensional world!" Wang said: "If Wanda builds a dimensional world, even if it is only a small world, then the implications The meaning is also extremely terrifying, there is life in this world!"

"A barren, lifeless world and a living world are two completely different concepts!"

"Creating life is called God's forbidden zone!"

"So this world is fake." Vision suddenly said at the moment: "And the vision that keeps popping up is that someone is trying to wake Wanda and let her end the world, right?"

"Uh, that's right."

Several people did not expect that Vision would suddenly answer.

"Then all we need to know now is Wanda's motives for creating the world."

"Need to guess?" Loki moved his position away from Thanos and said, "Isn't this obvious?"

[Video continues]

["Vision, is this all true?"]

["Yes, dear, this is all true."]

[The two kissed everything excitedly. When the two separated, Vision's head turned red. 】

[To be precise, this is the world where colors appear! 】

【Furniture, Walls, Vision's Sweater, Wanda.】

【It all appeared in color! 】

[The two kissed everything again. 】

[“Wanda, who made you like this, Wanda, Wanda.”]

Listening to the voice calling for Wanda, everyone has been completely determined, the problem of this world.

"Why does the color suddenly appear?"

Bruce Wayne suddenly said, "It's the beekeeper!"

"Yes! It's the beekeeper!"

"This world is full of weirdness and irrationality!"

"Mrs Hart kept saying 'stop' to Wanda, subtitles in red, it was all fake and sober, Agnes who came up and was given close-ups, Dottie's red blood, radio Calling Wanda's name from inside, the beekeeper crawling out of the sewers."

"I think that beekeeper should be the agent who was sent in to wake up Wanda!"

"Our biggest problem right now is not knowing the time!" Tony said, "We don't know anything about that world!"

"If it's after Infinity War, then Wanda has been sent away by the snap of his fingers. If it's before that, Vision... what a mess!"

"Okay, don't think about it, aren't you tired of guessing?"

Logan looked at a group of smart people speechlessly.

"Please, this is an on-demand broadcast. What if there are questions on demand this time? Let's not answer the big deal, and the screening hall does not force us to answer the questions."

"Just relax and watch a movie, okay?"

"People who are too smart to live are tired."

[Video continues]

[After color appeared in the world and Wanda became pregnant, the lives of the two of them became busy. They bought baby clothes, built a crib, and also borrowed a series of related books from the library. 】

[Vision doesn't understand why Wanda's belly suddenly becomes so big. 】

[Vision doesn't grasp the point that robots are so pregnant with a human being, and even "Future" only has examples of robots and robots giving birth. 】

[During the period, they also made an appointment with a doctor for a diagnosis. 】

[The experienced old doctor finally confirmed after careful examination that Wanda is pregnant, and the pregnancy is four months. 】

[The old doctor also comforted Vision, every prospective new father will feel nervous, it's nothing. 】

["My nerves are made of steel, your theory is invalid, doctor."]

[Vision is still as straightforward as ever, and his words, as expected, still caused laughter. 】

[After seeing off Dr. Nelson and watching his neighbor cut a fence with a chainsaw, Vision just returned to the room when he saw something he couldn't understand. 】

【“God! Is your belly bigger again?!”】

[Yes, Wanda's belly is getting bigger now. According to the doctor's fruit theory, Wanda should be six months pregnant now, and the child should be as big as a papaya. 】

"You know what? Wanda's pregnancy speed reminds me of an image."

Peter's eyes were full of fear.

"Mammon is coming, right?"

Constantine said what Peter was thinking with an expressionless face.

 The Hanged Man has been updated!How could I have such a dream!

  Oh, not Terriga, not even Ultraman, do you think I'll still watch it!

  yes i will (doge)

(End of this chapter)

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